The movie "Hua Qiangu" exposes the theme song "Painting Life" Xu Song creates and sings to help keep the love song for a long time

  A few days ago, starring Chen Turin and Li Chengbin, Mao Zijun starred, Lai Meiyun and Zhang Zining starred, Xu Muchan starred in a special friendship, Chen Xiaodong and Zhang Li starred in a friendship, and Jiang Yiming, Wang Xichao, Yang Yi, Xie Chengze, Xie Zichen, Zhang Tianqi and other co-starring Oriental fantasy film "Hua Qiangu" released the theme song "Painting for Life", composed and sung by singer Xu Song. "Painting for Life" focuses on the cause and effect of love, and writes a touching love song based on the story. The protagonist experiences love, hate, and anger, and is torn between personal love and helping the world. Based on Oriental fantasy colors, the film presents the rich theme of growth, transformation and relief. After nine years of companionship, it invites audiences to join the long-term stay. The movie "Flower Thousand Bones" will be released nationwide on January 20.

  Beautiful Melody Interpretation of Unparalleled Love

  In the theme song released today (January 11), with the melodious sound of the piano, a peerless love began, from the encounter between the girl Hua Qiangu and the master Baizi painting, to the mutual understanding attracted by each other in getting along, and then to the irresistible love. Despite countless hardships and ups and downs in the six realms of common life and pure love, they were still in danger to deal with their fateful choices, and finally achieved the transformation of life. And Xu Song used short words to write the pounding and regret in the story, using the painting as a metaphor, from the pounding of "the figure is longing, only your voice is taken", the longing of "who can love without me", to the trap of "painting as a cage, sealing the destruction and praise of life", to the yearning of "ink dyed the sky", "rain shaded wilderness mound", until the conclusion of "lighting the long-lasting candle with a smile", with imaginative deep strokes to outline the thoughts of life. Combined with Xu Song’s gentle tone, he sings leisurely to connect the thousand-year-old immortal world and the current mortal world.

  In terms of music, "Painting Life" describes the film style, uses a large number of classical musical instruments to arrange, and the whole song is antique, combining the beauty of the immortal world and the love of Hua Qiangu Baizi’s painting. Whether it is the delicate and elegant folk music, the magnificent and solemn orchestral ensemble, or the affectionate singing, they all highly resonate with the texture of the "Hua Qiangu" film. The melody is integrated with the tone of the story, and listening to this work alone can not only feel the expression of personal emotions, but also read the inspiration for the meaning of life. The songwriting of music genius Xu Song, the arrangement of Chinese classical charm, the melody of modern pop, and his own unique natural and profound singing voice make the whole music seamless and pull the listener into the peerless love song full of fate.

  Take the painting as a thought and sing a fantastic love

  In the promotional video released, introduced by the melody of singer Xu Song’s "Painting Life", Hua Qiangu and Baizi Painting began to become attached to their teacher, and an undetermined fate entanglement began. Hua Qiangu experienced a solo adventure, and finally stayed to become an apprentice for a long time, spending a quiet time with Baizi Painting, and then the storm broke out, and the disaster came. Hua Qiangu experienced love and hate, obsession and delusion in the arrangement of fate. As the melody of the song approached its climax, "Ink dyed the sky, missing like a trapped beast", the loss and greed, resentment and grievance given by fate pushed Hua Qiangu, who was once pure and happy, into the abyss of pain. Watching the loved ones leave one by one, the broken thoughts have been broken, even the pen and ink "painting life" in the song can no longer heal the scars in the hearts of Hua Qiangu and Baizi.

  In the song, Xu Song sang about the love-hate entanglement between Hua Qiangu and Baizi Hua. He only hoped that the people in the six realms could not be trapped by their own obsessions. Suffering and bliss are all fate. If they are obsessed and persistent, they will only turn the brush that writes a better future into a cage that prohibits the soul. Near the release of the movie, the song "Painting Life" is even more exciting. In the movie, Hua Qiangu, Baizi Hua and a group of characters will write how this long life will be written.

  The movie "Hua Qiangu" is produced by Tang Lijun as producer, Li Jinwen as producer, Zhang Chaoli as director, Zhu Yuhan as screenwriter, Zhang Wenbao as director of photography, Guo Yongren as action director, Li Zhou as director of modeling, Wang Jingjing as art director, A Kun as music director, Lin Aner as editing director, the film will be officially released on January 20, so stay tuned for this romantic fantasy love story.


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