Takeaway into instant noodle terminator? Expert: Instant noodles can be turned into snack food

Citizens buy instant noodles in supermarkets. Photo by our reporter Yuan Tieli

Citizens buy instant noodles in supermarkets. Photo by our reporter Yuan Tieli

  The rise of online takeout has had a direct impact on instant noodles, and the consumer groups of the two are highly compatible. Many young people who used to live at home and live on instant noodles are the main force of online consumption. Now, you can wait for a meal after paying online, which is even easier than soaking instant noodles.

  More importantly, online food delivery is obviously much better than instant noodles in terms of taste and meal size.

  Online takeaway is developing rapidly, while the instant noodle industry is shrinking. Will online takeaway be the terminator of instant noodles?

  Over the past few days, various institutions and platforms have been releasing big data on the takeaway industry, research reports on the takeaway industry, and white papers on catering takeout. From this information, it can be seen that the development of online takeout has indeed been very rapid in the past two years. On the contrary, the sales and performance of instant noodle giants have been shrinking year by year.

  Recently, a reporter from Chongqing Morning Post conducted a survey of the instant noodle market in our city.

  1 in 10 people order takeout once a day

  According to iiMedia Research data, in the first half of 2017, the high-frequency client base that carried out online takeaway catering consumption at least once a week accounted for nearly 80%, of which 10.2% of online users consumed an average of one or more times a day.

  That is to say, at least one in 10 people ordered takeout once a day.

  Among these people who order food for takeout, the main group is middle-income white-collar workers. The data shows that among the high-frequency click groups for takeout, 82.3% of users have an income distribution of 3,000-10,000 yuan, and 7.1% of users have an income of more than 10,000 yuan.

  And these people happen to like the Internet and stay at home, making them the main consumers of instant noodles.

  According to China’s takeaway big data, the size of our country’s O2O takeaway market has exceeded 100 billion yuan in 2016, and it is expected to break through 700 billion yuan by 2020.

  According to the statistics from the Ele.me food delivery platform, Ele.me has provided takeaway services for nearly one-tenth of the population in China, and has generated income for merchants with a cumulative 2 million +. It is expected that the penetration rate of takeaway users will reach 80% in 2020, and the user scale will reach 600 million.

  Instant noodles are gradually falling out of favor

  In contrast to the fission rise of online takeaway big data, the data of the instant noodle market can be said to be quite "ugly".

  Data from the World Instant Noodle Association shows that in 2016, the Chinese mainland consumed 38.50 billion, down 17% year-on-year. Consumption reached 46.20 billion in 2013. Unity Group’s net profit in the first half of 2017 fell by 26.5% year-on-year, and instant noodles are falling out of favor in the Chinese market.

  According to Nielsen statistics, Tingyi and Unified’s market share has occupied more than 70% of China’s instant noodle market for many years. But since last year, the financial reports of the two companies have been constantly reminding of risks, and the instant noodle business has been declining.

  Last year, according to Nielsen’s statistics of 22 instant noodle companies across the country, nine of them experienced a decline in sales, and many brands have begun to adjust their business direction.

  Supermarket instant noodle locations reduced by 30%

  The reporter visited major supermarkets in our city yesterday and found that the instant noodles that used to occupy the prominent position of fast-moving consumer goods have been compressed to a relatively small position. And at the counter where the instant noodles are placed, some convenient fast food products such as self-heating instant rice and self-heating micro-hot pot are also placed.

  "Now it has shrunk by a third," a promoter at the Golden Guanyin store in Carrefour told reporters. Not only has the area been reduced, but the sales of instant noodles are also much worse than before.

  Afterwards, the reporter saw at Chongbai, New Century and Yonghui near Guanyin Bridge that the exhibition stands of instant noodles were indeed much smaller than before. However, there were many more varieties and brands of instant noodles than before.

  In addition to the old-fashioned Master Kong and Unity, there are also South Korean Nongxin Xin Ramen, Baijia, Hewei, Yangyang, Tangdaren and other brands. In terms of taste, many new products have appeared.

  ■ statement

  Consumers only bring instant noodles when they travel

  Regarding the purchase of instant noodles, the reporter randomly asked some citizens, and most of them said that on the one hand, due to the same practice for many years, they rarely buy instant noodles due to health reasons; on the other hand, instant noodles are being replaced by takeaway and self-heating food.

  "Now there is almost no need to buy instant noodles. Even if you want to have supper in the middle of the night, you can order food online, it is more convenient to deliver it to your home, and the taste is more moisturizing than instant noodles." One young man said he had indeed not bought instant noodles for a long time.

  An aunt told reporters that for health reasons, she also reminds her children to eat less convenience food. However, every time she goes out, she still has to prepare some instant noodles to satisfy her hunger during the journey.


  The instant noodle market is not going away

  Although the instant noodle industry has innovative products and flavors, it is still unable to fundamentally stop the impact of online takeout on the instant noodle market.

  Professor Shen Hongbing of the School of Economics and Trade of Chongqing Technology and Business University believes that with the development of the Internet, the rise of takeout is inevitable, which reflects people’s higher requirements for quality of life and greater emphasis on health and nutrition.

  Instant noodles have been popular for decades, but the production technology content of the industry itself is not high. However, big brands will still have a relative market, and the market structure will still be relatively stable.

  "In the future, the market share of instant noodles will shrink greatly, but it will not disappear."

  He believes that the overall technological innovation, scale innovation, and brand innovation of the instant noodle industry are all difficult, but fast food and fast food cakes are expanding rapidly. Therefore, these instant noodle companies can explore a lot of innovation space in the fields of fast-moving consumer goods and snack foods, and there is still a large blue ocean waiting to be developed.

  Our reporter, Xu Ju

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite cost performance" is worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history"

  Nowadays, the new energy vehicle market of 200,000-300,000 yuan is like a situation of adding volumes. The Zhiji LS6, which just went on the market on October 12th, was a blockbuster, playing the "exquisite and cost-effective" price card, with the standard version of 214,900 yuan, the long battery life version of 234,900 yuan, the ultra-long battery life version of 258,900 yuan and the performance version of 276,900 yuan. The genius of Zhiji Automobile is that it is truly user-centered, and all kinds of easy-to-use black technologies are packed into the car.

  With curiosity, we came to the innovative test drive site of Zhiji LS6. Is this new car smart enough? Is it easy enough to drive? In the rich performance test and intelligent maze experience, we found the core competitiveness of Zhiji LS6, and deeply experienced what the future intelligent cabin is, as well as the ultimate performance and comprehensive driving and control experience.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image001

  Can you believe a car that can be driven by a screen?

  In order to let the media and users experience the high-level intelligence of Zhiji LS6 in one stop, Zhiji Automobile pioneered a brand-new gameplay of "AI Intelligent Driving Maze". The experience area was set with checkpoints such as "See what you can’t see" and "Fix what you don’t want to drive", and the LS6′ s zero blind area full digital vision and one-button AI driving function were experienced in a three-dimensional and multi-dimensional way, which made people experience a simple, relaxed and interesting driving experience and really understood what the best smart car to drive in the era of man-machine co-driving.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image002

  In daily commuting, the blind spot in front of the driver’s left is often dangerous. At this time, the blind-supplementing function of the A-pillar of Zhiji LS6 is like opening the eye, simulating the unprotected left-turn scene, displaying the road blocked by the A-pillar in real time, and effectively seeing whether there are obstacles or pedestrians, two-wheeled vehicles, etc. in front of the left, without worrying about the blind spot caused by the A-pillar, making the intersection turn left safer.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite cost performance" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image004

  Intelligent blind compensation at the rear side makes up for the blind spot when turning right at the intersection and entering and leaving the community. The blind spot image at the right rear side appears on the right side of the central control panel, which broadens the vision of the blind spot at the rear side, grasps the distance between non-motor vehicles and pedestrians in real time, reduces driving anxiety when turning right, and safely avoids possible pedestrians in the blind spot on the right side.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite cost performance" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image006

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image005

  The rear-view intelligent blind compensation clearly displays the road conditions behind the vehicle in the center of the central control panel, which is convenient for the driver to accurately observe the movement of the rear vehicle and greatly increase the driver’s mastery of the road conditions. When the turn signal is turned on or the door is opened, you can easily grasp the dangerous situation in the driving blind area through the red light effect prompt of breathing rhythm on the screen and the real-time road picture.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image007

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image008

  Combining intelligent driving with the cutting-edge technology of intelligent cabin, Zhiji LS6“0 has the function of "0 anxiety and high-order intelligent driving", which greatly relieves the driving anxiety in "urban slow scenes" and solves the high-frequency pain points in many travel scenes.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image009

  First of all, in the mirror narrow road experience area, the car drove to the dead-end setting scene. At the fixed position, the rearview mirror was turned on to fill the blind, read the clues on the rear wall, and turned left into the mirror narrow road. After the adjacent and opposite multiple mirror reflections, countless mirror images were formed. Being in it, even the old driver can’t pour it out quickly. At this time, it’s the turn of the one-button tracking function. When you turn on the one-button tracking, you can return to the original road and find a new path.    

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image010

  The essence of "one-button tracking" is based on high-precision positioning and inertial navigation. In Lu Yu, cars meet on narrow roads and broken roads, and it is easy to get in but difficult to get out. One-button tracking can help drivers return along the original road in narrow and complicated roads, thus solving the driving anxiety of long-distance reversing.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image011

  Zhiji LS6 also handed over some painful scenes that users didn’t want to open to AI for help, greatly alleviating the driving anxiety of difficult driving. For example, the evolutionary version of "one-click parking" supports from silent parking to one-click parking, with a speed of less than 20km/h, automatic silent parking, one-click command and calm response. "One-click to get out of trouble" means that when the distance between the front and rear cars in the side parking space is very close and it is inconvenient to drive out, or when it is difficult for a novice driver to drive out of the side parking space, AI helps the vehicle to move the front of the car out of the parking space efficiently, avoiding the driver’s anxiety of shifting back and forth in the parking space, and easily get out of the parking space with one button. "One-button welting" means that parking in the lateral direction is not enough to welt. When you are worried about rubbing or blocking the traffic on the main road, it is just right to be not far away, and the welting process is more relaxed and efficient, which perfectly solves the parking problem.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image012

  With the integrated content ecology and multi-modal empathy interaction, Zhiji LS6 greatly enriches the interactive experience of the intelligent cockpit from three dimensions: content, technology and experience. As the industry’s first vertical large model product "Zhiji Generated Large Model", it has realized the landing of the vehicle-side GPT large model, and will be launched simultaneously with the delivery of Zhiji LS6 in October. In addition to the common chat question-and-answer dialogue, Zhiji Big Model will also introduce a series of functions such as interesting content generation, voice interactive games, role-playing, multi-intention understanding, literary music, literary pictures and so on according to the particularity of travel scenes.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image013

  Deep intelligence is the winning factor for winning the second half of the electric track. According to the principle of "driving first" and the integration of AI digital technology, Zhiji LS6 uses the cockpit layout with the driver’s first view, and uses the Quan Huafu digital cockpit screen to integrate the global digital vision to make up for the blindness, which opens up a wider field of vision and solves the driving pain points such as complex road conditions and night and extreme weather through one screen.

  After the experience, it is not difficult to see that Zhiji LS6 will try to redefine the new paradigm of intelligent cabin experience by relying on the triple standards of "zero blind area full digital vision, zero anxiety high-order intelligent driving and zero distance future intelligent cabin ecology". Empower the whole driving experience from getting on the bus to getting off the bus with AI, and create a new intelligent driving experience with wider applicability and stronger practicability in the future.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image014

  It is worth mentioning that all the Zhiji LS6 systems have NOA capability of removing high-precision maps, and all the Orin X chips and ultra-long-range laser radars from NVIDIA are standard, which ranks with Tucki and Huawei as the first echelon in the high-level intelligent driving industry. Zhiji LS6 only uses a single OrinX chip and a single laser radar to realize the NOA scheme of removing high-precision maps.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image015

  To sum up, Zhiji LS6 is not the same SUV, but a smart electric car that is easy to use, fun and worth closing your eyes.

  The quasi-900V super performance platform is more and more happy.

  If the intelligent configuration of science and technology that meets the needs of users more and more is an important selling point of Zhiji LS6, its strength in battery life, power, charging and driving control is not inferior.

  In the performance driving experience area, Zhiji has set up 100-kilometer acceleration, 100-kilometer braking, S-shaped pile winding, bumpy road and other projects, which comprehensively verified the acceleration performance, braking performance, vehicle stability and ride comfort of LS6 beyond its peers.

  According to official figures, the 100-kilometer acceleration of Zhiji LS6 can reach 3.48 seconds, with a top speed of 252 km/h. The reason why it runs fast is that Zhiji LS6′ s "quasi-900V dual silicon carbide high-performance platform" can achieve the highest working voltage of 875V in the industry, the maximum effective current value of 650A in mass production, the highest peak speed motor of 21000rpm in global mass production, the first ultra-light customized ceramic bearing with an extremely fast speed increase of 20%, and the strongest dual-motor performance in a million — — The peak power of the dual motor is 579kW/787Ps(200kW+379kW), the peak torque is 800N·m, and the power density of the strongest main drive is 4.41kW/kg, which is more than double that of the same class (ES6 2.2kW/kg).

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image016

  In the limit test of closed space, the speed of Zhiji LS6 reaches 280+km/h, which is also the highest speed of mass-produced pure electric SUV in the world. You know, even Porsche Taycan has a speed of only 260 km/h. Making an electric car that can reach such a high speed shows the brand’s technical strength and innovation ability.

  The zero-hundred-braking distance of Zhiji LS6 reached 33.76m, and it stood firm in the first echelon of SUV without fear of continuous high-intensity braking. Braking depends on the comprehensive empowerment of continental Germany continental brand integrated all-aluminum four-piston clamp, top brake brand BremboFNC carbonitriding front brake disc, continental Germany OneBox fully decoupled electronic brake system and F1 exclusive tire supplier Pirelli "NewScorpion" Scorpion tire.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image017

  While Zhiji LS6 is driving steadily, it is based on the chassis architecture specially built for luxury pure trams, which comes from Zhiji’s high-end intelligent pure electric platform and continues the chassis driving and control genes in the same strain. Lightweight all-aluminum chassis with front double wishbone and rear five-bar suspension system, coupled with intelligent chassis control, can not only improve the ultimate performance, but also improve the smooth experience in daily driving. The world’s original EVD extreme speed vector four-wheel drive system drive scheme can support Zhiji LS6 to switch between multiple driving modes, and the switching speed of 300ms reaches the highest speed in similar driving platforms, giving perfect consideration to the ultimate power and efficiency in different driving modes.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image018

  In addition, the ultra-wide rear wheel track design of Zhiji LS61707mm is almost as wide as X5, with ultra-wide wheel track and low center of mass, which makes the chassis stability coefficient of Zhiji LS6 increase by about 15% compared with traditional fuel SUV and ordinary electric SUV. The overall roll is reduced by 15%, the suspension roll stiffness is increased by 10%, the tire inclination angle is reduced by 20%, and the driving stability is improved step by step.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image020

  Zhiji’s exclusive POPO Sofa cloud seat brings a very comfortable ride. Its design is inspired by Italian Bubble sofa, high-grade Nappa/Delicato leather, soft and skin-friendly, 20mmAeroride zero-pressure sponge layer, which balances the stress area of the body, and the seat size is more in line with the Chinese figure data. It is equipped with functions such as seat heating, ventilation and leg rest to double the comfort.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image021

  Zhiji self-developed super integrated thermal management system, which is equipped on quasi-900V and quasi-500V models. Ultra-wide temperature control bandwidth, 30s rapid cooling, cooling twice as fast, energy consumption less than half; A new generation of low-temperature heat pump technology, with operating temperature as low as -18℃, has stronger adaptability to extreme weather. More than 100 energy consumption optimization measures are taken to realize the optimization of vehicle energy consumption.

  The quasi-900V super-performance platform also brings super-fast charging ability. Zhiji LS6 is the fastest charging pure electric SUV with a peak charging power of 396kw and a maximum charging rate of 3.75C, which really makes charging as convenient as refueling. Charge for 5 minutes, recharge 200km+, that is, charge and leave; It can replenish 350km in 10 minutes, and commuting for a week is no problem; Charging for 15 minutes can replenish 500km, and the long-distance journey is carefree.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image022

  From this point of view, the three electric powers of Zhiji LS6 are a bit "outrageous", and the price is only 250,000, which undoubtedly refreshes the user’s cognition. "Above 250,000, it must be an 800V platform!" Even if the budget is limited, the 71-kilowatt-hour version with a battery life of 500km+ can be considered, because all the configurations of the intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving are reserved, except for the difference of the three power plants, the other experiences are exactly the same.

Experience Zhiji LS6 "exquisite price/performance ratio" and be worthy of "the strongest 6 series in history" _fororder_image023

  International model design, intelligent driving system standard, three-electric battery life hanging, invincible power, cheap and cost-effective, Zhiji LS6 not only swept down the competing products at the same level, but also made the traditional fuel SUV ashamed. (Text: Yang Xiaohong Photo: Yang Xiaohong, Zhiji Automobile)

Xiaomi Auto "exploded", and Xiaomi Group’s share price rose by 15% in intraday trading.

On April 2, the share price of Xiaomi Group, a Hong Kong stock, opened 14.99% higher, and then fell back, with an increase of 10.31% so far.

In the news, on March 29th, Xiaomi Automobile officially announced that after 24 hours of listing, the number of Xiaomi SU7 reached 88,898. At 12 noon on April 1st, the second round of Xiaomi Auto SU7 inaugural edition was added for sale and sold out in seconds. As of the early morning of April 2, the number of locks of Xiaomi SU7 has reached 40,000. Xiaomi Auto said that the original version of Xiaomi SU7 will not open a new round of orders.

The delivery cycle of Xiaomi SU7 has been further extended. On March 31st, the delivery cycle of Xiaomi SU7 standard version after locking the order is expected to be 16-19 weeks, Pro version is expected to be delivered in 17-20 weeks, and Max version will be delivered in 26-29 weeks. By the morning of April 2, the above delivery cycle had been extended to 20-23 weeks, 19-22 weeks and 28-31 weeks respectively.

While Xiaomi SU7 is selling well, many institutions have released research reports one after another.

Goldman Sachs released a research report on Monday, saying that Xiaomi SU7 was a surprise. Although the price range of 215,900 yuan to 299,900 yuan was basically in line with the bank’s previous average price expectation, the number of large orders far exceeded expectations, and Xiaomi had the ability to become a potential price leader in the market rather than a price follower.

It is estimated that the revenue of Xiaomi will increase by 2-6% from 2024 to 2026, reaching 100,000, 170,000 and 326,000 units respectively, accounting for 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.5% of the retail sales of new energy vehicles in China. By 2030, it is estimated that electric vehicle revenue will account for 30% of Xiaomi’s total revenue.

JPMorgan Chase released a research report last week, saying that the pricing of Xiaomi SU7 is very attractive and its specifications are competitive. In view of the strong fixed figures, JPMorgan Chase believes that Xiaomi’s electric vehicle business has made a strong start, which may exceed the market’s forecast of about 50,000 units in the first 12 months, trigger a strong positive reaction of the stock price in the short to medium term, and continue to maintain Xiaomi’s "over-allocation" rating.

The listing of Xiaomi SU7 also brought a lot of pressure to many brands. On April 1st, many car companies started price wars. Among them, the starting price of the new M7 in Wenjie is lowered by 20,000 to 229,800 yuan; Tucki G9 car is limited to a maximum of 20,000 yuan; Weilai launched a subsidy of up to 1 billion yuan for oil vehicle replacement; FAW-Volkswagen will add a cash subsidy of up to 5,000 yuan in a limited time; Chery limited-time designated models are free of purchase tax and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the sales of major new energy vehicle companies increased in March. In March, the top seven brands in the new power delivery list were: Wenjie, Ideal, Zero Run, Extreme Krypton, Weilai, Tucki and Nezha Automobile. Specifically, AITO, a subsidiary of HarmonyOS Zhixing, delivered 31,727 new cars in March, winning the sales champion of China New Power brand for three consecutive months; LI delivered 28,984 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 39.2%; The number of zero-running cars delivered reached 14,567, a year-on-year increase of over 136%.

Earlier, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Ride Association, once said, "2024 is a crucial year for new energy vehicle companies to gain a foothold, and the competition is bound to be fierce."

Ping An Securities’ recent research report pointed out that in 2024, the growth rate of new energy vehicle companies in the head is under pressure, so the price war will continue, especially in the mainstream price range of 100,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan. With the decrease of battery cost, car companies have more room to reduce prices.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  On March 14th, OpenAI, an American research and development company, officially released GPT-4, the latest product of artificial intelligence language model, which shocked the whole world. Two weeks later, an open letter signed by SpaceX CEO Musk and more than 1,000 industry executives and experts was posted online. They called for suspending the development of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least six months, and warned that the development of artificial intelligence "poses potential risks to society and mankind".
Why does the development of GPT-4 cause such concern?

  The rapid development of AI has caused concern about the potential risks to society and human beings.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  The general concern expressed in this open letter is that AI is developing too fast, relevant regulations and laws have not kept up, and even inventors lack effective control means.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Anil Seth, British neuroscientist: I think what really shocked me was that the whole cycle of machine learning and artificial intelligence from development to release seemed very fast.

  The Japanese Prime Minister answered the question of "ChatGPT" at the cabinet meeting for the first time.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  On 29th, Japanese Prime Minister kishida fumio answered questions generated by OpenAI’s chatbot program "ChatGPT" at the Cabinet Committee meeting of the House of Representatives. Subsequently, ChatGPT predicted kishida fumio’s answer, and showed it with a display board after the defense, and the direction of the answer was basically the same.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Japanese Prime Minister kishida fumio: My answer listed the names of specific parties such as the National Governors’ Association and the Mayors’ Association in Japan, which better reflected the actual situation.

  AI analog sound raises so-called "deep forgery" concerns

  In fact, this is only the basic application of ChatGPT. The American media reporter showed the process of using AI to simulate his voice to talk to his father, and this process also caused the so-called "deep forgery" concern.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Host of CNN.
It looks like a fun game, but AI technology can even be used to achieve the so-called "deep forgery", which is not fun. Because we can copy anyone’s appearance and generate digital masks through this technology.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  The GPT-4′ s ability to emerge from the world is too strong, which has sparked a global debate.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  GPT-4 is the fourth generation language model released by American R&D company OpenAI for ChatGPT, and its emergence is considered as "the future has come" by scientific and technological circles, which has triggered a global hot discussion. It can write articles, create web pages, reason logically, and create almost any content. In addition, it can take exams, and it scored more than 90% in the American bar exam.

  British Sky reporter tom clarke: Hi, GPT-4, do you have a sense of autonomy?

As a new language model, I don’t have consciousness, I don’t have self-consciousness, subjective emotion or subjective experience, and my reaction comes from the written pattern in the text data I have trained.

  In fact, since the birth of ChatGPT, how to control risks has always been the focus of discussion.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  ABC reporter
On the one hand, AI has great potential and can be used to do useful things. On the other hand, there are a lot of unknown situations that may bring very bad consequences to society. How confident are you that what you build will not lead to such a result?

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  Sam altman, CEO of OpenAI, USA: We will adjust.

  ABC reporter: Do you adjust when negative things happen?

  Sam altman, CEO of OpenAI, USA
The current system is still weak, so we should release this system now, and try our best to understand the situation while the risk is still small. I think this can avoid more dangerous situations.

Emergency "stop"! Thousands of people jointly called for: AI is developing too fast, causing concern?

  However, there are also views against stopping R&D. It is foreseeable that how humans and AI coexist and advance together will become the focus of global attention in the future.


[Editor in charge:


Yu Jian | My Three Favorite Movies

The three movies I like are difficult to choose. There are too many good movies. Mencius said, "Enrichment is beauty." As far as aesthetic enrichment is concerned, I think that in the twentieth century, movies surpassed literature. Kafka, Joyce, Proust and Lu Xun are quite substantial, but entering these texts also requires strong patience. Modern art is too poor, leaving only some boring ideas. Cheng Hao said: "If you can’t keep it, just talk." Art can’t kill time if it can’t be preserved. I can stay in the Louvre all day. I have also been to Pompidou many times, each time for no more than a quarter of an hour. For twenty years, I watched a movie almost every day. Not Hollywood movies, of course, but those so-called "art movies". The word "art film" is not frivolous, it is a bit like the position of "novel" in the 19th century.

Sitting in a dark room for two hours can get the sense of fulfillment brought by Cao Xueqin, Jinling Xiaoxiaosheng, Joyce and Proust. Only Ferini, satyajit ray, Bresson, Abbas and antonioni can do it. Tell me about three recent movies.

Movies are obviously the metonymy of the world. Taoism is natural. This sentence of Laozi is directly the essence of the film.

There is always a "nature" hidden in the cinema.

Fashion is a reincarnation, and these elements are hot again.


Seems to be the most fickle thing in the world,

Last season’s fashion trends are just familiar to me.

Next season’s pop elements will follow immediately.

Fashion trends change every season,

But at the same time, fashion is a reincarnation.

Elements that were popular a long time ago may be warming up again today.

We often see something similar on the Internet.

"It turns out that the most fashionable ones are our grandmother and mother."

"Looking through mom’s closet,

You can see the fashion this year.

So,In a sense,

Fashion is a cycle after cycle.

For example, the beautiful national goddess Brigitte Lin,

The hard photos of the last century are still super amazing.

Sling v-neck jumpsuit,

Pure and sexy are just right,

With hairband and a little black bag,

Simple plain clothes and proper fashionistas,

And this kind of jumpsuit is very popular in recent years.

Anyone who doesn’t have one or two,

It’s really Out

Brigitte Lin also loves to wear heroic suits.

Capable, fresh and handsome.

And this neutral trend has been in the fashion circle in recent years.

Also cited by various big coffees,

Let us feel the elegance and handsomeness of women again.

Cycling pants are all the rage this summer.

From the street to the show,

Become a versatile item for fashionistas of all walks of life.

For elongate leg lines,

Highlighting the waist-hip-leg ratio plays an excellent role.

But did it occur to you,

The late princess Diana

I have already interpreted it to the fullest.

Princess Diana’s life is legendary,

And her dress style also leads the fashion trend.

Even today, it is still fashionable and bright.

This green wave tunic dress with white background is fresh and charming.

With a roll-up hat,

The neck is decorated with exquisite choker,

Any one is a popular style at present.

A generation of goddess Joey Wong, fashionable and temperament,

Her style has been madly imitated by girls.

As early as 30 years ago,

She has put on piles of socks and small white shoes.

And this kind of collocation is also popular in recent years.

Waist check jumpsuit suspender short skirt,

Fresh and sexy merger,

It’s still standard in summer,

There is always a reason why plaid elements are enduring.

After all, it’s so beautiful.

Fashion is like a cycle,

Many things that were popular in the past are immersed in it for a period of time.

Will return to the wave of fashion.

No matter how to pursue the latest things,

What remains in the end are the most classic elements.

Stripes have always been a popular element in fashion circles.

Never disappeared in fashion,

Never even dimmed,

Regardless of the times,

Sweeping the fashion circle regardless of season.

Striped shirts have appeared in Hepburn’s daily photos more than once.

Marilyn Monroe always wears sexy clothes,

Striped shirts are no exception.

Nowadays, more colors and styles are used.

The beauty of stripes remains the same.

Summer is the most exciting season to wear striped shirts.

Especially blue and white stripes,

Especially suitable for showing the vitality of summer,

Full of youthful and lively breath,

Age is reduced and there is a sense of closeness.

Striped Tee is the simplest and easiest item to build.

You can go out of the street with a pair of jeans or shorts at will.

Over size, hem knot, small dew shoulder

All kinds of wearing methods get up at will,

Easily add points to your look.

And for people who want to be thin,

Vertical stripes are the best choice.

Stretch the lines of the whole body,

Makes people look thin and straight,

Very good shape modification.

Don’t like large stripes,

It can also be decorated with only a small area.

Stripes on collars, cuffs and belts,

Can show personality very well.

No one will ask whether black and white collocation is popular.

Because it naturally exists in fashion.

I believe many people were killed 25 years ago,

This set of photos of Gong Li at the seaside in Cannes was amazing.

Black and white, seemingly simple,

But it has been amazing for decades.

Ms Chanel once said:

"I often say that black is all-inclusive, and so is white.

Their beauty is impeccable and absolutely harmonious.

At the dance,

Women in black or white are always the focus. "

A seemingly unchanging black and white match.

In fact, I have tried all kinds of styles and forms.

Although the combination of black and white is not as eye-catching as color items,

But it has always stood in the fashion world and never went out of fashion.

As the saying goes, less is more,

Black and white collocation just explains this.

People who like simplicity,

There must be an inherent feeling for black and white.

Black and white collocation,

Release different styles through different fabrics and styles,

Or fashionable and capable, or dignified and elegant,

The only constant is the innate sense of fashion.

Plaid is one of the classic English elements.

Since the 1950s and 1960s,

Plaid elements have already occupied the fashion circle.

In many old photos,

We have all seen those graceful girls,

Use plaid to interpret the elegance of that era.

Plaid is also one of Hepburn’s daily preferences.

The fresh plaid makes her feel girly.

Princess Diana is also a fan of plaid.

Different styles wear different temperament,

Show the nobility and sweetness of the royal family,

These clothes are full of fashion even now.

Until today,

Plaid is still the most representative fashion symbol,

Is a frequent visitor to the fashion trend every year.

Different patterns, sizes and combinations,

Give fashion unlimited possibilities.

Large plaid makes people look calm,

And the small plaid,

It looks more low-key and introverted.

A vintage plaid suit,

It should be a versatile must-have item.

With casual items,

Fresh and handsome, simple and stylish.

And dressed in plaid,

There will be a strong visual impact,

Combining formal and fashionable elements,

Let your temperament soar.

We often say that fashion is a cycle,

Because of the popular elements,

It always comes back in a different fashion.

That’s because,

True beauty has never been eliminated,

And the real classic,

Will make time last forever.