China Evergrande: Hengchi 5 Automobile has received more than 37,000 pre-sale orders

  China Hengda announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that Hengda Automobile’s self-developed new energy vehicle Hengchi 5 Automobile officially rolled off the production line at the beginning of this year. In March, it was announced through the 353rd batch of new products of MIIT. Hengchi 5 Automobile obtained sales qualifications and has officially started pre-sale on July 6, 2022. Up to now, it has received more than 37,000 pre-sale orders.

Make fitness as convenient as going to a convenience store.

  [quick review of literary travel]  

  Speaking of fitness, many people have a common language. A good friend mentioned that he has been "stepping on the spot" between various new gyms recently. Different from the traditional gym, in this new gym, a bracelet can "win the world" — — When entering the door, the smart bracelet will start immediately after face recognition; As soon as the bracelet is used for induction, the locker automatically opens; Close to the treadmill with a bracelet and start the smart shower with a bracelet … … The smart bracelet has become the "master key" to open all aspects of fitness.

  If the hand band is intelligent in presentation, then the real-time data updated in the mobile phone at any time will become the "burner" of intelligent fitness: the physical measurement report of the intelligent body measurement instrument will be used, and the data such as distance, duration and calories during exercise will be uploaded to the App in real time. The artificial intelligence system can accurately determine the data such as action rate and weight in real time, so as to update the training scheme in real time. This kind of service content has made many young people who are keen on weight control and precise exercise hooked up.

  What is even more relaxing is that this gym has even introduced a flexible payment method: consumers no longer need to apply for a card, but pay monthly or even once. In this way, going to the gym is as convenient as going to the convenience store downstairs.

  Market competition, big waves wash sand. With the attack of "internet plus", new technology and physical fitness are combined, adding new content, new ecology and new markets: the diversified smart wearable devices within reach, the sports track charts exposed from time to time in the circle of friends, and the increasingly popular fitness videos on the platforms such as Aauto Quicker in Tik Tok, etc., all interpret the extension effect of this "internet plus" to the extreme.

  Indeed, the power of science and technology not only helps athletes to achieve better results on the field, but also penetrates into the daily life of the people, and injects more strength into the development of sports and fitness industry.

  This power is embodied in the process of accelerating the dream pursuit of sports powers — — Not long ago, China issued the National Fitness Program (2021— In 2025), it is proposed that sports enterprises should be encouraged to use such means as "going to the cloud to give wisdom" and "sports bank" to promote the digital transformation of the sports industry and the coordinated transformation of the entire industrial chain with data empowerment. When the sports industry plugs in the wings of science and technology, it will find a new breakthrough for empowering the whole people to keep fit.

  This power is embodied in the practice of improving the quality of sports services — — In addition to sports App, local sports departments are also trying to use App software to promote public sports service platforms, and even purchase sports public services through government subsidies. This not only revitalizes some sports venues, but also makes it more convenient for sports enthusiasts to book sports fitness venues with their mobile phones, thus enjoying more convenient sports services.

  With the power of science and technology, it seems that my friend doesn’t have to dwell on dazzling choices any more, and he can go straight to the science and technology fitness center. However, in addition to her joy, she also felt sorry for the author that the community where she lived in the past was equipped with a plastic runway, which was very convenient for running and fitness. Nowadays, the new house we moved to is in an old residential area, and the whole family is distressed because there is no suitable running place around. Comparatively speaking, going to this new gym is a bit out of place for children and the elderly.

  From this point of view, how to let the people enjoy the close-at-hand, beautiful and high-quality fitness service is the key to the industry’s urgent efforts. Although science and technology can make the fitness industry fly very high and far, the goal of taking off is still to let the people reach the other side of physical fitness. To continue to fly, we must work hard to improve the quality and level of service.

  In fact, China has the largest middle-income group in the world and the second largest consumer market in the world. With the upgrading of consumption, China’s fitness market has great imagination. Even if the penetration rate is only about 10% in the future, it will take the lead in the global fitness market.

  With creative planning, we can take off with imagination: carry out differentiated competition and intensively cultivate in the segmentation field; Empowering the sports equipment industry with science and technology to promote transformation and upgrading; Pay attention to the combination of online and offline to enhance user stickiness; Extend the industrial chain and find profit growth points such as big health industry … … Facts have proved that only innovation can promote the upgrading of service quality and win the favor of consumers with high-quality services. (Villi)

"Back to Nantian" is coming? The Meteorological Observatory responded … You can still see this star in fine weather!

The recent Guangdong has puzzled the friends.

Look at the red feather shirt, thinking it’s still autumn.

Seeing the fog, I thought it was spring.

Look at the plum blossoms in full bloom, a scene of winter.

Look at the sunshine, it’s so hot that long sleeves are rolled into short sleeves.

Shuttle freely in spring, summer, autumn and winter

Guangdong goes online in rainy and foggy days

"Back to Nantian" came early?

According to the forecast of Guangdong meteorological department on January 8,

Affected by weak cold air with precipitation

From now until the 11 th, Guangdong may appear

The effect of "false return to the south sky" in clouds and fog

But this weather effect is not a warm and humid air counterattack.

Cause that dew point temperature of the air to be higher than the ground temperature.

So it’s not really "going back to the south"

Rainy and foggy weather may lead to poor visibility.

Pay attention to traffic safety.

It is estimated that due to the supplement of weak cold air, the temperature in the whole province will drop slightly again from today to 11, and it will be cold in the morning and evening.

Cold air arrival

What will the weather be like in Foshan in the future?

Today, weak cold comes as promised.

There will still be cold air supplement in the next two days.

Mainly cloudy

It’s cold in the morning and evening and warm in the daytime.

I suggest you dress in onion style.

Specific weather forecast in Foshan

January 11th: cloudy and cloudy, 14℃ ~ 22℃;

January 12: cloudy, 15℃ ~ 24℃;

January 13th: cloudy and cloudy with light rain locally, 14℃ ~ 21℃;

January 14th: cloudy with scattered light rain, 14℃ ~ 20℃;

January 15th: It will be cloudy and sunny, 15℃ ~ 24℃.

Weak cold air is active

Guangdong maintains cool and warm weather for a while.

The temperature rises and falls

People’s thermoregulation function is difficult to adapt.

It is necessary to strengthen warm-keeping measures and maintain a healthy diet.

Don’t let the flu take advantage of it

The best time to watch mercury

Mercury will welcome the first westward distance in 2024.

As the innermost planet in the solar system, Mercury will have seven large distances this year, of which the first large distance to the west appears on January 12th, and the 13th is the best time to watch Mercury in Foshan from 6: 26 to 46. If the weather is fine, citizens can look for the beautiful figure of Mercury with their naked eyes or binoculars at low altitude to the east during this time.

Original title: "Back to Nantian" is coming? The Meteorological Observatory responded … You can still see this star in fine weather! 》

Read the original text

On New Year’s Day holiday, holiday markets around the country ushered in the peak of consumption, which became the key words.

Original title: Festival markets around the world are welcoming the peak of consumption, which is hot and prosperous.

During the New Year’s Day holiday, the holiday markets in various parts of China gradually warmed up, and people visited large collections and bought new year’s goods, which ushered in the peak of consumption everywhere.

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, consumer activities such as the New Year Shopping Festival in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province have been carried out one after another. The major supermarkets and farmers’ markets have rich varieties and sufficient quantities of new year’s goods, and there are all kinds of special new year’s goods in various places. The authentic seafood in old Ningbo, such as yellow croaker and snail, has attracted many customers to stop and choose, and has become a hot spot for citizens to buy. Special foods such as oil zanzi and frozen rice candy carry many citizens’ childhood memories.

Ningbo citizens: It’s almost the Spring Festival. Come here to buy some new year’s goods, such as rice fat candy, braised bamboo shoots and yellow cakes, which my mother especially likes. You can buy them here.

With the approach of New Year’s Day, the flower market in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province ushered in the peak sales season. Flowers of various colors, such as Chinese rose, longevity flower, lucky strike, etc., are competing with each other, and flowers are hung with greetings such as "Happy New Year" and "Happy Family", and the breath of the New Year is blowing. Kumquat, cyclamen, Ilex verticillata and other flowers with bright colors and beautiful meanings are more popular.

In the New Year Street of Ji ‘an Trade Plaza in Jiangxi Province, holiday goods are dazzling, and stalls selling festive items such as dragon year element ornaments and couplets are particularly festive and eye-catching, attracting many citizens to stop and buy.

In addition to festive decorations, the flower market has also ushered in a prosperous period of sales.

As the New Year approaches, Fujian has issued policies and measures to expand consumption, and all parts of the province will simultaneously launch the theme promotion activities of "Spring Festival in New Year’s Eve". Provinces, cities, counties, political and banking enterprises will jointly carry out more than 3,000 online and offline activities, and issue more than 150 million yuan in coupons and consumption subsidies, which will promote the preferential benefits of all parties to more than 1 billion yuan.

During the New Year’s Day, the consumption of the tourism market was strong, and various activities and new scenes were launched to attract tourists. Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Meishan, Sichuan Province has innovatively developed new consumption scenes such as starry campsite and hilltop coffee, which provides different choices for visiting the objective sea of clouds, enjoying the sunrise and experiencing the southern ice and snow world.

[Source: CCTV]

An analysis of the traditional cultural foundation of Chinese modernization

The cultural connotation and characteristics of Chinese modernization reflect the profound influence of China traditional culture on the modernization process. Comprehensive development, cultural self-confidence and innovation, and the integration of socialist core values make Chinese modernization not only have economic and technological modernity, but also have cultural depth and uniqueness, which not only helps China to cope with various challenges in the process of modernization, but also provides a solid cultural foundation for the all-round modernization of China society.

Cultural Foundation and Characteristics of Chinese Modernization

Chinese-style modernization is not only the modernization of economy and science and technology, but also a multi-dimensional comprehensive modernization process. This comprehensive development feature reflects the importance of China’s traditional culture to all-round development, and also highlights the uniqueness of Chinese-style modernization and the difference from the western model.

Emphasize comprehensive development. Chinese modernization emphasizes comprehensive development, which means not only economic and technological modernization, but also political, cultural and social modernization. This concept originated from the core idea of China’s traditional culture, and these values have been playing an important role in China society. Traditional culture emphasizes balance and harmony in all fields, reminding people to consider all aspects of society comprehensively to ensure social stability and prosperity. In the process of modernization, this comprehensive development concept is embodied in government policies. Political, economic, cultural, social and other fields must develop in harmony to achieve the goal of comprehensive modernization.

Strengthen cultural self-confidence and innovation. Chinese modernization advocates maintaining cultural self-confidence in the process of modernization. The root of this view can be traced back to the traditional culture of China, which emphasizes the importance of culture and confidence in one’s own culture. Chinese modernization emphasizes that while absorbing the essence of western culture, we should also stick to our own cultural foundation and maintain cultural self-confidence. Cultural self-confidence is not only respect for traditional culture, but also cultural innovation. Chinese modernization emphasizes the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture and encourages the creation of modern culture that integrates traditional elements.

Spread the core values of socialism. Chinese modernization emphasizes the spread and practice of socialist core values. Socialist core values include patriotism, collectivism, social fairness and justice and other important values, which have been strengthened and developed on the basis of China traditional culture. Socialist core values are not only the cultural heritage of China society, but also the moral and ideological pillar of Chinese modernization. In the process of Chinese-style modernization, socialist core values have been integrated into various fields, including education, media, law, etc., which is helpful to maintain national stability and social harmony and ensure that the modernization process is not only material development, but also accompanied by the promotion of culture and morality. Socialist core values emphasize civic responsibility and social responsibility, which is helpful to solve practical problems in development.

The value of excellent traditional culture to the development of Chinese modernization

Excellent traditional culture has a positive significance to the development of China, which not only enriches the cultural heritage of China, but also provides a solid cultural foundation for the stability and prosperity of China society. At the same time, China’s traditional culture has also played an important role in the international arena, establishing a positive international image for China and promoting cultural exchanges and cooperation.

Conducive to cultural inheritance and innovation. China’s excellent traditional culture is the essence of China’s history and culture, including Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and other ideological systems, as well as China’s outstanding achievements in ancient literature, painting, music, philosophy and other fields. The inheritance of these traditional cultures provides valuable cultural resources for China society and has profound historical accumulation. The inheritance of traditional culture not only helps to maintain the continuity of culture, but also provides profound cultural reference for modern society. For example, values such as benevolence, filial piety and etiquette are helpful to build social trust and cohesion, and provide stability and cohesion for China society. At the same time, traditional culture also provides rich materials and inspiration for cultural innovation. China’s traditional art, literature, philosophy and other fields have profound connotations and unique forms of expression, which can provide reference and inspiration for modern cultural creation. Many modern cultural creations incorporate traditional elements, creating creative and cultural works, which not only helps to inherit traditional culture, but also enriches the diversity of modern culture.

It is conducive to enhancing cultural self-confidence and influence. The inheritance of traditional culture makes China have stronger cultural confidence and international influence on the international stage. China’s traditional culture has profound historical and philosophical connotations, which has aroused extensive interest of the international community. China’s ancient literature, philosophy, painting, calligraphy and other traditional art forms have always been studied and worshipped by international scholars and artists. This cultural self-confidence is not only reflected in the cultural field, but also extended to other fields, such as politics, economy and science and technology. China’s traditional culture emphasizes values such as modesty, self-discipline and harmony, which have also had a positive impact on international cooperation and contributed to the establishment and maintenance of stability and peace in the international community. By promoting its own culture, China has established a bridge of cultural exchange, established closer ties with other countries and enhanced its international influence.

It is conducive to promoting the harmonious development of modern society. The excellent ideas contained in excellent traditional culture emphasize the core values such as harmony, human relations and social responsibility. These values have had a far-reaching positive impact on the harmonious development of China society. Chinese traditional culture encourages people to pay attention to the maintenance of interpersonal relationships and social order. This will help reduce social contradictions and conflicts and promote social harmony. Chinese excellent traditional culture emphasizes the harmonious coexistence between nature and human beings, while emphasizing the rule of law and the maintenance of social order. These ideological systems are conducive to building a harmonious society in different fields. Traditional culture also emphasizes social responsibility and public awareness, and encourages people to actively participate in social affairs and make contributions to society. This value concept is still of great significance in modern society and helps to establish a more fair and just social order.

The Path of Better Developing Chinese Modernization Based on Excellent Traditional Culture

Better development of Chinese modernization based on excellent traditional culture will help to inherit traditional culture and develop modern culture, at the same time enhance China’s international influence, promote cultural mutual learning and cooperation, and provide important support and opportunities for the all-round development of Chinese modernization. By actively exploring and practicing these paths, China can better cope with all kinds of challenges in the process of modernization and realize all-round economic, social and cultural modernization.

Promote educational development and cultural inheritance. Education is a key field for shaping a new generation of citizens and an important way to inherit excellent traditional culture. In the field of education, it is very important to strengthen the inheritance and education of excellent traditional culture. This includes not only the teaching of traditional culture, but also the cultivation of students’ cultural self-confidence and cultural identity. Schools can add more traditional cultural elements to the education curriculum, such as Confucian classics, ancient literature, traditional music and art, which will help students better understand and appreciate their own cultural traditions. It is very important to cultivate students’ self-confidence in their own culture, which can be achieved by improving students’ understanding of traditional culture and encouraging them to participate in cultural activities and practice of traditional culture. Traditional culture and modern education are not contradictory and can be organically combined. For example, emphasizing traditional values in education, such as filial piety and friendship, can cultivate students’ sense of social responsibility and moral values. At the same time, traditional culture can also provide inspiration for modern science and technology and innovation, and encourage students to create and explore in various fields.

Vigorously innovate and develop cultural industries. Cultural industry is an important part of Chinese modernization, and it is also one of the ways to combine traditional culture with modern society. Supporting the innovative development of cultural industries and integrating traditional cultural elements into modern cultural products can create more cultural values and economic benefits. The innovation of cultural industry includes the creation of new cultural products and the integration of traditional cultural elements into contemporary cultural products. For example, movies, music and literary works can learn from the theme and spirit of traditional culture to attract more audiences and readers. Cultural and creative industry is a field that combines traditional culture with modern creativity, including design, fashion, art and other aspects. It can meet different needs through the reinterpretation and innovation of traditional cultural elements. China is rich in historical and cultural heritage, and developing it into cultural tourism resources can promote local economic development. By providing cultural experience, cultural tourism routes and cultural festivals, more tourists can be attracted to visit and study.

Pay attention to international exchanges and cooperation. Chinese modernization is not only a domestic challenge, but also an opportunity for international cooperation. Strengthening cultural exchanges and cooperation with other countries will help China’s culture to go global, and at the same time absorb the advantages of other cultures and realize mutual learning. Cultural exchanges with other countries can be strengthened through international cultural festivals, art exhibitions, academic seminars and other forms, which will help China’s culture spread more widely on the international stage and enhance the international community’s awareness and interest in China’s culture. By jointly promoting cultural cooperation projects with other countries, cultural mutual learning and cooperation can be promoted, including joint creation of cultural works, joint holding of cultural activities and exchange of cultural delegations. Besides, absorbing the advantages and experiences of other countries’ cultures can enrich China’s culture. For example, introducing foreign art forms, educational methods and cultural festivals will inject new elements and innovations into China culture.

Chinese modernization is closely related to Chinese excellent traditional culture, which provides an important cultural foundation and values for Chinese modernization. In the process of developing Chinese modernization, it is necessary to give full play to the positive role of traditional culture, maintain cultural self-confidence and realize cultural innovation at the same time, so as to promote the all-round modernization of China society. Through in-depth study and understanding of Chinese excellent traditional culture, China can better cope with various challenges in the process of modernization, while maintaining the uniqueness of its own culture. The inheritance and development of excellent traditional culture will promote Chinese modernization to be more balanced and harmonious, and provide strong support for the sustainable development of China society.

Author: Li Yun, Master, Associate Professor, School of Marxism, Xi ‘an Institute of Physical Education, Research direction: ideological and political education.

Source: Guangming Net