Picturesque novel

Wisteria (Chinese painting) Wu Guanzhong is selected from the Chinese Art Palace (Shanghai Art Museum) "Chinese Scenery-Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition"

I read Wang Zengqi’s novel "The Apprentice", in which I wrote that the great grandfather of the fourth season was jealous of the people, and I thought of Mr. Wang himself.

Mr. Wang is famous for painting, and he also wants to be a painter. His father is a painter. He went to The National SouthWest Associated University at the age of 19. Mr. Wang once said that if he failed, he would go to the National College of Fine Arts. However, Mr. Wang has been admitted. If he fails, he will go to the Art College. Perhaps there will be another master in the history of modern painting in China.

The plot of The Appreciator is very simple, telling the story of a great painter and a fruit delivery vendor. It is also a story about a bosom friend. We all know that Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, one playing the piano and the other listening to the piano, performed a deep feeling of "high mountains and flowing water". Although Ye San is a fruit vendor, he knows Ji Xianmin and his paintings. Ji Xianmin’s paintings are never seen by people, but he can see them in Yuzryha. Ye San’s appreciation of his paintings is what Ji Xianmin is proud of. Ji Jian-min painted the wrong lotus, and Ye San pointed it out, so Ji Jian-min repainted it and gave it to Ye San. Sometimes Ji Jian-min gave Ye San a painting without the title, and Yuzryha San could sell it. Ye San said, I won’t sell any of your paintings. Sure enough, after Ye San’s death, according to his will, his son buried all the paintings given by Ji Yumin.

Mr. Wang Zengqi knows Chinese painting. He wrote this novel to pay tribute to the literati paintings in China after the Song and Yuan Dynasties (he knew many painters in ancient China), and also devoted his understanding of China ink painting (including techniques) to the text. For example, Mr. Wang painted the ink lotus and wisteria, such as "there is wind in wisteria, and the flowers are messy". Mr. Wang himself painted many wisteria with this kind of messy flowers.

During his visit to Iowa, Mr. Wang gave a speech entitled "My Creative Career". When talking about the relationship between China’s literature and painting, he said that some people say that his novels are poetic novels, but he hopes that some people will say that his novels are picturesque novels.

This is really what Mr. Wang hopes, and it is also the case. Mr. Wang’s works are indeed full of painting meaning-China’s ink spirit, the art of blank space in Chinese painting.

He also visited some art galleries and museums in America. In the Boston Museum, he saw a Song Huizong’s copy of Zhang Xuan’s "Dao Lian Tu" and admired it immensely. He mentioned this painting in a conversation and said, "That thread is so long that I can’t wait to kowtow to it when I write it." In the novel, Mr. Wang used Zhang Daqian to write about the painting of Mohe lotus by Ji Yumin, saying that "the lotus leaves he painted are not hooked, and the lotus stalks are not pricked, and he likes to make them long, and the lotus stalks are very long, and they are all in one stroke." This is all Mr. Wang’s own experience.

Author: Subei

Text: Northern Jiangsu Picture: Wu Guanzhong Editor: Wu Dongkun Editor: Shu Ming

Please indicate the source when reprinting this article.

Running back to China (2011)

This series itself is not bad. I just saw the fifth episode. But Lin Yijie let me down. First, he scolded Jodi, a Canadian runner, and then fired Jodi. Later, he dismissed the young players’ inexperience and said sarcastically. To know that he is the captain, he has a K responsibility for all the players, including choosing players when organizing activities. It can be said that Jodi’s failure to keep up with the speed is also his careless choice. unable to tell …


The walls covered with championship flags, the sandy land over 60°C … The summer training venues of Shanghai volleyball players are different.

Xia Xun hits the eighth issue directly
Corpuscles come
Oriental land sports training base
Show you around.
Summer Training of Athletes in Volleyball Center
Men’s Volleyball-All-China Class Playing League is a special summer training.
At the end of August, in the volleyball training hall of oriental land Sports Training Base, the loud shouts made the young faces look determined. The wall behind them is the most precious aspect in the history of Chinese men’s volleyball league. Fifteen men’s volleyball league champion flags are hung on it.
In September this year, Shanghai golden times Men’s Volleyball Team completed the continuation of its legend-winning six consecutive championships and winning the 16th league title. And the championship journey has special significance. "The league lineup has been adjusted. Everyone is an all-China class competition. " Chen Yufeng, director of the volleyball sports center, introduced. For local players, especially young players, they have more stage to show the results of summer training and preparation. This kind of competition experience is of great benefit to their subsequent development, whether they join the national team or participate in the National Games.
When the main team went out to compete for the championship, Chen Haofeng was very satisfied with the results of more than two months of summer training by the reserve echelon. He said: "(Small players) have development potential both in technology and height. It is still reassuring. " 02
Women’s Volleyball Team-Looking for Opponents and Training by Competition
Compared with men’s volleyball, women’s volleyball girls’ training is more diverse. Volleyball is a collective event, and fast and changeable cooperation is a consistent feature of Shanghai. Training is not only a simple physical exercise, but also a skill transfer for the old players. "In volleyball, there is less confrontation, but experience is more important." Chen Yufeng introduced.
Practicing skills and improving physical fitness will eventually be transformed into actual play on the court. In order to accumulate practical experience, Shanghai women ruled out organizing adult teams to compete with youth teams, and invited teams from Zhejiang and Shandong to a friendly match.
In these internal training matches, the coach can fully understand the cooperation of the team and the state of the players, and try some technical and tactical changes. 03
Sand raft-feet buried in sand at 60 C.
Less than 8 o’clock in the morning, on the sand volleyball training ground, there are players in place. They are responsible for the "shower" work in the sand today. On a cool day, the players have two trainings every day: 8: 00 am-11: 00 am and 3: 00 pm-6: 00 pm.
Zhou Zhiguo, the leader of the beach volleyball team, said that sprinkling water on the ground can cool the sand on the one hand and reduce sand blowing on the other. Even so, in hot days, the heat storage makes the sand temperature soar to 60 C.
After running on the sand to warm up, the day’s training began. Serving, spiking, bouncing … According to different groups, everyone has their own training courses. In order to stabilize the center of gravity, the players’ feet repeatedly and deeply inserted into the sand. During training, coaches will arrange rest and hydration according to the weather and athletes’ conditions to prevent them from dehydration and heatstroke. After a short rest, they returned to the sand and began the next round of training.
No matter indoors or outdoors, no matter which team, even though the coach will privately say that it is not easy for athletes to train, no players on the training ground have ever complained that they are tired. While they are training, they don’t talk much. Only when they hit a good ball, make a loud cry and wave their fist-clenched right hand can their emotions be released. This is the spirit of volleyball in China.
Next time the corpuscle will take you.
Walk into the track and field sports center
Direct summer training for athletes

Will the winds in many parts of the country cool down this winter and really "freeze and cry"?

  BEIJING, Beijing, September 27 (Ma Xueling, Lu Chunrong) On the 27th, there was strong wind and cool weather in Beijing. With the cold air heading south, the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will generally drop in the next few days, which also makes the hot topic of "Crying in the Winter" once again appear on the Internet. So, will you really cry this winter?

  Beijing gale cooling: it is estimated that the minimum temperature of level 7 gust is 12℃

  This morning, there was a strong wind in Beijing, which made me feel cold.

  China Weather Network reported that due to the influence of cold air, the northern wind began to take over the sky of Beijing at 4 or 5 o’clock this morning. According to meteorological monitoring, as of 5: 30 this morning, gusts of magnitude 6 or above have appeared in Haidian Station, Chedaogou, Xiangshan, Bei ‘an River, Fenghuangling, yongfeng middle school and Minzhuang.

  The Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a weather forecast at 6 o’clock today: it will be cloudy and sunny during the day, with a northerly wind of about five and a gust of about seven, with a maximum temperature of 23 C; It’s sunny at night, and the north wind turns from level 4 to level 23, with a minimum temperature of 12℃. In the gale blue warning, pay attention to wind protection and prevent falling objects.

  At 17: 00 the day before, the Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for strong winds. It is estimated that there will be northerly winds of Grade 4 and 5 from north to south in Beijing from 4: 00 to 20: 00 on the 27th, and the gust can reach about Grade 7.

  Cold air goes south in a big way, and autumn tigers turn into paper tigers in seconds.

  In addition to Beijing, this morning, most parts of Inner Mongolia also experienced significant cooling, with the cooling rate in some areas exceeding 10℃ and the temperature falling below 5℃.

  According to the news released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, it is estimated that the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will drop by 4 ~ 6℃ from north to south from September 27th to 29th due to the influence of cold air, with the temperature drop in the south-south area of eastern Inner Mongolia and the south-central part of northeast China reaching 8 ~ 10℃. There are 5 ~ 6 winds in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southern Northeast China, eastern North China and eastern Huanghuai.

  Under the influence of cold air, the highest temperature in southeastern and northeastern Inner Mongolia generally dropped to around 15℃, and in some areas it was only around 10℃. On the 28th, the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang will drop to around 0℃. The highest temperature in North China has generally dropped by 20℃ in the early days, and autumn is getting stronger.

  With cold air heading south and typhoon Miyu landing, the temperature in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will drop rapidly from 28th, and the highest temperature in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River and Guangdong will drop below 30℃. The hot weather will fade rapidly, and the autumn tiger will turn into a paper tiger.

  Will you cry this winter?

  For this windy and cool weather, some netizens said, "An autumn rain and a cold, in fact, it is nothing to cool down now. This winter, we may be frozen into dogs."

  The reason why netizens have the above concerns is because of a word recently swiped — — La Nina.

  The word "LaNina" comes from Spanish, originally meaning "little girl", which refers to the phenomenon that the sea surface temperature in the equatorial, Middle East and Pacific Ocean continues to be abnormally cold. If the 3-month moving average of SST anomaly is lower than -0.5℃ and lasts for at least 5 months, it is judged as a La Nina event.

  Monitoring shows that in August 2016, the SST anomaly index in the equatorial Middle East Pacific was -0.53℃. According to the National Climate Center of China Meteorological Bureau, the equatorial Middle East Pacific entered La Nina state in August.

  Li Xiaoquan, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said in an interview with Zhongxin. com (WeChat WeChat official account: cns2012) that it is still early in winter, and the authoritative meteorological department has not given the final forecast figures. It is still inconclusive whether La Nina will occur this winter.

  "But now that we have entered the La Ni? a state, La Ni? a events may occur this winter. According to relevant analysis, in general, the probability of being cold this winter is greater." Li Xiaoquan said.

  How powerful is La Nina?

  According to China Weather Network, one of the impacts of La Nina event on China’s climate is that the temperature may be low in winter, which is prone to cold winter. Statistics show that since 1954, in the years affected by La Ni? a event, the proportion of cold winter in China has exceeded 80%.

  For example, in the years affected by La Nina, the winter of 1954 was the coldest one, and the temperature was 2.95℃ lower than normal.

  For another example, in early 2008, the La Nina incident was one of the important behind-the-scenes "pushers" of the once-in-50-year freezing rain and snow disaster in southern China.

  According to regional statistics, in La Nina, the proportion of cold in winter in Tibet was the lowest, at 50%. In the northwest, southwest, south China and south China, it is as high as 80% or more.

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter?

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter? Li Xiaoquan said that normally, when La Nina happens, China will be colder in winter, but it doesn’t mean that it will enter the cold winter, but the probability of entering the cold winter is higher, especially in the southern region.

  "La Nina came last year, which will make winter cold, but it doesn’t mean it will be particularly cold. It can be seen that some years have entered the cold winter, which is mostly related to the La Nina phenomenon, but it is not La Nina that will definitely enter the cold winter. "

  As it said, it was also the winter of 1998/99 when the super El Ni? o turned to La Ni? a, but China experienced a warm winter.

  China Weather Network reported on September 22nd that the equatorial Middle East and Pacific Ocean has entered La Nina state, but it has not reached the standard of La Nina event. China Meteorological Bureau will continuously monitor the development of La Nina.

What do you know about skiing? 1 minute to take you to understand "cold knowledge"

up to this day
Skiing has become an important way of entertainment and relaxation.
Put on your equipment and fix your skis.
Go straight down from the top of the mountain
Enjoying the slightly chilly wind.
Whistling past my ear
All the troubles are left behind.
In many people’s minds
Skiing is the coolest kind of ice and snow sports.
And in the Olympic Games,
Alpine skiing is also known as
Ice and snow sports "the jewel in the crown"
Actually, behind skiing.
There is still a lot of "cold knowledge"
Skiing used to be an aristocratic sport?
Skiing originated and developed in Scandinavia, Europe, and is famous for its high skill and appreciation. In ancient Europe, skiing was an out-and-out aristocratic sport comparable to golf and riding, because snowboards, ski clothes, venues and equipment were very expensive! However, skiing has gradually entered the public’s field of vision as its own stimulating and physical fitness effects have been gradually discovered. Because this sport is highly skilled and competitive, it is very suitable to enter the professional arena as a sports event. Therefore, in 1936, skiing officially entered the Olympic Games as a competition.
Skiing is still a way of fighting?
Do you know that skiing, which is regarded as a sport today, was once a way of fighting? According to the data, in 1200, King Svere of Norway conducted pre-war reconnaissance by skiing. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and other countries had stories of skiing. This is mainly related to the local topography and climate. The Alps are closed by heavy snow all the year round, so it is much more convenient to use skiing for investigation and combat than riding or walking.
Today, although skiing has gradually changed from an aristocratic sport and combat mode to a popular sport, the pursuit of speed and skill contained in it has continued, and it has been reflected in Olympic events and many skiing competitions.
Skiing ushered in a golden age in China.
In China, the development of skiing has roughly gone through two stages. Before 2000, ski resorts were only distributed in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. After 2000, ski resorts began to appear in the north and south of the Yangtze River due to the mastery of large-scale snow-making technology and the country’s efforts to cultivate national sports interest and improve national quality. With the successful bid for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the ski industry has ushered in a golden age of explosive development. Snow and ice sports, represented by skiing, are gradually becoming popular.
Promote the popularization of ice and snow sports, sports lottery is on the road.
Nowadays, more and more young people regard ice and snow projects as a way of entertainment and leisure, and ice and snow venues all over the country have mushroomed. Sports Lottery has strongly supported the development of ice and snow sports for many years. Last year alone, 512.5 million yuan of lottery public welfare funds were used for the construction of major Olympic venues and facilities. After the completion of Songyuan Ice Sports Center, Jilin Beishan Four Seasons Cross-country Ski Resort, Heilongjiang Yabuli Sports Training Base, Inner Mongolia Ice Sports Training Center and Qinghai Doba Plateau Sports Training Base, there are sports lottery public welfare funds behind them. The national mass ice and snow season series activities supported by Sports Lottery Community Chest, the ice and snow season series activities of millions of citizens in Liaoning Province and the happy ice and snow season series activities of Beijing citizens have gradually become brand activities to popularize ice and snow sports.
Life was dull.
But it will be windy when it slides.
With the increasing popularity of skiing in China.
China is in various ice and snow sports events.
There will be greater stamina
The goal of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports"
Will eventually come true.
Sports Lottery Community Chest will continue to invest in support.
Strive to build for the public
Sites and facilities for participating in ice and snow sports
For the vigorous and healthy development of ice and snow sports
Contribute more strength
(China Sports Lottery)

Why do Japanese eat KFC for Christmas? | A close look at Japan

"A Close Look at Japan" is a column set up by Chen Yaoshi, a writer living in Japan, in the interface news, telling about Japanese business and culture.
People in northern China eat jiaozi on the winter solstice, while Japanese eat KFC on Christmas. Trying to eat KFC on Christmas Eve is like trying to eat Haidilao at seven o’clock in the evening, because there are long queues at the gates of KFC, and no one has provided free tea, watermelon and manicure services.
However, even if you can’t get in line, there are ways. Many families will choose to go to the store or order a family bucket online to eat at home. After all, Christmas Eve should be spent with their families. Figures provided by the American fast food industry show that from December 20 to 25, 2018, KFC stores in Japan earned about 63 million US dollars, and Christmas Eve was a crazy night for KFC, with sales usually four or five times that of usual.
This phenomenon is a bit ridiculous. When I first spent Christmas in Japan, I was shocked by the long queue at the gate of KFC-KFC is called fast food for China people, and it is generally favored by couples of children and college students. Why did KFC become a Christmas dinner in Japan? Is it because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey and take KFC to deal with it?
In fact, it is not because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey, but because there is no turkey in Japan. In 1970, the first KFC in Japan opened, and the business was bleak. At that time, Japan’s economy had developed at a high speed, and KFC, which provided standardized and high-quality services, did not attract the attention of Japanese consumers.
But the Japanese like to celebrate Christmas. In the long time and space, this festival from the west has been widely accepted by the Japanese. In fact, the concept of Christmas spread to Japan during the Meiji Restoration. In 1892, Masaoka Shiki, a master of Japanese literature in Meiji period, wrote that "after Laba is a noisy Christmas". Just like what we said, "Don’t be greedy for children, it’s the year after Laba".
Although in the following years, whether Christmas should be celebrated has aroused widespread discussion in society, the theory of the opponents is very clear: Japan is not a Christian country, so why should it be celebrated? How should Japan’s own traditions be preserved?
However, Yanagita Kunio, the father of Japanese folklore, thinks that Christmas is just a traditional winter night activity in the East, covered with western pop elements … and the East has a tradition of celebrating the winter solstice night since ancient times. ….
It means that everyone is happy, so why be so serious? The Japanese people don’t care so much, and happiness is the most important thing. They soon enjoyed the fun of Christmas. Since around the 1910 s, Santa Claus, Christmas concerts and dances have come in droves, and major commercial organizations have tried their best to carry out various discounts and promotions. The whole December was immersed in a cheerful atmosphere.
Back to KFC. Before and after Christmas in 1974, KFC played a brainwashing slogan: "Of course, we must eat KFC at Christmas." I didn’t expect this strategy to be a great success.
It is said that this idea came to the manager of KFC in his dream at that time. After waking up, he quickly took a notebook and wrote it down. In addition to this slogan, he also suggested that KFC should launch Christmas package barrels during Christmas to attract consumers.
It is said that another reason is that several westerners living in Japan complained that they didn’t have a turkey dinner in Japan at Christmas, and the manager had a brainwave. So, buddy, come and have a KFC dinner. Anyway, it’s all chickens.
Since then, it has become a tradition to eat KFC in Japan for Christmas. In fact, there is commercial significance behind this. Although the Japanese have a long history of Christmas, they have not formed a unique culture, and what to eat at Christmas has always been a blank in the market. For example, it is a habit and custom to have a family reunion dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala in China during the Spring Festival. But what to eat at Christmas, the Japanese have never had a fixed habit. Until KFC’s marketing strategy changed this situation.
Moreover, KFC in Japan later strengthened its Christmas significance. They said that KFC’s grandfather looked like Santa Claus … So more Japanese chose to see this KFC grandfather who looked like Santa Claus at Christmas.
Besides eating KFC, if you happen to be in Tokyo, it is definitely a big loss not to see the brightly lit city on Christmas Eve. Whether it is a commercial block or a small park, this day will be shrouded in gorgeous lights containing whimsy and creativity. The images of reindeer, Christmas tree and Santa Claus will be displayed in various forms, and the trees on the roadside will also be lit by various colors of lights.
A few years ago, on Christmas Eve, I walked alone in Marunouchi Street in Tokyo, and was deeply moved by the romance at night. It is said that more than 200 trees on this 1.2-kilometer-long road are lit with shining lights, and there are about 930,000 light bulbs here to illuminate my Little Paradise.
In fact, we don’t have to be too critical of the festivals that emerge from time to time today. The background of their existence may be the planning of businesses, such as shopping, eating and having fun. But what about this? The important thing is, if real life makes you feel bored, what’s wrong with having fun in a festive atmosphere?
(Note: This article only represents the author’s personal views. Editor’s mailbox:

Beauty dilemma: it starts with the flow and stops at the product.

Chupin, 21st Century Innovation Capital Research Institute

With the rise of Z generation and social platforms in China, in the past two or three years, a large wave of e-commerce has appeared in the outlet of new consumption, and countless new consumer brands have sprung up. With the help of online celebrity’s new traffic portal, through cooperation with Li Jiaqi, Viya and massive Xiaohongshu KOC, it seems that the brand has become popular and "out of the circle" overnight.

Behind the rapid rise of domestic beauty is the blessing of capital. According to the "2021 Beauty Industry Trend Insight Report" released by CBN Data, in 2020, the beauty industry disclosed that the investment and financing amount was 4.812 billion yuan, a growth rate of 324% compared with 1.135 billion yuan in 2019. With Dongfeng, Perfect Diary and Winona’s IPO, Winona’s parent company Betaine (300957) went public in March this year.

Starting with flow

Back in 2016, Huang Jinfeng just stepped down from Yu Nifang and established Yixian E-commerce (YSG.N). The company name is Huang Jinfeng to pay tribute to his alma mater, Sun Yat-sen, and Chen Yuwen and Lu Jianhua, the co-founders of FMCG brand, are friends of Huang Jinfeng’s college classmates for many years. Zhang Lei of Gaoyan Capital once asserted that China must have a chance to give birth to a new L ‘Oré al, but is the "new L ‘Oré al" a perfect diary? Perhaps it is still open to question.

Undoubtedly, the capital blessing of the "golden owners" has provided it with a steady stream of power. Since March 2017, Yixian E-commerce has launched the first perfect diary of cosmetics brand. With its cost-effective products featuring "big brand replacement", it has a consumer group that meets its positioning among many high-end brand cosmetics. Whenever users have complaints about the experience of perfect diary products, there will always be something like "only a few tens of dollars, what else do you want!" Comments. In a short period of three and a half years, Yixian E-commerce has completed seven times of financing and gone to IPO, and the capital lineup behind it is also extremely luxurious, including Gaoyan Capital, which holds 13.8%, Zhenge Fund, which holds 10.5%, and Gaorong Capital, which holds 9.2%, as well as many big-name investment institutions such as Boyu Capital, Tiger Global and Sequoia China. It has been revealed that in last year’s round of financing, "new shareholders came in by grabbing, otherwise they were done by old shareholders."

Obviously, the business model of Perfect Diary is the most typical "Internet play" in recent years. It was pushed to the market after relying on funds to seize the market crazily, and its fast-moving speed is also a "double-edged sword". According to the national enterprise credit publicity information system, there are 38 patents of Perfect Diary (Yixian E-commerce), all of which are appearance patents, and there is no core R&D patent information such as component technology.

From 2018 to 2020, the sales and marketing expenses of Yixian e-commerce were 309 million yuan, 1.251 billion yuan and 3.412 billion yuan, respectively. The overwhelming advertisements revealed the new generation of consumers’ cognition of the perfect diary. In fact, spending money on marketing has achieved a lot. Generation Z has gradually become the main force of consumption. Nowadays, brands can quickly establish consumers’ minds and brand awareness by using the effects of online celebrity and stars. Packaging theme design with "ingenuity" and "face value" and cross-border joint names can quickly capture consumers’ hearts. In the beauty track, cross-border joint products have exploded in just three years, with a growth rate of nearly three times.

The turning point occurred in February 2018. The keen marketing team of Perfect Diary found that many users published brand color testing and grass planting content on Little Red Book. Planting grass on the surface is actually dark and wide, which makes Perfect Diary see the possibility of new users’ growth. The data shows that in June 2017, the number of users of Little Red Books was only 50 million, but it surged to 100 million yuan in March of the following year, and the user activity was close to 30 million, three times that of a year ago. Perfect Diary rode the express train of Xiaohongshu, and the sales volume was singing all the way.

Product dilemma

However, beauty brands have to speak with products after all. Despite the large number of new products on the Perfect Diary, there is still no impressive and timeless big single product. On the cost side, big single products do not need to be upgraded repeatedly, which is difficult to be eliminated and does not require high new product promotion fees. However, the money of the perfect diary is spent on advertising, and the product research and development that needs real money most is far from enough. Perfect Diary’s R&D expenditure in 2020 is only 67 million yuan, accounting for 0.93% of revenue. In 2018 and 2019, it is only 3 million yuan and 23 million yuan.

As a result of the lack of research and development, although the products are dazzling, they have always changed their forms and the repurchase rate is not optimistic.According to the data of CICC Research Institute, after trying to cooperate with Xiaohongshu, Tik Tok and KOL, the sales of Shiseido, L ‘Oreal and Estee Lauder all increased by more than 60% in 2020, while the sales of Perfect Diary increased by only 22%. In addition, another major "injury" of Perfect Diary is its low gross profit, which positions the brand as "big brand replacement", but its gross profit margin is 10% to 20% lower than that of Estee Lauder and Huaxi Bio. If you want to break the dilemma of low gross profit, the simplest and most direct way is to raise the price, but rashly raising the price will inevitably affect the biggest "advantage" of the perfect diary-cost performance. Therefore, Perfect Diary came up with the method of "reducing the quantity without reducing the price". Under the condition of normal lipstick net content of 3 to 4 grams, the "small heel" lipstick is only 0.8 grams.

At present, there are more and more enterprises on the national makeup track, and with the extrusion of foreign competing products, "cost performance" is no longer the most important cornerstone for domestic products to break through. At the moment when market recognition is increasing, quality is the goal that domestic beauty brands need to pursue.

Today, the domestic beauty industry has a perfect supply chain and industrial chain, which provides a very fertile soil for domestic brands to go to sea.According to CBNData’s "2021 Beauty Industry Trend Insight Report", Guangzhou has become a well-deserved incubator for new beauty consumer brands.According to the report data, nearly three-quarters of Tmall sellers in Guangzhou are mainly engaged in "face value industry" such as beauty care, which is 1.6 times of the national proportion; Guangzhou has more than half of the number of domestic cosmetics companies filing.In the past three years, the sales of Guangzhou beauty and skin care brands on Tmall platform have nearly tripled, such as Perfect Diary, Flower West, Tangduo, Zhiben and Runbaiyan.

Obviously, the biggest possibility for domestic brands to choose to go to sea is that their domestic losses are serious, and they urgently need to open up new markets and take international routes to raise prices for future research and development of high-end products.With the listing of Yixian e-commerce, I once said that I would take the perfect diary of domestic brand Thorn Road. The best interpretation of going out to sea is to try to acquire international brands and then turn to high-end market development.On October 30, 2020, Perfect Diary announced that it had reached an agreement with Pierre Fabre Group of France to acquire its high-end beauty brand Galénic;; On March 2, 2021, Perfect Diary said that it had reached an agreement with Manzanita Capital, a venture capital institution headquartered in London, to acquire its high-end skin care brand "Hermes in makeup remover" Eve Lom.The successive high-end acquisitions have made Perfect Diary’s cash flow tight. According to the annual report, the net cash flow generated by Perfect Diary’s annual business activities in 2020 was 983 million yuan.

At present, the most popular beauty products are lipstick, eye shadow and blush. According to the data of China Commercial Industry Research Institute, the export volume of beauty cosmetics and toiletries in China in 2020 is 999,000 tons, up by 4.3% year-on-year. With the help of e-commerce brands such as Tmall and Amazon, it is easier for new brands to go to sea.

In the future, it is still unknown that the perfect diary plan will cost billions of dollars in marketing expenses. However, when the heat and sales shine, will the perfect diary develop "luminous" products that will make the market refreshing?What consumers are more concerned about is how to gain a foothold in the market where new products are repeated after eating the perfect diary of traffic bonus.

The product business model of Perfect Diary is DHC, that is, Direct to Customer. In the list of foundries published in Perfect Diary, Ying Teli, Kosmeishi, Shanghai Zhenchen, etc. are all foundries of internationally renowned big-name nature halls, Polaiya, Dior, Chanel and Maybelline. With years of OEM experience,These foundries also have both design and R&D capabilities. It is not difficult to understand that behind the endless stream of new products, the R&D expenses account for only 0.9%.What will be the next step of the perfect diary under the loss? Obviously, the product quality of Perfect Diary can’t compete with the same brand, but the price is in an awkward position of "more than enough, more than enough". Consumers are paying for its "eye-catching" theme and packaging, and the name of "ZARA in beauty industry" is well deserved.

Although the performance of Marubi Co., Ltd. (603983) does not rely too much on marketing, it is also labeled as "single product". Marubi Co., Ltd. has three brands: Marubi, Chunji and Love Fire, and its core brand and revenue force are Marubi, which accounts for more than 90% of the company’s total revenue all the year round.

The advantage of Marumi lies in the solid foundation of its inherent customers. Since 2017, Marumi’s net interest rate has always remained between 20% and 30%, and Polaiya (603605) has also remained above 10%.

Track change

It is not easy for Marubi to cultivate high-end products and face the fierce competition in the cosmetics market with high gross profit margin when only Marubi brand stands out.Marubi’s gross profit margin in the first quarter of 2021 was 63.91%, which was 2.29 percentage points lower than the 66.20% at the end of 2020. Compared with the gross profit margins of benchmark enterprises Polaiya (64.09%) and shanghai jahwa (64.56%) in the first quarter of 2020, Marubi no longer has the advantage of high gross profit margin.

At the moment when the explosion of beauty products has sprung up, Marubi shares urgently need to find new consumption points to make consumers pay for high prices, so as to seize new profit growth points and highlight the encirclement. It is worth noting that on November 12, 2020, Marubi announced that it planned to abandon the original "make-up" fundraising project. The investment in the new project is estimated to be 276 million yuan, which will mainly focus on skin care products, supplemented by make-up products. After completion, it is expected to add 3,382.5 tons of skin care products and 200 tons of make-up products, fully reaching the annual output value of about 596 million yuan, which will continue to deepen the layout of the company’s skin care industry chain.

From this point of view, Marumi shares plan to abandon the fast-growing makeup track and turn to the skin care track.Not only that, Marumi shares also intend to invest in food and beverage and new retail consumer industries. On October 29th, 2020, Marubi announced that the company intends to jointly invest with several partners to set up an industrial fund with a scale of 100 million yuan, which will mainly invest in domestic and foreign high-quality or high-growth enterprises in consumer industries related to food and beverage, condiments and new retail, so as to build an ecological circle of food industry. One of the limited partners is Shanghai’s "coming to Iraq".Marubi Co., Ltd. said that this investment direction has a certain correlation with the company’s main business, mainly functional foods related to beauty.

The domestic beauty cosmetics who are striding forward all the way, the "circle" is getting bigger and bigger, but it seems to be getting farther and farther away from what people expect.After the rapid rise of national cosmetics with capital, what will be the next step? After the "fan economy" and "face value economy", Chinese cosmetics still need to rely on high-quality differentiated items to gain a foothold in the market.

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