Guangdong Mobile’s "5G + Industrial Internet" helps the manufacturing industry

Recently, at the 2022 China 5G + Industrial Internet Conference, a set of data released was particularly eye-catching. Among them, there are more than 4,000 "5G + Industrial Internet" projects under construction nationwide, more than 2.22 million 5G base stations, and the "5 + 2" national top node of the industrial Internet identification analysis system has been fully completed. It is understood that "5G + Industrial Internet" is gradually becoming the "new business card" of our country’s industrial digitalization.

As a strong manufacturing province and a major digital economy province, Guangdong is seizing the opportunity and stepping up the layout of the industrial Internet. During this period, Guangdong Mobile is constantly looking for a breakthrough in the field of 5G + industrial Internet. Utilize 5G and other technologies to help the industrial digital transformation and upgrade, and promote the construction of a new development pattern. The integration of 5G and industrial Internet will accelerate the construction of digital China, inject new momentum into the development of digital economy and promote the process of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the digital economy and the real economy showed a trend of accelerating integration. In 2022, China Mobile Group further clarified the development orientation of "world-class information service technology innovation company" on the basis of the "Power Building" development strategy. As the vanguard of China Mobile’s development, Guangdong Mobile adheres to the leadership of party building, with the overall goal of "creating a world-class enterprise, becoming a network power, a digital China, and the main force of a smart society", and with the main line of "promoting digital intelligence transformation and achieving high-quality development", it continues to empower the transformation and development of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry, and bravely strengthen, improve and expand the digital economy.

"Network connectivity is an important foundation for intelligent production. The combination of 5G and edge computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies will effectively improve the intelligence level of manufacturing enterprises," said relevant technical experts of Guangdong Mobile. Guangdong Mobile relies on the low-latency, high-reliability and wide-coverage 5G network to integrate into the industrial Internet, providing a solid foundation for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

For a long time, the manufacturing industry is the lifeblood of the national economy. Guangdong Mobile continues to invest in "5G + Industrial Internet" to help the digital development and management service level of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry by empowering enterprises to network, digitalize and intelligently transform. Currently, Guangdong Mobile has established a "5G + Industrial Internet Innovation Laboratory" to lay the technical foundation for the intelligent manufacturing industry. In key industries such as plasticized warehousing, aluminum processing, home appliance manufacturing, and equipment manufacturing, it conducts technical research for warehousing logistics, machine vision quality inspection, and unmanned intelligent inspection scenarios, and promotes the implementation of end-to-end business solutions to meet various production needs in multiple scenarios of enterprises.

The new generation of electronic information industry is the well-deserved "leading protagonist" of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry. In 2021, the new generation of electronic information industry clusters will achieve operating income of 4.56 trillion yuan, and the industrial scale will rank first in the country for 31 consecutive years. 5G is not a "one-man show" for operators. As a member of the electronic information industry chain, Guangdong Mobile, together with leading enterprises in the industry chain, has actively created a large number of 5G benchmarking applications, stimulating a pool of living water for the digital transformation of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry, and driving more enterprises to enter the embrace of the digital economy.

It is reported that Guangdong Mobile has successively built the country’s leading "5G + Industrial Internet" innovation benchmark, such as the "fully connected factory" built by Huawei, which is the first 5G private network dynamic strategy acceleration innovation application in the country. It uses technologies such as "5G + flexible manufacturing" and "5G + indoor precision positioning" to help improve production quality and efficiency; the "Welling Digital Factory" built by United Midea Group has helped increase per capita production efficiency by more than 28% through the application of technologies such as "5G + visual inspection" and "5G + AGV intelligent scheduling".

"In the field of industrial manufacturing, we have gathered information and communication experts who are deeply involved in industrial manufacturing in the province, specially established the Industrial Internet Division, and created a comprehensive solution of’cloud network security base + general capabilities + professional capabilities’." The relevant person in charge of Guangdong Mobile introduced to reporters that Guangdong Mobile is facing the digital, networked and intelligent needs of the manufacturing industry, and has built a service system based on massive data collection, aggregation and analysis – "5G + computing power network + smart mid-platform" new information service system, which currently serves over 20,000 industrial enterprises and over 6,000 industrial parks.

5G explosion-proof intelligent inspection robot, 5G + AR remote collaboration, 5G operation AI monitoring, 5G intelligent handheld end point operation guidance and other refining and chemical industrial Internet applications have been successfully deployed and launched… Our country’s first "dual-band 5G + industrial Internet" intelligent refinery construction project was completed and put into use in CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Under the 5G empowered by Guangdong Mobile, Huawei and CNOOC, the completion of the "dual-band 5G + industrial Internet" intelligent refinery has provided a safe, efficient and feasible 5G smart petrochemical solution for the petrochemical industry.

CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Park has many steel structures, wide area and high explosion-proof requirements. Guangdong Mobile’s 700MHz, 2.6GHz dual-band 5G private network and industrial Internet platform solve the problems of traditional 4G communication technology signal blind spots, fast signal attenuation, and interruption of signals when encountering obstacles. At the same time, "5G + Internet" is matched with China Mobile’s various explosion-proof end points for the petrochemical industry based on 5G modules to achieve wider network coverage, more carrying content, faster transmission speed, and stable high-speed data transmission in the park.

According to reports, after the project was put into use, the automatic collection rate of production data in the park exceeded 98%, the cost of factory monitoring was reduced by 30%, and the investment in enterprise safety management was reduced by about 1 million yuan per year, which effectively helped enterprises to green production, efficient operation and sustainable development.

It is worth mentioning that, in the face of the "long-standing problem" of green development of the manufacturing industry, Guangdong Mobile actively implements the national dual-carbon strategy and the group company C 2 three-energy plan, actively deepens energy conservation and emission reduction in the fields of network and office, improves the control mechanism of energy conservation and emission reduction, and strives to improve the level of network energy efficiency and green energy consumption. Through the application of energy-saving technologies and management model innovation, the use of clean energy is promoted, and the energy consumption structure is optimized. Ultimately, the total comprehensive energy consumption of the unit telecommunications business is reduced by 14%. For example, in terms of wireless network energy conservation, through the application of energy-saving technologies, unnecessary hardware is turned off in the corresponding time domain, frequency domain, and airspace to achieve dynamic matching of business and resources. More than 98% of the sites have turned

Facing the future, Guangdong Mobile will continue to increase its investment in "5G + Industrial Internet", provide more digital scenario solutions for the manufacturing industry, empower all aspects of enterprise production, and promote the high-quality development of the province’s manufacturing industry by promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

The number of Wushu exercisers in the "700 million people" national fitness program will account for 10%.

CCTV News:CCTV reporters learned from the State Sports General Administration that from this year to 2020, China will further promote the all-round development of China Wushu, focusing on social Wushu, competitive Wushu, international promotion, Wushu culture, Wushu education, Wushu research and Wushu industry, building three pillars of Wushu, Wushu ceremony and Wushu morality, developing three fields of traditional Wushu, competitive Wushu and Wushu industry, and doing a good job in Wushu education and Wushu research. Serve the amateur, professional and professional groups of Wushu, give full play to the four functions of spreading Wushu skills, inheriting Wushu culture, spreading Wushu spirit and conveying the concept of healthy life, promote the healthy, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of Wushu, and contribute to building a well-off society in an all-round way and building a healthy China.

Zhang Qiuping, director of the Wushu Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association: As the Chinese Wushu Association and the Wushu Management Center of the State Sports General Administration, we should adapt to the new situation of Wushu development. First, we should provide more Wushu services to the society on the public sports service system. Because there are many kinds of martial arts in China, on the one hand, we should inherit it well, on the other hand, we should innovate, and combine the traditional with the modern to adapt to all kinds of people. It is necessary to increase the supply of Wushu products in the supply-side reform. Provide more fitness services and sports popularization activities. At present, our primary task is "mass Wushu". In addition to providing more sports service activities on the supply side, our Wushu sports should always do a good job of "six advances", that is, entering schools, communities, towns, enterprises, institutions and military camps.

According to the National Fitness Plan recently issued by the State Council, by 2020, people’s awareness of physical fitness will be generally enhanced, and the number of people taking part in physical exercise will increase significantly, with 700 million people taking part in physical exercise once or more every week and 435 million people taking part in physical exercise regularly. Zhang Qiuping introduced that in the development of overall fitness, Wushu, as the first of China’s four national quintessences, is also a popular local sport, which will play an important role. 

Zhang Qiuping, director of the Wushu Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association: What we want to grasp is the education, inheritance and excavation of Wushu, including culture. Wushu is now more than just a sport. There are so many sports events in the world. Although Wushu has not been included in the Olympic Games, its popularity has been increasing. This reason is that Wushu is China’s own sport. It is not only a sports concept, but also a cultural concept. Therefore, we should explore the culture and serve the national fitness.


It is understood that from this year, the state will vigorously promote the popularization of social martial arts, organizations at all levels, folk martial arts activities, people’s martial arts fitness and other activities to ensure a steady increase in the number of martial arts practitioners, so that the number of martial arts practitioners will reach 10% in five years. Among them, we will focus on promoting martial arts education in schools, strengthen cooperation with the Ministry of Education, encourage and support graduates majoring in martial arts to teach in primary and secondary schools, further optimize the structure of martial arts teachers, offer martial arts courses extensively in primary and secondary schools and universities across the country, and strive to increase the number of young people practicing martial arts by 10% year by year. 

Huo Zhenhuan, Vice Chairman of the International Wushu Federation, Chairman of the Asian Wushu Federation and Chairman of the Hong Kong Wushu Federation, recently visited the China Wushu Association.

Huo Zhenhuan, Vice Chairman of the International Wushu Federation, Chairman of the Asian Wushu Federation and Chairman of the Hong Kong Wushu Federation, recently visited the China Wushu Association.

Awarding prizes to the award-winning hometown of martial arts

Awarding prizes to the award-winning hometown of martial arts

Since the first selection of "National Wushu Hometown" in 1992, the work of Wushu Hometown has been solidly promoted. In particular, during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, remarkable achievements have been made in the work of Wushu Hometown, which has played an irreplaceable role in promoting the socialization and marketization of Wushu, inheriting Wushu culture and cultivating reserve talents. The counties and municipal governments where Wushu townships are located have begun to go beyond the perspective of sports, make full use of local Wushu resources and brand advantages, attach great importance to the work of Wushu townships from the strategy of promoting local economic development and social progress, and regard "National Wushu Township" as a characteristic business card for urban development.


Zhang Qiuping, director of the Wushu Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport and chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association: After 23 years of exploration and development, the construction of the hometown of Wushu has gradually formed a development model with the government as the leading factor, the association as the main body, the cooperation of various departments and the participation of the whole society. This model has improved the brand influence of the hometown of Wushu in the field of Wushu, and under this brand effect, the number of counties and cities that declare the hometown of Wushu has also increased. At present, there are 100 martial arts townships in China. The dynamic management and elimination system is implemented for the "national martial arts townships", and the title of martial arts townships is no longer once and for all. This is a process of scientific evaluation and dynamic management. Every year, we have to review and select, and we have to suspend the qualifications of martial arts townships that fail to meet the standards, and we will add outstanding counties and cities. (CCTV reporter Zheng Yidan)

China Granary | Inner Mongolia: Small potatoes support the billion-dollar industry "Jin Doudou" to help farmers increase their income and get rich.

CCTV News:Wulanchabu, which has the reputation of "Potato Capital of China", is located in the yinshan mountains, with large temperature difference between day and night and abundant sunshine. It is a golden potato planting belt, and its output accounts for nearly half of that of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In these two days, Chayou Houqi in Wulanchabu ushered in a bumper potato harvest.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Do you think the potatoes in my hand are different from what I usually see? Its skin is red, and its name is "Houqihong". There is Ulan Hada volcano in Chayouhouqi where we are located, and these potatoes grow at the foot of the volcano. These potatoes can be said to be "drinking" volcanic magma mineral water and "enjoying" the sufficient sunshine at 41 north latitude.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Potatoes taste really good. Now the potatoes here have entered the harvest period, and harvesting potatoes is also very knowledgeable. Potato skins are thin and easy to be scratched, so they are all sorted manually. The colors of these bags are different. Look, this big sister’s bag is white, and the potatoes in it are quite big.

Farmers:Generally, it is more than three or two.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Smaller potatoes like this will be put in yellow bags.

Reporter Yuan Yi:How much can I charge a day?

Farmers:More than 200 bags.

Reporter Yuan Yi:Collecting potatoes in this field depends on unity and cooperation, and the separation of all the way is another harvest scene. The potatoes planted in this nearly 700-mu field are mainly used for starch processing. This working combine harvester works from turning the soil, shaking the soil and bagging in one go. From a distance, this big guy seems a bit heavy, but from a shooting perspective on the machine, we can see that the potatoes are spinning rapidly on the conveyor belt, and its efficiency can reach 5 mu per hour.

Although the seed potato is small, it undertakes the heaviest task, and one can sell for 3 to 50 cents, because it determines the yield of potatoes.

In addition to deep cultivation of potatoes, extending the industrial chain can double the price of potatoes. Here are all products processed with potatoes, including potato chips and environmentally-friendly disposable lunch boxes. At present, the total value of the whole potato industry chain in Inner Mongolia is 13 billion yuan, so it can be said that "small potatoes" have become the "Jin Doudou" for farmers to increase their income and get rich.

Six years later, this game is still the Bai Yueguang of the player’s heart.

"The producers of Love Language City once again gave outsiders a little shock."

For example, just a few minutes after the live broadcast of the 6th anniversary of the official account of the game was launched last night, the related topics of # Love and Producer 6th Anniversary # rushed to Weibo and bilibili. As of today, there have been six hot searches in Weibo in one day:

Data before and after the live broadcast of the anniversary on December 3

At the same time, the producers’ active discussion also made the popularity of Weibo’s super talk of Love and Producer rise continuously, and it rushed to the position of Top1:

December 4th data

As a product that has been on the line for 6 years, it is really amazing that it still has such a strong influence today.

However, if you are interested in "archaeology", you will find that it is common for the topic of "Love and Producer" to be searched in major communities in recent years; The sales of surrounding flagship stores have been on the list of e-commerce platforms for many years; In the offline scenes that many people can’t see, the ladies of the city of love are even more active.

For a long time, people in the industry will naturally attribute the success of Love and Producer to the first-Mover advantage and the gift from the blue ocean market of National B in that period, which can explain its phenomenal explosion in that year, but it cannot explain the consistent enthusiasm and actions of players today after many years.

With the opportunity of the sixth anniversary of Love and Producer, it’s time to find the real answer.

Get on the train in the name of love

I have to say that this anniversary live broadcast provides a textbook example in providing emotional value for female players:

The theme of the whole live broadcast was "Love, Travel and Destination", and the players boarded the sixth anniversary commemorative train with the characters and seiyuu teachers.

At the beginning of the game, the characters in the game "showed their magical powers" in the small theater in the waiting room with the gesture of hand puppets, and took the players to start this love journey with a relaxed, humorous, warm and loving atmosphere. Players can not only see Zhou Qiluo’s and Li Zeyan’s "the name of the dish", but also the "cooperative magic" between Professor Xu Mo and Ling Xiao’s college students, and even have an impromptu RAP with active blood.

Then seiyuu teachers appeared as train attendants, accumulated train energy through interactive games, and took the players to recall the bits and pieces about the characters.

As the journey continues, more surprises come to the players. The game characters have prepared fairy tale books, telling stories about courage and love in the form of fairy tale variants.

In this romantic and touching atmosphere, the train arrived at the terminal and set off the climax of the whole live broadcast:

The five characters personally arranged their own confession platforms, and the tokens representing precious memories and everything about the producers were displayed in this exquisite and romantic platform. In the personal songs of the characters, they slowly tell the past with the producers and express their eternal love and initial heart.

The sense of atmosphere, ceremony and immersion are all taking care of the players’ rich and delicate hearts. Gyro Jun, who watched the whole process, also saw what is called a barrage like a mountain call and tsunami:

This cross-dimensional two-way trip not only gave me a concrete experience of the sincere and profound feelings between the characters and the producers, but also gave me a more intuitive feeling of the attitude and operational ability of the team of Love and Producer.

It is self-evident that major product nodes such as anniversary are critical to product operation, especially for female-oriented games where players have invested a lot of delicate emotions, its position is more prominent.

It can be seen that the "Love and Producer" team went all out in this activity: it lasted for 120 minutes, and the combination of hand puppet performances, animation scenes, live shooting and other forms brought a rich viewing experience. The link between each link constantly promotes the player’s mood, and the beautiful scenery and the orchestra’s passionate performance create an unparalleled audio-visual feast.

Therefore, it is not so much a live broadcast as a grand party with a lot of resources and careful preparation, which just echoes the hot search # Love and Spring Festival Evening # last night.

Looking through the discussion of players related to Love and Producer, I found that their comments on it are often "initial heart" and "Bai Yueguang".

Even many people think that they are "enough" and "tired" and unload the game, but they will involuntarily return to the love language market every once in a while; There are not a few players who have survived since the opening of the service.

From the player’s point of view, Li Zeyan, Xu Mo, Bai Qi, Zhou Qiluo and Ling Xiao are too attractive to give up. From the perspective of the industry, the source of high loyalty is the absolute grasp of the shaping of diagonal colors and feelings, which is inseparable from the long-term insight into female users and the self-innovation of products that keep pace with the times.

Love women’s long-term operation requires the professionalism of "temperature"

"Now the ladies are eating better and better."

Whenever "Love and Producer" has a big update, it will always receive such comments from players, especially this year. Among the nicknames given by the player group to the paper folding game, "roll paper" (meaning too big) is also quite loud.

In fact, the quality of the sixth anniversary live broadcast is the epitome of the professional ability of the team of Love and Producer. Looking back at the update and development of the game content, I prefer to call it "professionalism with temperature".

The content iteration direction of Love and Producer has always been linked to the increasing demand of female players for diversified aesthetic, emotional and interactive dimensions.

In terms of content shaping, an intuitive performance is that the role card is getting better and better. On the premise that the charm of the characters remains unchanged, the card face of Love and Producer has gradually completed the evolution of 2D→Live2D→ Interactive Live2D, so the charm of the characters has become stronger with the improvement of technical expression.

Another performance is the increasingly rich gameplay in the game. The cute and fat baby image newly launched this year will also accompany the players to spend their leisure time here:

Summer games

In narrative, the team has been boldly trying to seek breakthroughs in theme, content, form and other aspects to create a sense of freshness for players.

Take this year’s update as an example, there are both ethnic minority themes that reflect the cultural collision and are full of exotic customs, such as Chinese Valentine’s Day’s "Ni Trace in the Mountains and Seas", and western fantasy themes that create an epic and fatalistic sense, such as Halloween’s "The Death of Power".

As far as emotional experience is concerned, the story of a mountain and a sea is more like a cookie, while the story of the disappearance of power is serious, even with a strong tragic color-the former "sends sugar" and the latter "sends knives". Thanks to the profound narrative skills, the two diametrically opposite emotional experiences have won the same high praise among the players, and some players even send videos to study and taste them.

Source: bilibili.

In terms of long-term operation, the "Love and Producer" team also has their unique understanding.

For example,Each character has a unique Weibo account.It has been updated since 2018 and has never stopped. Here, you can see them sharing their daily lives, and it has also become a channel for players to express their love outside the game, and the sense of companionship that lasts for a long time arises spontaneously:

The character’s blog post often gains thousands of comments.

What’s more, the characters will even write clues about future activities in their blog posts, creating a surprise for players who are aware of it and suddenly realize it:

In May this year, I posted a blog post about Xizang.

The national wind jam in August this year

The foreshadowing of the grass snake gray line brings the echo of the experience inside and outside the game, which invisibly enhances the realism of their existence and the sense of trust with the players.

In addition, the meticulous care for players’ emotions is also the advantage of the tour operation.

In the mature interactive form of the game character calling the player, the team of Love and Producer continues to polish the details and strive to improve the player’s experience. For example, in this interactive phone call for the sixth anniversary, they innovatively provided players with 15 seconds of free interaction time-making it a real call that can express their hearts with the characters; Even the last number of the call number is buried with the egg of the character’s birthday, which makes many players feel such "useful details".

On the one hand, all of the above reflects the accumulation and deep cultivation of Love and Producer at the content level, on the other hand, it reflects the team’s deep grasp and care for the psychology, preferences and habits of female users: there is professionalism in temperature, nothing more than that.

Is time a killer? His arsenic is my honey.

To tell you the truth, in terms of age, Love and Producer, which has been online for six years, is really an old game.

However, judging from the marketing actions of this game in recent years, it is hard to say that it is really old. Even because of its solid user base, Love and Producer has taken the ladies to play more and more "wild" and always rushed to the forefront of the Internet trend. The new linkage plan for 2024 announced in this live broadcast includes intangible cultural heritage such as Jiaodong Huabo, cross-border cross-cultural IP such as Sherlock Holmes, and scenes of Xiamen travel, Baidu map, traffic card and COCO milk tea linkage involved in the daily life and work of producers.

In addition to the routine operations of major countries such as milk tea brand co-branding, you can even see that it is linked with the pink rabbit, and the funny and funny expression packs quickly spread among the players:

Players quickly began to make stalks with expression packs.

Or the "earth to the extreme" farmhouse activities, allowing players to achieve epic achievements such as witnessing Li Zeyan selling fish and Professor Xu Mo selling vegetables:

(They will even draw a lottery to send customized painful cars.)

There are also cross-border linkages with high-end brands such as Longines to meet the needs of players at different levels:

(Love and producer X Longines linked poster)

There is also a cross-border linkage such as "Love and Producer" X Suzhou Arts and Crafts Industry Association X Suzhou Silk Museum, which brings unique aesthetic experience to players, but also moistens the intangible cultural heritage and the charm of traditional culture in the hearts of players.

Popular and extravagant, funny and serious, modern and traditional, bold and generous marketing planning again and again, repeatedly bringing fresh and interesting experiences to players, it is really necessary to reiterate:

"The ladies are eating better and better."

For many game products, time always plays the role of "killer". However, from "Love and Producer" and its players, I can see that the flow of time can’t erase the enthusiasm, but because of the precipitation of years, this feeling is more meaningful and profound.

In other words, in terms of products rooted in human emotional needs, time is by no means arsenic, or even better than honey-of course, the premise is that the product itself is excellent and deep enough to allow players’ emotions to continue, accumulate and grow. Love and Producer, which has spanned six years, is undoubtedly an excellent example.


It is an acknowledged fact that "Love and Producer" opened the door to National B; Another fact is that due to the phenomenal achievements of this game, the national B track has long been in a "post-love and era".

This evergreen game, which has been online for 6 years, made me clearly realize that even the paper makers are not necessarily the more "new" the better for those players who infuse life feelings into their characters. They are still waiting for their next, next, eternal anniversary with the characters. The lethality of "Bai Yueguang" not only comes from the glimpse of youth, but also lies in the company and dedication in the morning and evening.