Jay Chou oversees the production of his debut novel and collaborates with Wang Continental on "The Agreement of 10,000 Kilometers"

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  Recently, the love inspirational film "10,000 Kilometers Promise" (hereinafter referred to as "10,000 Kilometers"), which was co-produced by Jay Chou and Wang Continental for the first time, has entered the post productin stage. The film is produced by Jay Chou and Lin Yijie, directed by emerging director Hong Yuyang Sincerely, and co-starred by Huang Yuan, Wang Continental and Lai Yayan. It tells the romantic story of the male protagonist who promises to run a 10,000-kilometer marathon within the specified time limit in order to help the female protagonist realize his dream, and in order to complete this goal, he ignites the struggle. This film is the first cooperation between Jay Chou and Wang Continental on the big screen. Wang Continental is even more confident that "the new film will not lose" My Girls’ Generation ", which attracts people’s expectations.  

  Jay Chou oversees the production of "10,000 Kilometers" as "Dream Spokesperson"

  As Jay Chou’s production debut, talking about the original intention of supervising the production of "10,000 Kilometers Promise", he admitted that he was touched by the inspirational experience of his friend Lin Yijie’s marathon runner, "Lin Yijie’s experience is the best nutrient for the movie". In this film, Jay Chou is even more incarnated as a "dream spokesperson", hoping to let the audience see a hot-blooded movie with tears and ignition flying together, and pass on his beliefs step by step through the marathon spirit, inspiring young people to pursue their dreams bravely.

  After "Initial D", "Unspeakable Secrets" and "Rooftop Love", Jay Chou experienced the stage of "acting and leading". In the movie "10,000 Kilometers", he transitioned from a performer in front of the stage to a behind-the-scenes producer of the movie. Therefore, Chairperson Chou is also looking forward to this film. The film only took two years to prepare. In order to faithfully present the dangers that the polar marathon may encounter, the desert, rainforest and sea in the film are all shot on the Silk Road in the Chinese mainland, Salt Lake in Utah, Utah Valley in the United States, and other places.  

  Wang Continental is confident that "he will not lose" Girls’ Generation "to star in" Running Hormones "

  With the release of the pilot trailer, the shape of the marathon runner played by Wang Continental is eye-catching, and the exciting character is affectionately called "the running hormone" by fans. At the same time, in the exposed clip, a scene of Wang Continental and Huang Yuan scuffling in heavy rain and mud is also exciting. Wang Continental joked that the two were full of mud at the time, which really looked like they were shooting an epic action movie. Fortunately, the effect of the shooting was very good, "It’s finally worth eating dirt!"

  In the first media interview in the mainland of the film, Wang Continental’s sentence "The new film is not inferior to" My Girls’ Generation "instantly whetted the audience’s appetite. Talking about his role in the film, Wang Continental confidently said that the characters in the film are completely opposite to Xu Taiyu’s school bully image, hoping that this film can let the audience see a new Wang Continent.  

  It is understood that the film "Ten Thousand Kilometers Promise" has an investment of over 100 million Taiwan dollars. It is produced by Jay Chou and Lin Yijie, and directed by emerging director Hong Yuanyang in good faith. Huang Yuan, Wang Continental, and Lai Yayan co-starred. It is reported that the film is also Wang Continental’s first appearance on the big screen after "My Girls’ Generation".

Five eco-partners participate! Krypton completed $750 million Series A financing.

On February 13, 2023, Krypton announced the completion of Series A financing of $750 million, with a post-investment valuation of $13 billion. It is reported that this round of financing is invested by Professor Amnon Shashua, founder and CEO of Mobileye, a well-known autonomous driving technology company, and five ecological partners, namely Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Yuexiu Industrial Fund, Trade Fund and Quzhou Xin An Zhi Creation Fund.

We can see that this round of financing has not only new strategic investors to join, but also the strong support of existing shareholders. In particular, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, which is committed to providing first-class solutions and services for global new energy applications, has been a long-term strategic partner of Krypton, and has increased its investment in this round. The other four eco-partners also have rich industrial resources in their respective fields, especially in smart driving, power batteries, innovative materials and high-end equipment manufacturing. I have to say that the capital market is very optimistic about krypton.

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, once said: "Co-creation and Co-investment" is an extreme business concept. We insist on co-creation with users and global high-quality ecological partners, jointly promote innovative exploration in the field of luxury smart pure electricity, and create the ultimate experience for users. Travel life. "

In fact, krypton is also very worth investing in. It not only relies on Geely’s profound heritage of more than 30 years, but also has Volvo’s century-old safety DNA and Lotus performance adjustment capabilities, and also has Geely Electric Vehicle Research Institute, Krypton European Innovation Center (CEVT) and Weirui Technology as the global strategic depth layout to realize the sharing of the underlying technologies.

It is understood that in the 2022 industrial Internet pilot demonstration list released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the 5G fully connected factory project of the extremely smart factory in Qianwan New District of Ningbo was successfully shortlisted. Krypton Smart Factory integrates emerging technologies such as 5G, industrial Internet, big data, digital twinning, AI, XR, etc., and builds a digital pedestal, which realizes low-latency and high-reliability collection, transmission, analysis and in-depth excavation of industrial big data, and forms an advanced factory with extensive connection of production units, deep integration of information (IT) operations (OT), full utilization of data elements, and efficient empowerment of innovative applications.

In addition to the blessing of giant power, Krypton is constantly innovating, stepping out of its own "third track" and breaking out of its own "Krypton speed". The uniqueness of the "third track" is that it is more thorough than the general traditional car companies, without historical burdens, operating in the way of Internet technology companies, and has pure user thinking; Compared with the new forces, Krypton, which has the blessing of giant power, has absolute advantages in technical architecture, quality assurance and supply chain system management.

Sales data is the best proof of users’ recognition of krypton. In February, Krypton delivered 5,455 vehicles, with an overall cumulative delivery of 86,519 vehicles, up 87.1% year-on-year and 75.1% quarter-on-quarter. Among them, the average order amount of Krypton 009 is 527,000 yuan, and the average order amount of Krypton 001 is 336,000 yuan.

In the future, I believe that Krypton can win more people’s love and create better data through the "Krypton Model"!

Authoritative release! High-level art troupe enrollment brochure

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Beijing Jiaotong University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the Beijing Municipal People’s Government and China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., and is a national "211 Project", "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" and "Double First Class" construction university. As one of the three sources of Jiaotong University, its historical origin can be traced back to 1896. Its predecessor was the Institute of Railway Management, which was founded by the Qing government. It was the first institution of higher learning in China to train management talents, and it was the birthplace of modern railway management and telecommunications education in China.

Beijing Jiaotong University is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to be qualified to recruit art specialty students. Founded in 1991, the Student Art Troupe consists of seven sub-troupes: symphony orchestra, wind orchestra, folk orchestra, choir, drama troupe, dance troupe and chamber choir, with more than 700 members including undergraduates, graduate students and international students. The Student Art Troupe has hired a group of artists with high reputation at home and abroad as instructors, participated in international and domestic cultural exchanges for many times, participated in competitions and performances on behalf of the school and Beijing, and became a nationally renowned student art troupe. The large-scale vocal suite "Long March Suite" rehearsed by the Student Art Troupe was performed in the Great Hall of the People. Mao Yisheng, a large-scale original drama rehearsed, was selected as the "Backbone of the Republic-Publicity Project of Famous Schools of Science Masters" sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology. After being performed in Wuhan, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou and Zhengzhou, the social response was strong. The Student Art Troupe has been to the United States, Brazil, Denmark and other countries for cultural and artistic exchange activities, and has been assigned to perform in Russia, Greece, South Korea and other countries. He has won many first prizes in orchestral music, wind music, folk music, chorus, dance and drama in previous Beijing college students’ art exhibitions; In previous national college students’ art exhibitions, the symphony orchestra won the first prize. In 2022, Beijing Jiaotong University Student Art Troupe won the title of Beijing Youth Civilization.

In order to further improve the level of school art education, strengthen the construction of student art groups and enrich campus culture, in 2023, the school will continue to recruit high-level art groups according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education.

First, the enrollment object and scope

(1) Registration conditions

1. High school graduates who meet the requirements for the national unified examination for college enrollment in 2023.

2. Excellent in character and learning, with a high level of artistic expertise and meeting the enrollment requirements of high-level art groups in 2023.

3. If the candidate’s province organizes a unified professional test for the reported project, the candidate must participate and obtain the qualification.

(B) the scope of students

Science and engineering students are enrolled nationwide; Literature and history students are enrolled in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang (arts and sciences are limited to Chinese language); Comprehensive reform provinces (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Chongqing) enrollment regardless of arts and sciences.

Second, the enrollment plan and preferential policies for admission

(A) enrollment plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan for high-level art troupes is 5, and the number of people to be signed is 10. The number of people to be signed for each project is determined based on the needs of art troupes’ construction. Finally, the actual number of people to be signed for each project will be determined according to the test results, based on the principle of "selecting the best, rather than lacking". The details are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

(2) Preferential policies

1. Non-college entrance examination reform provincial college entrance examination scores (excluding policy bonus points, the same below) reach 20 points below the final simulated investment line of the first batch of general unified recruitment plan (excluding Chinese-foreign cooperative education majors, the same below) in the provinces where candidates come from, and are not lower than the first batch of undergraduate admission control scores (the control line requirements for the provinces that merge undergraduate batches are not lower than the relevant minimum admission control reference scores of high-level art groups designated by the provincial admissions examination department). The final simulated filing line is the corresponding reference line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department at the time of admission.

2. For the provinces and regions that implement the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, it is required that the scores of the college entrance examination reach X or above on the relevant minimum admission control reference score line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department. The specific X values are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Third, registration and review

(1) Registration requirements

I have received systematic professional training, have certain sight-reading ability, and can solo works with certain difficulty (Grade 8 and above).

(2) Registration method

Online registration is adopted in this registration, and on-site registration is not accepted. Each candidate can only apply for one project, confirm his/her wishes and upload a scanned application form with the same version number as the application form of the registration system (which needs to be stamped with the official seal of the college entrance examination registration middle school or unit), and then the registration is deemed successful. The procedure is as follows:

1. Online registration: Candidates should log in to the registration system before 14:00 on February 21, 2023 for online registration, and truthfully fill in and submit relevant materials according to various registration requirements.

Website of registration system: http://gaokao.chsi.com.cn/gspystbm/

2. The application materials that need to be submitted online (scanned version) include:

(1) The Application Form of Beijing Jiaotong University High-level Art Troupe in 2023 downloaded and printed by the registration system (the version number of the application form must be consistent with the registration system, and the official seal of the middle school or unit enrolled in the college entrance examination should be affixed).

(2) Second-generation ID card (front and back)

(3) Proof materials: such as the experience of participating in the art troupe, the award-winning certificate of participating in the literary competition in middle school, the amateur grading certificate consistent with the specialty project, and other materials that reflect the artistic level (please upload the materials in the "Comprehensive Information" column of the registration system).

Note: The application materials submitted should be clear, true and complete.

(3) Preliminary examination

The school will conduct a preliminary examination of the materials submitted by the candidates who have completed the registration according to the registration requirements. Those who fail to provide the materials as required and those who do not meet the registration requirements will not pass the preliminary examination. Only candidates who have passed the preliminary examination can take the online test for art majors organized by the school. The preliminary examination results of all candidates who have completed the registration will be announced in the registration system around February 28, 2023.

Fourth, online testing arrangements for art majors

The enrollment of high-level art troupes in the school does not organize written and professional tests, and students who pass the preliminary examination of high-level art troupes in the school will be assessed by online art professional tests.

Candidates who have passed the preliminary examination of the school’s high-level art troupe should log in to Xuexin.com "Online Examination System" (https://bm.chsi.com.cn/) from 10:00 on March 4 to 14:00 on March 13, 2023, and record and submit the performance videos of the reported projects online as required. If the candidate fails to submit the final assessment video through Xuexin. com within the specified time, it will be deemed as a waiver of the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe. See the attachment for the requirements of the final uploaded assessment video. The uploaded video should be clear, authentic and complete. Works that do not meet the test requirements will not be reviewed.

V. Identification, Signing and Publicity

(1) Identification

In line with the principle of "admission on the basis of merit, quality rather than quantity", and in combination with the needs of the development and construction of the student art troupe, the school will organize experts to review the performance videos of individual works submitted by candidates who meet the registration requirements. Sub-projects are identified according to the evaluation results from high to low, and the evaluation results of candidates must be no less than 400 points (out of 500 points). In case of the same evaluation results, they will be sorted according to the importance order of the scoring items, and the one with the highest score will be given priority.

If the number of people who meet the accreditation requirements for a certain project is insufficient, other projects in the same category will be selected for replenishment according to the shortage of the project (wind music and string music will be merged into orchestral music for replenishment), and if they still cannot meet the requirements, other projects will be selected for replenishment in sequence; In principle, each project will be supplemented by one person at most.

(2) Signing a contract

The school will determine the signing list according to the above methods, and sign the Accreditation Agreement of High-level Art Troupe of Beijing Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with the candidates after being studied by the High-level Art Troupe Admissions Working Group and reported to the School Admissions Leading Group for deliberation and approval. Candidates who fail to sign the contract within the specified time will be regarded as automatically giving up the qualification of signing the school art troupe.

(3) publicity

The signing list of each project will be publicized on the school enrollment information network and the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform and reviewed and confirmed by the Admissions Office of Shengyuan Province. If there is no objection to the publicity and approved by the Provincial Admissions Office, the Agreement will come into effect.

Vi. Voluntary reporting and admission

Candidates who have obtained the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe participate in the national unified examination for enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in 2023, and fill in the school volunteers according to the requirements of the Agreement. Candidates should apply for the general unified enrollment major (category) announced by the school in the provinces where the candidates come from, and it is invalid to apply for the Chinese-foreign cooperative education major. The college entrance examination reform requires provincial candidates to confirm that their selected subjects meet the requirements of filling in their professional volunteers. The school will, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the enrollment regulations and the Agreement, report to the provincial admissions office of the source of students for approval.

Seven, other matters needing attention


After the students enrolled in the high-level art troupe enter the school, the school will review the admission qualifications, and if there is fraud, the admission qualifications will be cancelled. Students who pass the re-examination are members of the Art Troupe. Members of the Art Troupe shall abide by the provisions of the Student Art Troupe and unconditionally participate in the training, rehearsals, performances and competitions of the Art Troupe in accordance with the Agreement signed with the school. If there is any violation, it will be handled according to the relevant documents or agreements.


There is no charge for this test.

Viii. Important agenda

(1) Deadline for online registration

14:00 on February 21, 2023

(2) Inquiry time of preliminary examination results

Around February 28, 2023

(3) Time for submitting the test video for art majors

10: 00 on March 4, 2023-14:00 on March 13, 2023

(four) the estimated query time of the identification result.

April 2023

Nine, enrollment consultation

(1) Consultation telephone number

Art Troupe: 010-51684297 (consultation on registration conditions, video recording requirements, art troupe training, etc.)

Admissions Office: 010-51688441 (Admissions Policy Consultation)

(2) Consultation time (except holidays)

December 15-30, 2022; February 16th, 2023-February 21st, 2023; March 6-13, 2023, 9:00-11:00 and 15:00-17:00.

(3) Enrollment Information Network


(D) Admissions Office micro-signal


X. Supervision Mechanism


The school will strictly abide by the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and follow the principles of fairness, justice and openness. After the selection methods, standards, procedures and results have been reviewed and approved by the school’s leading group for enrollment, they will be publicized to the public and accepted by the society. The Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the School will supervise, and the e-mail address of candidates’ complaints or reports is jwss@bjtu.edu.cn.


Candidates themselves should apply and take the test in strict accordance with the procedures in good faith. Those who are found to have fraud will be disqualified from recognition or admission, and the candidates’ places of origin will be notified to the provincial admissions office. If the relevant staff members violate the rules in the selection and admission, they shall be implemented in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations in National Education Examinations (Order No.33 of the Ministry of Education) and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations in Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Order No.36 of the Ministry of Education).

XI. Supplementary Provisions


The school does not entrust any intermediary institution or individual to carry out relevant training, enrollment and other related activities, and it is strictly forbidden to collect fees linked to the enrollment of high-level art troupes, and seriously investigate and deal with acts of obtaining admission qualifications by cheating, bribery and other improper means.


The final interpretation right of this brochure belongs to the Admissions Office of Beijing Jiaotong University. Matters not covered in the brochure will be supplemented in the enrollment charter of Beijing Jiaotong University revised that year. If there is any discrepancy between this chapter and the document of the Ministry of Education, the document of the Ministry of Education shall prevail.

Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Office

Communist Youth League Committee of Beijing Jiaotong University

December 2022

Go out and eat less fruits and vegetables. Seven measures to help you remedy the lack of nutrition!

  Some netizens often ask: "I work outside, and I often don’t have enough vegetables. What should I do if I don’t have enough nutrition?" I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t eat vegetables! Is there any food that can replace the nutrition of fresh vegetables? Can taking multivitamin pills replace eating vegetables? "

  Indeed, many people go to barren hills or deserts, to foreign countries, to frontier areas and to poverty-stricken areas because of work needs, or for reasons such as teaching and helping the poor. These places often do not have enough fresh vegetables to supply. Even if there are vegetables, they are mostly radishes, cabbages and potatoes, especially leafy vegetables lacking dark green.

  If it’s ten days and a half, that’s fine. Get over it first, and then make it up when you come back. However, if it is a few months, or even a year or two, the lack of vegetables will inevitably affect your health.

  As we all know, adequate vegetables are very important for supplying vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber and various antioxidant substances.

  Ideally, there should be vegetables in the meal, and 300 to 500 grams of vegetables are eaten every day, and this weight does not include the part thrown into the trash can, but the part that is directly imported.

  In the case of really not eating enough, you can take the following seven remedial measures. Although it can’t completely solve the problem, it can at least reduce some damage to the nutritional balance and make the body get more comprehensive nutritional and health care ingredients.

  Temporarily supplement multivitamins.

  If the dose of vitamin supplements is not too large, close to the normal amount of reasonable dietary intake, taking supplements is harmless. All the worries about supplements are in the case of large quantities. The vitamin content of some products is ten times or even dozens of times the daily recommended value, which is not suitable for long-term use.

  It must be recognized that although these nutrient supplements can prevent vitamin deficiency, they cannot replace all the health functions of vegetables, such as supplying potassium, calcium and magnesium, dietary fiber, antioxidants and other phytochemicals.

  Prepare some dried vegetables.

  You can buy some dried vegetables that can rise after soaking in water, take them to your work area, or order them online. Such as dried seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida, kelp, etc.), dried mushrooms, dried mushrooms, dried fungus, dried bamboo shoots, and evergreen (dried vegetables), as a supplement to the lack of vegetables.

  Dried products are convenient to store and carry, and it is also convenient to cook dishes after soaking. For example, put some soaked fungus and mushrooms in cooking, add some soaked bamboo shoots and mushrooms in stew and chicken, and add some soaked Undaria pinnatifida in soup, all of which are quite delicious.

  Although there are fewer vitamins after drying, at least a lot of minerals and dietary fiber can be supplemented. Minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium can still be preserved after drying. In particular, most dietary fiber can be preserved, which is very helpful to prevent constipation.

  Substitute potato, sweet potato, yam and other potatoes.

  Potato is a kind of food between vegetables and staple food. It contains starch, vitamin C, rich potassium, and some antioxidants, and its dietary fiber content is much higher than that of white rice and white flour.

  If potatoes are used to replace part of white rice and steamed bread, more vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber can be obtained on the premise of the same total carbohydrate.

  For people who need to lose weight, we must pay attention to the fact that when eating potatoes, we should not put oil and salt. Instead, we should put them in a rice cooker and steam them with rice, and reduce the amount of white rice and flour while eating potatoes.

  For people who need to gain weight, adding some potato foods such as potatoes and yam to their daily staple food, such as stewing potatoes into vegetables, is just conducive to gaining weight.

  Increase the number of daily vegetables

  In some remote areas, although there are no fresh green leafy vegetables, there are still some storable vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, radish, onion and carrot.

  Although Chinese cabbage is not as nutritious as green leafy vegetables, it still contains a certain amount of vitamin C, dietary fiber and minerals.

  As long as you increase your food intake and eat more Chinese cabbage, you can get more nutrients and partially make up for the loss of insufficient varieties. This is the so-called "quantity compensation for insufficient quality". Carrot itself is a good thing. Eating some often can at least prevent vitamin A deficiency.

  Send bean sprouts and bean sprouts to increase green leafy vegetables.

  You can use soybeans, black beans, peas, etc. to soak them and eat them yourself to increase the variety of vegetables. Bud sprouts can spread green leaves as long as they see light, which belongs to green leafy vegetables. Common sprout vegetables include radish seedlings, buckwheat seedlings and peanut seedlings. The sprouts taste good and can be fried. Radish seedlings and buckwheat seedlings can also be eaten raw and cold directly.

  Even if there are only wheat and barley seeds, they can be made into wheat seedlings, then cut off and beaten into juice with their own beater. This is the best "green juice".

  It would be better if you could bring some seeds of green leafy vegetables such as Chinese cabbage and rape. You can get fresh vegetables by growing your own vegetables.

  Order canned vegetables online

  At present, there are many canned vegetables, such as canned tomatoes, canned green beans, canned mushrooms, canned asparagus, canned pickles, canned corn shoots, canned/bagged ketchup, etc., and the price of ordering in boxes is not high.

  Although canned food loses some vitamin C, it is not zero, and there is no loss of dietary fiber and potassium. It is convenient for storage and transportation, so direct order is enough. Take it out every day and eat a little at every meal, which still plays a big role in supplying nutrition.

  With all kinds of flower and fruit tea materials that can be soaked in water.

  Prepare your favorite tea, coffee, dried rose, dried chrysanthemum, dried roselle, dried lemon, etc., and make a drink with hot water. Although the quantity is limited, it can increase the supply of potassium, vitamin C, organic acids and some antioxidant substances.

  The so-called methods are always more difficult. As long as these methods are used in combination, we can overcome the difficulty of insufficient vegetables, and make our diet life much richer and healthier.

  Text/Fan Zhihong (Director of China Nutrition Society)

Limiting food in spring is the most beautiful enjoyment in spring.

Willow silk spits green, spring flowers sprout,

Handfuls of fresh spring vegetables emerged from the soil.

Some people say that the best way to make your body feel spring,

Is to "eat" spring into your stomach,

Let’s take a look at these spring dinner tables

What are the indispensable seasonal foods ~

Capsella bursa-pastoris

Su Shi, a great writer, once said, "It is better to cook mountain soup for a monk’s house than to seek wild grass around the wheat field." Shepherd’s purse is an out-and-out natural green nourishing food, which is not only a spring vegetable in wild vegetables, but also delicious on the tip of the tongue.

Shepherd’s purse and fresh meat wonton

For Shanghainese who love wonton, the shepherd’s purse wonton in spring is more delicious and full of fresh field aroma. Take a bite, keep your lips and teeth fragrant, eat one, the fragrance will fill your heart, taste it, and the fragrance will overflow in spring.

Fried rice cake with shredded pork and shepherd’s purse

A plate of fried rice cakes that is most suitable for spring, shepherd’s purse and shredded pork with rice cakes, is very attractive just visually. If you add some winter bamboo shoots, you will have to eat more!

Shepherd’s purse and bean curd soup

The smoothness of tofu, coupled with the fragrance of shepherd’s purse, makes the cp combination so delicious that people can’t afford it!

Spring bamboo shoots

Spring bamboo shoots are the best seasonal ingredients in spring, and they have the reputation of "the first treasure among vegetables" in ancient times. Spring bamboo shoots, because of their white color as jade and fresh meat, are essential food on the table. In Zheng Banqiao in Qing Dynasty, there was a judgment that "fresh bamboo shoots in the south of the Yangtze River take advantage of the shad, and the spring breeze is rotten at the beginning of March".

bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork

"Pickling" refers to the pickled ham, with Jinhua ham as the top grade; "Fresh" means fresh bamboo shoots, fresh pork belly, hind leg meat or pig’s hoof, preferably pork belly or hind leg meat; "DuDu" means slow stew with small fire in Shanghai dialect.

Braised bamboo shoots in oil

Braised bamboo shoots in oil are frequent visitors to Shanghai’s dining tables. Pale yellow bamboo shoots are stained with bright sauce red juice and become a super dish. It’s obviously a vegetarian dish, but it’s better than a meat dish.

Toona sinensis

Toona sinensis is a unique delicacy in spring.

Toona sinensis scrambled eggs

After washing Toona sinensis, blanch it in boiling water, and cut the blanched Toona sinensis into pieces for later use. Add Toona sinensis powder and salt, stir well, heat the oil in the wok to 70% heat, pour in Toona sinensis egg liquid, and stir-fry until the egg liquid is slightly solidified.

Malan head

Xianggan Malantou

The fragrant dried Malantou is a famous spring dish in Shanghai. It is boiled in boiling water and then cut into fine pieces. The fragrance is fascinating. After mixing the fragrant dried powder, it is poured with sesame oil, and the taste hits the soul directly.

Malantou Youth League

Fresh Malantou and finely cut dried bean curd are mixed together to form the freshest taste in this spring.


Bouquet grass head

Bouquet grass head is a home-cooked dish of Shanghainese. Its tender and green leaves, inspired by white wine or yellow wine, maximize the fragrance of herbs, and make it melt in the mouth, so that everyone who meets it can’t refuse.

Caotouta cake

Mix chopped grass heads with rice flour and glutinous rice flour to make small dumplings with a diameter of two inches, then press them into round cakes with the palm of your hand and fry them in oil until they are yellow on both sides, crisp outside and soft inside, and fragrant.


Silkworm bean

Broad bean is a delicious food in spring, rich in plant protein, and also a frequent visitor to many Shanghainese spring tables.

Broad bean with scallion oil

Skinned broad beans, stir-fry with oil and salt, and when the bean shells crack, add shallots, stir-fry simply, and a plate of fresh broad beans with scallion oil can order a green table.

This spring,

Try these seasonal delicacies,

Feel the gift of spring ~

Special statement

Due to limited conditions, there may be unsigned original pictures or words, and it is impossible to contact the right holder for authorization and remuneration before reprinting. Warmly welcome the obligee to contact the editorial department for signature authorization, remuneration and other matters.

Contact e-mail: tbfw780@126.com.

Tel: 021-62625599

Source: @ Leyou Shanghai

ShangguanNo. Author: Shanghai Taiwan Compatriot Service Center


On February day, Yangliu was drunk with spring smoke.

On March 3, the mountains and grass are long.

The most beautiful day is April on earth.

A spring river is as green as blue.

A song "Shang Chun Shan"

A good spring scene

Do you know that?/You know what?

Many lyrics in this song.

All from ancient and modern poems

Follow the pace of Xiao Bu

Go to the spring mountain, taste poetry and enjoy the spring scenery!


Green leaves quiver

Slight rain in the pool

Teeth of willow branches are exposed.

Nianhua Bay at the foot of Lingshan Mountain

Always full of vigor and vitality.

Meet with you

Until the spring flowers bloom

Take a small train into spring.

Sail for a new year.


Yixing Longchi Mountain

Be included in the "ecological island" experimental area.

Rich terrain

Open scenery

Make this a cycling resort.

Attracted countless "chasing green teenagers"

This spring day

Come to Longchi Mountain to see the green.

See the green.

From the ground to the treetops

Dyed all over the mountains

Quietly wake up the sleeping world.


Yangshan Mountain in Spring

Tens of thousands of acres of peach blossoms are about to bloom.

By then, the whole peach town

Will be dyed pink

Beautiful as a dream

As if straying into the Peach Blossom Garden

Time is tender, and years are fragrant.

Flowers bloom, and spring is long.


In the brilliant spring.

Huishan Ancient Town at the Foot of Huishan Mountain

It is brewing spring.

Dewar white walls, cornices and arches

In the brilliant spring.

The artistic conception of Magnolia in the ancient town is carefree.

Pure and elegant petals

Like soaking in snow, like carving with jade.


Snow Mountain in Spring

Lavender garden flowers are getting stronger and stronger.

Away from the noise of the city

Stay away from distractions.

Under the blue sky, in the breeze, in the sunshine.

Listen to lavender talk about those

Romantic story

Of course, it’s not just lavender.

There are many other flowers and plants.

Snow Mountain in Spring

Flowers full of branches, beautiful.

Stop and go all the way

You can have a panoramic view of all the flowers ~



West to the mountain of Yuantouzhu Scenic Area.

Panshan Road overlooking the mountain.

Like a necklace

gaze into the distance

Beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake and Lihu Lake

Can be seen at a glance

This is one of the most artistic mountain roads in Wuxi.

Walking on the mountain road

You can enjoy the natural ecological beauty.

Every step is picturesque.

In the pond at the foot of Baojie Mountain in spring.

Lotus leaves have already been connected into pieces.

Blossoming water lilies under the call of spring breeze

Her face half-hidden behind the lute in her arms


Doosan in spring

Hua kai Zheng Yan

The unique "Doushan Dwarf Fog" in spring

Embrace the whole mountain village in your arms

Truth to softness, goodness to beauty.


There is an old saying that "Wuxi Xishan Mountain Wuxi"

Longguang Tower and Longguang Temple were built on the top of Xishan Mountain.

Although the mountain is not high, there are many scenic spots.

Spring scenery is even more intoxicating.

Green is the background color of spring.

At the foot of Xishan, Jichang Garden is in the clear green.

It’s spring on the face.

Green is surging and full of vitality.

And with a little delicate agility.

Looking up, there are blue sky and white clouds.

Longguang Tower stood firm.

Looking back, a garden was built on the water.

Jiangnan spring scenery brings out the best in each other.


Look southwest

Lake light and spring scenery

Have a panoramic view at this moment

If you climb Luding Mountain,

You can enjoy the magnificent scenery of one mountain and two lakes.

Looking at Taihu Lake, there are vast waves of smoke.

Looking at Lihu Lake, the fog hides ripples.

Zhu Chuntao and Wan Lang rolled snow.

In the "Beautiful Place of Taihu Lake"

Encounter a cherry blossom falling on a beautiful shoulder.

From the lake to the valley, from the water to the pavilion.

All the way, fragrance all the way.

Have some elegance.

The cherry blossoms in the sky are piled with clouds and snow.

Like a fairyland on earth

The spring breeze blows gently, and the English is colorful.

Tourists are weaving under the cherry trees.

Or taking pictures, or joking.

Every picture reveals

Endless beauty and gentleness

These poems

How many songs did you hear?

Come and leave a message to share ~

Original title: "Upper Spring Mountain"

What day, month and date is Christmas (when is Christmas)

Hello, everyone. Xiaole will answer the following questions for you. When is Christmas? Many people still don’t know when it is. Now let’s take a look!

1. Date of Christmas in 2020: Friday, December 25th, 2020.

2. Christmas, also known as Christmas Day, is translated as "Christ Mass", which originated from Saturnalia, the ancient Romans welcoming the New Year, and has nothing to do with Christianity. After Christianity prevailed in the Roman Empire, the Holy See drifted into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus, because the Bible does not record the specific date when Jesus was born, nor does it mention the existence of such a festival, which is the result of Christianity absorbing ancient Roman mythology.

This article ends here, hoping to help you.

618 Blood Guide: Pick up the beauty that makes you chop your hands and protect the track.

"Beauty" has always been a potential need of all people, and "Yan value is justice" expresses people’s pursuit of beauty. As the main contribution to the sales of the shopping festival and the key category of live e-commerce, the beauty care track has experienced rapid growth in recent years. In this paper, the personal care industry of beauty is analyzed, and its development status and future are discussed in depth to share with you.

The demand for beauty has ushered in a concentrated outbreak in 618.

Just 59 seconds after 0: 00 on Tmall 618, beauty sales broke through 100 million, and personal care broke through 100 million in the third minute, surpassing last year’s full-day sales. Among them, the performance of domestic brands is eye-catching: Perfect Diary put on makeup Top1, and the sales of Red Earth, Meijiajing and herborist exceeded the whole day of last year in 10 seconds, 17 minutes and 50 minutes respectively.

In the early morning report of 618 released by JD.COM, the total amount of orders placed during the 6.1-6.18 shopping festival reached 269.2 billion yuan, setting a new record, and beauty and skin care once again ranked among the TOP3 categories with the largest number of consumers.

Also this month, Liren Lizhuang IPO successfully held a meeting, and if Yuchen followed closely, the beauty agency operation company gained high attention in the capital market.

A beauty protection track that occupies the TOP position in FMCG and outperforms the market under the epidemic.How far has it come? What other opportunities are there? What kind of company is "worth buying"? This issue of "Hua Ying Insight" will be interpreted one by one and discussed with you.

As the main contribution to the sales of the shopping festival and the key category of live e-commerce, the beauty care track has experienced rapid growth in recent years, and many high-quality targets have emerged. Macroscopically, the "three highs" characteristics of the beauty care market-high potential, high flexibility and high dispersion-all bring time and space to young companies. In-depth observation of the track, we also see the rapid changes in the industry, new trends emerge one after another, and many new brands, service providers and other high-quality standards are emerging.

According to Euromonitor Euromonitor data, China is already the second largest cosmetics market in the world, accounting for about 1/5 of the total global market, and its annual growth rate far exceeds that of the United States, Japan and South Korea; At the same time, the per capita consumption is only about 1/6 of the above three.The demand potential is far from being fully released.

The strong growth of beauty care is accelerating. China’s cosmetics agencies have maintained a long-term double-digit growth in total amount.Obviously higher than the overall growth rate of social zero and the growth rate of other optional consumer goods.In 2019, the growth rate of beauty, personal care and household cleaning products led the overall FMCG market.

In the post-epidemic era, beauty care has becomeThe epidemic was relatively unaffected and recovered quickly.One of the categories.

In May, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China was 3,197.3 billion yuan, a decrease of 4.7 percentage points over the previous month. From January to May, the total amount of social zero declined year-on-year, but gradually improved. Among them, cosmetics have become one of the few categories that have achieved growth. In May, the total retail sales of cosmetics reached 27 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.9%.

In May 2020, the total turnover of cosmetics (beauty and skin care+make-up) on Taobao platform was 20.652 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33.95%. With the recovery of offline passenger flow and the promotion of new online retail model, the consumption boom of cosmetics has improved.

Generally speaking, although the sales volume of the beauty track has decreased and the growth rate has slowed down under the influence of the epidemic, compared with other categories, the growth attributes and growth rate of the track itself are still higher than that of clothing, home appliances, food and jewelry.

Of course, in terms of breakdown, the impact of the epidemic on the beauty care tracks is different.Local uneven heat and coldCare needs such as skin care and family cleansing are released with ample home time and improved health awareness, while demands such as make-up are temporarily sealed by masks of different thicknesses together with facial values.

The pattern of China’s cosmetics industry is relatively scattered. Affected by factors such as the late start of the industry, rapid development and complex consumer groups, as of 2018, China’s cosmetics market CR10 (the top 10 share concentration of the industry) was only 39%, compared with South Korea (67%) and the United States (61%).The industry concentration is low and the long tail effect is remarkable, which brings time and space for new brands.And compared with the high-end market, the mass market where new domestic brands mainly gather is more dispersed.

With the continuous subdivision of user needs and usage scenarios, the product categories of beauty and skin care are becoming more and more refined, which also brings new opportunities to the industry. Take make-up, for example. Although international brands are still standing in the big categories (makeup, lipstick, etc.),However, in recent years, emerging brands have gradually occupied a place in some sub-categories.

After 90/95, it has become the main consumer who can buy more, shop more and adopt early adopters. The time-honored domestic brands such as Baiqueling have become younger, and the cutting-edge domestic brands such as Huaxizi, HFP and Perfect Diary have frequently experienced new explosions. Beauty care has become the second largest category of online live broadcast with fire after food …In recent years, the innovation and change of beauty care industry has been particularly active."New products" and "new markets" deserve attention.

A list of the characteristics of generation Z in the cleaning and consumption of beauty personal care: generation Z has become an opportunity group with fast growth and high UV value. In the process of attracting new customers, it is worth making more efforts to make a key breakthrough for this group.

Open the little red book and brush it with your hand. Nowadays, more and more complicated and meticulous skin care steps and makeup processes make people "open the door to the new world" in minutes. In recent years, there are frequent new products and explosions in the beauty care track, and the product forms and functions are constantly innovating.

Beauty no longer only needs to be displayed to the outside world, but also the process should be pleasant and moving. More and more consumers are beginning to pay attention to the exquisiteness of the whole body and the healing time of self-reward.The annual sales of Ali’s body care/body cleaning category is about 17.5 billion yuan, and the body care market is "expanding". The current bedtime scenes account for as much as 44% of the total skin care scenes. It can be said that if you occupy the bathroom and bedroom, you will occupy a protective highland.

Paying attention to pleasing oneself also brings the fiery concept of fragrance. In the category of body care, many brands are using fragrance elements to add memory points to their products. In the category of cleaning care at home, the fragrance element has also become an important means for new players to break through the traditional monopoly, such as Jasmine Baby’s perfume laundry detergent, which helps the brand premium increase.

Different from the traditional big brands favored by consumers such as silver-haired people and post-80s generation,The beauty care market led by the post-90/95 era is personalized as a whole.Willing to spend time studying the ingredients, efficacy and active ingredients of products, so as to improve the demand for fine care. Led by whitening nicotinamide, all kinds of characteristic components are loved by the "component party" in all categories. For example, in body care, fruit acids are used to remove acne, and in bathing and hair care, amino acids are used to clean and resist damage.

Anti-aging, anti-acne, whitening … In the final analysis, function is the core foothold of product differentiation. Whether it’s the mechanical mask and the cosmeceutical products specially designed for acne muscles, or the rapidly developing new oral beauty industry, behind their great popularity, consumers’ demands for "functionality" and "professionalism" of products are reflected.

User attention transfer, e-commerce content and content e-commerce have brought new ways of planting grass and traffic conversion. In 2019, the GMV of Taobao live broadcast broke 250 billion, and platforms such as Pinduoduo and JD.COM entered the game one after another. 2020 is a well-deserved year of live broadcast.

From the lipstick color test in Li Jiaqi, to the women in Viya buying out big brands of skin care and beauty instruments, to the appearance of shampoo and sunscreen spray in the live broadcast room in Luo Yonghao,Beauty care has always been the second largest category in live broadcast after food and beverage.

New online channels such as "live broadcast with goods" make up for the impact of offline store closure, and live broadcast accelerates penetration in the epidemic. Alibaba’s latest quarterly financial report pointed out that more than half of Tmall merchants use Taobao live broadcast to bring goods, which is much more efficient than traditional offline counter promotion.

At the same time,KA, department stores and CS channelsAlso embrace online when the vacancy rate, store opening rate and passenger flow are not ideal, such as the transformation of offline stores in Polaiya and the establishment of online stores; Lin Qingxuan tried to open up the interests of e-commerce, WeChat applet malls and department stores, and opened up store warehouses and e-commerce warehouses as well as online and offline members; Shiran-CHO will focus on its own APP-CHO League and Tmall flagship store, and offline store service members will deliver goods to your door.

In addition to live broadcast, Beauty Personal Care, as a major consumer of FMCG, faces algorithm-driven platforms such as Tik Tok and Xiaohongshu, and traffic-driven platforms such as bilibili and Weibo.The logic and center of gravity are different.

The traffic dividend peaked and the competition for user duration intensified, which prompted the traffic operation to enter the stage of refined operation from extensive growth. Social e-commerce introduces traffic to various platform stores through online mass delivery, social networks and kol grass planting, or offline BA traffic, which is further transformed into private domain and precipitated through small programs. Through the continuous revitalization of content and data, the brand is finally precipitated into digital assets.For the beauty protection track with perceptual purchase decision and high trust barrier,Private domain operation and heavy service are particularly important at present.

Since 20 years ago, a total of 25 companies in the field of beauty cosmetics and personal care in the primary market have obtained financing.Cosmetics and skin care productsIt is still a hot field, with three and five companies receiving financing respectively.oral cavityThe track has also attracted increasing attention, and a total of four companies have won the bid.

New hot areas includeMale health and beautyAccording to the published data, Cosmetic Contact Lenses projects are mostly concentrated in the vertical e-commerce platform & offline chain brands. In terms of stage, there are many early projects, and most of the projects won are concentrated in the stage of angel’s turn to round A; In addition, a few projects have entered the stage of strategic financing and M&A, such as Perfect Diary’s acquisition of Odin, a cutting-edge beauty brand.

On the other hand, many of the cutting-edge brands that rely on big trees to enjoy the cool air and have performed brilliantly in efficacy in the past two years areSub-brands launched by large companies with R&D strength. Like Yuze in shanghai jahwa, Medrepair and Runbaiyan in Huaxi Bio, and Renhe Pharmaceutical’s drug capital Renhe. Traditional industry giants have perfect technical equipment, sufficient R&D marketing budget and mature business matrix layout, so it is easier to strike a balance between sales growth, marketing and R&D.

In addition to accelerating the development of new products and the speed of new products, the head players have also achieved the extension expansion of the brand through continuous acquisition.For example, Johnson & Johnson completed the acquisition of Ci:z Holdings (the parent company of Chengye Doctor, a cosmeceutical brand); L ‘Oré al acquired perfume brands Mugler and Azzaro; from Clarins; And Unilever, L ‘Oreal, Estee Lauder and Shiseido bid for British cosmetic brand Charlotte Tilbury. In addition, there are also large-scale transactions from institutions. For example, KKR acquired a 60% stake in a professional beauty and hairdressing brand owned by beauty group Coty for $4.3 billion last week.

Overall, the acquisition of beauty giants presents the following characteristics:

  • Pay attention to personalized trend brands: these brands are full of personality and are widely concerned by young people on social networks;
  • The acquisition is more targeted: consolidating the company’s own strength in some fields as a supplement to the group’s product line;
  • Brands with professional background have become popular for acquisition: such as cosmeceuticals, nature, scientific nursing, medical beauty and other keywords;
  • Pay attention to the brand with unique products and bright growth.

In addition to the "half of the country" occupied by traditional giants, the choice of categories is very important for new players, and the difficulty of entering different segments of the track is different. We will also continue to pay attention to the following three types of opportunities:

  • Potential star track: represented by Cosmetic Contact Lenses, oral beauty, etc.Because there are no powerful giants in these fields, and the fields are small but the growth rate is fast, new players still have the possibility of being small and broad. The development of this field is consistent with the demand growth of new people. Both Cosmetic Contact Lenses and Oral Beauty have certain medical attributes, and both have certain qualification requirements in product production and channel sales. Compared with cosmetics, the entry threshold for skin care is relatively high.
  • Breakthrough growth track: represented by Jiaqing, CS channel and individual small household appliances.Although there are strong head players in this field, the self-innovation speed of head players is lower than the development speed of the industry, leaving a certain development time and space for new players; For CS channel, upgrading the product structure and optimizing the user experience are the keys for new players to break the game. For small household appliances, the resource scheduling and quick response ability at the supply chain end are the key to its failure; For Jia Qing, category innovation is the key to its breakthrough.
  • The giant monopolizes the track: represented by make-up, skin care and washing.For example, consumers of skin care products have good repurchase, relatively high loyalty, and can play a higher premium. The business matrix layout of strong players is quite mature, and their dominant position is consolidated through R&D and acquisition. New brands need to have the ability to break through single products, and the comprehensive requirements are relatively high.

We believe that online channels will seize the time dividend for new brands to resist international brand competition, and the update and evolution of e-commerce channels such as live broadcast will further penetrate the market demand. The logic of new domestic products representing good goods parity will continue for a long time, and the beauty care track is promising. We also look forward to the birth of more excellent new brands, platforms and service providers in various segments.

"Beauty is a form of genius, sometimes even higher than genius, because beauty needs no explanation." Man’s pursuit of beauty and self-satisfaction never stops.

Author: He Lixin Fu Yazhang Tang Xiaoxu; Wechat WeChat official account: Huaying Capital (ID: Meridian Capital)

This article comes from cooperative media @ Huaying Capital, where everyone is a product manager, by @ He Lixin, Fu Yazhang and Tang Xiaoxu.

The title map comes from Unsplash and is based on CC0 protocol.