Jackie Chan is setting up a fund for the disaster area, saying that "tears have dried up"

Feature: Picture Channel

Topic: The devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan

Feature: Fighting the Earthquake: The Cutest Soldiers

  On the 19th, Jackie Chan and young players Wang Wenjie and Liu Fengchao showcased their fists at Cannes

  On May 19, local time in Cannes, Jackie Chan appeared in Cannes to promote the kung fu film "Wushu Youth", which he was the producer of. Although the original intention of the producer of the film was to cultivate and recommend kung fu newcomers, due to the earthquake in China, Jackie Chan also shifted the focus of the topic to focus on the disaster situation, saying that he would temporarily put aside other work at hand to concentrate on setting up a special fund for disaster relief and planning large-scale disaster relief performances.

  Working on establishing a fund for disaster areas

  Jackie Chan revealed that when he learned of the earthquake in the country, he was considering how to give some help to Myanmar, but he heard the news before the plan was discussed. Before coming to Cannes, Jackie Chan had been busy with disaster relief, and he would leave immediately after the event to continue the relief work.

  "After the earthquake, every Chinese person is contributing money, but the reconstruction work after the disaster is the most important, so I won’t go anywhere now, put aside other work at hand for the time being, and focus on doing something for the disaster relief." Jackie Chan said that the disaster will not pass in a day or two, and may take up to seven or eight years to rebuild. "I am busy setting up a special fund for disaster relief, so that I can give some help to the disaster area every year. Now how to appease those children and help their spiritual health is the most important thing."

  "We have a strong cohesion."

  Jackie Chan had previously donated 10 million yuan to the disaster area with Emperor boss Yang Shoucheng, and he himself went to the disaster area in Sichuan. Speaking of his feelings at the time, Jackie Chan said: "My car was driven by a police car, but the cars on both sides were delivering supplies on one side, and the other was empty cars coming back. There were also many people riding bicycles to send supplies. The touching deeds of the frontline personnel made me cry dry."

  Jackie Chan’s influence in the world film industry has attracted a large number of overseas media. He said publicly at the press conference: "Money is not a problem in China now, we have too much money. What I feel the most about this is that I see the strong cohesion of our Chinese people."

  In addition, when asked by overseas media about some negative reports about the Beijing Olympics, Jackie Chan replied: "Many reports are untrue and there are too many misinterpretations. I love sports, I believe everyone loves sports, and the Olympic Games are not only the Olympic Games in China, but also the Olympic Games in the world."

Editor in charge: Zhang Tuoya