The whole process is high energy! Ask the world M5 smart driving version Urban measurement: silky as an old driver

Fast Technology April 15th news, ask the world M5 series Huawei high-end intelligent driving version will be released on April 17th, travel comfortable, peace of mind, more worry-free!

It is understood that the car’s greatest highlight is the use of Huawei’s latest ADS high-level intelligent driving system, which can achieve high-level assisted driving without relying on high-precision maps.

Today, the urban measurement video of the M5 smart driving version of the Q Jie was exposed online. In the case of unmanned operation,The M5 Smart Driving Edition is very slippery at intersections, tunnels, elevated roads, night roads, and other scenes, comparable to old drivers.

As you can see in the video, with the blessing of lidar + visual perception,The M5 Smart Driving Edition not only successfully realizes unprotected left turns, automatically recognizes obstacles/construction areas and detours, but also avoids significant lane changes or sudden acceleration/braking throughout the process.

The M5 Smart Driving Edition can also enter the left-turn waiting area and recognize the countdown of traffic lights, while safely crossing the opposite lane and performing high-level operations such as comity for pedestrians in zebra crossings and non-motorized vehicles in bicycle lanes.

The whole process is high energy! Ask the world M5 smart driving version Urban measurement: silky as an old driver