Guangdong Mobile’s "5G + Industrial Internet" helps the manufacturing industry

Recently, at the 2022 China 5G + Industrial Internet Conference, a set of data released was particularly eye-catching. Among them, there are more than 4,000 "5G + Industrial Internet" projects under construction nationwide, more than 2.22 million 5G base stations, and the "5 + 2" national top node of the industrial Internet identification analysis system has been fully completed. It is understood that "5G + Industrial Internet" is gradually becoming the "new business card" of our country’s industrial digitalization.

As a strong manufacturing province and a major digital economy province, Guangdong is seizing the opportunity and stepping up the layout of the industrial Internet. During this period, Guangdong Mobile is constantly looking for a breakthrough in the field of 5G + industrial Internet. Utilize 5G and other technologies to help the industrial digital transformation and upgrade, and promote the construction of a new development pattern. The integration of 5G and industrial Internet will accelerate the construction of digital China, inject new momentum into the development of digital economy and promote the process of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the digital economy and the real economy showed a trend of accelerating integration. In 2022, China Mobile Group further clarified the development orientation of "world-class information service technology innovation company" on the basis of the "Power Building" development strategy. As the vanguard of China Mobile’s development, Guangdong Mobile adheres to the leadership of party building, with the overall goal of "creating a world-class enterprise, becoming a network power, a digital China, and the main force of a smart society", and with the main line of "promoting digital intelligence transformation and achieving high-quality development", it continues to empower the transformation and development of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry, and bravely strengthen, improve and expand the digital economy.

"Network connectivity is an important foundation for intelligent production. The combination of 5G and edge computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies will effectively improve the intelligence level of manufacturing enterprises," said relevant technical experts of Guangdong Mobile. Guangdong Mobile relies on the low-latency, high-reliability and wide-coverage 5G network to integrate into the industrial Internet, providing a solid foundation for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

For a long time, the manufacturing industry is the lifeblood of the national economy. Guangdong Mobile continues to invest in "5G + Industrial Internet" to help the digital development and management service level of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry by empowering enterprises to network, digitalize and intelligently transform. Currently, Guangdong Mobile has established a "5G + Industrial Internet Innovation Laboratory" to lay the technical foundation for the intelligent manufacturing industry. In key industries such as plasticized warehousing, aluminum processing, home appliance manufacturing, and equipment manufacturing, it conducts technical research for warehousing logistics, machine vision quality inspection, and unmanned intelligent inspection scenarios, and promotes the implementation of end-to-end business solutions to meet various production needs in multiple scenarios of enterprises.

The new generation of electronic information industry is the well-deserved "leading protagonist" of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry. In 2021, the new generation of electronic information industry clusters will achieve operating income of 4.56 trillion yuan, and the industrial scale will rank first in the country for 31 consecutive years. 5G is not a "one-man show" for operators. As a member of the electronic information industry chain, Guangdong Mobile, together with leading enterprises in the industry chain, has actively created a large number of 5G benchmarking applications, stimulating a pool of living water for the digital transformation of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry, and driving more enterprises to enter the embrace of the digital economy.

It is reported that Guangdong Mobile has successively built the country’s leading "5G + Industrial Internet" innovation benchmark, such as the "fully connected factory" built by Huawei, which is the first 5G private network dynamic strategy acceleration innovation application in the country. It uses technologies such as "5G + flexible manufacturing" and "5G + indoor precision positioning" to help improve production quality and efficiency; the "Welling Digital Factory" built by United Midea Group has helped increase per capita production efficiency by more than 28% through the application of technologies such as "5G + visual inspection" and "5G + AGV intelligent scheduling".

"In the field of industrial manufacturing, we have gathered information and communication experts who are deeply involved in industrial manufacturing in the province, specially established the Industrial Internet Division, and created a comprehensive solution of’cloud network security base + general capabilities + professional capabilities’." The relevant person in charge of Guangdong Mobile introduced to reporters that Guangdong Mobile is facing the digital, networked and intelligent needs of the manufacturing industry, and has built a service system based on massive data collection, aggregation and analysis – "5G + computing power network + smart mid-platform" new information service system, which currently serves over 20,000 industrial enterprises and over 6,000 industrial parks.

5G explosion-proof intelligent inspection robot, 5G + AR remote collaboration, 5G operation AI monitoring, 5G intelligent handheld end point operation guidance and other refining and chemical industrial Internet applications have been successfully deployed and launched… Our country’s first "dual-band 5G + industrial Internet" intelligent refinery construction project was completed and put into use in CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Under the 5G empowered by Guangdong Mobile, Huawei and CNOOC, the completion of the "dual-band 5G + industrial Internet" intelligent refinery has provided a safe, efficient and feasible 5G smart petrochemical solution for the petrochemical industry.

CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Park has many steel structures, wide area and high explosion-proof requirements. Guangdong Mobile’s 700MHz, 2.6GHz dual-band 5G private network and industrial Internet platform solve the problems of traditional 4G communication technology signal blind spots, fast signal attenuation, and interruption of signals when encountering obstacles. At the same time, "5G + Internet" is matched with China Mobile’s various explosion-proof end points for the petrochemical industry based on 5G modules to achieve wider network coverage, more carrying content, faster transmission speed, and stable high-speed data transmission in the park.

According to reports, after the project was put into use, the automatic collection rate of production data in the park exceeded 98%, the cost of factory monitoring was reduced by 30%, and the investment in enterprise safety management was reduced by about 1 million yuan per year, which effectively helped enterprises to green production, efficient operation and sustainable development.

It is worth mentioning that, in the face of the "long-standing problem" of green development of the manufacturing industry, Guangdong Mobile actively implements the national dual-carbon strategy and the group company C 2 three-energy plan, actively deepens energy conservation and emission reduction in the fields of network and office, improves the control mechanism of energy conservation and emission reduction, and strives to improve the level of network energy efficiency and green energy consumption. Through the application of energy-saving technologies and management model innovation, the use of clean energy is promoted, and the energy consumption structure is optimized. Ultimately, the total comprehensive energy consumption of the unit telecommunications business is reduced by 14%. For example, in terms of wireless network energy conservation, through the application of energy-saving technologies, unnecessary hardware is turned off in the corresponding time domain, frequency domain, and airspace to achieve dynamic matching of business and resources. More than 98% of the sites have turned

Facing the future, Guangdong Mobile will continue to increase its investment in "5G + Industrial Internet", provide more digital scenario solutions for the manufacturing industry, empower all aspects of enterprise production, and promote the high-quality development of the province’s manufacturing industry by promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises.