"Internet +", connecting everything – Interview with Pony Ma, Chairperson and CEO of Tencent

Using the "Internet +" approach to "connect everything" is the key word of Tencent in 2015. Behind the dazzling investment is a major change in Tencent’s overall strategy.

"This is the conclusion we have drawn from our painful experience over the past few years." Pony Ma, chairperson and chief executive of Tencent, said that in the past two years, Tencent has made a lot of subtractions of its own business, focusing on the most core communication and social platforms, content games and other businesses, and handing over the rest to partners. "I like the saying of’half life ‘for myself, and giving the other half to partners, so that an ecosystem will be formed."

Tencent is gradually becoming an open organization without borders. According to Pony Ma, not only Tencent, but also BAT heroes have the same vision and are working in this direction. "Tencent went a little earlier, but it just hit a wall earlier and changed it earlier."

Key words: "cell-level" connectivity

Reporter: How do you see the development of China’s Internet in this year? How did Tencent perform in it?

Ma Ma: This year, "Internet +" and "entrepreneurship and innovation" have become hot words, and the O2O field has set off a wave of entrepreneurship.

In the future, if an enterprise cannot achieve "cell-level connection" with individual users through "Internet +", it will be like a living body whose nerve endings are numb and limbs are disconnected, and it will definitely face survival challenges.

Connecting individual consumers dynamically with producers and service providers in real time is a new "cellular" way of connecting, allowing entrepreneurs to discover a wealth of new opportunities. In August, the number of applications on Tencent’s open API exceeded 4 million, an increase of nearly 70% from the same period last year. At the same time, this entrepreneurial boom is penetrating from first- and second-tier cities to third- and fourth-tier cities.

Recently, Boston Consulting Group released a report on the world’s most innovative companies, and Tencent was honored to rank first in China and 12th in the world. In my opinion, this is more exciting than the ranking of the company’s market value. From scale to innovation, on the surface, it is the development trajectory of our company. In fact, this reflects the innovation opportunities fostered by China’s "Internet Plus". It is our partners, including government entities, who are innovating with us.

 Key words: entrepreneurship

Reporter: The Internet field is active in investment and financing, making it the first choice for many young people to start their own businesses. What advice do you have for young people who are committed to it?

Ma Ma: "Internet +" is giving birth to a large number of new business models and startups. They have dug deep into many vertical segments of traditional industries, and may grow many promising companies. More and more young people, not just simply enjoy internet services, but begin to unleash their enthusiasm, imagination and creativity on the Internet, and use the power of Internet platforms and social networking to release their personal talents.

Compared with 17 years ago when we started our business, it cannot be said that today’s entrepreneurship has become easier to succeed, but with the help of the new tool of the Internet, the threshold and cost of entrepreneurship are significantly reduced. As a result, entrepreneurs can obtain a good infrastructure, such as a stable back office on Tencent Open API, convenient online payment tools, secure network environment, cloud storage and computing power, and even a venture capital fund of up to 100 billion yuan. From this perspective, now may be a good time for personal entrepreneurship.

Key word: openness

Reporter: During this year, Tencent has had a series of collaborations and investments. How do you perceive these cross-border collaborations?

Pony Ma: In the past two years, Tencent has made a lot of subtractions of its own business, focusing on the core communication and social platforms, content games and other businesses, and handed over the rest to partners. This is the conclusion we have come to through years of painful experience. We will firmly be the best partner for all entrepreneurs.

I like to keep the "half life" for myself, and give the other "half life" to partners, so that an ecosystem will be formed. Tencent’s open API now has millions of partners and hundreds of millions of users. It is difficult to say that today’s Tencent is just Tencent itself, and the enterprise is gradually becoming an open organization without borders.

Now many domestic ecological companies, including the three BAT companies, are working hard in this regard, which can be said to be the same as the heroes. Tencent went a little earlier, but it just hit the wall earlier and changed it earlier. I believe everyone will open up. Whether it is open data, cloud platforms, or providing connectivity, we all want to connect more information islands to our respective ecosystems, so that more traditional industries can coexist and develop in this system, so that users in their respective ecosystems can obtain a higher quality of life. This is healthy competition. To see who does better, the more sticky and user base the ecosystem will be.

Key word: self-discipline

Reporter: Many people believe that China’s Internet does not respect rules, does not pay attention to intellectual property protection, and is not conducive to the development of innovative companies. Do you agree with this statement?

Pony Ma: China’s Internet has developed to the present, from a complete disorderly lack of attention to intellectual property rights to an increasing emphasis on intellectual property rights. Although the problem has not been completely solved, it has obviously improved. Only in this way can the entire business model take shape.

Take the digital content industry as an example. At present, the Internet industry continues to increase investment in the procurement of copyright content and self-produced content, forming a benign industrial ecological chain with the traditional cultural industry. The Internet is becoming the preferred channel for the distribution of cultural content due to its advantages of high efficiency, low cost, and green environmental protection. It also enables some lesser-known niche works to find suitable consumption objects, ensuring the recovery of their creative costs.

From Tencent’s experience, on the one hand, Chinese Internet companies need to further change their business philosophy, increase the procurement of genuine content and original content, and constantly innovate their business models to achieve the good operation of the genuine operation model. On the other hand, Internet companies can rely on their respective technical advantages and platform management advantages to develop corresponding copyright management systems and copyright self-service complaint platforms for different business models and network platforms, so that creators can use Internet technology to deal with online piracy. (Reporter, Zhan Lihua)

Deng Chao transforms into a mature man, talking about the key development of the career contraction front

  Entering the summer vacation, the urban idol drama "Hard Love" starring Deng Chao was widely praised after it was broadcast. Deng Chao played the young, rich and elegant "Diamond King" Meng Hao in the play. He fell in love with a beautiful woman at first sight, spent money like a land, and finally achieved a beautiful marriage between a prince and Cinderella.

  Seeing such a plot summary may make many viewers dismiss it, thinking it is an old-fashioned and vulgar romance drama that is completely unrealistic. However, on the afternoon of the 3rd, Deng Chao repeatedly emphasized in a telephone interview with reporters that he hoped the audience would not put on tinted glasses first. He wanted to show how a man was "reasonably successful" in this love story, and how he changed from "devil to angel" under the influence of love.

  Talking about the role of the new drama waiting for the "fifth diamond king"

  The character played by Deng Chao in "Difficult Love" is young and handsome, smart and capable, elegant in temperament, and rich in wealth. Women are loved by everyone, and men are envied by everyone. It is no wonder that the original name of this drama is "Difficult Love of the Fifth Diamond King". The topic of the interview starts with "The Fifth Diamond King". Since his debut, Deng Chao has played many roles, whether it is the young emperor in "Young Emperor" and "Young Kangxi", or the high-ranking children in "Happiness is Like a Flower" and "Sweet Honey", which seem to be more or less "The Fifth Diamond King". Does Deng Chao like this feeling of being the Fifth Diamond King?

  Deng Chao replied with a smile: My idea may be the opposite of yours. First of all, the emperor is by no means "the fifth of the diamond king", and the children of high-ranking cadres are not "the fifth of the diamond king". "the fifth of the diamond king" is a foreign word, and according to its original meaning, it means a rich single man. I understand what you mean. What you said is that the characters I play have a sense of superiority, but the sense of superiority is also very different. The young and frivolous young of a young and mature man have a sense of superiority, but the feeling is very different. When I play the role of Meng Hao this time, I actually want to show a story of a man who has achieved reasonable success through hard work and struggle. This "the fifth of the diamond king" is not a playboy, but a respectable successful person.

  Deng Chao also told reporters that the "Fifth Diamond King" character is still his transformation work, "no longer young and frivolous, but mature and experienced." Deng Chao revealed that he had to wait for the role. "Director Tian Youliang had this book a few years ago, but I didn’t think I could play Meng Hao at that time, because I lacked the temperament of a mature man. The director waited for me for several years, until I had a sense of age because of my training, and could be qualified for this" Fifth Diamond King "role."

  Talking about love, love is actually a matter of one person

  "Difficult Love" asks the audience a social question – whether love is pure or not after being mixed with matter? How does Deng Chao himself answer this question? "I don’t think love must be insulated from material conditions, and in real life this is impossible. Whether material things can be mixed into love depends on the specific situation. For example, in the play, Meng Hao sincerely uses money to help his sweetheart, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it."

  Deng Chao and Sun Li are "golden boys and girls" in the entertainment industry, and their love can be said to be a good story in the circle. However, before this interview, Deng Chao made it clear that he did not want to talk about Sun Li, because the two hoped that the media and the public could give them a certain amount of personal space, which would be conducive to the development of their relationship. The reporter expressed his understanding, but the topic talked about the concept of love and whether he believed in love at first sight. Deng Chao still talked about his understanding of love, "The love I understand is still more real and practical. I think love needs to be truly paid and think about the other party. I often say that love is a matter of two people, but in fact it is a matter of one person. That is to say, when you say I love you or she (he) loves me, you need to take action and give something. Only in this way can you be worthy of love. "

  On the Key Development of the Career Shrinking Front

  From "Happiness is like a Flower", "Sweet Honey" to now "Difficult Love", Deng Chao’s love-themed TV dramas are almost one hit and one hit, which also established his status as a popular idol. However, there are recent rumors that Deng Chao will no longer act in emotional TV dramas in the future. Asked about this question, Deng Chao said: "This statement is not accurate. What is an emotional TV drama? I am afraid that any TV drama with any theme cannot be separated from emotion, right? If there is no emotional factor, can it be said to be a drama? If you are talking about love TV dramas, I will take less, at least I will not repeat similar roles I have shot before. Breakthrough and transformation have always been my pursuit, but there is no certain direction. Trying freshness is my consistent pursuit. For example, this time Meng Hao is a character I haven’t tried before. "

  In response to rumors that Deng Chao will release his debut album in the second half of the year, Deng Chao said that the album is in preparation, but it may be put on hold for a while. He feels that his development should be focused and not too long. He is currently working on a new book – "Chao and Superman", which is a travel toolbook designed to introduce readers to the cultures and customs of the world. Each chapter will invite a celebrity to travel with Deng Chao to a country. For example, the first chapter is to travel with Wang Zhongjun to New Zealand and tell the story of the movie in the world-famous movie shooting mecca.

  Recently, it was rumored that Deng Chao would star in the TV drama "Lei Feng" directed by Zhao Baogang and play the role of Lei Feng. When the reporter asked him for the exact news, Deng Chao said that he had heard the news for the first time. He felt that Lei Feng was an idol of all Chinese people and was very respectable, but he did not receive a clear invitation.

Editor in charge: Zhang Renhe

Get on the Road with Android Smart Navigation

In the 007 movie series, Bond came to the rescue by remote control of his car through his mobile phone, which seemed a bit unbelievable. Now, in addition to iPhone and Volkswagen, Android and Ford are also working on a similar cooperation, and it is expected to launch a new feature Sync that can control the car through Android next year.

    Google Navigation

  Before the launch of Android, Google fans were eagerly anticipating the Google phone, reasoning that it could integrate many Google star products, the most trusted of which was Google.
Earth. Google Navigation for Android
Backed by Earth with perfect precision, this is a free GPS map updated frequently – if you don’t believe it, open Google
Earth looks for its own balcony. But compared to a standalone GPS device, it may stall when downloading new maps – when the network is not ideal.
  Google Maps for Android now also adds bike navigation, highlighting bike-only roads, roads with bike lanes, and roads suitable for bicycles but without bike lanes. Bike navigation is currently available on Google Maps around the world, but only in the United States for the time being. In addition, the newly added "Share this location" function allows users to share location information through Buzz, Facebook or Twitter. It would be perfect if Google Navigator could also be paired with the gentle and sweet female voice of a normal GPS.

  Car Home Voice Search

  Most new Android phones on the market now come with optional accessories. If you choose the official phone rack, you can automatically start Android Car.
Home interface. The interface is very simple, with "Navigation", "Phone", "Voice Search", "Contacts", "Music", and "Exit Car".
Home "Six large icons. Of course, even the large icons that can be pressed at a glance are not safe enough to operate while driving, so Car
The real highlight of the Home is the voice search feature, which is more intelligent than a regular phone and can identify what the user means as accurately as possible. For example, when you say "find the nearest gas station", you will see all the gas stations around you on the map.

  Drive Safe.ly read text messages

  DriveSafe.ly is also an amazing smart gadget. It will read the text message to you, and even if the phone is running Google Navigation, this tool will read the text message aloud – of course, if the text message content involves secrets, it is only suitable for driving alone. When the driver plugs the phone into the car phone holder or puts on a Bluetooth headset, the DriveSafe.ly can automatically start. In addition, DriveSafe.ly can also read E-Mail aloud, but the user must turn on this function first. Its pronunciation is easier to understand than we thought. What’s more powerful is that you can also use it to send automatic reply messages.

  Car Locator Car Locator

  It comes in handy when you walk to a parking lot and you can’t find your car. After parking, just use the app to lock in the location, it will record it, and when you come back, the program will display a radar chart, a map and an arrow to guide you to your car. car
The Locator also comes with a meter that calculates the parking fee based on the length of time the car is parked.

  Electronic co-pilot navigation

Live is a very famous foreign navigation software, because many foreign navigation software does not have Chinese maps, so CoPilot needs to be mentioned. This software is very powerful, in addition to the commonly used map navigation, there are real-time weather, night mode (which is really a blessing for night blind drivers), traffic restrictions, etc. The map itself is also detailed and exquisite, even in small villages and towns.

  Mobile phone remote control car

  In the 007 movie series, Bond came to the rescue by remote control of his car through his mobile phone, which seemed a bit unbelievable. Now, in addition to iPhone and Volkswagen, Android and Ford are also working on a similar cooperation, and it is expected to launch a new feature Sync that can control the car through Android next year.
Applink. It allows drivers to control Android and BlackBerry phones through the car’s parts or voice system, freeing up their hands. Currently, Ford has completed beta testing. In addition to Sync
Among other new apps, one called Pandora lets you control an Android phone from the voice system inside the car to rate and even rename songs that are playing – entertaining.

  Driver’s Secret

  If you think many applications are not localized enough, many domestic mobile phone program developers have also written a lot of programs based on the actual traffic conditions in China to choose from. For example, Driver’s Secret – this software includes common functions such as national traffic violation inquiry, car wash index and daily travel limit reminder for car owners, which can truly check national traffic violations for free, and the coverage area has been reduced to second-tier cities.

After Zhiji, Xiaomi mismarked the glory parameters.

Xiaomi’s apology letter is not cool enough, and Huawei is coming to join in the fun.

The day before, Lei Jun was still congratulating the intellectual S7 on its big sale. The next day, Yu Chengdong couldn’t navigate Xiaomi SU7.

The more high-end commercial warfare, the more simple struggle methods should be used. So who is better than Xiaomi SU7 in Zhijie S7?

Judging from the price that everyone is most concerned about, the second listing of Zhijie S7 is indeed a lot more cost-effective than four months ago. The price has dropped by 20,000 yuan, and the endurance of the entry model has increased to 705 kilometers. It is also equipped with Huawei Vision Intelligent Driving ADS Basic Edition for the first time. However, compared with Xiaomi SU7, the price of Zhijie S7 is still high.

In terms of performance, the acceleration performance of Xiaomi SU7 is also due to the top version of Zhijie S7, which has a battery life of 855 kilometers except Max+, and the battery life of other versions is lower than that of Xiaomi SU7 at the same level.

Of course, the intelligent S7 mainly wins in the intelligent level. Huawei ADS advanced intelligent driving system has the functions of parking on behalf of the driver, parking assistance in mechanical parking spaces and intelligent driving assistance in urban areas, while Xiaomi SU7′ s intelligent driving mainly relies on suppliers such as Hesai Technology and NVIDIA, which is still slightly inferior to Huawei.

The most important thing is that Zhijie S7 has made a comeback and made great efforts in "instant delivery". After solving the capacity crisis, it may be able to compete with Xiaomi SU7.

As Lei Jun himself said, the success of Xiaomi SU7 mainly lies in the success of Xiaomi mode and Xiaomi methodology. At the marketing level, Xiaomi SU7 is indeed out of the circle. Even Huawei, which has always been cold, can’t help but catch the heat of Xiaomi. But can Xiaomi SU7 really catch this spilt traffic? It is still an unknown number.

Authoritative release! High-level art troupe enrollment brochure

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Beijing Jiaotong University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the Beijing Municipal People’s Government and China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., and is a national "211 Project", "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" and "Double First Class" construction university. As one of the three sources of Jiaotong University, its historical origin can be traced back to 1896. Its predecessor was the Institute of Railway Management, which was founded by the Qing government. It was the first institution of higher learning in China to train management talents, and it was the birthplace of modern railway management and telecommunications education in China.

Beijing Jiaotong University is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to be qualified to recruit art specialty students. Founded in 1991, the Student Art Troupe consists of seven sub-troupes: symphony orchestra, wind orchestra, folk orchestra, choir, drama troupe, dance troupe and chamber choir, with more than 700 members including undergraduates, graduate students and international students. The Student Art Troupe has hired a group of artists with high reputation at home and abroad as instructors, participated in international and domestic cultural exchanges for many times, participated in competitions and performances on behalf of the school and Beijing, and became a nationally renowned student art troupe. The large-scale vocal suite "Long March Suite" rehearsed by the Student Art Troupe was performed in the Great Hall of the People. Mao Yisheng, a large-scale original drama rehearsed, was selected as the "Backbone of the Republic-Publicity Project of Famous Schools of Science Masters" sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology. After being performed in Wuhan, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou and Zhengzhou, the social response was strong. The Student Art Troupe has been to the United States, Brazil, Denmark and other countries for cultural and artistic exchange activities, and has been assigned to perform in Russia, Greece, South Korea and other countries. He has won many first prizes in orchestral music, wind music, folk music, chorus, dance and drama in previous Beijing college students’ art exhibitions; In previous national college students’ art exhibitions, the symphony orchestra won the first prize. In 2022, Beijing Jiaotong University Student Art Troupe won the title of Beijing Youth Civilization.

In order to further improve the level of school art education, strengthen the construction of student art groups and enrich campus culture, in 2023, the school will continue to recruit high-level art groups according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education.

First, the enrollment object and scope

(1) Registration conditions

1. High school graduates who meet the requirements for the national unified examination for college enrollment in 2023.

2. Excellent in character and learning, with a high level of artistic expertise and meeting the enrollment requirements of high-level art groups in 2023.

3. If the candidate’s province organizes a unified professional test for the reported project, the candidate must participate and obtain the qualification.

(B) the scope of students

Science and engineering students are enrolled nationwide; Literature and history students are enrolled in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang (arts and sciences are limited to Chinese language); Comprehensive reform provinces (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Chongqing) enrollment regardless of arts and sciences.

Second, the enrollment plan and preferential policies for admission

(A) enrollment plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan for high-level art troupes is 5, and the number of people to be signed is 10. The number of people to be signed for each project is determined based on the needs of art troupes’ construction. Finally, the actual number of people to be signed for each project will be determined according to the test results, based on the principle of "selecting the best, rather than lacking". The details are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

(2) Preferential policies

1. Non-college entrance examination reform provincial college entrance examination scores (excluding policy bonus points, the same below) reach 20 points below the final simulated investment line of the first batch of general unified recruitment plan (excluding Chinese-foreign cooperative education majors, the same below) in the provinces where candidates come from, and are not lower than the first batch of undergraduate admission control scores (the control line requirements for the provinces that merge undergraduate batches are not lower than the relevant minimum admission control reference scores of high-level art groups designated by the provincial admissions examination department). The final simulated filing line is the corresponding reference line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department at the time of admission.

2. For the provinces and regions that implement the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, it is required that the scores of the college entrance examination reach X or above on the relevant minimum admission control reference score line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department. The specific X values are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Third, registration and review

(1) Registration requirements

I have received systematic professional training, have certain sight-reading ability, and can solo works with certain difficulty (Grade 8 and above).

(2) Registration method

Online registration is adopted in this registration, and on-site registration is not accepted. Each candidate can only apply for one project, confirm his/her wishes and upload a scanned application form with the same version number as the application form of the registration system (which needs to be stamped with the official seal of the college entrance examination registration middle school or unit), and then the registration is deemed successful. The procedure is as follows:

1. Online registration: Candidates should log in to the registration system before 14:00 on February 21, 2023 for online registration, and truthfully fill in and submit relevant materials according to various registration requirements.

Website of registration system: http://gaokao.chsi.com.cn/gspystbm/

2. The application materials that need to be submitted online (scanned version) include:

(1) The Application Form of Beijing Jiaotong University High-level Art Troupe in 2023 downloaded and printed by the registration system (the version number of the application form must be consistent with the registration system, and the official seal of the middle school or unit enrolled in the college entrance examination should be affixed).

(2) Second-generation ID card (front and back)

(3) Proof materials: such as the experience of participating in the art troupe, the award-winning certificate of participating in the literary competition in middle school, the amateur grading certificate consistent with the specialty project, and other materials that reflect the artistic level (please upload the materials in the "Comprehensive Information" column of the registration system).

Note: The application materials submitted should be clear, true and complete.

(3) Preliminary examination

The school will conduct a preliminary examination of the materials submitted by the candidates who have completed the registration according to the registration requirements. Those who fail to provide the materials as required and those who do not meet the registration requirements will not pass the preliminary examination. Only candidates who have passed the preliminary examination can take the online test for art majors organized by the school. The preliminary examination results of all candidates who have completed the registration will be announced in the registration system around February 28, 2023.

Fourth, online testing arrangements for art majors

The enrollment of high-level art troupes in the school does not organize written and professional tests, and students who pass the preliminary examination of high-level art troupes in the school will be assessed by online art professional tests.

Candidates who have passed the preliminary examination of the school’s high-level art troupe should log in to Xuexin.com "Online Examination System" (https://bm.chsi.com.cn/) from 10:00 on March 4 to 14:00 on March 13, 2023, and record and submit the performance videos of the reported projects online as required. If the candidate fails to submit the final assessment video through Xuexin. com within the specified time, it will be deemed as a waiver of the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe. See the attachment for the requirements of the final uploaded assessment video. The uploaded video should be clear, authentic and complete. Works that do not meet the test requirements will not be reviewed.

V. Identification, Signing and Publicity

(1) Identification

In line with the principle of "admission on the basis of merit, quality rather than quantity", and in combination with the needs of the development and construction of the student art troupe, the school will organize experts to review the performance videos of individual works submitted by candidates who meet the registration requirements. Sub-projects are identified according to the evaluation results from high to low, and the evaluation results of candidates must be no less than 400 points (out of 500 points). In case of the same evaluation results, they will be sorted according to the importance order of the scoring items, and the one with the highest score will be given priority.

If the number of people who meet the accreditation requirements for a certain project is insufficient, other projects in the same category will be selected for replenishment according to the shortage of the project (wind music and string music will be merged into orchestral music for replenishment), and if they still cannot meet the requirements, other projects will be selected for replenishment in sequence; In principle, each project will be supplemented by one person at most.

(2) Signing a contract

The school will determine the signing list according to the above methods, and sign the Accreditation Agreement of High-level Art Troupe of Beijing Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with the candidates after being studied by the High-level Art Troupe Admissions Working Group and reported to the School Admissions Leading Group for deliberation and approval. Candidates who fail to sign the contract within the specified time will be regarded as automatically giving up the qualification of signing the school art troupe.

(3) publicity

The signing list of each project will be publicized on the school enrollment information network and the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform and reviewed and confirmed by the Admissions Office of Shengyuan Province. If there is no objection to the publicity and approved by the Provincial Admissions Office, the Agreement will come into effect.

Vi. Voluntary reporting and admission

Candidates who have obtained the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe participate in the national unified examination for enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in 2023, and fill in the school volunteers according to the requirements of the Agreement. Candidates should apply for the general unified enrollment major (category) announced by the school in the provinces where the candidates come from, and it is invalid to apply for the Chinese-foreign cooperative education major. The college entrance examination reform requires provincial candidates to confirm that their selected subjects meet the requirements of filling in their professional volunteers. The school will, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the enrollment regulations and the Agreement, report to the provincial admissions office of the source of students for approval.

Seven, other matters needing attention


After the students enrolled in the high-level art troupe enter the school, the school will review the admission qualifications, and if there is fraud, the admission qualifications will be cancelled. Students who pass the re-examination are members of the Art Troupe. Members of the Art Troupe shall abide by the provisions of the Student Art Troupe and unconditionally participate in the training, rehearsals, performances and competitions of the Art Troupe in accordance with the Agreement signed with the school. If there is any violation, it will be handled according to the relevant documents or agreements.


There is no charge for this test.

Viii. Important agenda

(1) Deadline for online registration

14:00 on February 21, 2023

(2) Inquiry time of preliminary examination results

Around February 28, 2023

(3) Time for submitting the test video for art majors

10: 00 on March 4, 2023-14:00 on March 13, 2023

(four) the estimated query time of the identification result.

April 2023

Nine, enrollment consultation

(1) Consultation telephone number

Art Troupe: 010-51684297 (consultation on registration conditions, video recording requirements, art troupe training, etc.)

Admissions Office: 010-51688441 (Admissions Policy Consultation)

(2) Consultation time (except holidays)

December 15-30, 2022; February 16th, 2023-February 21st, 2023; March 6-13, 2023, 9:00-11:00 and 15:00-17:00.

(3) Enrollment Information Network


(D) Admissions Office micro-signal


X. Supervision Mechanism


The school will strictly abide by the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and follow the principles of fairness, justice and openness. After the selection methods, standards, procedures and results have been reviewed and approved by the school’s leading group for enrollment, they will be publicized to the public and accepted by the society. The Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the School will supervise, and the e-mail address of candidates’ complaints or reports is jwss@bjtu.edu.cn.


Candidates themselves should apply and take the test in strict accordance with the procedures in good faith. Those who are found to have fraud will be disqualified from recognition or admission, and the candidates’ places of origin will be notified to the provincial admissions office. If the relevant staff members violate the rules in the selection and admission, they shall be implemented in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations in National Education Examinations (Order No.33 of the Ministry of Education) and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations in Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Order No.36 of the Ministry of Education).

XI. Supplementary Provisions


The school does not entrust any intermediary institution or individual to carry out relevant training, enrollment and other related activities, and it is strictly forbidden to collect fees linked to the enrollment of high-level art troupes, and seriously investigate and deal with acts of obtaining admission qualifications by cheating, bribery and other improper means.


The final interpretation right of this brochure belongs to the Admissions Office of Beijing Jiaotong University. Matters not covered in the brochure will be supplemented in the enrollment charter of Beijing Jiaotong University revised that year. If there is any discrepancy between this chapter and the document of the Ministry of Education, the document of the Ministry of Education shall prevail.

Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Office

Communist Youth League Committee of Beijing Jiaotong University

December 2022

Be shocked! So it’s really raining.

  On the evening of July 1,

  In the cultural performances celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC),

  Party flag in my heartDance clips of the program

  Touched many people.

  Everyone is talking about the rain on this "ruin"

  It not only fits the occasion, but also sublimates the theme of the performance.

  However, many people did not think of it.

  This rain is actually not a beautiful setting.

  It was a sudden downpour in the middle of the recording.

  But the actors were not affected at all.

  Persist in completing the performance

  This scene in the performance is so burning!

  Situational dance "party flag in My Heart"

  Showing that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,

  The people of the whole country are United as one.

  Great victory was achieved in fighting SARS and earthquake relief.

  In the rescue and disaster relief footage,

  The "ruins" on the background board were shrouded in wind and rain.

  The stage of reality is also in the storm.

  When you are confused and tired.

  The flag of the Communist Party of China (CPC) stood up against the wind and rain.

  They clenched their fists and shouted"Come on China"

  Under the baptism of heavy rain

  Show vigorous and tenacious spiritual will.

  It’s really raining … …

  Participants said that on the day of recording the program,

  It began to rain not long after the performance.

  Then it rained harder and harder.

  But the actors on the stage didn’t stop performing

  On the contrary, the mood is more exciting and full.

  One of the leading dancers, Liu Zhiyuan, said.

  "Dance that dance in the rainstorm.

  I feel that the role is me and I am the role. "

  Although it is "God’s will"

  But this rain was unexpectedly highlighted.

  What is to be expressed in the program

  The people of China are facing difficulties.

  The spirit of never giving up and moving forward firmly.

  only not"a stroke of genius"

  Netizen: Just the right rain!

  This performance is "the right time, the right place and the right people"

  Many netizens thought at first.

  The rain scene in the program is a beautiful dance setting.

  I can’t help feeling that it is "really raining"

  "the right place at the right time" and "the pen of genius"

  Everyone also praised this group of actors.

  "The common memory of the nation, the weather.Blessing special effects

  The actor’s persistent performance … …This stage is too fried! "

  Some netizens also said that

  This rain is "tears of relief for the martyrs"

  "They must have seen it, right … …”

  Source of this article: CCTV News (ID: CCTV News Center) Comprehensive Observer Network, Chutian Metropolis Daily News.

  Producer Wang Xingdong

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor: Xu Chenyang Xu Weichen

Will the winds in many parts of the country cool down this winter and really "freeze and cry"?

  BEIJING, Beijing, September 27 (Ma Xueling, Lu Chunrong) On the 27th, there was strong wind and cool weather in Beijing. With the cold air heading south, the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will generally drop in the next few days, which also makes the hot topic of "Crying in the Winter" once again appear on the Internet. So, will you really cry this winter?

  Beijing gale cooling: it is estimated that the minimum temperature of level 7 gust is 12℃

  This morning, there was a strong wind in Beijing, which made me feel cold.

  China Weather Network reported that due to the influence of cold air, the northern wind began to take over the sky of Beijing at 4 or 5 o’clock this morning. According to meteorological monitoring, as of 5: 30 this morning, gusts of magnitude 6 or above have appeared in Haidian Station, Chedaogou, Xiangshan, Bei ‘an River, Fenghuangling, yongfeng middle school and Minzhuang.

  The Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a weather forecast at 6 o’clock today: it will be cloudy and sunny during the day, with a northerly wind of about five and a gust of about seven, with a maximum temperature of 23 C; It’s sunny at night, and the north wind turns from level 4 to level 23, with a minimum temperature of 12℃. In the gale blue warning, pay attention to wind protection and prevent falling objects.

  At 17: 00 the day before, the Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for strong winds. It is estimated that there will be northerly winds of Grade 4 and 5 from north to south in Beijing from 4: 00 to 20: 00 on the 27th, and the gust can reach about Grade 7.

  Cold air goes south in a big way, and autumn tigers turn into paper tigers in seconds.

  In addition to Beijing, this morning, most parts of Inner Mongolia also experienced significant cooling, with the cooling rate in some areas exceeding 10℃ and the temperature falling below 5℃.

  According to the news released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, it is estimated that the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will drop by 4 ~ 6℃ from north to south from September 27th to 29th due to the influence of cold air, with the temperature drop in the south-south area of eastern Inner Mongolia and the south-central part of northeast China reaching 8 ~ 10℃. There are 5 ~ 6 winds in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southern Northeast China, eastern North China and eastern Huanghuai.

  Under the influence of cold air, the highest temperature in southeastern and northeastern Inner Mongolia generally dropped to around 15℃, and in some areas it was only around 10℃. On the 28th, the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang will drop to around 0℃. The highest temperature in North China has generally dropped by 20℃ in the early days, and autumn is getting stronger.

  With cold air heading south and typhoon Miyu landing, the temperature in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will drop rapidly from 28th, and the highest temperature in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River and Guangdong will drop below 30℃. The hot weather will fade rapidly, and the autumn tiger will turn into a paper tiger.

  Will you cry this winter?

  For this windy and cool weather, some netizens said, "An autumn rain and a cold, in fact, it is nothing to cool down now. This winter, we may be frozen into dogs."

  The reason why netizens have the above concerns is because of a word recently swiped — — La Nina.

  The word "LaNina" comes from Spanish, originally meaning "little girl", which refers to the phenomenon that the sea surface temperature in the equatorial, Middle East and Pacific Ocean continues to be abnormally cold. If the 3-month moving average of SST anomaly is lower than -0.5℃ and lasts for at least 5 months, it is judged as a La Nina event.

  Monitoring shows that in August 2016, the SST anomaly index in the equatorial Middle East Pacific was -0.53℃. According to the National Climate Center of China Meteorological Bureau, the equatorial Middle East Pacific entered La Nina state in August.

  Li Xiaoquan, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said in an interview with Zhongxin. com (WeChat WeChat official account: cns2012) that it is still early in winter, and the authoritative meteorological department has not given the final forecast figures. It is still inconclusive whether La Nina will occur this winter.

  "But now that we have entered the La Ni? a state, La Ni? a events may occur this winter. According to relevant analysis, in general, the probability of being cold this winter is greater." Li Xiaoquan said.

  How powerful is La Nina?

  According to China Weather Network, one of the impacts of La Nina event on China’s climate is that the temperature may be low in winter, which is prone to cold winter. Statistics show that since 1954, in the years affected by La Ni? a event, the proportion of cold winter in China has exceeded 80%.

  For example, in the years affected by La Nina, the winter of 1954 was the coldest one, and the temperature was 2.95℃ lower than normal.

  For another example, in early 2008, the La Nina incident was one of the important behind-the-scenes "pushers" of the once-in-50-year freezing rain and snow disaster in southern China.

  According to regional statistics, in La Nina, the proportion of cold in winter in Tibet was the lowest, at 50%. In the northwest, southwest, south China and south China, it is as high as 80% or more.

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter?

  Will La Nina definitely lead to a cold winter? Li Xiaoquan said that normally, when La Nina happens, China will be colder in winter, but it doesn’t mean that it will enter the cold winter, but the probability of entering the cold winter is higher, especially in the southern region.

  "La Nina came last year, which will make winter cold, but it doesn’t mean it will be particularly cold. It can be seen that some years have entered the cold winter, which is mostly related to the La Nina phenomenon, but it is not La Nina that will definitely enter the cold winter. "

  As it said, it was also the winter of 1998/99 when the super El Ni? o turned to La Ni? a, but China experienced a warm winter.

  China Weather Network reported on September 22nd that the equatorial Middle East and Pacific Ocean has entered La Nina state, but it has not reached the standard of La Nina event. China Meteorological Bureau will continuously monitor the development of La Nina.

Linfen held a press conference, optimized the financial business environment, and eased the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Liu Jiang intern Zhang Xinwen) On January 9, the Information Office of Linfen Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on "Optimizing the financial business environment, helping market players to multiply and alleviating the financing difficulties and expensive problems of small and medium-sized enterprises". Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, and Hao Xiaoqiang, Party Member and Deputy Director of Linfen Financial Office, attended the conference, introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and serving the real economy, and answered questions from reporters. The conference was presided over by Feng Li, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Linfen Municipal Committee and a first-class researcher.
Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, comprehensively introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and service to the real economy. Focusing on the three major tasks of preventing and resolving major financial risks, deepening local financial reform and financial services to the real economy, this paper introduces the financial ecological environment, the reform of financing guarantee system, the entry of enterprises into multi-level capital markets, the normalization of the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and the establishment of the service platform for the first loan renewal.
Tai Huijun said that since 2023, Linfen City has guided financial institutions to conscientiously implement various monetary policies and fiscal and financial policies, continuously increased credit supply, and the real economy of financial services has become more accurate, and the liquidity of the city’s financial industry has remained reasonable and abundant. By the end of November, the balance of deposits and loans in the city had reached 698.095 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 13.38%, ranking third in the province. The loan balance was 273.595 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 15.46%, ranking third in the province.
Tai Huijun introduced that in recent years, Linfen City has continuously strengthened financial policy propaganda, established a 3+N+N docking mechanism between government, banks and enterprises, and granted credit of 12.885 billion yuan to the "three batches" projects in the development zone, and realized credit of 20.15 billion yuan to key provincial and municipal projects. In Xinchuang Industrial Park, Yaodu High-tech Zone, a service center platform for the first loan renewal was set up to provide "one-stop" financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, with a total loan of 5.408 billion yuan for 10,981 market entities, and a credit of 510 million yuan and a loan of 390 million yuan for 14 enterprises including Shanxi Zhenghetian Technology, Yingxin Qisheng Electronic Technology, Hummingbird Technology and Century Xinlongteng Technology in Xinchuang Industrial Park. Promote enterprises to enter the multi-level capital market, and promote 344 enterprises to be listed in the Shanxi Equity Exchange Center, among which 130 enterprises are listed on the "Jinxingban", and 35 new listed enterprises are added this year. With the implementation of various fiscal and financial policies, the province set up the first batch of 266 million yuan credit guarantee funds, and promoted the credit loan of 798 million yuan, benefiting 1735 households of various market entities. Make full use of 330 million yuan of emergency liquidity guarantee funds for enterprise capital chain, and provide policy-based "lending and renewing loans" services for enterprises with loans due and financial difficulties. In 2023, 71 enterprises were loaned and renewed with 4.157 billion yuan.
At the press conference, the relevant person in charge of Linfen Financial Office gave detailed answers to the reporter’s questions about financing difficulties, expensive financing and how the financing guarantee system can better serve the small, micro, rural areas and farmers. According to reports, Linfen Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., as the only municipal government financing guarantee institution, closely focuses on the decision-making arrangements of Linfen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on optimizing the business environment, promoting the multiplication project of market players and promoting the development of private economy, and strives to solve the problem of "difficult guarantee and expensive guarantee" for small and medium-sized enterprises by lowering the threshold, reducing the rate and improving efficiency. Up to now, Linfen financing guarantee company has provided credit enhancement services for 12,600 small, micro and three rural entities, with a total guarantee amount of 5.291 billion yuan; A total of 62,100 people were employed and 984 million yuan in profits and taxes were paid. We will continue to reduce the guarantee rate, uniformly reduce the guarantee rate of various market players to below 1%, and reduce the average guarantee rate to 0.73% and 0.65% for two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, and promote fee reduction and profit reduction of 14.4962 million yuan.

Foton Motor: Release the financial business risk disposal plan.

On January 10th, the financial sector reported that Foton Motor announced that in order to effectively prevent, timely control and resolve the financial business risks of the company and its holding subsidiaries in BAIC Group Finance Co., Ltd. and ensure the safety and liquidity of funds, the financial business risk disposal plan was formulated. The financial business risks in the plan include deposit risk, credit risk of financial companies, compliance operation risk and reputation risk. The Company has set up a leading group for financial risk prevention and disposal, which is responsible for the prevention and disposal of the risks of funds associated with the Company and financial companies. The leading group is headed by the chairman of the company, with the chief financial officer as the deputy head. Other members include the secretary of the board of directors, the heads of the financial planning department, the audit department, the legal department and the financial management department. The office of the leading group is located in the financial planning department, with the company’s chief financial officer as the office director and the chief financial planning officer as the deputy director, responsible for timely monitoring and evaluating the financial company’s business qualifications, business and risk status, and starting the emergency response plan according to the emerging risk status.