Guangdong Mobile’s "5G + Industrial Internet" helps the manufacturing industry

Recently, at the 2022 China 5G + Industrial Internet Conference, a set of data released was particularly eye-catching. Among them, there are more than 4,000 "5G + Industrial Internet" projects under construction nationwide, more than 2.22 million 5G base stations, and the "5 + 2" national top node of the industrial Internet identification analysis system has been fully completed. It is understood that "5G + Industrial Internet" is gradually becoming the "new business card" of our country’s industrial digitalization.

As a strong manufacturing province and a major digital economy province, Guangdong is seizing the opportunity and stepping up the layout of the industrial Internet. During this period, Guangdong Mobile is constantly looking for a breakthrough in the field of 5G + industrial Internet. Utilize 5G and other technologies to help the industrial digital transformation and upgrade, and promote the construction of a new development pattern. The integration of 5G and industrial Internet will accelerate the construction of digital China, inject new momentum into the development of digital economy and promote the process of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the digital economy and the real economy showed a trend of accelerating integration. In 2022, China Mobile Group further clarified the development orientation of "world-class information service technology innovation company" on the basis of the "Power Building" development strategy. As the vanguard of China Mobile’s development, Guangdong Mobile adheres to the leadership of party building, with the overall goal of "creating a world-class enterprise, becoming a network power, a digital China, and the main force of a smart society", and with the main line of "promoting digital intelligence transformation and achieving high-quality development", it continues to empower the transformation and development of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry, and bravely strengthen, improve and expand the digital economy.

"Network connectivity is an important foundation for intelligent production. The combination of 5G and edge computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies will effectively improve the intelligence level of manufacturing enterprises," said relevant technical experts of Guangdong Mobile. Guangdong Mobile relies on the low-latency, high-reliability and wide-coverage 5G network to integrate into the industrial Internet, providing a solid foundation for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

For a long time, the manufacturing industry is the lifeblood of the national economy. Guangdong Mobile continues to invest in "5G + Industrial Internet" to help the digital development and management service level of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry by empowering enterprises to network, digitalize and intelligently transform. Currently, Guangdong Mobile has established a "5G + Industrial Internet Innovation Laboratory" to lay the technical foundation for the intelligent manufacturing industry. In key industries such as plasticized warehousing, aluminum processing, home appliance manufacturing, and equipment manufacturing, it conducts technical research for warehousing logistics, machine vision quality inspection, and unmanned intelligent inspection scenarios, and promotes the implementation of end-to-end business solutions to meet various production needs in multiple scenarios of enterprises.

The new generation of electronic information industry is the well-deserved "leading protagonist" of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry. In 2021, the new generation of electronic information industry clusters will achieve operating income of 4.56 trillion yuan, and the industrial scale will rank first in the country for 31 consecutive years. 5G is not a "one-man show" for operators. As a member of the electronic information industry chain, Guangdong Mobile, together with leading enterprises in the industry chain, has actively created a large number of 5G benchmarking applications, stimulating a pool of living water for the digital transformation of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry, and driving more enterprises to enter the embrace of the digital economy.

It is reported that Guangdong Mobile has successively built the country’s leading "5G + Industrial Internet" innovation benchmark, such as the "fully connected factory" built by Huawei, which is the first 5G private network dynamic strategy acceleration innovation application in the country. It uses technologies such as "5G + flexible manufacturing" and "5G + indoor precision positioning" to help improve production quality and efficiency; the "Welling Digital Factory" built by United Midea Group has helped increase per capita production efficiency by more than 28% through the application of technologies such as "5G + visual inspection" and "5G + AGV intelligent scheduling".

"In the field of industrial manufacturing, we have gathered information and communication experts who are deeply involved in industrial manufacturing in the province, specially established the Industrial Internet Division, and created a comprehensive solution of’cloud network security base + general capabilities + professional capabilities’." The relevant person in charge of Guangdong Mobile introduced to reporters that Guangdong Mobile is facing the digital, networked and intelligent needs of the manufacturing industry, and has built a service system based on massive data collection, aggregation and analysis – "5G + computing power network + smart mid-platform" new information service system, which currently serves over 20,000 industrial enterprises and over 6,000 industrial parks.

5G explosion-proof intelligent inspection robot, 5G + AR remote collaboration, 5G operation AI monitoring, 5G intelligent handheld end point operation guidance and other refining and chemical industrial Internet applications have been successfully deployed and launched… Our country’s first "dual-band 5G + industrial Internet" intelligent refinery construction project was completed and put into use in CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Under the 5G empowered by Guangdong Mobile, Huawei and CNOOC, the completion of the "dual-band 5G + industrial Internet" intelligent refinery has provided a safe, efficient and feasible 5G smart petrochemical solution for the petrochemical industry.

CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Park has many steel structures, wide area and high explosion-proof requirements. Guangdong Mobile’s 700MHz, 2.6GHz dual-band 5G private network and industrial Internet platform solve the problems of traditional 4G communication technology signal blind spots, fast signal attenuation, and interruption of signals when encountering obstacles. At the same time, "5G + Internet" is matched with China Mobile’s various explosion-proof end points for the petrochemical industry based on 5G modules to achieve wider network coverage, more carrying content, faster transmission speed, and stable high-speed data transmission in the park.

According to reports, after the project was put into use, the automatic collection rate of production data in the park exceeded 98%, the cost of factory monitoring was reduced by 30%, and the investment in enterprise safety management was reduced by about 1 million yuan per year, which effectively helped enterprises to green production, efficient operation and sustainable development.

It is worth mentioning that, in the face of the "long-standing problem" of green development of the manufacturing industry, Guangdong Mobile actively implements the national dual-carbon strategy and the group company C 2 three-energy plan, actively deepens energy conservation and emission reduction in the fields of network and office, improves the control mechanism of energy conservation and emission reduction, and strives to improve the level of network energy efficiency and green energy consumption. Through the application of energy-saving technologies and management model innovation, the use of clean energy is promoted, and the energy consumption structure is optimized. Ultimately, the total comprehensive energy consumption of the unit telecommunications business is reduced by 14%. For example, in terms of wireless network energy conservation, through the application of energy-saving technologies, unnecessary hardware is turned off in the corresponding time domain, frequency domain, and airspace to achieve dynamic matching of business and resources. More than 98% of the sites have turned

Facing the future, Guangdong Mobile will continue to increase its investment in "5G + Industrial Internet", provide more digital scenario solutions for the manufacturing industry, empower all aspects of enterprise production, and promote the high-quality development of the province’s manufacturing industry by promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

Bravely picking Japan’s Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  Million Chinese stars, subversion and start again! Recently, Geely China Star Intelligent Dual Engine once again challenged the high difficulty, bravely picking the three major landmarks of Japan’s Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan and Tomei Line, and achieved outstanding performance such as 7.92s 100 kilometers acceleration, 79.9km/h elk, and 4.3L 100 kilometers fuel consumption. It also set the fastest lap record of the first Chinese A-class sedan at Tsukuba Circuit with a lap time of 1:18.03, demonstrating high performance, strong control, and low fuel consumption. All-round hardcore strength. With 1.5TD four-cylinder hybrid special engine + the world’s leading three-speed intelligent frequency conversion technology + X · System intelligent control system and other innovative technologies, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has broken the long-standing technical barriers of oil mixing, achieved energy-saving, performance and intelligent balanced development, with Chinese solutions and Chinese standards, leading the global oil mixing technology to continue to advance, and quickly entering the more advanced, smarter, safer and more comprehensive Chinese "Star" era.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  As a classic "Holy Land of Brushing Circles" and F3 race base in Japan, Tsukuba Circuit has a unique design of 8 complex curves including short and compact, low-speed compound curve + high-speed curve + hairpin curve, which places extremely high requirements on the driver’s driving technology and the vehicle’s dynamic performance and control and other comprehensive mechanical qualities. Faced with such a difficult challenge, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has no stage fright, with 7.92s 100 kilometers acceleration, 34.65m braking distance, 79.9km/h elk, 1 minute, 18 seconds and 03 laps, etc., leading the Japanese Dual Engine products of the same level in an all-round way.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s leadership lies not only in its strong power performance, but also in the field of fuel economy. In the fuel consumption test project of the Dongming Line, after 1.5 hours and 104km of uninterrupted driving, the fuel consumption is only 4.3L/100km, and the actual fuel consumption measured by the refueling method is 4.46L/100km. The strength catches up with the same level of oil-mixed models.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  Behind the outstanding results is the strong confidence and confidence given by the technological innovation of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine. Compared with the Japanese equivalent oil-mixed products, which are mainly fuel-saving self-priming engines + single-speed electric drives, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine is equipped with a 1.5TD direct injection turbocharged hybrid special four-cylinder engine with a thermal efficiency of up to 44.26% as standard, which can release 120kW maximum power and 255N · m maximum torque; then matched with the world’s leading 3-speed intelligent frequency conversion DHT, supports P1 + P2 dual motor drive, and can enter the full speed domain at a speed of more than 20km/h. The maximum wheel end output torque is 4920N · m, and the torque-to-mass ratio is 41N · m/kg. The maximum transmission efficiency is up to 97.5% in the world, with almost no energy loss. Low-speed electricity consumption, medium-speed fuel-saving, and high-speed power supply, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s strength subverts the inherent cognition of "hybrid only energy-saving, no performance" shaped by traditional oil-mixed products in the past, and provides users with a new generation of Chinese hybrid solutions and options that "balance performance and fuel-saving".

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  If the Tsukuba Circuit and the Tomei Line in Japan demonstrate the pinnacle of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine’s power performance and energy conservation, then the "holy land of running mountains" in the hearts of many racers, Akiyama Mountain, is the best test ground to show the powerful handling strength of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine. The mountain road of only 3 kilometers has steep twists and turns, with more than 30 corners, and an average of nearly 180 degrees every 100 meters. The road down the mountain is thrilling and exciting, which greatly tests the vehicle’s handling performance and the mechanical quality of the vehicle.

  Relying on the natural good foundation given by the world-class CMA architecture, L Intelligent Engine is supported by the world’s leading wire-controlled chassis technology, McPherson front suspension, multi-link independent rear frame, ZF DP-EPS steering power system, and the longest suspension stroke design of the same level. With strong grip and excellent corner handling, it can quickly respond to the driver’s intention and accurately feed back road condition information. Whether it is entering a corner, bending, or exiting a corner, the whole vehicle body posture is very beautiful and smooth, bringing a driving texture that combines driving comfort and sports control. Especially under the inherent advantages brought by the 29000N · m/deg torsional stiffness comparable to millions of luxury cars, the dynamic roll stiffness of 3.65deg/g, and the negative camber design of the only racing car in the same class, Xingrui L Intelligent Engine still performs well in the famous five-star autumn famous mountain hairpin bend, which not only accurately locks the wheel track, ensures the accuracy and flexibility of the vehicle, but also enhances the vehicle’s cornering grip and agility, bringing excellent driving confidence and racing-like attacking and cornering experience.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  No frequency conversion does not save energy, and no performance does not subvert. From the dynamic performance test of Tsukuba Circuit, to the 104km fuel consumption test of Dongming Line, and then to the control test of Qiumingshan, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine has fully confirmed that China Hybrid has the strong strength to subvert the hybrid pattern and redefine the new standard of global hybrid value with excellent performance and leading technical confidence.

Bravely picking Japan's Tsukuba Circuit, Qiumingshan, and Dongming Line, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine shows its hard-core strength

  It is with this kind of product confidence and strong technical confidence that has been rooted in the bones of "not trying is not better than not selling" since its birth, China Star has always insisted on creating high value, constantly breaking through and subverting along the way, running out of China’s "Star" speed, becoming the first high-end series in China’s A-class fuel vehicle market to break through 1 million sales; among them, Xingrui and Xingyue L have entered the hinterland of the A-class mainstream fuel vehicle market, and in April they ranked No. 1 in China’s fuel SUV and sedan sales, leading the new pattern of China’s fuel vehicle market.

  The next million-dollar era has begun! China Star, China Auto, has never been afraid of head-on competition, dared to show the sword, and let the world see the confident rise and powerful power of Chinese manufacturing.

Xiaomi car has been exposed, and this configuration information is very important.

The shape of Xiaomi car was exposed, this time it was not a spy photo, but a rendering of the digital model. Xiaomi officially said that this is a picture leaked by a secondary supplier, not the final production. According to my analysis, its completeness has far exceeded the visual effect of CAS surface model, and it is a productive digital-analog rendering effect map. From the analysis of the composition and rendering quality of the photo, the car is in a complete state and is likely to be the final official publicity picture.

The leaked photos are highly consistent with the road test camouflage car in proportion and important features. If this is indeed an accidental leak, then such a supplier is also immoral and in breach of contract, and we condemn it here. If this is a marketing, the effect of recitation has far exceeded expectations. Since the picture has been exposed on a large scale, let’s analyze this "young man’s first car" through some existing information.

Judging from the words on the license plate, its code name is MS11. According to Xiaomi’s previous official announcement, this will be an electric car. Its overall proportional posture is still very good, and it is a sports mid-level car with its side vision center of gravity leaning forward. The whole vehicle is elegant and agile, and there is no obvious main ridge line.

Its headlights have the feeling of McLaren, and there are four LED light sources in it, which is the premise of realizing the follow-up steering function, and a light belt runs through it. I think the area of this headlight is too large. If we can reduce the black background around the four lamp beads and insert the lamp strips into the front enclosure, the whole front will be more thin and sci-fi.

It’s not just a lamp, but its cheeks and vents behind the front fender are very Porsche Taycan. This is a four-door coupe with a sliding back, and the hidden door handle is nothing new. The end of the side window is tilted and raised, highlighting the powerful hind legs. From the picture, this millet MS11 is also equipped with a panoramic canopy, and the bottom of the tail window is a black component, which may be a liftable spoiler. Judging from the gap structure around the rear window, it is not the way to open the trunk of the hatchback. Taillight is penetrating. In order to expand the visual width, it seems to have a gas field. Now many cars with small size and low level are doing this. There are many ups and downs in the rear of the car, which is what a new energy sports car should look like, but there is still room for consideration in the lightness of the front and side skirts.

Generally speaking, the shape of this Xiaomi MS11 is separated from the traditional fuel car, which is good, but it doesn’t give people a concept of "new species" like the models of Gaohe, Kykrypton and BYD Ocean Department. You can’t be happy or disappointed with Xiaomi car because of these pictures. Xiaomi officially said that it is different from the final mass production version, and I hope this is really a marketing event, so that Xiaomi can improve product design and planning from the opinions of netizens.

In addition, there is Xiaomi’s current product LOGO on the rendering of the wheel hub, and it is uncertain whether the mass-produced Xiaomi car will also use this logo. The exposure pictures of the front and rear enclosures and other body exterior parts are very rigorous and standard screenshots of digital models. The supplier is BAIC Mould, which is a manufacturer of automobile exterior parts jointly established by the parts company of BAIC Group and Jiangnan Mould, not a BAIC factory, so we can’t determine the origin of Xiaomi’s production qualification so early. In fact, Xiaomi has not obtained the automobile production qualification so far.

From the existing pictures, we can actually see some technological configurations. The laser radar protruding from the top of the car shows that this millet car will have a high-level intelligent driving assistance system. Xiaomi has also been using BYD Han as a test vehicle for its self-driving software and hardware. The shape of Xiaomi MS11 steering wheel is also relatively traditional, and it is not a sci-fi yoke steering wheel. If it is Xiaomi’s first model, then according to Xiaomi’s previous official information, it will be equipped with MIUI CAR car system, and Qualcomm’s next-generation intelligent cockpit chip and NVIDA Orin X chip will be used for car and intelligent driving as hardware support. BYD’s blade battery will be used for low-profile models, and Kirin battery will be used for high-profile models. The price may range from 250,000 to 350,000. It’s been 22 months since Xiaomi announced to build a car. At this time, it’s time to show the renderings. It’s expected that when the car is delivered in 2024, it won’t disappoint the rice noodles.

Football News: To save China’s football, please start with respecting the league.

Live broadcast: On December 9 th, in view of the current situation that China football has entered the cold winter, Football Daily issued a document suggesting that the self-help of China football should start from respecting the league.

Football News believes that if we want to save ourselves, we must use the vigor and vitality of the league to awaken the support of the fans and the concern of the government, and also give some time to the "on the road" share reform. In fact, the reason for the share reform is to give China football a relatively stable future, at least it will not lead to the continuous loss of the league and the continuous training of talents due to the frequent withdrawal of investors. However, no matter what kind of reform, if China football can’t change the status quo that the players themselves are not self-reliant, unable to make blood and waiting for blood transfusion forever, the future will be unsustainable.

For the method of self-help, Football Daily suggested:

First, stop complaining, stop complaining about the system, the market and everything around you, and concentrate on the game. What China football lacks most in recent years is collective consciousness. Without unity, it is fragmented. Everyone speaks out for their own interests, but they are also exploiting loopholes and breaking rules in China football for their own interests.

Second, do what you can, try to understand people in the circle who are different from themselves but closely related, and learn to put themselves in other’s shoes. The simplest thing is to respect the game, the fans and the rules. Respecting the game means working hard, and respecting the fans means lying on the grass less, not being negative or impulsive; Respecting the rules means not to foul maliciously. If there is a real misjudgment, you can appeal. If there is no misjudgment, don’t blindly transfer the pressure to the referee in order to reduce your own pressure regardless of the facts.

Third, wait patiently and positively for the advancement of share reform, and exchange time for space. Football in China will not disappear, and the league will continue to exist, but what standard the league will exist depends on whether the industry is worth saving by the country.

If the whole circle shows a strong desire to survive, wait for being saved with a positive attitude, and at the same time actively carry out self-help, it can bring exciting competitions, at least when the government promotes the share reform, it will reduce a lot of resistance. Football in China has reached the most critical moment. If you don’t save yourself, everyone will be injured-and saving yourself should start with respecting the league.

(Nanling cries and cries)

Unique! Fashion personality wears and ignites the trend vane

Fashion is an attitude and a way to express yourself. In today’s society, people’s pursuit of individuality and uniqueness has become a fashion trend. And personalized wear is the best choice to meet this demand.

They can not only light the trend vane, but also show everyone’s unique charm. The unique fashion personality will liberate us from the traditional aesthetic concept.

Whether it is color, style or collocation, you can give full play to your creativity and create a distinctive image. Not rigidly bound by convention, it gives us a chance to show our true selves in our hearts.

Fashion personality also reflects people’s pursuit of individuality. Everyone has his own unique preferences and styles, and it has become one of the most popular ways to express his personality through wearing.

Whether it is sports style, street style or retro style, there are their own fan groups. In this diversified era, people are eager to find their own fashion style to show their unique charm.

Fashion personality is not only a fashion trend, but also an attitude. It represents the spirit of daring to try and innovate. By adding some elements that break through the tradition in wearing, people can break away from convention and experience different styles and feelings.

This attitude of daring to try has also had a far-reaching impact in the trend world and has become an important force leading the fashion trend. In short, the personality is unique and ignites the wind vane of the trend.

It gives everyone a chance to show their unique charm and become the new darling of fashion. In this diversified era, we should bravely express ourselves and pursue personalized fashion style. Only in this way can we truly stand at the forefront of fashion and lead the development of the trend.