Farewell, Americans’ GPS! From May, navigation will use China’s Beidou

  Mobile phone navigation, WeChat sharing location, finding maps of street food, etc., GPS in the United States has almost monopolized everything.

  Nowadays, Beidou’s domestic layout is getting stronger and stronger, and GPS is about to step aside!

  According to media reports, the Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the intensive launch stage of global networking, and the first phase of "National One Network" has been officially accepted, which can provide real-time dynamic centimeter-level precision positioning services in 21 provinces in China.

  At that time, under the empowerment of Beidou, smart cities, autonomous driving, smart logistics, etc. will achieve large-scale commercial use.

  Beidou Map APP, accurate to within 1 meter, accurate to specific lanes

  According to the reporter from Shapingba District, Chongqing, the Beidou Map APP is expected to be launched on May 1, and its navigation function can be accurate to within 1 meter, allowing it to clearly locate specific lanes.

  Beidou Map APP is a basic location-based service tool based on Beidou satellite precision navigation service, which can provide mobile, real-time positioning and navigation, as well as location-based clothing, food, housing, transportation and business information services for the majority of users.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Beidou Internet of Things Company, "Beidou Map has intuitive and convenient road guidance, clear and clear voice prompts, and new road signs and actual road prompts for main and auxiliary roads, roundabout islands, and expressways, so that users can understand the route situation at a glance, and can calmly deal with complex road conditions." Beidou Map can also give intelligent route optimization suggestions according to actual road conditions to improve travel efficiency.

GPS is American.

  GPS is American.

  There is a prestigious club in the world that has only four members, but it has attracted the attention of heads of state and the research of many top scientists and engineers. This club is GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). The four members are GPS from the United States, Galileo Galilei from Europe, GLONASS from Russia, and Compass from China.

  Once upon a time, in the minds of ordinary users, GPS was a positioning and navigation system, and a positioning and navigation system was GPS.

  But many people don’t realize that although users around the world can access it, the control and data of the GPS system still belong to the United States.

GPS, powerful as this

  GPS, powerful as this

  The older generation, such as my father who has been driving for more than 20 years, can be called an old driver. I remember riding in the car in elementary school and junior high school, and I always love to sleep. At this time, my father will wake me up and say:

  "Stop sleeping, watch the road, what if you don’t recognize the road in the future?"

  Unfortunately, more than a decade has passed, and I rarely get lost, even though my phone has a powerful navigation system.

  And my father, who was very dissatisfied with me sleeping in the car, has completely given up the idea of persuading me in recent years and has happily used GPS.

GPS is mainly used for two purposes, military and civilian.

  GPS is mainly used for two purposes, military and civilian.

  Military: Almost all aircraft, tanks, precision-guided missiles, and ships in the United States use GPS.

  Civilian aspects: Without GPS, the navigation of mobile phones, WeChat, and APP will be paralyzed; the national power grid will enter an unstable state; autonomous driving technology, high-precision takeoff and landing autonomous navigation of civil aviation aircraft, and precision agriculture are all dreams.

  The GPS system belongs to the United States, and over-reliance on GPS will inevitably lay hidden dangers. Such as GPS interference and deception.

GPS belongs to the United States, Beidou belongs to us.

  GPS belongs to the United States, Beidou belongs to us.

  In order to break the monopoly of the United States in this field, Russia and Europe have respectively built GLONASS and Galileo satellite navigation systems.

  China Beidou is a new member, but also the most dynamic member, and Beidou has a huge impact on our lives!

  One is the complex constellation system.

It is reported that Beidou has two unique features:

  It is reported that Beidou has two unique featuresOffice:

  Beidou is the only satellite navigation system that uses geostationary orbit, geosynchronous orbit and medium orbit. GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo all use medium orbit only.

  The second is the short message system: Beidou’s receiver can communicate with the satellite and issue a 140-word short message, just like the "text message" that people usually use now, which can not only locate, but also display the location of the publisher.

  In military terms, all the places where the US GPS can be used are in the direction of Beidou.

  The performance of Beidou is no less than that of the US GPS.

  What is "Beidou"? The beautiful woman scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences after 80 will analyze it for you

  Hello, Big Dipper.

  According to the surging coverage, at 01:56 on March 30, our country used the Long March 3B carrier rocket (and the upper stage of Expedition 1) at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the 30th and 31st Beidou navigation satellites in the way of "one arrow and two stars". These two satellites are the seventh and eighth networking satellites of our country’s Beidou-3. China’s Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the intensive launch stage of global networking. So far, a total of 31 satellites have been launched, and it can provide services for global users in 2020.

  The first phase of the construction of the Beidou ground-based enhancement system "National One Network" in our country has officially passed the acceptance, which can provide sub-meter-level precision positioning services nationwide and real-time dynamic centimeter-level precision positioning services in 21 provinces in China.

  We can finally say goodbye to GPS.

  Industry insiders said that it is expected that in the next three years, more end points such as mobile phones, bicycles, and wearable devices will use Beidou high-precision positioning services to empower urban management and bring convenience to people’s lives.

  Unmanned courier

  "Drone delivery is a typical Internet of Things application, and the core technology is location-based service." The relevant person in charge of Beidou Internet of Things Company introduced that the company has developed the world’s first Internet of Things module based on Beidou communication technology, which can make location-based services accurate to the centimeter level.

Network map, independent of graphics and text

  Network map, independent of graphics and text

  You may not see the courier brother in the future~

  Positioning vehicles with sub-meter accuracy

  All vehicles engaged in road passenger transportation, travel bags, and dangerous goods transportation must be equipped with electronic positioning devices, so that the traffic management department can monitor the movement status of the vehicle, and the illegal driving behavior such as speeding and breaking the ban will be automatically alerted.

  The previous GPS positioning accuracy was 10 meters, and it was impossible to distinguish lanes. Since September 2014, China has started the development and construction of the Beidou ground-based enhancement system, installing Beidou equipment in street light poles, signal towers and other places to form the Beidou ground-based enhancement system.

  The Beidou ground-based augmentation system and space-based satellites cooperate to achieve real-time positioning accuracy below the meter level, and large trucks will no longer dare to occupy the overtaking lane for a long time.

  The elderly and children were lost and found quickly

  With the Beidou navigation system, the positioning watches worn by the elderly and children will be more accurate and sensitive. The positioning information is no longer "near a certain place", but may be accurate to which floor tile you stand on.

In case the bear child is naughty and runs away from home, this time he knows where to look.

  In case the bear child is naughty and runs away from home, this time he knows where to look.

  No examiner driving test is coming

  With the cooperation of ground facilities, Beidou’s real-time positioning accuracy has been much higher than GPS, which provides another business with technical means, that is, the examiner-free driving test based on the Beidou system.

  The current driving test items such as reverse parking already have electronic monitoring, and the alarm will be called when the line is pressed, but the road test still needs an examiner. In the future, all driving exams may be completely replaced by the Beidou system, and the Beidou receiver will be installed on the test car. Whether it is reverse parking or road test, the system will accurately record the vehicle trajectory in real time and automatically score it, which will be more strict and fair than the examiner.

  Deformation monitoring of huge buildings

  Fixing Beidou equipment on huge buildings such as dams, bridges, and highways can more conveniently and accurately measure their settlement and deformation. The equipment automatically receives positioning information, accumulates a month of massive positioning data, and then performs differential calculations. The positioning data with accuracy below millimeters is counted, which is much more convenient and accurate than manual measurement.

  Using Beidou for deformation monitoring can also send data from remote monitoring points directly back to the base through the Beidou SMS function, reducing manual collection, and automating positioning, differential decomposition, and data return.

  Applications in fisheries

  In order to make it easier to call for help in case of distress, fishermen will be equipped with GPS and maritime satellite phones when they go out to sea, but it is very expensive to maintain a maritime satellite phone.

  After the Beidou network in the Asia-Pacific region, fishermen installed the Beidou satellite ship end point, a key for help after encountering danger, the end point will automatically send the rescue text message with positioning information to the shore rescue team through the satellite, realizing the function of GPS + maritime satellite phone.

  Is this end point expensive? The government has taken out 100 million free Beidou end points installed for 10,000 fishing boats in Liaoning, Shandong, Zhejiang and Hainan, and the direct subsidy for subsequent installation is 90%. Fishermen only need to pay 10% of the money to install it.

  Beidou satellite text messages cost 30 cents, which is much cheaper than maritime satellite phones!

  Application in rescue

  The short message service of the Beidou system can perform emergency communication in the event of disasters such as earthquakes and damage to base stations, and can also send its location to the outside world in the absence of a signal.

The Beidou-1 system played an important role in the Wenchuan earthquake.

  The Beidou-1 system played an important role in the Wenchuan earthquake.

  During the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Beidou played an important role.

  At that time, the Beidou first-generation system had the advantage of not being affected by the ground during the earthquake, and its positioning and SMS capabilities had fully played a role. It had become the most effective communication assistant for the rescue command force and frontline rescuers, maximizing the effective use of the "72-hour golden rescue time".

  Let’s use a picture to understand

  Beidou satellite navigation system

Are you shocked after reading it?

  Are you shocked after reading it?

  The applications of Beidou listed above

  Just a small aspect.

  In the future, it will affect our lives in every way.

  Amazing, my country!

  Make a call for Beidou~

Modern art of war! How is the strategy of extremely kryptonian elite soldiers tempered?

"There are more soldiers than benefits" —— Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Marching.

"Many soldiers are not beneficial" can be regarded as the strategic thinking of "elite soldiers" first put forward by ancient China military strategists. "Since then, it has been regarded as a standard by politicians and military strategists in past dynasties, such as" killing soldiers "in Sun Bin’s Art of War and" under the orders of soldiers "in Wei Liaozi, all of which are the continuation of this thinking, and the journey of many soldiers will win" has gradually changed into "elite soldiers"

The so-called elite soldiers mean the elite combat forces that are flexible and have strong comprehensive combat capability and can defeat the enemy in a complex environment. In the rapidly changing market competition environment, a well-trained elite troops can achieve the role of "four or two".

"Governing an enterprise is like governing a country in ancient times". Today, this strategic thinking is still a scientific management concept. For brand building, the lack of employees is not enough, and more employees can’t afford to raise them, and the benefits are not high. If the tail is too big, it will become an old disease, and even the brand will be dragged down.

Therefore, if modern enterprises want to achieve their strategic goals, they can’t do without lean talents, and they should recruit and cultivate a team of talents who are United and can win the war. If you talk about goals without talents, you will never land.

In the automobile circle, I think that the krypton, which constantly refreshes the speed of krypton, is the best case of practicing the "elite soldier strategy", strengthening the army under Ma Zhuang and making the brand powerful.

"Seeing him rise from Zhulou, seeing him entertain guests, and seeing his building collapse."

Earlier, some media predicted that the evolution of the new energy market would change in three stages. After the "price war" in the first stage from March to June this year, the market share will accelerate to the head-independent and new energy brands in the second stage, and the market share of second-and third-tier brands may face a long-term downward trend; In the third stage, some second-line and third-line brands are gradually eliminated, leaving the China market, and the weak new forces may face acquisition and integration.

It can be said that the current new energy automobile industry has entered the knockout stage in the second half, and the competitive advantage of enterprises has shifted from quantity scale to quality and efficiency, playing the system and fighting for the elite. Those brands that burn money through financing to maintain their operations and cannot make profits through sales, thus truly entering a virtuous circle, are doomed to be eliminated. For an entrepreneurial organization like Krypton, it is even more necessary to attack the city with a strong soldier; From the development stage, with the development of the organization to a certain scale, although the professional division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, it will inevitably bring about problems such as cross-organizational coordination efficiency and timely response of background resources. Therefore, the elite strategy is the most suitable talent management strategy.

Any strategy should also find the most suitable variant of the brand on the basis of the underlying logic. How is the krypton version of the elite strategy built? I think it can be seen from three dimensions: elite consciousness, elite organization and elite development.

Elite consciousness: entrepreneur’s mentality

The so-called elite consciousness is to achieve the ultimate in limited resources, achieve the mission, and stimulate the "sense of mission" of employees. Under the traction, the positive attitude of employees, the self-driving force of selfless work and the work energy released from it are "the most exciting force in work" and the strongest core force in enterprise development.

For example, Weichai’s corporate culture propaganda, Huawei Ren Zhengfei’s speech study, and even many enterprise employees’ military training or regular outdoor expansion are all in essence.

What is the mission of krypton? Krypton’s mission is to create the ultimate experience of travel life. "Co-creation" represents work attitude, "ultimate experience" represents the ultimate pursuit centered on user needs, and "travel life" represents the beautiful expectation for future travel. Extreme krypton integrates the sense of mission into management scenarios and business scenarios, and drives employee value creation through mission.

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Krypton, said: "Most of our colleagues joined Extreme Krypton with an entrepreneurial attitude rather than an employment attitude, and they all came to Extreme Krypton with the ambition of creating a travel life with the ultimate experience, which is also the most advocated and encouraged entrepreneurial mentality." This entrepreneurial mentality is the core value embodiment of an organization.

Elite Organization: Interlocking and Closed Loop

The so-called integration of knowledge and practice, the creation of lean organization is the effective integration and cooperation of internal systems, which belongs to the organic construction of organizational life.

In my opinion, Krypton is a template that can be studied.

In the main business process, Krypton aims to solve problems for users and realize user value as the core.

Horizontally, Krypton has realized the end-to-end process connection, and at the same time, based on key business activities and key control points, it has penetrated the cross-business system process, established the process interlocking mechanism, shared the same KPI index, given the common target responsibility, promoted the integration of R&D, production, supply, marketing and service systems, established a super-joint integrated combat force, and improved the operational synergy efficiency by organizing the "big closed loop" of the process.

Vertically, in order to ensure that the strategy can be effectively undertaken at the organizational and individual levels, the organization structure and post functions are effectively designed according to the principle of "tightening functions, strengthening business, eliminating overlap, streamlining and being efficient". On the one hand, the functions of different process segments are collected and eliminated, the administrative level is reduced, and business overlap and overlap are avoided; On the other hand, we should break the departmental boundaries of "specialization", give full play to the aggregation effect of platformization and intensification through the integration and sharing of specialized resources and the precipitation of capabilities, and realize more efficient communication and faster decision-making.

However, in line with the specialization, the modularity and miniaturization of the organization are becoming more and more prominent, and the organization is developing in a multi-functional and flexible direction. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of rapid changes in business and market, Krypton has established a "small but refined" "liquid organization"-"X-team" driven by strategic targets or tasks, and concentrated superior resources to penetrate key businesses and fields.

In the liquid organization, each organization is modular and flexible just like a Rubik’s cube. In the process of continuous transformation and combination of organizations, different talents, technologies, knowledge and experiences are "mixed", "flowed" and updated. Through this modular grouping, magic combination and task-based combination, combat energy is released, which stimulates employees’ self-drive and creativity and strengthens the agile collaboration across organizations.

Development of elite soldiers: high quality talents

It was once said in "Under the Order of the Soldiers" that those who are good at using soldiers in ancient times can kill half of the soldiers, followed by thirteen and eleven. However, elite soldiers do not blindly cut down their troops and reduce their functions, but strengthen their main combat forces and seek improvement in quality, not expansion in quantity. In order to improve the quality of talents, Krypton adopts refined management strategy, strictly enters and exits, controls the growth of manpower, revitalizes redundant manpower, and maximizes the value and efficiency of personnel.

To build an elite army, selecting people is the key. If there are no requirements and standards for selecting "elite", it will often bring about a decline in the quality of talents. It is said that there is a "123" principle in the selection of candidates: "1" refers to "the person in charge of business is the first person responsible for recruitment", emphasizing that the recruitment of candidates is not authorized, and business leaders should personally participate in the interview; "2" stands for "two not less than": the standard of new personnel’s ability (values) is not less than the existing team’s TOP30% level; The potential of new personnel shall not be lower than the TOP30% level of the existing team; "3" refers to "three persistences": persisting in selecting talents from excellent to better, and persisting in forward-looking talents for long-term management and team echelon construction; Persist in paying attention to the quality of talents and select them pragmatically.

The answer can be found from the absorption of extremely talented people. Guan Haitao, the former glory CMO, took the post of extremely talented CMO; Chen Qi, the former head of Huawei’s intelligent driving department, became the vice president of intelligent driving; Jiang Jun, the former head of the core team of Huawei’s autopilot product line, became the vice president of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, responsible for the business related to the intelligent cockpit …

There is also a talent value formula of "1+1 > 4". "1" represents an individual, and everyone is a combat unit, which can fight independently. However, the value generated by the combination and cooperation of different people is not a simple superposition of values, but the maximization of synergy and can exert greater influence.

"There are not many soldiers, but there is no Wujin, which is enough to unite, anticipate the enemy and take people."

An army can be called a good soldier if it can fight without relying on courage, always pay attention to concentrating its troops, and its determination to fight can be based on a correct judgment of the enemy’s situation, and its officers and soldiers are all strictly selected talents who can defeat the enemy. Extreme krypton is the PLUS version of the elite strategy, the core force is mission-driven, the cornerstone is lean organization, and the combat force is a powerful elite force.

This kind of extreme krypton can naturally move forward steadily in the new energy vehicle market.

Huzhou has a set of "Little Red Books" in Ming Dynasty! It turns out that the ancients were so particular about traveling.

  When the ancients traveled, they not only had to make detailed strategies, but also punched out "friends circle"!

  Recently, in the world’s rural tourist town — — The Shuang Yuan Pavilion in Lu Village, Balidian Town, Wuxing District, and three books written by the Shen family in the Ming Dynasty attracted everyone’s attention.These three books sort out the ancient domestic and international tourist punch points, as well as the local scenery, biology and food. They are the necessary guides for the ancients to understand the world and travel, and are called the ancient "little red books".

  According to historical records, Huzhou has been a place of online celebrity where scholars are keen on punching cards since ancient times. Su Dongpo and others also traveled deeply here to call Huzhou. What does this ancient "little red book" look like? How did the ancients immerse themselves in tourism?

  Essential guide to traveling around the world

  What does "Little Red Book" look like in Ming Dynasty?

  "The Shen family living in Lu Village was the first to systematically study ‘ World rural tourism ’ Theoretical system. " Recently, Chao journalists walked into the Shuang Yuan Pavilion in Lucun, a rural tourist town in the world. This set of three books, known as "Little Red Books" in the Ming Dynasty, was displayed in a conspicuous position in the exhibition hall.

Four Yi Guang Ji

  Gan Yongfu, president of Zhejiang Rural Tourism Research Institute, secretary-general and resident chairman of the World Rural Tourism Council, introduced that this book system recorded the scenic spots of world rural tourism in the Ming Dynasty and the punching points of eating, drinking and playing, which was an essential guide and play strategy for people to travel at that time.

  Since the beginning of this year, Huzhou has launched a study on the source of world rural tourism, and deeply explored the cultural characteristics and origins shared by Huzhou and the world rural tourism. In the process of combing historical materials, it was found thatShen Meng’s "A Survey of the World’s Famous Mountains and Victory", Shen Mao’s "Four Yi Guang Ji" and Shen Maoguan’s "Rare Notes on Flowers, Trees, Birds and Animals in Huayi".Each of the three books has its own emphasis, and jointly constructs the "Metauniverse of World Rural Tourism in Ming Dynasty".

  Shen Meng’s "A List of Famous Mountains and All the Best in the World" recorded all the famous mountains and rivers, local customs, species and specialties in China at that time, recorded about 1317 famous mountains and scenic spots in Beijing and thirteen provinces in the late Ming Dynasty, introduced their geographical location, historical background, main landscapes and their characteristics, and attached the travel notes of celebrities related to these scenic spots, which can be said to be "a book in hand, the world can travel"!

A list of famous mountains and victories in the world

  Shen Mao’s "Four Yi Guang Ji" written on the basis of his father Shen Meng has a broader vision. In ancient China, the mainland was regarded as a celestial dynasty, and other places were called "Yi Di". Therefore, "Four Yi Guang Ji" includes "Dongyi Guang Ji", "Xiyi Guang Ji", "Beidi Guang Ji" and "Hai Guo Guang Ji", which mainly describes the customs of the countries around China. Among them, Hai Guo Guang Ji is one of the important documents that record the Maritime Silk Road in Ming Dynasty in detail, and the whole book can be described as a guide to world rural tourism.

  Shen Maoguan, Shen Meng’s eldest son, wrote "An Examination of Rare Flowers, Trees, Birds and Animals in Huayi", which is a supplement to the previous two books. He compiled all kinds of rare species, customs and curios in China and neighboring countries, and refined them in three major items: flowers and trees, birds and animals, curios. It is a set of biodiversity survey series containing "rural tourism native products".

Textual research on exotic flowers, trees, birds and beasts in Huayi

  In fact, before the compilation of this set of "Little Red Books" in the Ming Dynasty, the famousShan Hai Jing and Shui Jing Zhu are famous travel classics in ancient times..

  As an encyclopedia of ancient social life, Shan Hai Jing not only records dozens of dangers and solutions that may be encountered during the journey, but also records more than 100 kinds of wild vegetables and game, which is simply a survival manual and a life-saving guide.

  What should I do if I’m afraid of getting lost and I don’t have navigation? Then the best way is to buy another book, "Shui Jing Zhu", which includes mountains, rivers, hotels and geographical routes.

  Su Dongpo organized a tour of Huzhou.

  The ancients also sent "friends circle" when punching cards.

  "Huzhou has been a place in online celebrity where scholars and writers compete to punch cards since ancient times." Gan Yongfu said that the Academic Research Report on the Source of Rural Tourism in the World, released at the recent symposium on the source of rural tourism in the world,Huzhou people first coined the word "tourism"And the earliest popular rural tourism destination — — Mount Yao is also in Miaoxi, Huzhou.

  According to Ye Mengde’s "Summer Stories" in the Southern Song Dynasty, "the mountain is the place where Xia Yi visited the hunting ground." During the Xia Dynasty, the emperor Yi Yi made a hunting tour and chose Yi Shan as his destination, which was the earliest imperial country residence in legend.

  After the Han Dynasty, the emergence of the "Nine-grade Zhengzhi System" made the gentry who had money, leisure and motivation go out together to indulge in the mountains and rivers.

  Shen Yue, a native of Huzhou and the founding hero of Southern Liang Dynasty, once wrote a poem "Tourism attracts tourists in the spring of next year", which is the earliest record of the word "tourism".

Miaoxi mountain

  The ancients also liked to send "friends circle" when traveling in the countryside.If you don’t have a camera, then splash ink and freeze the beauty with paintings; Be shocked by mountains and rivers, then write a few poems to express your feelings directly.

  The reason why Huzhou has been a punching place in online celebrity since ancient times can be seen from the "circle of friends" sent by the ancients.

  Li Bai, a poet, traveled thousands of miles to Huzhou. In order to find Huzhou wine, he wrote a beautiful sentence, "Why should Huzhou Sima ask, Jin Su Tathagata is the back?" Liu Yuxi searched for tea and wine in Huzhou, leaving a circle of friends, which was talked about by later generations.

  However, among the literati of past dynasties,On qiSu Dongpo is the one who plays the most call for Huzhou and has the deepest degree of immersive tourism..


  According to modern people, he is a great gourmet traveler, who likes to call friends for group tours and personally do raiders for everyone.

  Su Dongpo once watched the lotus flowers around Huzhou with his friends, then went to Mount Xian for a drink, and then went to Feiying Tower in the evening, overlooking the whole landscape of Huzhou from the top of the tower, and made four "friends circle" in one breath, such as one — — "Suddenly, the tallest tower, poor vision. Bianfeng shines on the battlements, making the clouds float. " It is his feeling of overlooking Bianshan and Taihu Lake after he climbed the Feiying Tower.

  Su Dongpo is optimistic and open-minded all his life. He is good at looking for "little luck" in life and looking for food on the trip, which is a great pleasure.

  Oranges in the lake, flowers on the stream, Guzhu camellia, Meixi papaya, Wucheng frost rice, Ruoxia spring wine, Taihu silver knife … … Su Dongpo has a special liking for Huzhou’s local products, and records all these foods in his poems, which can be said to be where he swims, where he eats and where he writes.

  In addition to Su Dongpo, Dai Biaoyuan in Yuan Dynasty also relaxed and traveled to Huzhou countryside. He punched in nanxun town and drank a bowl of wine, leaving the praise of "sail out of Dongguo and ask Nanxun for wine".

  Sang Ma is a common item in life for many people, but the land of Sang Ma, which grows on both sides of Tiaoxi, can never get enough of it in Dai Biaoyuan’s eyes, saying, "Tiaoxi Road in June, what do people say?" Infinite things in the world, never tire is Sang Ma’s feeling.

  Not only that, he also wrote a poem with Huzhou as the title, and the phrase "Travel all over the beautiful places in the south of the Yangtze River, and live only in Huzhou" became the best advertising language for this national historical and cultural city to celebrate the Millennium!

Limiting food in spring is the most beautiful enjoyment in spring.

Willow silk spits green, spring flowers sprout,

Handfuls of fresh spring vegetables emerged from the soil.

Some people say that the best way to make your body feel spring,

Is to "eat" spring into your stomach,

Let’s take a look at these spring dinner tables

What are the indispensable seasonal foods ~

Capsella bursa-pastoris

Su Shi, a great writer, once said, "It is better to cook mountain soup for a monk’s house than to seek wild grass around the wheat field." Shepherd’s purse is an out-and-out natural green nourishing food, which is not only a spring vegetable in wild vegetables, but also delicious on the tip of the tongue.

Shepherd’s purse and fresh meat wonton

For Shanghainese who love wonton, the shepherd’s purse wonton in spring is more delicious and full of fresh field aroma. Take a bite, keep your lips and teeth fragrant, eat one, the fragrance will fill your heart, taste it, and the fragrance will overflow in spring.

Fried rice cake with shredded pork and shepherd’s purse

A plate of fried rice cakes that is most suitable for spring, shepherd’s purse and shredded pork with rice cakes, is very attractive just visually. If you add some winter bamboo shoots, you will have to eat more!

Shepherd’s purse and bean curd soup

The smoothness of tofu, coupled with the fragrance of shepherd’s purse, makes the cp combination so delicious that people can’t afford it!

Spring bamboo shoots

Spring bamboo shoots are the best seasonal ingredients in spring, and they have the reputation of "the first treasure among vegetables" in ancient times. Spring bamboo shoots, because of their white color as jade and fresh meat, are essential food on the table. In Zheng Banqiao in Qing Dynasty, there was a judgment that "fresh bamboo shoots in the south of the Yangtze River take advantage of the shad, and the spring breeze is rotten at the beginning of March".

bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork

"Pickling" refers to the pickled ham, with Jinhua ham as the top grade; "Fresh" means fresh bamboo shoots, fresh pork belly, hind leg meat or pig’s hoof, preferably pork belly or hind leg meat; "DuDu" means slow stew with small fire in Shanghai dialect.

Braised bamboo shoots in oil

Braised bamboo shoots in oil are frequent visitors to Shanghai’s dining tables. Pale yellow bamboo shoots are stained with bright sauce red juice and become a super dish. It’s obviously a vegetarian dish, but it’s better than a meat dish.

Toona sinensis

Toona sinensis is a unique delicacy in spring.

Toona sinensis scrambled eggs

After washing Toona sinensis, blanch it in boiling water, and cut the blanched Toona sinensis into pieces for later use. Add Toona sinensis powder and salt, stir well, heat the oil in the wok to 70% heat, pour in Toona sinensis egg liquid, and stir-fry until the egg liquid is slightly solidified.

Malan head

Xianggan Malantou

The fragrant dried Malantou is a famous spring dish in Shanghai. It is boiled in boiling water and then cut into fine pieces. The fragrance is fascinating. After mixing the fragrant dried powder, it is poured with sesame oil, and the taste hits the soul directly.

Malantou Youth League

Fresh Malantou and finely cut dried bean curd are mixed together to form the freshest taste in this spring.


Bouquet grass head

Bouquet grass head is a home-cooked dish of Shanghainese. Its tender and green leaves, inspired by white wine or yellow wine, maximize the fragrance of herbs, and make it melt in the mouth, so that everyone who meets it can’t refuse.

Caotouta cake

Mix chopped grass heads with rice flour and glutinous rice flour to make small dumplings with a diameter of two inches, then press them into round cakes with the palm of your hand and fry them in oil until they are yellow on both sides, crisp outside and soft inside, and fragrant.


Silkworm bean

Broad bean is a delicious food in spring, rich in plant protein, and also a frequent visitor to many Shanghainese spring tables.

Broad bean with scallion oil

Skinned broad beans, stir-fry with oil and salt, and when the bean shells crack, add shallots, stir-fry simply, and a plate of fresh broad beans with scallion oil can order a green table.

This spring,

Try these seasonal delicacies,

Feel the gift of spring ~

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Foton Motor: Release the financial business risk disposal plan.

On January 10th, the financial sector reported that Foton Motor announced that in order to effectively prevent, timely control and resolve the financial business risks of the company and its holding subsidiaries in BAIC Group Finance Co., Ltd. and ensure the safety and liquidity of funds, the financial business risk disposal plan was formulated. The financial business risks in the plan include deposit risk, credit risk of financial companies, compliance operation risk and reputation risk. The Company has set up a leading group for financial risk prevention and disposal, which is responsible for the prevention and disposal of the risks of funds associated with the Company and financial companies. The leading group is headed by the chairman of the company, with the chief financial officer as the deputy head. Other members include the secretary of the board of directors, the heads of the financial planning department, the audit department, the legal department and the financial management department. The office of the leading group is located in the financial planning department, with the company’s chief financial officer as the office director and the chief financial planning officer as the deputy director, responsible for timely monitoring and evaluating the financial company’s business qualifications, business and risk status, and starting the emergency response plan according to the emerging risk status.

Serie A

At 1 am on October 30th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Serie A in 2023-24, Inter Milan played against Rome at home. In the first half, Charles Hanoglu shot and hit the doorframe; In the second half, Thuram scored the winning goal in the 81st minute, and Augusto hit the crossbar again. In the end, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0, overtaking Ewan and rising to the top of the standings.

In this game, Roma coach Jose Mourinho was unable to play against his old club because of suspension, but Lu Kaku appeared in the starting lineup of Rome, and he was booed by tens of thousands of Inter fans at Meazza Stadium.

In the 6th minute, Char Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball bounced back after hitting the doorframe. Then Thuram’s barb hit the door and the goalkeeper got it. In the 7th minute, Inter’s left corner kicked into the restricted area, and lautaro’s header was not strong enough, so the goalkeeper confiscated the ball.

In the 15th minute, dumfries made a cross from the right, Thuram’s header hit the defender, and then his stab was blocked by the goalkeeper. In the 16th minute, Di Marco’s shot on the left side of the restricted area missed the far post.

In the 24th minute, mkhitaryan received the clearance ball before the top of the arc and volleyed it high. In the 38th minute, dumfries made another cross on the right, and pawar, who was inserted into the restricted area, volleyed his right foot and missed. In the 45th+3rd minute, varela got the chance to volley in the restricted area, and the ball was higher than the crossbar. At the end of the first half, neither team scored.

In the second half, it was easy to fight again. In the 48 th minute, Inter Milan’s free kick was hoisted into the penalty area, and Thuram’s header was high.

In the 59th minute, varela crosses the restricted area, Thuram returns the ball in the chest, lautaro volleys with his right foot, and the ball bounces to the ground and is hugged by the goalkeeper. In the 65th minute, Rome won a free kick in front of the penalty area, and chaaraoui took the penalty and hit the wall. Two minutes later, Charles Hanoglu blasted a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the defender and crossed the bottom line in disguise.

In the 76th minute, Aslani took the ball in front of the restricted area. When he saw that no one had come forward to block it, he hit a long-range shot, and the ball slightly missed the post.In the 81st minute, Di Marco crossed the ball on the left side of the frontcourt, and Thuram, who was inserted into the middle of the restricted area, grabbed the ball and scored a goal. Inter Milan led Rome 1-0.

In the 89th minute, Augusto made a cross on the left side of the frontcourt. Thuram’s outflanking shot in the middle missed. In the 90th minute, Augusto made a long-range shot in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the crossbar and popped up.

In the end, the whole game ended and Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0.