Now reading: How to wake up Xiao Ai on Xiaomi mobile phone, how to wake up Xiao Ai on Xiaomi mobile phone [Detailed explanation] How to wake up Xiao Ai on Xiaomi mobile phone, how to wake up Xiao Ai o

      How can Xiaomi mobile phone wake up Xiao Ai?

  Method one:

  Select the Xiao Ai Classmate app on your Xiaomi phone and click Open Xiao Ai Classmate.

  Method two:

  Keyword Spotting Calling Xiao Ai Classmate can wake up Xiao Ai Classmate.

  Method three:

  Press and hold the power button of the Xiaomi phone for about 0.5 seconds to wake up Xiao Ai. This method requires the function to be turned on in Xiao Ai’s settings.

  Method 4:

  Long press the HOME button of the Xiaomi mobile phone to wake up Xiao Ai. If there is no physical home button, it can be achieved through the virtual home button.

  Method 5:

  Some Xiaomi mobile phones have added an AI button on the side, and Xiao Ai can be quickly awakened by pressing the AI button.

Huai’an Jinhu: "Red Bee Station" helps "takeaway brother" become the "red factor" of grassroots governance

  "The closer we are to the merchants, the more orders we receive. Since there is this’Red Bee Station ‘in Ning Square, I can receive orders when I take a break and drink some water. Sometimes I can even eat a hot meal, and my income has also increased a lot. It’s so practical!"

  Since the beginning of this year, Jinhu County, Huai’an City, Jiangsu Province has actively explored new methods and new paths for party building work for new business and new employment groups. The Party Committee of the County Market Supervision Bureau has taken the initiative and taken the initiative to take the initiative. In accordance with the principle of "grasping the industry and grasping the industry", it has taken the lead in establishing "small and specialized" industry party organizations and takeaway food delivery industry party branches. It has refined the "three lists" of party building tasks, the power list of takeaway brothers, and the obligation list of takeaway brothers, and established a "two-way feedback" mechanism between towns and streets and takeaway enterprises. Build a party building work system that combines blocks and links up and down. Carry out experiential research on the takeaway food delivery industry "100 people and thousands of miles", implement the party building information "three checks and one check" action, organize party members to "find a home", "go home" and "settle down" activities, and further find out the "family background". Select 3 party building instructors to takeaway enterprises, implement the "double training and double inspection" plan for the development of party members of takeaway brothers, and cultivate 17 party activists. This year, it is expected to develop 2 party members to ensure that the "two coverage" of the takeaway food delivery industry is vigorously promoted to the edge.

  The county focuses on strengthening organizational guidance and service guarantee, establishing and improving the mechanism of care and assistance and appeal feedback, building a "Red Bee" party and mass service center at Meituan Jinhu Station, relying on market supervision grass-roots branches, supermarket outlets, and village (community) party and mass service centers to build 6 "Red Bee Stations", upgrading the "Seven Ones" warm-hearted service, providing appeal collection, training and learning, rest lectures and other activities, and building a "1 + 6" warm site service network. 18 county departments including the judiciary, public security, and trade unions have formed a "caring service alliance", issued a list of 20 warm "new" services, and provided various training and assistance such as safety knowledge, legal rights protection, and class skills for the delivery brother. 5 activities have been carried out, covering 450 new employment groups; 3 service work orders have been sent to urban management, housing construction and other departments, and 11 problems such as difficult access to the community and trees blocking building number plates have been solved within 72 hours, so that the delivery brother can truly feel the care and care of the party organization.

  In addition, the county has also innovated to build the "Red Bee Knight" party building brand, widely carried out branch bright flags, party members bright identity, vehicle bright logo, service bright commitment activities, set up epidemic prevention and control "Red Bee" vanguard, more than 30 takeaway delivery staff 24 hours a day to fight for disinfection and sterilization of items, takeaway distribution line, take the initiative to undertake the distribution of fruits and vegetables and necessities of life for the isolation of the hotel, to ensure the daily life of residents. Recruit party members and party activists with good quality and political excellence to serve as "red net micro-grid" informers and volunteers, deliver takeaways to "take pictures" and "send them at any time" urban uncivilized phenomena, strive to create "woodpeckers" and "food safety guards" in civilized cities, and successively assist the public security department in cracking 3 theft cases, and "little brother" bursts with "great energy".

  "The food delivery industry provides a lot of social services in the streets. We need to give full play to their advantages of being familiar with the situation and understanding the needs, and guide them to become the’red factor ‘of grassroots governance, so as to serve the general pattern of civilized city construction across the country," said Bao Zhiqiang, a member of the Jinhu County Standing Committee and director of the Organization Department.

The interior, performance and comprehensive endurance have been improved, and the 2021 BYD Tang.

When Tanggang came out, it refreshed everyone’s understanding of medium-sized SUVs. No one believed that an SUV would mainly promote how fast it accelerated. After all, people who drive SUVs have stopped pursuing speed madness. However, it reversed thinking and built an SUV that could accelerate 100 kilometers into 4 seconds. You know, few SUVs could run into this achievement at that time, and even if they did, the price was many times more expensive than it. Today, what we want to talk about is the 2021 Tang, and let’s experience the new style with more ingenious design and reverse thinking development.

First of all, its appearance still follows the design language of "DragonFace", with a "faucet" front face and a suspended C-pillar, plus a double-layer penetrating taillight, which is almost the same as that of the previous generation, except that the materials used will be improved. For example, the horizontal bar on the middle net of the front face used to be polished metal, but now it has a matte matte texture, which enhances the sense of grade. The latest fonts are used in the footer, which makes it more concise and regular.

The new interior is developed by the global interior design director, and it is also extended by the design language of "DragonFace". Through the detailed design and material collocation, it reflects a luxurious texture. The new Tang’s audio system is actually equipped with the Nordic Rirac brand audio system, which is a unique practice. The front seat adopts a more complicated digital punching and pressing process, while the rear seat is straight, but the softness is still very good.

The 2021 model continues the powertrain of the 2.0T turbocharged engine+motor group. Based on the latest DM-p technology, the official said that the motor output and program were optimized, so that the acceleration time of the 100-kilometer version of the model was increased from the previous 4.5 seconds to 4.3 seconds. At the same time, the 2021 model has a comprehensive endurance of more than 800 kilometers. Moreover, the 2021 model is equipped with the newly developed "blade battery" technology, and the battery life of the blade battery is increased to 565 kilometers, 45 kilometers more than the old model, and the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is also increased to 4.4 seconds. I think it is no longer a dream for Tang to achieve an SUV for more than three seconds after two years of evolution.

To sum up, Tang has always been a leader in the SUV market share. As a model, there are many R&D on Tang. Now the trend of new energy is keeping pace with the times. I believe that in the near future, we can make greater progress in new energy.

Special statement: The above contents (including pictures or videos, if any) are uploaded and published by users of the media platform "Netease", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Easy car number provided by the author

Millions of fans have been sentenced! Uncover the "painted skin" of fake short videos

"Emotional disputes between men and women" "211 graduated men were laid off to take delivery without telling their wives?" "Shopping mall security guards catch falling babies with bare hands" … These videos are very eye-catching both in title and content. They not only spread widely on the Internet, but also triggered heated discussions among netizens.

However, these so-called "personal stories" and "real records" were later proved to be made by posing and deduction. Why are such short videos repeatedly banned?

There is no lower limit for posing video.

Not a few

On January 6th, a short video was released on the Internet platform. The woman in the picture took the initiative to ask for marriage in a park in Chongqing as a pregnant woman, holding a piece of paper with the conditions of marriage written on it. The language was amazing: "Although the baby is not yours, the daughter-in-law is yours. It is painful enough to have a baby. If you really love me, you don’t have to care whether the baby is yours. I can’t afford a monthly salary of seven or eight thousand. I look down on it. If the monthly salary is less than 20,000, I won’t consider it. I can’t afford it in the future. "

According to the information reported by the police, the woman surnamed Chen is a self-media blogger who disguised herself as a pregnant woman to direct and perform a blind date scene in order to attract traffic.

After this video was confirmed by the police as posing fraud, netizens condemned this behavior and listed its harmfulness. In fact, the harm of posing fake videos goes far beyond this. The illegal acts such as "tragic auction", "false agricultural assistance" and "pseudo-charity", mainly represented by "Liangshan Qubu", "Zhao Linger" and "Liangshan Meng Yang", have defrauded netizens’ sympathy and empathy, and made many people buy fake products out of their pockets to consume public sympathy.

On March 18th, the reporter learned that recently, the People’s Court of Zhaojue County of Liangshan Prefecture pronounced the verdict in the first instance of the case of "Liangshan Meng Yang" and "Liangshan Aze", and a total of eight people were sentenced for the crime of false advertising. Among them, Tang, the person in charge of the company, was sentenced to one year and two months and fined 100,000 yuan; Online celebrity Axi Moumou (Liangshan Meng Yang) was sentenced to 11 months in prison and fined 80,000 yuan; A certain person in online celebrity (Liangshan Aze) was sentenced to 9 months in prison and fined 40,000 yuan; Five people, including Li, Guo and Lin, were sentenced to 9 months to 1 year, with fines ranging from 20,000 yuan to 80,000 yuan. The illegal income of the above personnel shall be confiscated.

However, for the sake of traffic, there are not a few cases where there is no lower limit. The reporter found that most of these false short videos are based on the pain points of life and social hotspots, inciting people’s emotions and using people’s emotions. From the struggle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, gender opposition to the gap between the rich and the poor, rural dilemma, etc., these false short videos concoct hot spots and create disputes with dramatic plot display and real shooting methods.

Zhang Xinbao, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China and vice president of the china law society Network and Information Law Research Association, said: "Media creation should not be aimed at grandstanding, fabricating false facts, confusing people who don’t know the truth, or deceiving the public. The Central Network Information Office has specially issued regulations requiring that some video content that is untrue, fictional or staged be marked to satisfy the public’s right to know. If there are other serious violations of the law, such as promoting violence, endangering public safety or infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others, you need to bear corresponding legal responsibilities according to law. "

Clear division of labor, posing fraud

Copywriting mostly reproduced plagiarism.

But in fact, the publishers of these false contents are precisely deliberately blurring the boundaries between "posing videos" and "real records", with the aim of deliberately convincing netizens. Because only in this way can we gain attention and get more click-through rates and traffic.

On July 28th last year, a short video of "being asked by strangers to accompany wine" on the Internet was released, which aroused widespread concern and heated discussion, and quickly boarded the social hot list of multiple platforms. Subsequently, the blogger released a so-called statement video. The video said: "I have seen everyone’s comments. There are indeed many people who have encountered the same thing as me. We bluntly refused to be beaten, and politely refused and said that we refused to be clear."

This kind of operation, which added fuel to the flames, made the video hit more than 10 thousand again, pushing the incident to a new climax, which also attracted the attention of the public security organs. The surveillance of the restaurant recorded the situation at that time. After investigation, it was found that the video was faked, and the team had a clear division of labor, each playing a different role. The video was shot three times, and it took only about 30 minutes before and after, creating such a short video that "caused public anger in the whole network".

Afterwards, Cheng Moumou, who pretended to be a drunken man, told reporters that after the short video of "being asked by strangers to accompany wine" was popular, there was also a phenomenon that they faked their accounts to attract fans into the group. They faked it to suck powder for themselves, but they did not expect to be cheated by the same fake accounts as them. From this point of view, there are quite a few fraudulent acts for the sake of traffic.

On August 3 last year, a network platform released a short video. In addition to crying, the words above were "Late at night, my sister delivered food, and I went downstairs and found that my car was stolen". However, it is such a video with a duration of only about 10 seconds. The number of views that night has exceeded 60 million, and it has spread rapidly on multiple platforms, entering the hot list, and immediately liked and collected more than 100,000 times.

Similarly, these also attracted the attention of the police. After investigation and verification, the video was posed, and the publisher was the woman performing in the picture, and her husband was in charge of props and guidance. The whole process of their posing at that time was recorded by outdoor monitoring on the street.

The reporter found that most of these short video copies of posing and fictional interpretation were reproduced and plagiarized. In the words of netizens, "they are all familiar flavors and familiar formulas."

The reporter learned in the investigation that behind this, the ultimate goal of most publishers of these fake videos is to further realize the traffic and make money. For example, "Liangshan Meng Yang" first released some fabricated fake videos of "Miserable Life" and "Crying Poor and Selling Miserable" on the network platform, and after the number of fans exceeded 100,000, it started the road of bringing goods.

Flow economy

Can not be divorced from the rule of law

It is beyond reproach to attract fans and bring goods by making high-quality short videos. However, under the temptation of interests, some bloggers of short videos do not hesitate to fake videos that attract people’s attention, so as to realize the flow. Some short-sighted band goods training institutions have introduced some improper means such as "subverting cognition", "creating opposition" and "copying materials".

How to control the short video posing fraud? Experts believe that all parties and departments need to work together.

Zhang Xinbao, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China and vice president of china law society Network and Information Law Research Association, said: "Controlling false information of fake videos is a comprehensive work, which requires law enforcement departments to strengthen law enforcement, platforms to strengthen self-discipline and supervision, and audiences to constantly improve their recognition ability. It is necessary to strengthen social supervision and increase the illegal cost of producers (counterfeiters). The most fundamental thing is to manage from the source and cut off the relevant interest chain, so that those who make fake videos to promote false information can not obtain economic benefits, and even bear adverse economic consequences, and jointly create a clean and honest network environment. "

These short videos with poor content orientation have impacted public order and good customs, and even violated laws and regulations, and must be rectified. If such information is indulged, people will be deceived frequently, and they will become insensitive to the real news events. These negative effects will eventually have to be paid by the whole society, and the victims may be each of us. For this bottomless practice of defrauding traffic by false means, relevant departments, Internet platforms, video producers and publishers, etc. all need to take their respective responsibilities. The flow economy can’t become a fake economy, and it can’t be divorced from the rule of law.

Original title: "Millions of fans online red was sentenced! Uncover the "Painted Skin" of Fake Short Video

Read the original text

The walls covered with championship flags, the sandy land over 60°C … The summer training venues of Shanghai volleyball players are different.

Xia Xun hits the eighth issue directly
Corpuscles come
Oriental land sports training base
Show you around.
Summer Training of Athletes in Volleyball Center
Men’s Volleyball-All-China Class Playing League is a special summer training.
At the end of August, in the volleyball training hall of oriental land Sports Training Base, the loud shouts made the young faces look determined. The wall behind them is the most precious aspect in the history of Chinese men’s volleyball league. Fifteen men’s volleyball league champion flags are hung on it.
In September this year, Shanghai golden times Men’s Volleyball Team completed the continuation of its legend-winning six consecutive championships and winning the 16th league title. And the championship journey has special significance. "The league lineup has been adjusted. Everyone is an all-China class competition. " Chen Yufeng, director of the volleyball sports center, introduced. For local players, especially young players, they have more stage to show the results of summer training and preparation. This kind of competition experience is of great benefit to their subsequent development, whether they join the national team or participate in the National Games.
When the main team went out to compete for the championship, Chen Haofeng was very satisfied with the results of more than two months of summer training by the reserve echelon. He said: "(Small players) have development potential both in technology and height. It is still reassuring. " 02
Women’s Volleyball Team-Looking for Opponents and Training by Competition
Compared with men’s volleyball, women’s volleyball girls’ training is more diverse. Volleyball is a collective event, and fast and changeable cooperation is a consistent feature of Shanghai. Training is not only a simple physical exercise, but also a skill transfer for the old players. "In volleyball, there is less confrontation, but experience is more important." Chen Yufeng introduced.
Practicing skills and improving physical fitness will eventually be transformed into actual play on the court. In order to accumulate practical experience, Shanghai women ruled out organizing adult teams to compete with youth teams, and invited teams from Zhejiang and Shandong to a friendly match.
In these internal training matches, the coach can fully understand the cooperation of the team and the state of the players, and try some technical and tactical changes. 03
Sand raft-feet buried in sand at 60 C.
Less than 8 o’clock in the morning, on the sand volleyball training ground, there are players in place. They are responsible for the "shower" work in the sand today. On a cool day, the players have two trainings every day: 8: 00 am-11: 00 am and 3: 00 pm-6: 00 pm.
Zhou Zhiguo, the leader of the beach volleyball team, said that sprinkling water on the ground can cool the sand on the one hand and reduce sand blowing on the other. Even so, in hot days, the heat storage makes the sand temperature soar to 60 C.
After running on the sand to warm up, the day’s training began. Serving, spiking, bouncing … According to different groups, everyone has their own training courses. In order to stabilize the center of gravity, the players’ feet repeatedly and deeply inserted into the sand. During training, coaches will arrange rest and hydration according to the weather and athletes’ conditions to prevent them from dehydration and heatstroke. After a short rest, they returned to the sand and began the next round of training.
No matter indoors or outdoors, no matter which team, even though the coach will privately say that it is not easy for athletes to train, no players on the training ground have ever complained that they are tired. While they are training, they don’t talk much. Only when they hit a good ball, make a loud cry and wave their fist-clenched right hand can their emotions be released. This is the spirit of volleyball in China.
Next time the corpuscle will take you.
Walk into the track and field sports center
Direct summer training for athletes

Why do Japanese eat KFC for Christmas? | A close look at Japan

"A Close Look at Japan" is a column set up by Chen Yaoshi, a writer living in Japan, in the interface news, telling about Japanese business and culture.
People in northern China eat jiaozi on the winter solstice, while Japanese eat KFC on Christmas. Trying to eat KFC on Christmas Eve is like trying to eat Haidilao at seven o’clock in the evening, because there are long queues at the gates of KFC, and no one has provided free tea, watermelon and manicure services.
However, even if you can’t get in line, there are ways. Many families will choose to go to the store or order a family bucket online to eat at home. After all, Christmas Eve should be spent with their families. Figures provided by the American fast food industry show that from December 20 to 25, 2018, KFC stores in Japan earned about 63 million US dollars, and Christmas Eve was a crazy night for KFC, with sales usually four or five times that of usual.
This phenomenon is a bit ridiculous. When I first spent Christmas in Japan, I was shocked by the long queue at the gate of KFC-KFC is called fast food for China people, and it is generally favored by couples of children and college students. Why did KFC become a Christmas dinner in Japan? Is it because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey and take KFC to deal with it?
In fact, it is not because the Japanese can’t afford to eat turkey, but because there is no turkey in Japan. In 1970, the first KFC in Japan opened, and the business was bleak. At that time, Japan’s economy had developed at a high speed, and KFC, which provided standardized and high-quality services, did not attract the attention of Japanese consumers.
But the Japanese like to celebrate Christmas. In the long time and space, this festival from the west has been widely accepted by the Japanese. In fact, the concept of Christmas spread to Japan during the Meiji Restoration. In 1892, Masaoka Shiki, a master of Japanese literature in Meiji period, wrote that "after Laba is a noisy Christmas". Just like what we said, "Don’t be greedy for children, it’s the year after Laba".
Although in the following years, whether Christmas should be celebrated has aroused widespread discussion in society, the theory of the opponents is very clear: Japan is not a Christian country, so why should it be celebrated? How should Japan’s own traditions be preserved?
However, Yanagita Kunio, the father of Japanese folklore, thinks that Christmas is just a traditional winter night activity in the East, covered with western pop elements … and the East has a tradition of celebrating the winter solstice night since ancient times. ….
It means that everyone is happy, so why be so serious? The Japanese people don’t care so much, and happiness is the most important thing. They soon enjoyed the fun of Christmas. Since around the 1910 s, Santa Claus, Christmas concerts and dances have come in droves, and major commercial organizations have tried their best to carry out various discounts and promotions. The whole December was immersed in a cheerful atmosphere.
Back to KFC. Before and after Christmas in 1974, KFC played a brainwashing slogan: "Of course, we must eat KFC at Christmas." I didn’t expect this strategy to be a great success.
It is said that this idea came to the manager of KFC in his dream at that time. After waking up, he quickly took a notebook and wrote it down. In addition to this slogan, he also suggested that KFC should launch Christmas package barrels during Christmas to attract consumers.
It is said that another reason is that several westerners living in Japan complained that they didn’t have a turkey dinner in Japan at Christmas, and the manager had a brainwave. So, buddy, come and have a KFC dinner. Anyway, it’s all chickens.
Since then, it has become a tradition to eat KFC in Japan for Christmas. In fact, there is commercial significance behind this. Although the Japanese have a long history of Christmas, they have not formed a unique culture, and what to eat at Christmas has always been a blank in the market. For example, it is a habit and custom to have a family reunion dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala in China during the Spring Festival. But what to eat at Christmas, the Japanese have never had a fixed habit. Until KFC’s marketing strategy changed this situation.
Moreover, KFC in Japan later strengthened its Christmas significance. They said that KFC’s grandfather looked like Santa Claus … So more Japanese chose to see this KFC grandfather who looked like Santa Claus at Christmas.
Besides eating KFC, if you happen to be in Tokyo, it is definitely a big loss not to see the brightly lit city on Christmas Eve. Whether it is a commercial block or a small park, this day will be shrouded in gorgeous lights containing whimsy and creativity. The images of reindeer, Christmas tree and Santa Claus will be displayed in various forms, and the trees on the roadside will also be lit by various colors of lights.
A few years ago, on Christmas Eve, I walked alone in Marunouchi Street in Tokyo, and was deeply moved by the romance at night. It is said that more than 200 trees on this 1.2-kilometer-long road are lit with shining lights, and there are about 930,000 light bulbs here to illuminate my Little Paradise.
In fact, we don’t have to be too critical of the festivals that emerge from time to time today. The background of their existence may be the planning of businesses, such as shopping, eating and having fun. But what about this? The important thing is, if real life makes you feel bored, what’s wrong with having fun in a festive atmosphere?
(Note: This article only represents the author’s personal views. Editor’s mailbox:

Fashion is a reincarnation, and these elements are hot again.


Seems to be the most fickle thing in the world,

Last season’s fashion trends are just familiar to me.

Next season’s pop elements will follow immediately.

Fashion trends change every season,

But at the same time, fashion is a reincarnation.

Elements that were popular a long time ago may be warming up again today.

We often see something similar on the Internet.

"It turns out that the most fashionable ones are our grandmother and mother."

"Looking through mom’s closet,

You can see the fashion this year.

So,In a sense,

Fashion is a cycle after cycle.

For example, the beautiful national goddess Brigitte Lin,

The hard photos of the last century are still super amazing.

Sling v-neck jumpsuit,

Pure and sexy are just right,

With hairband and a little black bag,

Simple plain clothes and proper fashionistas,

And this kind of jumpsuit is very popular in recent years.

Anyone who doesn’t have one or two,

It’s really Out

Brigitte Lin also loves to wear heroic suits.

Capable, fresh and handsome.

And this neutral trend has been in the fashion circle in recent years.

Also cited by various big coffees,

Let us feel the elegance and handsomeness of women again.

Cycling pants are all the rage this summer.

From the street to the show,

Become a versatile item for fashionistas of all walks of life.

For elongate leg lines,

Highlighting the waist-hip-leg ratio plays an excellent role.

But did it occur to you,

The late princess Diana

I have already interpreted it to the fullest.

Princess Diana’s life is legendary,

And her dress style also leads the fashion trend.

Even today, it is still fashionable and bright.

This green wave tunic dress with white background is fresh and charming.

With a roll-up hat,

The neck is decorated with exquisite choker,

Any one is a popular style at present.

A generation of goddess Joey Wong, fashionable and temperament,

Her style has been madly imitated by girls.

As early as 30 years ago,

She has put on piles of socks and small white shoes.

And this kind of collocation is also popular in recent years.

Waist check jumpsuit suspender short skirt,

Fresh and sexy merger,

It’s still standard in summer,

There is always a reason why plaid elements are enduring.

After all, it’s so beautiful.

Fashion is like a cycle,

Many things that were popular in the past are immersed in it for a period of time.

Will return to the wave of fashion.

No matter how to pursue the latest things,

What remains in the end are the most classic elements.

Stripes have always been a popular element in fashion circles.

Never disappeared in fashion,

Never even dimmed,

Regardless of the times,

Sweeping the fashion circle regardless of season.

Striped shirts have appeared in Hepburn’s daily photos more than once.

Marilyn Monroe always wears sexy clothes,

Striped shirts are no exception.

Nowadays, more colors and styles are used.

The beauty of stripes remains the same.

Summer is the most exciting season to wear striped shirts.

Especially blue and white stripes,

Especially suitable for showing the vitality of summer,

Full of youthful and lively breath,

Age is reduced and there is a sense of closeness.

Striped Tee is the simplest and easiest item to build.

You can go out of the street with a pair of jeans or shorts at will.

Over size, hem knot, small dew shoulder

All kinds of wearing methods get up at will,

Easily add points to your look.

And for people who want to be thin,

Vertical stripes are the best choice.

Stretch the lines of the whole body,

Makes people look thin and straight,

Very good shape modification.

Don’t like large stripes,

It can also be decorated with only a small area.

Stripes on collars, cuffs and belts,

Can show personality very well.

No one will ask whether black and white collocation is popular.

Because it naturally exists in fashion.

I believe many people were killed 25 years ago,

This set of photos of Gong Li at the seaside in Cannes was amazing.

Black and white, seemingly simple,

But it has been amazing for decades.

Ms Chanel once said:

"I often say that black is all-inclusive, and so is white.

Their beauty is impeccable and absolutely harmonious.

At the dance,

Women in black or white are always the focus. "

A seemingly unchanging black and white match.

In fact, I have tried all kinds of styles and forms.

Although the combination of black and white is not as eye-catching as color items,

But it has always stood in the fashion world and never went out of fashion.

As the saying goes, less is more,

Black and white collocation just explains this.

People who like simplicity,

There must be an inherent feeling for black and white.

Black and white collocation,

Release different styles through different fabrics and styles,

Or fashionable and capable, or dignified and elegant,

The only constant is the innate sense of fashion.

Plaid is one of the classic English elements.

Since the 1950s and 1960s,

Plaid elements have already occupied the fashion circle.

In many old photos,

We have all seen those graceful girls,

Use plaid to interpret the elegance of that era.

Plaid is also one of Hepburn’s daily preferences.

The fresh plaid makes her feel girly.

Princess Diana is also a fan of plaid.

Different styles wear different temperament,

Show the nobility and sweetness of the royal family,

These clothes are full of fashion even now.

Until today,

Plaid is still the most representative fashion symbol,

Is a frequent visitor to the fashion trend every year.

Different patterns, sizes and combinations,

Give fashion unlimited possibilities.

Large plaid makes people look calm,

And the small plaid,

It looks more low-key and introverted.

A vintage plaid suit,

It should be a versatile must-have item.

With casual items,

Fresh and handsome, simple and stylish.

And dressed in plaid,

There will be a strong visual impact,

Combining formal and fashionable elements,

Let your temperament soar.

We often say that fashion is a cycle,

Because of the popular elements,

It always comes back in a different fashion.

That’s because,

True beauty has never been eliminated,

And the real classic,

Will make time last forever.