After Zhiji, Xiaomi mismarked the glory parameters.

Xiaomi’s apology letter is not cool enough, and Huawei is coming to join in the fun.

The day before, Lei Jun was still congratulating the intellectual S7 on its big sale. The next day, Yu Chengdong couldn’t navigate Xiaomi SU7.

The more high-end commercial warfare, the more simple struggle methods should be used. So who is better than Xiaomi SU7 in Zhijie S7?

Judging from the price that everyone is most concerned about, the second listing of Zhijie S7 is indeed a lot more cost-effective than four months ago. The price has dropped by 20,000 yuan, and the endurance of the entry model has increased to 705 kilometers. It is also equipped with Huawei Vision Intelligent Driving ADS Basic Edition for the first time. However, compared with Xiaomi SU7, the price of Zhijie S7 is still high.

In terms of performance, the acceleration performance of Xiaomi SU7 is also due to the top version of Zhijie S7, which has a battery life of 855 kilometers except Max+, and the battery life of other versions is lower than that of Xiaomi SU7 at the same level.

Of course, the intelligent S7 mainly wins in the intelligent level. Huawei ADS advanced intelligent driving system has the functions of parking on behalf of the driver, parking assistance in mechanical parking spaces and intelligent driving assistance in urban areas, while Xiaomi SU7′ s intelligent driving mainly relies on suppliers such as Hesai Technology and NVIDIA, which is still slightly inferior to Huawei.

The most important thing is that Zhijie S7 has made a comeback and made great efforts in "instant delivery". After solving the capacity crisis, it may be able to compete with Xiaomi SU7.

As Lei Jun himself said, the success of Xiaomi SU7 mainly lies in the success of Xiaomi mode and Xiaomi methodology. At the marketing level, Xiaomi SU7 is indeed out of the circle. Even Huawei, which has always been cold, can’t help but catch the heat of Xiaomi. But can Xiaomi SU7 really catch this spilt traffic? It is still an unknown number.

Chen Feiyu: I have the genes to love art, and I have the opportunity to become a designer.

Special feature of 1905 film network Chen Feiyu is a little busy during the National Day holiday this year. In addition to starring in "Meteor in the Day", he also acted as the voice for the first time, giving voice to the character "A Jun" in the animated film.

For him, this is a very special experience, but also full of challenges. "I’m not a very fast-paced person in my daily life.However, A Jun is a young man with extremely fast speech speed, high tone and great vitality.

Screaming wildly and panting desperately, this is the most difficult part of his dubbing process, which almost made him scream his throat.


Chen Feiyu in reality is also very different from the energetic teenager "A Jun". In the interview, he spoke easily and calmly in the face of any problems.Less than 20 years old, he has a kind of composure that is not in line with his age.

Born into a family of performing artists, his father Chen Kaige is a director and his mother Chen Hong is an actor. Chen Feiyu said that he was born with the gene of loving art. For the profession of actor, he is very clear:Be a serious, hardworking and sincere actor.


He likes contemporary art and usually goes to see art exhibitions and museums. He also loves fashion, watching fashion shows, collecting shoes and painting his own designs.If he doesn’t become an actor, he has a clear career plan for himself — —Become a fashion designer.

Slow personality, but good at making friends.


In 2010, Chen Feiyu entered the film and television circle because of his participation in movies. Later, he successively appeared in "The Night Will" and My People,My Country, and gradually became known to the public.

Chen Feiyu starred in the work

The film "Abominable" gave him a chance to try dubbing, which also opened up his performance field as an actor.


A Jun, the voice role, is an urban teenager who loves to boast, but pays attention to the outside world but is very kind at heart. Chen Feiyu was deeply impressed by two scenes: one is that A Jun falls from a height, and the other is that he gets lost alone and running all the way in the forest. Both of these two scenes need Chen Feiyu to shout and scream at the top of his lungs, but he usually speaks slowly, which has caused him a lot of "torture".

Ah Jun’s liveliness and extroversion are also in great contrast with his own personality. "In life, my personality is more introverted, more shy, and I am not very familiar with this person at the first meeting. I am a slow fever myself, and I hope I can get to know someone I didn’t know through time."

In fact, introverted personality does not prevent him from making friends in real life. In April this year, Chen Feiyu entered the Beijing Film Academy and became a freshman in the performance department. "The atmosphere of the school is very good, and the professional courses are also very interesting. I can also get to know different students from various provinces, and I get along with them."


"I can talk more when I get to know them. I like to act collectively with them, eat together, and go to class together.I hope it is a classmate who is close to them.Talking about college life, he described himself as a person who can make friends.


Even if the work is full, he tries his best not to delay classroom study. "Can I do it? cut class, go to every class.No matter what you have planned the day before, you must arrive at the classroom on time or even in advance the next day. "

Chen Feiyu used to be a big fat man, weighing more than 200 Jin when he was fattest. Later, he tried to lose weight and succeeded in losing weight, which he said was the most inspirational thing he had done so far.


Although many people think that he is thin now and his face value is high, he is not as boastful and narcissistic and pays attention to appearance as A Jun in the movie. "Looks and appearances are given by my parents. I won’t say what I am satisfied with or dissatisfied with my appearance. After all, it’s not up to you."

Opportunities for actors are rare, and pressure comes from seriousness.

Chen Feiyu talked to us most about his love of art and his thinking as a new actor. Between words and manners, you can clearly see his maturity and stability.

He said that he likes shoes as much as Jun, and he will take them off and hold them in his hand to prevent them from getting wet in rainy days. He likes to buy many pairs of shoes with the same brand, the same style and different colors. "One pair is casually worn, one pair is kept, and the other pair is just for viewing."He explained that the reason why he likes shoes is not because of material dependence like A Jun, but because he has great interest in art and fashion.


I think there are cells in my genes that love art."The family environment also exerts a subtle influence on Chen Feiyu." What kind of movies I watch at home, what kind of music I play, and how I communicate at home, my living habits are slowly changing with my living habits at home. "

He said that he usually likes to watch art exhibitions, visit museums and watch fashion shows. Recently, he also appeared at Paris Fashion Week to personally modify and design his own clothes. We asked him what he wanted to do if he didn’t want to be an actor, and he replied firmly, "Designers, fashion designers."

Chen Feiyu also cherishes the identity of an actor. He said: "Choosing to be an actor is a rare opportunity. I feel too sorry for myself if I don’t give full play to my potential in a role. It is one thing to have experience, but it is another to work hard."


He told us that there would be times when he was under great pressure, but it all came from seriousness. He will be strict with himself and have a strong initiative. "This is a responsible part."He doesn’t care about the definition from the outside world and the eyes of others."As long as I don’t do anything wrong to myself, as long as I don’t do anything against my own values, I don’t think anything I do will be wrong."

"What kind of actor do you want to be in the future?" We asked.


"A serious, hardworking and sincere actor. Whether it’s good or not, others have the final say, but whether it’s serious or not is their own decision. "


Chen Feiyu & Ask and answer quickly.

1. Are you a mobile phone controller like "Jun"?

Chen Feiyu:He’s addicted. I’m fine.


2. Do you like taking selfies?

Chen Feiyu: I don’t like taking selfies.


3. What is the most painful thing in the process of losing weight?

Chen Feiyu:What is it? Dieting.


4. What’s the secret?

Chen Feiyu:Shut up.


5. Are your eyes your most attractive part?

Chen Feiyu:Whether there is charm or not is up to others, because your parents give you looks and appearances. I think it depends on the charm. For example, I changed a pair of shoes, and I think these shoes are so attractive!

6. Fans want to ask who is your ideal type?

Chen Feiyu:Ideal type … not found yet, not found.


7. How many adjectives can you describe it?

Chen Feiyu:Don’t use adjectives, maybe just like my mother.

Black, unshakable fashion sense in deep winter!

In winter, black becomes the nail house in 80% men’s wardrobes.

Black is deeply loved by everyone, thanks to its advantages of low-key, non-picky and easy to wear texture.

Image source: pinterest
Unlike other colors, black contains complex characteristics.

It can be serious, elegant, rebellious and cold, and even it is understandable to interpret it as exquisite and chic.

Image source: pinterest
In the fashion circle, black has always had an unshakable position and was once the most cherished color of the nobles.

In the 16th century, from the Spanish aristocrats in the south to the Dutch businessmen in the north, the most popular clothing for the rich in Europe was black, which represented nobility.

In 1926, with the appearance of CHANEL’s famous little black dress, black made celebrities and nobles want to stop. At that time, VOGUE, the top fashion magazine, directly put the sketch of Chanel’s black dress on the cover, calling it the "Ford" of women’s wardrobe.

Since then, black has gained a firm foothold in the aristocratic circle, and it has become a symbol of exquisiteness, elegance, intelligence and charm.

Image source: pinterest
Black is also valued by men. The Italian politician Count Baldassare Castiglione pointed out in his guide to aristocratic court life, The Book of Courtiers, that black is the first choice for men.

Because it is a noble and calm representative for men.

Image source: pinterest
It was not until the 20th century that Issey Miyake, Rei Kawakubo, yohji yamamoto and other emerging designers appeared that black was endowed with richer meanings.

Yohji yamamoto, a "black poet", said in an interview: "Black is both modest and arrogant, lazy and relaxed, but mysterious. Black can devour light or make things look clear. But most importantly, black will say,’ I won’t bother you-don’t bother me!’ 」

Image source: pinterest
However, black with such full emotional color is imprisoned by many people. There is only one manifestation of black in them, that is-


So, how to match it in the end, in order to make people shine in black, and then look down!

Image source: pinterest

Black and white, never out of date.

Black with white is as plain as having to open your eyes first when you get up, but it is often the most easily overlooked.

In the world of ALL BLACK, the mission of white is not to echo it, but to light up a boring shape.

Image source: pinterest
Although white is simple and pure, as long as it collides with black, it becomes a life-saving light, making you a crane that stands out from the crowd effortlessly.

But white in a set of LOOK, the area can not exceed one-third.

Image source: pinterest
People are divided into groups, and people with the same collocation ideas and different styles need to use different good things.

Young men with sunny temperament use a white sweater as an interior to adjust the monotony of a black coat. It will not make you lose your energetic appearance, but also let others feel the dimension reduction blow brought by black and white rationing to other colors. The texture is bright, and whoever wears it is advanced.

Image source: pinterest
A warm man with gentle personality, wearing a white sweater or a white shirt in a black suit, simple color matching and elegant temperament, gives others a feeling of comfort besides comfort.

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Men who are extremely confident about their height and figure can boldly change their pants into white.

However, the material of pants should not be chosen too hastily, which can be white jeans, or white suit pants with thick fabric and crisp white tweed pants. They must conform to the characteristics of not wrinkling easily, not bulging knees and self-cultivation, otherwise it will be very embarrassing to temperament.

Image source: pinterest
A mature man who is relatively conservative can keep wearing ALL BLACK, but playing with shoes is different.

Changing shoes into small white shoes can also break the boredom of the whole body shape.

Image source: pinterest
Anyway, in a black shape, embedding a decent white element can’t be wrong.

Image source: pinterest

Don’t be swallowed up by black.

Anything that is too full will always make people feel uncomfortable.

Being wrapped in black, which can swallow light and bring its own seriousness, gives people a more prominent sense of discomfort and a sense of suffocation confined in a condom.

A little exposure can save the oppressive feeling of being black all over.

Image source: pinterest
If your coat is a long black coat or a long black down jacket, please abandon the black turtle neck, especially the black coarse knit turtle neck, otherwise the handsome guy will have to stop eating and be a dull horse.

If you really love high collars, you should choose thin and fine knitted fabrics, and then use the skill of revealing a piece on your ankle.

Pants are cropped above the ankles, and shoes are low-cut, exposing the thinnest joints and ankles of men, which can also make ALL BLACK full of vitality.

Image source: pinterest
Low-necked thick-line sweaters and semi-high-necked sweaters are all good choices to wear, which are warm and capable.
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Friends who can’t resist the cold, don’t show their skin, and visually color with other colors.

You can draw inspiration from white, light gray, camel, light blue and beige. Choose a high-necked bottoming shirt, a medium-long bottoming shirt or a shirt for a single item, and choose the neck, collar, wrist or hem for color matching.

Image source: pinterest

Although the exposed area is not large, it can play a key role and make you the most fashionable hipster in the all-black world.

Image source: pinterest

With hierarchy, there is a soul.

No one can fully capture the essence of layering, but it will never be out of date.

Especially after encountering a single shape with black body, layering becomes the soul of a whole set of LOOK. No matter how monotonous the color is, layering can make you look cool and stylish.

Frankly speaking, there is only one way to create a sense of hierarchy. Wear more layers of clothes.

Image source: pinterest
A semi-turtleneck sweater or Polo shirt, a black suit, a long coat on the outside, and a black knit hat on the head with a high position, a simple, textured and capable layering is completed.

Image source: pinterest

You don’t need such a formal friend to wear the scene. Removing the suit and replacing the black coat with a long trench coat with pockets and belts can also create a layered effect.

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In a dark world, rich elements are the core aesthetics of layering, which indicates that you have an attitude towards dressing. This carefully selected Style can ensure that you stand out from passers-by.

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The short coat is even more layered.

Short pilot jacket, short down jacket and short leather coat are the first choice, so we will work hard inside at this time.

Long black sweaters, turtle neck and shirts can inject fashionable DNA into the shape, but their length must be longer than the coat, which is the essence of creating layering.

Image source: pinterest
Chest bag or purse is also a good thing to pull you into the hearts of layered hipsters. If you casually put it on your chest or waist, you will become the personality hipster who doesn’t go with the flow.

Image source: pinterest

If you want to play more ostentatiously, put a vest over your coat, and no one will ever question your fashion again.

Image source: pinterest

With accessories, there is "light"

Accessories are small in size, but they will always be the first step for men to become fashionable.

In the survival law of the hipster world, accessories are always the crowning touch of a set of shapes. Only by matching accessories appropriately can his aesthetic strength be demonstrated.

Image source: pinterest
Metal accessories can always create fashion miracles in a dark world.

However, metal accessories also have color classification, silver accessories and gold accessories.

Although the appearance of these two colors is not much different, different skin colors can wear them with completely different effects. You have to choose the metal color according to your skin.

Cold-skinned friends, with silver accessories in a black suit;
Warm-skinned friends use gold accessories to light up the black shape.

Image source: pinterest
There is not much restriction on the types of accessories, and necklaces, bracelets and rings can all play a role in making black full of luster.
However, it should be noted that men who are overweight can’t choose too thick metal necklaces, which will make you feel rude and unreasonable. Stacking 2-3 thin necklaces will have a fashionable effect.

Image source: pinterest

For friends who can hold thick necklaces, when wearing them, it is best to wear matte metal necklaces, which not only has a sense of advanced, but also makes you "black" cooler.

Image source: pinterest

Black is like a gorgeous dinner, filled with wine and delicacies. No matter who touches your taste buds, it can bring you the ultimate experience.

Coco chanel once said, "I love black so much, and its power sweeps across time and space. 」

So it’s not a bad thing that your wardrobe is full of black, at least it proves that your taste is online.What we have to do is to use decent single items with the inherent characteristics of black, so that they can maximize your temperament. This is a set of successful LOOK.

Image source: pinterest

According to the above collocation principle, even if you wear black all winter, you won’t be the most boring one in the crowd, and you can even be the most romantic and attractive man.

After all, someone once said:

"Black is poetic. 」

"Do you imagine a romantic poet wearing a bright yellow jacket? Probably not! 」

Image source: pinterest

PS: The pictures in this article are from the Internet.Please contact us in time if you have any copyright problems.
Writing/Planning: Leopard Iron Powder
Typesetting: a red head
Producer: GaGa

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A color that can never go wrong

Unique! Fashion personality wears and ignites the trend vane

Fashion is an attitude and a way to express yourself. In today’s society, people’s pursuit of individuality and uniqueness has become a fashion trend. And personalized wear is the best choice to meet this demand.

They can not only light the trend vane, but also show everyone’s unique charm. The unique fashion personality will liberate us from the traditional aesthetic concept.

Whether it is color, style or collocation, you can give full play to your creativity and create a distinctive image. Not rigidly bound by convention, it gives us a chance to show our true selves in our hearts.

Fashion personality also reflects people’s pursuit of individuality. Everyone has his own unique preferences and styles, and it has become one of the most popular ways to express his personality through wearing.

Whether it is sports style, street style or retro style, there are their own fan groups. In this diversified era, people are eager to find their own fashion style to show their unique charm.

Fashion personality is not only a fashion trend, but also an attitude. It represents the spirit of daring to try and innovate. By adding some elements that break through the tradition in wearing, people can break away from convention and experience different styles and feelings.

This attitude of daring to try has also had a far-reaching impact in the trend world and has become an important force leading the fashion trend. In short, the personality is unique and ignites the wind vane of the trend.

It gives everyone a chance to show their unique charm and become the new darling of fashion. In this diversified era, we should bravely express ourselves and pursue personalized fashion style. Only in this way can we truly stand at the forefront of fashion and lead the development of the trend.