Whose pocket did the money you paid for the game end up in?

"We are like Apple in 1984, ‘when Apple had the revolutionary power to break IBM’s monopoly on the computing technology market.’ But now, ‘Apple is the behemoth it once accused of trying to control markets, stifle competition and stifle innovation.’"

This is a quote from a lawsuit filed by Epic Games against Apple. On August 14, Epic enabled a new payment system in the mobile game version of Fortnite to bypass Apple’s payment system, while also bypassing Apple’s 30% cut. Players can enjoy discounts if they use the new payment system to purchase items in the game.

The new payment system undoubtedly violated Apple’s App Store policies, and Apple responded quickly and aggressively by removing Fortnite entirely from the App Store. Epic was clearly well-prepared. Shortly after being taken down, Epic released a small video of "Fortnite", in which it mocked Apple from a former dragon slayer to a dragon, borrowing a meme from Apple’s famous 1984 MAC ad.

The classic 1984 Apple ad was about revolution and breaking IBM’s monopoly. But the video was more than a satire. Minutes after the video was released, Epic announced that it had filed a lawsuit against Apple.

The rivalry between the two sides is still escalating. Apple has taken down Epic’s developer account and iOS and MAC power builder. Epic claims this will prevent them from developing software for Apple’s platform, including Unreal Engine support for third-party developers on the iOS.

Fortnite offers iOS players a direct payment method to bypass in-app purchases. Image credit: Epic’s lawsuit against Apple
Benefit game of platform commission

More than a year ago, Tim Sweeney, a spokesperson for Epic’s platforms, published a tweet to the effect that Epic would consider lifting the exclusivity and putting its games on Steam if the gaming platform Steam could reduce the commission to 12%. Steam, the gaming platform with the largest number of users and games in the world, has its own high-quality services and a platform commission of up to 30%.

However, according to an annual survey called "All Things Valve Should Know 3.0": Since 2018, game developers, especially in the West, have become increasingly negative about Valve and Steam, and have begun to lose confidence in Steam. They do not believe that it is reasonable to pay 30% of the platform’s commission to the store.

Epic became the initiator of this battle for platform royalties. Previously, with the popularity of its games such as Fortnite, Epic established its own game platform, Epic Games Store, packaged all its games, and used ultra-low royalties as a means to attract game developers. From previous news, Epic did not intend to treat Steam as a competitor, but more to convey that it wanted to change the 30% cut of computer games (PC) platforms. From the original game developer Deep Silver’s announcement that "Metro 2033" would be exclusive to Epic for a limited time for one year, to the later announcement of a limited time exclusive to the Epic platform by popular game developers, and then to Ubisoft’s removal of "The Division Blockade 2" directly from Steam, game makers and platforms are using actions to demonstrate their views on the cut.

In 2019, at the E3 Electronic Entertainment Show in Los Angeles, visitors experienced the game Fortnite.

Is 30% reasonable?

The 30% platform commission is a traditional system, originally formulated by first-party console manufacturers such as Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. The financial resources of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft to operate platforms are unmatched by PC platform operations. They have also shown players that operating a PC-side platform, even a 12% commission, is also very profitable. Since the operation of the host platform and the operation of the PC platform are completely different from the difficulty level, it is indeed unreasonable for Steam to operate according to the platform commission of the host manufacturer.

Some netizens broke the relevant commission data of Tencent’s platform: if you just log in to Tencent’s platform, there will be a 30% commission; if you want to promote and use the server, the commission will increase to 50%~ 60%; if it is a mobile game, the commission will be 70%. In addition, the application treasure is 70%; the WeChat mini-game props internal purchase is 40%; the part of the single-day advertising revenue within 100,000 yuan, the developer can get 50% of it; the part of the single-day advertising revenue exceeding 100,000 yuan, the developer can get 30% of it. From this point of view, is the 30% commission not high?

In fact, this is not the case. In China, Tencent owns the vast majority of traffic, and even with a 70% cut, game developers or publishers earn more than many other platforms that take a 10% cut. The main reason why it is unreasonable to say that Steam’s 30% cut is that even in an ideal situation, the income of most profitable game companies is equivalent to the income of the platform, and even the income of the platform is higher than that of the game company. And online game platforms such as Steam,Neither do they have to bear the high costs associated with physical stores and logistics, nor do they have the obligation to help game companies promote their games, which has caused many game makers to be dissatisfied with the 30% cut in recent years.

For an indie game studio, such a high cut would pose a dilemma for the entire team.If the game is handed over to a large company for distribution, and the large company cooperates with Steam, it is equivalent to being drawn twice. And if the independent game team wants to log in to Steam by itself, it will encounter more resistance. On the one hand, Steam will not provide these studios with upfront funding, and it is difficult for an independent development team to complete the game independently without the help of the operating company. On the other hand, the promotion and marketing of the game is very important, and most independent studios do not have the ability to do the follow-up work themselves. In addition, for low-cost indie games, publishing on a high-traffic platform like Steam represents more opportunities, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages than the high commission.

The fantasy video game website (IGN) has sorted out the sales data of major online sales platforms from dozens of information sources. Surprisingly, the data provided by the vast majority of sources is exactly the same, that is, 30% of the platform. Not only Steam and Apple, but also online sales platforms such as Microsoft, Sony, Google, Nintendo, and offline sales platforms such as Amazon and Walmart draw 30%.It can be seen that a 30% cut is a common practice in the industry and a major environment in the game business community.

Who will smoke and how?

In the eyes of most game developers, Epic played the role of a revolutionary pioneer, a "leading brother" who explicitly proposed that the 30% cut was unreasonable. However, in the eyes of players, this was not the case. Negative comments on Epic were widely circulated among players. In the eyes of many players, Epic was a speculator, doing things to occupy the market under the name of lowering the platform’s cut.

This phenomenon is very easy to understand, because the level of the platform does not affect the price of the game too much, players can not feel the intuitive benefits, and Epic as a latecomer, the player group is far less than the predecessor Steam, in the platform function and user experience are not as good as Steam, most Steam users are not surprising to Epic.

But there are still reasons to believe that Epic is determined to change the platform’s commission. A 12% commission will undoubtedly attract more and more games to the Epic platform, and Epic expands its player base through a large number of free games and benefits. The substantial benefits that low commissions bring to game developers will gradually emerge, and more outstanding studios in trouble can show their talents on the Epic platform.

In the new game market system, a model full of reform and innovation may be vacated, and Epic has become the person who raises the revolutionary banner, but whether it can become the ultimate winner remains to be seen.

(Li Meng is a master’s tutor at the School of Animation and Digital Art, Communication University of China; He Yucheng is a graduate student at the School of Animation and Digital Art, Communication University of China)

Meituan’s revenue in the first half of the year was nearly 126.60 billion yuan, and the growth rate in the second quarter was better than Quarter 1.

On August 24, Meituan (stock code: 3690.HK) released the second quarter and half-year results of 2023. The company’s revenue in the first half of the year was 126.582 billion yuan, an increase of 30.2% year-on-year; the adjusted profit was 13.151 billion yuan, and the adjusted net loss was 1.528 billion yuan in the same period last year. Meituan benefited from the recovery of consumption in the first half of the year, and the growth of various businesses was stable.

Among them, Meituan achieved revenue of 68 billion yuan in the second quarter of this year, an increase of 33.4% year-on-year, and the growth rate exceeded Quarter 1. Among them, the core local business in the second quarter increased by 39.2% year-on-year, also exceeding Quarter 1. However, restricted by cold chain and logistics expenses, Meituan’s new business revenue in the second quarter increased by 18.4% year-on-year, lower than the growth rate of the business in the first quarter.

"Thanks to the arrival of the traditional peak consumption season, the company’s various businesses achieved healthy growth in this quarter," said Wang Xing, CEO of Meituan. "With the local lifestyle market showing a good trend of steady recovery, we will continue to focus on the’retail + technology ‘strategy to meet the increasingly diverse consumer needs of users, and use technology to promote the efficiency of local commodity retail and service retail."

The recovery of core local businesses accelerated in the second quarter, growing faster than in the first quarter

In 2022, Meituan adjusted and updated the statistical caliber, and adjusted the original catering takeaway, to stores, hotels and tourism, new business and other sectors to core local business and new business.

After the adjustment, the core local business segments mainly include the original catering takeaway and delivery, hotel and tourism segments, as well as Meituan flash sale, homestay and transportation ticketing.

Meituan continued to focus on meeting local consumer demand. Driven by this, Meituan’s core local business achieved steady growth in the first half of the year, with revenue of 94.085 billion yuan, an increase of 32.6% year-on-year.

Among them, Meituan’s core local business revenue reached 51.20 billion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 39.2% year-on-year. Operating profit increased by 34.8% year-on-year to 11.10 billion yuan, and operating profit margin was 21.8%.

Meituan Quarter 1’s core local business revenue reached 42.90 billion yuan, an increase of 25.5% year-on-year. Operating profit was 9.40 billion yuan, an increase of 100.7% year-on-year; while operating profit margin increased to 22.0% from 13.8% in the same period in 2022. Second quarter revenue growth was significantly faster than Quarter 1.

Meituan’s instant retail scene and richness continue to expand. In the second quarter, the number of instant delivery orders increased by 31.6% year-on-year to 5.40 billion orders. By strengthening supply and optimizing subsidy strategies, the stickiness between users and platforms has further increased. In this context, Meituan’s monthly takeaway orders reached a record high in August.

Stimulated by numerous holiday consumption and marketing activities in the second quarter, the online penetration rate of electronic products and home appliances in second- and third-tier cities accelerated significantly, and categories such as daily necessities, beauty and personal care, and maternal and infant products all showed strong quarterly growth.

Meituan’s "Little Yellow Light Health Guardian Alliance" plans to launch digital pharmacies that can see a doctor 24 hours a day to buy medicine in 1,000 counties this year, and is expected to meet the needs of county residents 100 million times this year.

The peak order volume of Meituan flash sale exceeded 11 million orders again in the second quarter, and the demand side in turn promoted the richness of the supply side on the platform. The number of active merchants in Meituan flash sale increased by 30% year-on-year.

Meituan helps serve the digital transformation of the retail industry. The number of new merchants entering Meituan takeaway in the quarter more than doubled year-on-year, of which the growth rate of brand merchants was particularly strong; the transaction volume of the wine and hotel business increased by more than 120% compared with the same period last year, and the number of annual active merchants and annual transaction users also reached a new high.

Meituan’s hotel and tourism business saw strong growth in the second quarter as the domestic tourism industry continued to pick up. "Hotel + X" package products were enriched for leisure travel and vacation scenarios. Deepen cooperation with more hotel brands to improve pricing power. Increase the supply of overseas hotels and expand the outbound travel customer base. In terms of homestays, enhance the experience of consumers and landlords, and better match demand and supply.

New Business Second Quarter Revenue Growth Slower Than Quarter 1

The new businesses mainly include Meituan Preferred, Meituan market, catering supply chain (fast donkey), online car-hailing, shared bicycles, shared motorcycles, power banks, restaurant management systems and other new businesses.

Meituan’s new business revenue in the first half of the year was 32.497 billion yuan, an increase of 23.8% year-on-year. The operating loss was 10.222 billion yuan, and the operating loss in the same period last year was 15.243 billion yuan.

Among them, the second quarter revenue of new business 16.80 billion yuan, an increase of 18.4%. Operating loss narrowed 23.5% year-on-year to 5.20 billion yuan, and the operating loss rate improved to 31.0%.

New business Quarter 1 revenue rose 30.1% year-on-year to 15.70 billion yuan. Operating loss narrowed 40.5% year-on-year to 5 billion yuan, while operating loss ratio continued to improve to 32.0%. From this point of view, the second quarter recovery of new business is not as good as Quarter 1.

In the second quarter, Meituan Preferred transaction volume and revenue continued to grow year-on-year, but the growth rate declined due to the lower-than-expected growth rate of the overall market. Operational efficiency improved significantly compared to the same period last year. Meituan Preferred revenue, recognized on a net basis, declined quarter-on-quarter, mainly due to higher subsidies, which led to lower average price of pieces.

Meituan’s quarterly operating loss widened quarter-on-quarter, mainly due to business expansion, increased subsidies to drive growth, spending on cold chain and logistics to cope with the upcoming hot weather, and seasonal product portfolio changes.

Meituan said that although it faces difficulties in optimizing its business model in the short term, it believes that the online process of groceries will continue, and remains confident in the long-term potential of Meituan Preferred. As of the end of June, Meituan Preferred has reached 470 million cumulative trading users.

Despite a high base in the same period last year, Meituan market recorded a solid year-on-year growth in the second quarter and achieved a higher market share. The proportion of transactions of standard products and private brands continued to increase, effectively increasing the frequency of users.

In June, Wang Huiwen resigned as a non-executive director of Meituan due to personal health reasons. Subsequently, Meituan announced the completion of the acquisition of 100% of the shares of domestic and foreign entities outside the light year, and the purchase price was about 2.065 billion.

In July, Meituan drone fourth-generation new models were released. Meituan drone has been operating in multiple cities such as Shenzhen and Shanghai, and has delivered nearly 170,000 orders in two years. The financial report shows that Meituan’s R & D expenditure in the second quarter increased to 5.40 billion yuan year-on-year.

Meituan’s sales and marketing expenses increased from 9 billion yuan in the second quarter of 2022 to 14.60 billion yuan in the same period in 2023. This was mainly due to the recovery in consumption and changes in the business environment, resulting in higher transaction user incentive, promotion and advertising expenses, and higher employee benefits expenses.

The company’s general and administrative expenses decreased from $2.50 billion in the second quarter of 2022 to $2.10 billion in the same period in 2023, mainly due to lower employee benefit expenses and improved operating leverage.

Meituan CFO Chen Shaohui said that in the first half of this year, the local life sector benefited from the vigorous growth momentum of commodity retail and service retail, meeting more new demand and creating more new supply. In the future, Meituan will further promote the digital upgrade of the commodity retail and service retail industry.

Chen Weicheng, Shell Financial Reporter, Beijing News

Editor, Chao Xu

Proofreading, Liu Baoqing

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 … will launch new cars in December.

  Xingrui L/ Xingyue L Zhiqing Time to Market: December 3rd.

  The official map of Xingrui L Zhiqing has been released, and the new car has been mass-produced off the assembly line. Xingrui L Zhiqing adopts straight waterfall grille design, and the whole front face looks very delicate and elegant. The interior design of the new car takes a simple route, and the large-size central control panel placed vertically significantly enhances the sense of science and technology in the car.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image001.

  The wheelbase of Xingrui L Zhiqing is 2800mm, and the length, width and height are 4825/1880/1469mm respectively. Compared with Xingrui, the body of Xingrui L Zhiqing is longer and wider. In terms of power, Xingrui L Zhiqing will be equipped with a 1.5T oil-electric hybrid system to achieve higher fuel economy. The maximum power of the 1.5T four-cylinder engine of Xingrui L Zhiqing is 120kW.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image002.

  As a modified model, Xingyue L Zhiqing has been adjusted as a whole, bringing different visual effects. The car is equipped with a brand-new front grille, and the interior is decorated with straight waterfall elements. The car will continue the design of the current Xingyue L, equipped with 12.3-inch digital LCD instrument+touch HD central control screen+touch HD passenger dedicated screen, 25.6-inch AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display system, L2 intelligent driving assistance system, etc. The power is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder hybrid special engine.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image003.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image004.

  BYD Song L time to market: December 15th.

  BYD Song L has started the pre-sale at an early stage, and the price is 220,000-280,000 yuan. The new car can be said to be a beautiful SUV of BYD. This aesthetic feeling is mainly reflected in the rear of the car body, and elements such as slip back design, penetrating taillights and two small tails on the roof are intertwined, creating a strong sense of trend and movement.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image005.

  Song L is not only beautiful, but also pursues practicality. The sliding back of this car starts from the C-pillar, which can effectively ensure the spacious space in the car. At the same time, Song L will also be equipped with cloud system, single/double motors and other configurations, which have both long battery life and high performance. The interior of Song L uses a family-style design style.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image006.

  Time to market of M9: within 12 months

  As a brand-new large-scale SUV under AITO brand, Wenjie M9 plans to launch extended-range and pure electric vehicles, in which the wheelbase of pure electric vehicles is 3110mm, and the length, width and height are 5230/1999/1800mm respectively, which is consistent with the extended-range version. According to official information, the price of the extended version of the M9 is expected to be 500,000-600,000 yuan; The estimated price of the pure electric version is also 500,000-600,000 yuan.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image007.

  The most powerful should be the big screen of the M9, which can carry 10 screens when fully equipped! The concept of getting on the bus with a screen up to 100 inches is very exciting. There are all color TVs, refrigerators and big sofas. There is also news that there is a laser projection in the back row, and the experience of outdoor camping is full. However, the interior map of this car has not been announced yet.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image008.

  The M9 pure electric version will be equipped with dual motors, with the maximum power of 160kW and 230kW respectively. The extended-range version is also equipped with dual motors, with the maximum power of 165kW and 200kW respectively, and a 1.5T engine with the maximum power of 112kW. The M9 is called "the best SUV within 10 million". 

  Time to market of Star Road Star Era ES: within December.

  As a new energy sequence of Xingtu Automobile, Xingjiyuan will launch the first model ES. The medium-sized and large-sized pure electric cars are positioned by ES in Xingyue, with the length, width and height of 4945*1978*1489(1480/1467)mm and the wheelbase of 3000mm respectively. Xingjiyuan ES is a new energy car with personality.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image009.

  Xingyue ES also adopts the common enclosed grille of pure electric vehicles, but the design of penetrating headlights and fog lamps on both sides is very exaggerated, and the wheel hub design with various sizes and shapes brings a strong visual impact. The interior is a low-key luxury route, with a combination of suspended large screen and small instrument. The central control panel is equipped with crystal decoration, and the seat material is soft and delicate, which creates a good interior atmosphere after lighting the ambient light.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image010.

  Power is provided by single-motor and dual-motor models, which can enter the 3-second club with the fastest acceleration of zero hundred, and the cruising range is expected to reach more than 700 kilometers. Xingyue ES will also be equipped with rear wheel steering and air suspension. This will be a new energy car that focuses on handling and sports.

  Time to market of Ruifeng RF8: within December.

  Jianghuai Ruifeng brand brings new intelligent hybrid MPV— — Ruifeng RF8 appeared at the 2023 Chengdu Auto Show. Ruifeng RF8 is the first MPV exclusive architecture in China — — The first mass production model under the MUSE architecture, positioning medium and large public business and home MPV. In design, Ruifeng RF8 will introduce three kinds of front faces for consumers to choose from. In terms of intelligence, Ruifeng RF8 is the world’s first intelligent MPV equipped with HarmonyOS cockpit, which can realize L2+ intelligent assisted driving.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image011.

  In the power part, Ruifeng RF8 will be equipped with 3DHT intelligent hybrid system, with a comprehensive power of 310kW and a comprehensive torque of 745 N m.. Under urban working conditions, the pure battery life of Ruifeng RF8 can exceed 200km, and the comprehensive battery life can exceed 1,200 km. According to the official plan, Ruifeng RF8 will be officially listed in December this year.

  Ruifeng RF8 also has some bright spots in terms of space, safety and intelligence. Among them, Ruifeng RF8 has a body length of over 5.2 meters and a wheelbase of 3.1 meters. This body size also gives Ruifeng RF8 ample interior space, and all the seats in the car are matched with long-distance slide rails, which gives more freedom in interior space, and various scene modes can be unlocked through various flexible combinations.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image012.

  New models listed in December, new energy vehicles still occupy the forefront, and major car companies pay more and more attention to new energy vehicles, among which Song L and Wen Jie M9 are all worth looking forward to.

After Zhiji, Xiaomi mismarked the glory parameters.

Xiaomi’s apology letter is not cool enough, and Huawei is coming to join in the fun.

The day before, Lei Jun was still congratulating the intellectual S7 on its big sale. The next day, Yu Chengdong couldn’t navigate Xiaomi SU7.

The more high-end commercial warfare, the more simple struggle methods should be used. So who is better than Xiaomi SU7 in Zhijie S7?

Judging from the price that everyone is most concerned about, the second listing of Zhijie S7 is indeed a lot more cost-effective than four months ago. The price has dropped by 20,000 yuan, and the endurance of the entry model has increased to 705 kilometers. It is also equipped with Huawei Vision Intelligent Driving ADS Basic Edition for the first time. However, compared with Xiaomi SU7, the price of Zhijie S7 is still high.

In terms of performance, the acceleration performance of Xiaomi SU7 is also due to the top version of Zhijie S7, which has a battery life of 855 kilometers except Max+, and the battery life of other versions is lower than that of Xiaomi SU7 at the same level.

Of course, the intelligent S7 mainly wins in the intelligent level. Huawei ADS advanced intelligent driving system has the functions of parking on behalf of the driver, parking assistance in mechanical parking spaces and intelligent driving assistance in urban areas, while Xiaomi SU7′ s intelligent driving mainly relies on suppliers such as Hesai Technology and NVIDIA, which is still slightly inferior to Huawei.

The most important thing is that Zhijie S7 has made a comeback and made great efforts in "instant delivery". After solving the capacity crisis, it may be able to compete with Xiaomi SU7.

As Lei Jun himself said, the success of Xiaomi SU7 mainly lies in the success of Xiaomi mode and Xiaomi methodology. At the marketing level, Xiaomi SU7 is indeed out of the circle. Even Huawei, which has always been cold, can’t help but catch the heat of Xiaomi. But can Xiaomi SU7 really catch this spilt traffic? It is still an unknown number.

The launching ceremony of the national elderly health education service platform and the opening of Tik Tok was held in Beijing.

  On the afternoon of May 19th, 2023, China Association of Universities for the Aged held the "Launching Ceremony of the National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly and the Opening of Tik Tok". Diao Haifeng, executive vice president of the Association, and Liu Qingwei, deputy director of the Skills Office of National Health Commission Talent Exchange Service Center, attended and spoke. The meeting was presided over by Ping Li, director of the Association’s career development department. Experts from the Propaganda Department of China Association for the Aged, Beijing Youth Political College and Beijing Chaoyang Community College attended the meeting.

  At the meeting, Diao Haifeng, executive vice president, said that the China Association of Universities for the Aged continued to exert its efforts on the basis of incorporating health education for the elderly into the curriculum system and teaching content, integrating the Internet concept into the whole process of education for the elderly, and striving to promote the modernization of education for the elderly. Two elderly health service modules will be built online and offline simultaneously to promote the digital transformation of elderly education and help build an elderly-friendly society.

  Liu Qingwei, deputy director, said that with the continuous and in-depth development of the active response to the aging population, the Talent Exchange Center of the National Health and Wellness Commission and the China Association of Universities for the Aged have made joint efforts to speed up the training of a group of skilled personnel with health services for the elderly.

  Liu Hongbo, director of the Media Operation Department of the Health Project Office of China Association of Universities for the Aged, introduced the training program of health guidance talents for the elderly and launched the "National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly". The China Association of Universities for the Aged and the Talent Exchange Service Center of the National Health and Wellness Commission shoulder important responsibilities in the field of elderly health, so they jointly launched the training project of elderly health guidance talents. Guided by the health service needs of the elderly, the project is aimed at full-time and part-time lecturers, students and other people who are interested in working in the health of the elderly, and carries out vocational skills improvement training and assessment.

  Tik Tok, the "National Health Education Service Platform for the Elderly", was officially launched. As the official account of China Association of Universities for the Elderly, it created a healthy and happy life circle for the elderly through short videos and live broadcasts, enriching the healthy and cultural life of the elderly. Build an authoritative, credible and responsible service platform for healthy ageing; Promote high-quality content such as health science, culture and entertainment, live courses, study tours and health care, and medical services to help more elderly people "have fun, learn and be productive" to realize individual value and create social value.

  At the same time, in order to actively implement "Healthy China 2030", China Association of Universities for the Aged launched the "Health Research Tour of University for the Aged in China" at the same time, leading the students of national universities for the aged, advocating the participation of the whole people, showing the colorful spiritual outlook of the elderly in the new era, promoting active, healthy and positive life for the elderly, and writing a magnificent new chapter in the education for the elderly.

In 2024, Hainan Football Association Sunday League (spring) kicked off in early April.

Original title: 2024 Hainan Football Association Sunday League (spring) kicked off in early April.

News from New Hainan Client and Nanhai Net on March 21st (Reporter Chen Wang) On March 21st, the reporter learned from Hainan Football Association that the Sunday League (spring) of Hainan Football Association in 2024 will start in early April, with five age groups, namely U6, U7, U8, U9 and U10, and nearly 1,000 young football fans in the province will participate.

It is understood that both U6 Group and U7 Group adopt a five-person system, with 20 minutes in the first half and 20 minutes in the second half. U6 Group uses No.3 ball and U7 Group uses No.4 ball. In addition, male and female players of all ages can be mixed into teams, and the number of substitutions is not limited. After replacement, they can be replaced. Group U8 and Group U9 both adopted the small seven-a-side system and the No.4 ball, and the first half and the second half were 25 minutes each. Group U10 adopts the regular seven-a-side system and No.4 ball, with 30 minutes in the first half and 30 minutes in the second half.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Football Association said that the Sunday League of Hainan Football Association has been favored by youth football clubs and campus football teams in the province since its establishment three years ago, providing a platform for football teenagers in the province to exchange skills. Originally, the event was held once a year, but later it was held twice a year, in spring and autumn respectively. (Chen Wang)

Running back to China (2011)

This series itself is not bad. I just saw the fifth episode. But Lin Yijie let me down. First, he scolded Jodi, a Canadian runner, and then fired Jodi. Later, he dismissed the young players’ inexperience and said sarcastically. To know that he is the captain, he has a K responsibility for all the players, including choosing players when organizing activities. It can be said that Jodi’s failure to keep up with the speed is also his careless choice. unable to tell …


In January, 2024, Sanya Automobile Driver Training School passed the exam ranking →

In order to further standardize the management of motor vehicle driver training schools, strengthen the examination of motor vehicle drivers, and effectively ensure the first pass of road traffic safety, the examination quality of motor vehicle driver training schools in the city in January 2024 is hereby notified as follows:

Examination of motor vehicle drivers in our city

In January, 2024, there were 14,460 motor vehicle drivers in all subjects in our city, and the number of qualified drivers was 10,125, with an average pass rate of 70.02%. Among them:

One subject

2810 people took the exam, and 1680 passed, with a pass rate of 59.79%;

subject two

4308 people took the exam, and 2696 passed, with a pass rate of 62.58%;

Subject three

3,902 people took the exam, and 2,800 passed, with a pass rate of 71.76%;

Safety civilization common sense examination

3,440 people took the exam, and 2,949 people passed, with a pass rate of 85.73%.

Average passing rate of all subjects in driver training schools in our city in November.


Five treasure destinations suitable for everyone to travel, the locals are enthusiastic and don’t kill customers, and they have all said yes.

China, with its vast territory and abundant resources, always has some places, which are not short of beautiful scenery, but also infiltrated by history. However, it is just a little bit of luck, unknown to outsiders, or only briefly loved by the world.

For example, the five destinations introduced to you today.



Enshi, located at the mysterious 30 north latitude, is a famous summer resort and the ultimate feast of China landscape.

Hefeng is located in Enshi.

Tired of playing crowded public attractions? Why don’t you go to Hefeng?

Starting from the cliff-hanging highway comparable to the South Taihang, we can appreciate the secluded scenery of Hefeng.

Cliff-carving and wall-hanging highway,This magical road stands between the cliffs and the abyss. When the clouds are filled in summer, driving by car is like shuttling on the clouds, and you can have a panoramic view of the canyon cliffs, which makes you feel breathtaking and beautiful at the same time.

18 kilometers longPingshan gorgeIn the valley, there is a blue-to-green Jasper River, on which boats are suspended in the air, which is incredible in beauty, so Pingshan has the reputation of "China Semporna".

Not far from Pingshan Grand CanyonDongjiahe slope valley, is the largest slope valley in the world, known as "Hubei Xiaojiuzhai".

Muershan tea garden,This is the largest contiguous tea garden in Hubei Province. With the ups and downs of the mountain, a long green tea tree has spread all the way to the horizon.

Laishui gallery,Laishui, which originates from Yunmeng Village, Xiaping Township, Hefeng, is the mother river of Hefeng people. It runs through the whole territory of Hefeng, nurtures Hefeng’s children and also shapes a beautiful landscape picture.


Rongmei Tusi City Site,According to legend, Rong Mei’s toast has thrived here for more than 400 years, and Yong Zhengdi in Qing Dynasty once commented on it: "Of all the toasts in Chu and Shu, Rong Mei is the most prosperous". Up to now, there are more than 50 sites such as Juefu, Laojie and Wanquandong, and thousands of historical relics have been unearthed.

Figure/Tujia national costumes

Daluping, Tujia village,Tujia village on the line of 30 north latitude is located in an ancient and mysterious place in the hinterland of China.

Figure/Enshi Daily

Coordinates: Southeast of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture



Mangya, surrounded by four famous no-man’s land, is the most lonely city in China.

But just like the city with the least sense of existence, Mangya has also gained a small number of fans in the most inaccessible place where everyone wants to go.


There is the largest and most fantastic Yadan in the world-


Here is a rare eye in the world-

Aiken spring;

There is a beautiful imaginary lake here-

Emerald lake;

There is a road that seems to go to the end of the day-


There are Buddha and Bodhisattva shapes shaped by nature-

Thousand Buddha Cliff;

It’s like being on Mars 55 million kilometers away-

Cold Lake Mars Town.

Coordinates: Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province



Delingha, located in the northeast edge of Qaidam Basin, is endowed with Gobi and desert by nature, but at the same time, it also allows her to have both wetlands and grasslands.

Figure/Ferris wheel on the Bayin River

Bayin River, which runs through the city, is known as the "mother river" of Delingha. Where the source of life flows, bushes, Achnatherum splendens and Haloxylon ammodendron trees grow.HaiZi ShiGe ChenLieGuan, grow a.Baishushan.

Standing on the cypress hill overlooking, Delingha city is in the forest and water is in the forest.

Delingha is a small town that can surprise people, with sand dunes stretching for 20,000 square kilometers, which makes the world amazed.Yadan landform.

In Delingha, you can also see the universe that the secular people are striving for. Here is a place.Alien site.

At first glance, it’s just an ordinary triangular cave, but explorers found a rusty iron pipe in the cave, which is more than 2 meters above the ground and about 6 meters deep without any trace of manual excavation.

The mysterious site attracts people’s attention, but the charming "Lover Lake" next to it also attracts thousands of people.

Lake Keruk, Lake Tosu,One big and one small, one full of vitality, and one inch of grass is barren.

Legend has it that these two lakes were transformed by a loving couple. Tuosu Lake is the husband who died with salt on his back, and Keruk Lake is the wife who shed tears because of sadness. They are connected and closely dependent by a small river, which has become the "lover lake" in people’s mouth and the beautiful myth of Qaidam Basin.

Figure/Keruk Lake

Tu/Tuosu Lake

In the territory of Gahai Township, Delingha, there is also a saltwater lake calledGahai Lake. It is lush with aquatic plants and rich in wildlife resources. Gahai Grassland is one of the best grasslands in Asia and an ideal place for people to spend the summer.

Coordinates: Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province



It is said that Guilin’s landscape is the best in the world, the mountain light in Jingxi is not inferior to Guilin’s, and the water color is not too rich. Therefore, it is also known as "Small Guilin with mountains and rivers and a small climate in Kunming".

There is a highway that is burning all over the world-Hena highwayAlong the way, two peaks are densely forested and picturesque, and the beautiful peaks are looming in the mist, which is as beautiful as walking through a fairyland, and is called "the most beautiful highway in the world".

There are many Jingxi canyons dominated by karst plateau landforms. Known as "a beautiful scar on the earth"Tongling Grand CanyonRight here, it is the waterfall with the highest single-stage drop in Asia. The moment when the giant waterfall with a drop of nearly 188.6 meters rushed down from the top of the mountain, it was magnificent and quite spectacular.

In addition, there is "the largest original ecological cave canyon group in China"-Gulongshan Canyon Group.Gulao Gorge, Xinling Gorge and Xinqiao Gorge are connected with three underground caves, which constitute a rare natural wonder connecting the three caves and the Three Gorges, and also make Gulong Gorge famous.

There is a spring about 5 kilometers away from Jingxi County, named after Goose Mountain lying on the water like a goose.Goose springIt, together with butterfly spring in Dali and Xishan Ruquan in Guiping, is called "the three famous springs in southwest China", and the source of Detian Waterfall, the first transnational waterfall in Asia, is located here.

More than 40 kilometers away from goose spring, there is aQuyang LakeIt is called "Guilin on the Water".

This is a large-scale karst plateau lake and reservoir, with more than a dozen single mountain scattered in the water. At dawn and dusk, the water surface is like paper and the glow is like a pen, leaving a soft and poetic picture, which exhausted all foreigners’ imagination of China’s landscape.

Coordinates: Southwest Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region



Yongzhou, an ancient city that has been baptized for more than 2,000 years, is bordered by Guangdong and Guangxi in the south and Hengyue in the north. The number of historical remains is complicated and the natural scenery is beautiful. Celebrities and poets write countless poems here.

The landscape here is picturesque:

In 2019, more than 30 domestic experts and scholars gathered at the Xiaoshui River in the ancient city of Lingling. From then on, "111 degrees 36 minutes 10.20 seconds east longitude and 26 degrees 15 minutes 37.10 seconds north latitude" became the first scene of "Eight Scenes of Xiaoxiang"."Xiaoxiang Night Rain"The landscape point.

Jiuyi Mountain,Also known as Cangwu Mountain, the Water Classics Note says: "The wilderness of Cangwu, between the peaks and the counties, and the nine peaks of Luoyan, each leads a stream and a gully, and the different mountains are in the same situation. The traveler was suspicious, so he said: Jiuyi Mountain. "

It is like a picturesque natural scenery, with numerous peaks rising from the ground, mountains and streams flowing freely, exotic flowers and plants everywhere, and many strange caves, which are fantastic and beautiful.ZixiayanIt was once listed as the first of the "Twelve Famous Caves in South Chu" by Xu Xiake.

Jiucailing,China, the top of the top ten non-famous peaks, is called "K2 of Hunan", which soars into the sky and is a paradise for hikers.

It is antique here:

Lingling ancient city,This is the soul of Yongzhou, so it is also known as the "ancient city of Yongzhou". It has gone through more than 2,200 years and is an old dream left by the years in Yongzhou.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the lanterns in the ancient city of Lingling are hung high, and the bustling scenery of the "famous county of Han and Tang Dynasties" is swaying. The splendid melody on the thoroughfare of Chu and Yue seems to come across time and space.

Liuzi street,Liuzi Street, which is connected with Lingling Ancient City, was originally a part of the "Xianggui Ancient Road". It was built in the Tang Dynasty, and now the style of the ancient street is well preserved. Most of the two ancient buildings were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Liuzi Street is named after the center of the street.Liuzi TempleLiuzi Temple was built by the people of Yongzhou in memory of Liu Zongyuan. In addition to Liu Zongyuan’s life story, poems and paintings, there are many inscriptions related to celebrities in the temple, such as "Lychee Monument" related to Han Yu and Su Shi.

Upper Gan Tang village,Even in Yongzhou, one of the most out-of-the-box places, ShangGan Tang Village remains unchanged. It hides in the depths of time and turns life into a poem.

This is one of the oldest Millennium villages in Hunan. Its history began in the Tang Dynasty, and the Millennium years passed leisurely. Due to the love of time, there are many places of interest and monuments, and the pavilions and pavilions are intact.

Goulan Yao nationality,This well-preserved ancestral home of the Yao nationality has been meaningful here. Whether it is the warm and simple "mud washing festival" or the long-standing "Goulan match", it is a wonderful work of Yao culture and precious.

Coordinates: the confluence of two rivers in southern Hunan and Xiaoxiang.
