Deng Chao transforms into a mature man, talking about the key development of the career contraction front

  Entering the summer vacation, the urban idol drama "Hard Love" starring Deng Chao was widely praised after it was broadcast. Deng Chao played the young, rich and elegant "Diamond King" Meng Hao in the play. He fell in love with a beautiful woman at first sight, spent money like a land, and finally achieved a beautiful marriage between a prince and Cinderella.

  Seeing such a plot summary may make many viewers dismiss it, thinking it is an old-fashioned and vulgar romance drama that is completely unrealistic. However, on the afternoon of the 3rd, Deng Chao repeatedly emphasized in a telephone interview with reporters that he hoped the audience would not put on tinted glasses first. He wanted to show how a man was "reasonably successful" in this love story, and how he changed from "devil to angel" under the influence of love.

  Talking about the role of the new drama waiting for the "fifth diamond king"

  The character played by Deng Chao in "Difficult Love" is young and handsome, smart and capable, elegant in temperament, and rich in wealth. Women are loved by everyone, and men are envied by everyone. It is no wonder that the original name of this drama is "Difficult Love of the Fifth Diamond King". The topic of the interview starts with "The Fifth Diamond King". Since his debut, Deng Chao has played many roles, whether it is the young emperor in "Young Emperor" and "Young Kangxi", or the high-ranking children in "Happiness is Like a Flower" and "Sweet Honey", which seem to be more or less "The Fifth Diamond King". Does Deng Chao like this feeling of being the Fifth Diamond King?

  Deng Chao replied with a smile: My idea may be the opposite of yours. First of all, the emperor is by no means "the fifth of the diamond king", and the children of high-ranking cadres are not "the fifth of the diamond king". "the fifth of the diamond king" is a foreign word, and according to its original meaning, it means a rich single man. I understand what you mean. What you said is that the characters I play have a sense of superiority, but the sense of superiority is also very different. The young and frivolous young of a young and mature man have a sense of superiority, but the feeling is very different. When I play the role of Meng Hao this time, I actually want to show a story of a man who has achieved reasonable success through hard work and struggle. This "the fifth of the diamond king" is not a playboy, but a respectable successful person.

  Deng Chao also told reporters that the "Fifth Diamond King" character is still his transformation work, "no longer young and frivolous, but mature and experienced." Deng Chao revealed that he had to wait for the role. "Director Tian Youliang had this book a few years ago, but I didn’t think I could play Meng Hao at that time, because I lacked the temperament of a mature man. The director waited for me for several years, until I had a sense of age because of my training, and could be qualified for this" Fifth Diamond King "role."

  Talking about love, love is actually a matter of one person

  "Difficult Love" asks the audience a social question – whether love is pure or not after being mixed with matter? How does Deng Chao himself answer this question? "I don’t think love must be insulated from material conditions, and in real life this is impossible. Whether material things can be mixed into love depends on the specific situation. For example, in the play, Meng Hao sincerely uses money to help his sweetheart, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it."

  Deng Chao and Sun Li are "golden boys and girls" in the entertainment industry, and their love can be said to be a good story in the circle. However, before this interview, Deng Chao made it clear that he did not want to talk about Sun Li, because the two hoped that the media and the public could give them a certain amount of personal space, which would be conducive to the development of their relationship. The reporter expressed his understanding, but the topic talked about the concept of love and whether he believed in love at first sight. Deng Chao still talked about his understanding of love, "The love I understand is still more real and practical. I think love needs to be truly paid and think about the other party. I often say that love is a matter of two people, but in fact it is a matter of one person. That is to say, when you say I love you or she (he) loves me, you need to take action and give something. Only in this way can you be worthy of love. "

  On the Key Development of the Career Shrinking Front

  From "Happiness is like a Flower", "Sweet Honey" to now "Difficult Love", Deng Chao’s love-themed TV dramas are almost one hit and one hit, which also established his status as a popular idol. However, there are recent rumors that Deng Chao will no longer act in emotional TV dramas in the future. Asked about this question, Deng Chao said: "This statement is not accurate. What is an emotional TV drama? I am afraid that any TV drama with any theme cannot be separated from emotion, right? If there is no emotional factor, can it be said to be a drama? If you are talking about love TV dramas, I will take less, at least I will not repeat similar roles I have shot before. Breakthrough and transformation have always been my pursuit, but there is no certain direction. Trying freshness is my consistent pursuit. For example, this time Meng Hao is a character I haven’t tried before. "

  In response to rumors that Deng Chao will release his debut album in the second half of the year, Deng Chao said that the album is in preparation, but it may be put on hold for a while. He feels that his development should be focused and not too long. He is currently working on a new book – "Chao and Superman", which is a travel toolbook designed to introduce readers to the cultures and customs of the world. Each chapter will invite a celebrity to travel with Deng Chao to a country. For example, the first chapter is to travel with Wang Zhongjun to New Zealand and tell the story of the movie in the world-famous movie shooting mecca.

  Recently, it was rumored that Deng Chao would star in the TV drama "Lei Feng" directed by Zhao Baogang and play the role of Lei Feng. When the reporter asked him for the exact news, Deng Chao said that he had heard the news for the first time. He felt that Lei Feng was an idol of all Chinese people and was very respectable, but he did not receive a clear invitation.

Editor in charge: Zhang Renhe