Running Man loses another strong general, Bailu Fan Chengcheng is powerless to return to the sky, the unsolved mystery of the show

"Running Man" ("Running Man" for short) was undoubtedly a shining star in the Chinese variety scene. From its first broadcast in 2014 to becoming a source of laughter after countless families’ dinners, "Running Man" has allowed audiences to witness a series of exciting, funny and touching moments. However, recently, another veteran member announced his withdrawal, causing countless fans to sigh. The joining of White Deer and Fan Chengcheng failed to prevent the star’s gradual decline. Is "Running Man" really reaching a bottleneck period?

1. The members withdrew again, causing the fate of the show to rise sharply

It is reported that the announcement of the retirement this time is one of the old members of "Running Man", whose humor and enthusiasm have greatly enhanced the show. The news quickly spread on social media and caused a huge response. Viewers expressed their disappointment and reluctance: "I feel that something is missing from the departure of the old member," one loyal viewer wrote on Weibo. Many people worry that such a change will leave the show with a lack of chemistry and a less natural atmosphere than in the past.

2. The show goes from peak to gradual cooling: there are obvious traces of personnel changes

The success of "Running Man" is no accident. Its core charm lies in the interaction and tacit understanding among the members. However, over time, the original members gradually withdrew and were replaced by fresh faces. However, these new members, although unique, have never been able to completely replace the old members in the hearts of the audience. Fan Chengcheng and Bailu are undoubtedly powerful entertainers, and they also contributed many highlights in the show, but overall, the show seems to have lost its original purity and joy.

3. The charm of old members: the reluctance of the audience

The veteran, who has announced his retirement, has become a classic in the hearts of audiences over the years of "Running Man." Every time he appears, he always provokes a burst of laughter and applause. His unique sense of humor and affinity make him a "seagogue needle" in the show. Audiences have deep feelings for these familiar faces, so when they leave, it is not just a blow to the show, but a test of audience emotions.

4. Bailu and Fan Chengcheng: Fresh blood is not enough to save established shows

The production team of "Running Man" had hoped to inspire new vitality by introducing young idols such as Bai Lu and Fan Chengcheng. Bai Lu won the love of many fans with his bright personality and solid acting skills; Fan Chengcheng’s addition also added a lot of freshness and excitement to the show. However, it turns out that relying solely on the personal charm of the new members is not enough to fully make up for the vacancy caused by the departure of the old members. In the face of huge variety show market competition, such adjustments seem to be a drop in the bucket.

5. The talent turnover of variety shows: a hidden concern that cannot be ignored

The replacement of artists is the norm in the entertainment industry, but for a long-running variety show, the frequent change of core members is undoubtedly a huge challenge. On the one hand, new members need time to break in with the show, and on the other hand, the audience also needs time to accept and like these new faces. However, when the audience has become accustomed to the existence of old members, the addition of new members often brings discomfort and resistance, rather than expectation and joy.

6. Social media reverberations: Audience calls for authenticity

On social media, many viewers expressed concern about the current state of the show: "I hope the program team can plan the lineup of members more stably and in the long run, and do not treat the audience’s emotions as child’s play." Such voices reflect the audience’s appeal for the production idea of the show – hoping to maintain the original style and characteristics of the show, rather than changing frequently to meet the rapidly changing needs of the market.

7. The future of Running Man: How to regain lost luster

How to maintain the vitality of the show through the replacement of new and old members is a major challenge for the production team of "Running Man". Perhaps through more careful planning and production, the new members can build a deep emotional bond with the old audience, which is the key to the resurgence of "Running Man". Variety shows need freshness, but more importantly, they need a stable core team to support their long-term development.

8. Implications for the entire variety show industry

The phenomenon of "Running Man" has also triggered deep reflection on the entire variety show industry. Will frequent member changes have a negative impact on the overall quality of the show? Does the high mobility of stars mean that the life cycle of variety shows will be shortened? These are all questions that need to be reflected and discussed by industry insiders.

9. Rise and Fall: The Reality of the Variety Show Life Cycle

Every variety show has its own life cycle, from the initial novelty and popularity to the gradual lackluster and fall back, which is an inevitable process. The key lies in how to continuously innovate and debug during this process to maintain the audience’s interest and attention. For "Running Man", how to regain the lost innocence and enthusiasm will be the key to whether it can continue to attract audiences in the future.

10. Conclusion: Audience expectations and future prospects

Although "Running Man" faces many challenges, we still hope that it can rediscover the happy time that once accompanied countless audiences through continuous adjustment and innovation. After all, a successful variety show is not only a stage for stars, but also the emotional sustenance of the audience. I hope that in the days to come, we can continue to see the infinite joy and surprises that "Running Man" brings to us on the screen.

In this case, viewers must be patient and continue to support their favorite shows and stars. Mindful production and audience engagement may be the key factors that will make "Running Man" work out of its predicament.

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