Jackie Chan: Chinese filmmakers will soon become better as long as they work hard

  The Press Center of the Fifth Session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a press conference at 14:30 on March 7 (Tuesday). Five members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Liu Changle, Feng Jicai, Su Shishu, Jackie Chan, Hai Xia, answered questions on promoting Chinese excellent traditional culture, cultivating and practicing socialist core values, flourishing and developing socialist literature and art, vigorously developing advanced socialist culture, and promoting Sino-foreign people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

  On March 7, the Fifth Session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a press conference on "CPPCC members talk about strengthening cultural confidence and telling the Chinese story well". Five members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Liu Changle, Feng Jicai, Su Shishu, Jackie Chan and Haixia, answered questions on promoting China’s excellent traditional culture, cultivating and practicing socialist core values, flourishing and developing socialist literature and art, vigorously developing advanced socialist culture, and promoting Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. The picture shows Jackie Chan, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, answering questions from reporters. Xinhuanet/China Government Network, Zhai Zihe, photo

  China Review Agency reporter:Jackie Chan, we know that you won the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement last November and became the first filmmaker in China to receive this honor. I remember that your acceptance speech left a deep impression on me, especially when you mentioned that you are proud to be Chinese. I wonder if you could share with us how you felt at that time. Also, how do you think Chinese films can better go global? Thanks.

  Jackie Chan:When I received the notification from the Oscars that I would win the Lifetime Achievement Award, first, I felt unconvinced, and second, I felt that I was too young to win this award. However, I also happily accepted it. Because I never thought that I would win this award, because forty years ago we made low-budget vulgar action movies. How could we win the award?! Whether it was the Golden Rooster Award, the Hundred Flowers Award, the Academy Award, or the Oscar, it was too far away. But for every play, at that time, we shot, for example, "Serpentine Tiaoshou" and "Drunk Fist". 250,000, 500,000 finished filming a play, a movie, that is, an empty space, a temple. And there is no plot, it is always what you see me doing, playing for half an hour, there is no plot. I will always shoot some characters that are not suitable for me. In the "Norwegian era" filming "Hero", many girls liked me, and I was surprised. How could girls like me, with big noses and small eyes. I finally made a name for myself, and I learned from Bruce Lee, I was not Bruce Lee at all, so none of them could succeed in that era.

  I made an action comedy by myself, and I succeeded. I broke out of Asia, thinking it was okay. I flew to the United States for 16 hours, people looked at you, performed a set of boxing, went back, and played another set of kung fu. I can’t speak English, let’s go. My only purpose is to be an international superstar. Then I went to the United States to learn English, and I went to make some movies that were not suitable for me. I shot a young man born in the United States, who can’t speak English. They said you have to learn to beat someone down with one punch, how come you have already kicked 8 kicks, and that person is still standing there. As a result, according to their wishes, I didn’t have the strength to speak. No one watched the movie when it came out, not only did no one watch it in the United States, but no one watched it when I returned to the I gave up on the American market and still bought my own stuff. I continued to shoot some hard-working action movies without stunts or real kung fu. I broke my foot in the morning and started work in the afternoon. Regardless of whether the box office was good or not, I went to shoot with my heart.

  56 years later, I received a call from Oscar asking me to win this award. I realized that if you insist on doing something, no matter whether anyone sees it or not, no matter whether anyone knows that you shoot with your heart, no matter whether it is all walks of life, one day someone will appreciate you. Today, Oscar came to me, not me. So if you insist on doing one thing, everything will come to you. My movie has been successful in many places. Many people say that you are our Chinese business card, giving me too much pressure. I said, how can I make better Chinese movies? In the process of making movies, I have also matured and grown up. When I was in Africa, all the children followed me. I said, it turns out that my actions can affect so many people. I will be more careful when making movies in the future. In addition to playing, I will also add Chinese culture. When I go to any occasion by myself, I will definitely wear a Tang suit to let people know that I am Chinese. In the last few months, I have to hold a meeting. The bosses of several major companies are waiting for me. My plane is late. I told my assistant if I can have a meeting again tomorrow. He said that everyone is waiting for you. "Rush Hour 4" and "Shanghai Noon" are now going to shoot 3. I said this will not work, that will not work. All of them listen to me, and everyone is OK. My assistant came over, big brother, you are awesome, you are awesome now. I said it’s not my cow, but today’s Chinese market makes me cow. Today, people from all over the world want to come to China to share this share. So, do one thing with your heart, there are 1.4 billion Chinese people, and our filmmakers will soon go better as long as they work hard, because more foreigners will cooperate with us to jointly promote Chinese culture to go global. As long as you work hard, all your dreams will come to you.

If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and go back to the front line.

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, February 18th: If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner before going to the front line —— A record of Song Xiuhui, a nurse in Badong County, Hubei Province.
Xinhua News Agency reporter Tan Yuanbin
Mother has been away for 11 days, and Song Xiuhui still has an unspeakable pain in her heart. Every day when I return to the hotel from the isolation ward, I am too busy to remember, and suddenly I feel that kind of pain, like blood coming out of a punctured blood vessel.
In these 11 days, except for the day after her mother left, she spent in the hotel "recalling the past and regretting herself, staying on the windowsill and looking at the direction of home", and she never left her post one day.
On January 23rd, the day before New Year’s Eve, the infectious diseases department of Badong County People’s Hospital in Hubei Province admitted the first suspected patient from COVID-19. As a nurse in the infectious diseases department, Song Xiuhui did not hesitate to join the anti-epidemic front line.
At that time, the elder sister and mother were waiting for her and the second sister to go back for the New Year in their hometown in the countryside. That night, she went back to the county home to pack her things, called her elder sister and her second sister who were also in the county, and told them that she was on duty and could not go back for the New Year.
On the 24th, New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui entered the isolation ward. Her second sister later wrote: "Because of the epidemic, my sister didn’t have a reunion dinner with us for the first time in history. We have enlightened our mother in advance and explained the truth. My mother said,’ I understand’. "
Since New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui has traveled between the hotel and the hospital every day. On the fifth day of the first month, my mother, who had suffered from immune system diseases for a long time, got worse and lived in a department of Badong County People’s Hospital, separated from the infectious diseases department by a building. Mother repeatedly told: "You can’t tell Xiaohui, and you can’t affect Xiaohui’s work." The family really didn’t tell Song Xiuhui. On the sixth day of the first month, she didn’t know that her mother was in hospital until she heard a colleague in a department inadvertently talk about it.
Although she is only separated by a building, she can’t go to see her mother. Video chat has become a link between mother and daughter, with Song Xiuhui at this end and her mother at that end. Although suffering from illness, my mother always encourages her in the video: "Don’t worry about me, you should take care of yourself and protect yourself."
After treatment, my mother’s condition improved. On February 1, the eighth day of the first month, two sisters who took care of their mother discharged her.
On February 6, Song Xiuhui suddenly felt very uneasy and sent video requests to her mother many times. "Mom just fell asleep after eating …" "Mom is in the toilet …" Second sister pushed away the video of her and her mother for various reasons.
"My sister asked for a video, and I was blocked. I am going to wait until my mother has taken painkillers and her condition is slightly better. I never thought about it, but there is no such opportunity anymore." Her second sister wrote.
That night, Song Xiuhui worked the night shift. After work in the early morning of the 7th, on her way back to the hotel, she saw an obituary of her mother’s death in the WeChat group in the village. The cold wind was biting, and she couldn’t help crying.
Waiting for her is a very painful choice. Although she really wanted to go back to see her mother for the last time, for the safety of her family, she finally made up her mind not to go back, hiding her pain in her heart and continuing to stick to her post.
"I dare not think that when the epidemic is over and my sister can go home, her mother is already a pile of loess. Such pain, such pain, such regret, when can I let go? " Her second sister wrote, "There are no heroes falling from the sky, only the ordinary ones without hesitation!"
On the 8th, Song Xiuhui rested in the hotel for a day, recalling her mother’s past. 9, then go to work. Put on protective clothing and walk into the ward. Facing the patient, she forgot to think about her mother leaving.
A few days ago, a little boy named ice cream that Song Xiuhui took care of was discharged from the hospital with his parents. Their whole family was safe, which made her feel strong inside, and the remorse and regret in her heart were a little relieved.
"Mom and Dad have suffered too much by farming for us to study. If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and then go to the front line. However, no matter how sad I am, I will stick to the end because patients need us. " Song Xiuhui said. (End)

Football News: To save China’s football, please start with respecting the league.

Live broadcast: On December 9 th, in view of the current situation that China football has entered the cold winter, Football Daily issued a document suggesting that the self-help of China football should start from respecting the league.

Football News believes that if we want to save ourselves, we must use the vigor and vitality of the league to awaken the support of the fans and the concern of the government, and also give some time to the "on the road" share reform. In fact, the reason for the share reform is to give China football a relatively stable future, at least it will not lead to the continuous loss of the league and the continuous training of talents due to the frequent withdrawal of investors. However, no matter what kind of reform, if China football can’t change the status quo that the players themselves are not self-reliant, unable to make blood and waiting for blood transfusion forever, the future will be unsustainable.

For the method of self-help, Football Daily suggested:

First, stop complaining, stop complaining about the system, the market and everything around you, and concentrate on the game. What China football lacks most in recent years is collective consciousness. Without unity, it is fragmented. Everyone speaks out for their own interests, but they are also exploiting loopholes and breaking rules in China football for their own interests.

Second, do what you can, try to understand people in the circle who are different from themselves but closely related, and learn to put themselves in other’s shoes. The simplest thing is to respect the game, the fans and the rules. Respecting the game means working hard, and respecting the fans means lying on the grass less, not being negative or impulsive; Respecting the rules means not to foul maliciously. If there is a real misjudgment, you can appeal. If there is no misjudgment, don’t blindly transfer the pressure to the referee in order to reduce your own pressure regardless of the facts.

Third, wait patiently and positively for the advancement of share reform, and exchange time for space. Football in China will not disappear, and the league will continue to exist, but what standard the league will exist depends on whether the industry is worth saving by the country.

If the whole circle shows a strong desire to survive, wait for being saved with a positive attitude, and at the same time actively carry out self-help, it can bring exciting competitions, at least when the government promotes the share reform, it will reduce a lot of resistance. Football in China has reached the most critical moment. If you don’t save yourself, everyone will be injured-and saving yourself should start with respecting the league.

(Nanling cries and cries)