Drivers of online car-hailing platforms cannot withdraw cash. Who will protect the rights and interests of these workers?

  Zhang Laifu, an order-taking champion of an online car-hailing platform, wipes the vehicle between waiting for customers. Xinhua News Agency reporter, photo by Luo Xiaoguang

  Recently, the news that drivers of a certain online ride-hailing platform cannot withdraw cash has been hyped up, and the discussion on who will protect the labor rights and interests of online ride-hailing drivers has also become heated.

  The sharing economy is surging, and the "threshold" for providing labor services has been lowered to the extent that everyone can participate. How to protect the rights and interests of workers under this "flexible employment" has reached a level that cannot be ignored.

  What is the relationship between Internet platforms and workers? There is still much debate

  Mr. Yu, a Beijing-based taxi driver, has been taking orders through a well-known online ride-hailing platform for the past two years. Talking about why he wanted to work as a taxi driver, Mr. Yu said that he was in his 40s and could not find a good job in his hometown in Hebei. He felt that the income from driving a car was not bad, so he went to Beijing to work. "The situation like mine is very common among the car drivers I know."

  Master Yu told reporters that when he first arrived, he was employed by a certain online car-hailing platform. After signing an employment contract, his monthly salary was about five or six thousand yuan, and the company paid five insurances and one housing fund for him.

  "But after all, it’s still someone else’s car," so Master Yu gritted his teeth and took out a loan to buy a private car worth more than 200,000 yuan. Master Yu said that now as a full-time car driver, "after deducting various operating costs, the monthly net income is about 7,000 to 8,000 yuan."

  But Master Yu also has troubles. After the labor relationship with the last online car-hailing company was terminated, the new platform was not responsible for paying five insurances and one gold for it, and Master Yu was not willing to spend the money himself. "Now I don’t pay social security anymore."

  Drivers like Mr. Yu are facing problems with their way out when Beijing’s online car-hailing platform begins to implement the "Beijing Citizenship and Beijing License" policy on May 1. Since there is no labor relationship with the online car-hailing platform, he has not yet figured out what to do next. "The platform has to take about 20% of the fee for each order." Mr. Yu said that discounts and subsidies for drivers have also been cut a lot in the past two years. "It is unreasonable that the platform is only responsible for taking a percentage, but it does not have any obligations to the special car."

  Online car-hailing has worn the halo of "sharing economy" since its inception. However, for such a brand-new thing as "sharing economy", the current laws and regulations have not clearly stipulated the relationship between Internet platforms and workers, and there is still a lot of debate among academics and the public.

  At present, the most important basis for the management of online car-hailing is the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") implemented on November 1, 2016, which stipulates: "Online car-hailing platform companies… In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, according to the characteristics of working hours and service frequency, sign various forms of employment contracts or agreements with drivers to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties."

  The regulation does not explicitly define the labor relationship between the two parties, but rather gives an open-ended option to "enter into various forms of employment contracts or agreements."

  In this regard, Liu Xiaoming, Vice Minister of Transport, said at the press conference of the State Information Office last year that in the process of soliciting opinions on the "Interim Measures", the relevant content of the original exposure draft clearly requires the signing of employment contracts has been revised, and according to the special circumstances such as part-time in the online car-hailing, the current regulations have adopted more flexible employment methods.

  "At present, there is no conclusive and consistent international opinion on online car-hailing," Mr. Liu said. "Even in the US, where online car-hailing originated, different states have implemented different management strategies, and their positioning, labor relations, price management and other aspects are still in the process of exploration."

  The standards for judging labor relations should be further observed and no haste should be drawn

  In fact, shortly after the "Interim Provisions" were issued, the Beijing Haidian Court heard the first online car-hailing traffic case in China. In this case, when a car-hailing car picked up a single passenger, it caused damages due to a traffic accident between the passenger opening the door and others. The Haidian Court held in the first instance that the driver of the online car-hailing car was assigned by the platform to perform the passenger contract between the platform and the passenger. The driver belongs to the party providing labor services, so the platform should bear the corresponding tort liability as the party accepting the driver’s labor services. Experts said that identifying the platform company as the carrier and the order assigned by the platform as the passenger contract between the platform company and the passenger actually implied that the court affirmed that there was a certain labor relationship between the online car-hailing driver and the platform company.

  In traditional labour law theory, the determination of whether there is a labour relationship is mainly based on the theory of subordination, that is, whether it has organizational subordination, management subordination and economic subordination. Today, the basis for determining labour relations is mainly the "Notice on Matters Related to the Establishment of Labour Relations" issued in 2005. "But in the past two years, various new business models have emerged one after another, and relying solely on the" Notice "can no longer meet the practical needs." Professor Jiang Ying, dean of the law school of the China Institute of Labour Relations, said.

  Jiang Ying analysis, the current network about the car is mainly divided into two categories: one is the B2C model, the platform company and the network about the car driver signed a formal employment contract, making it a regular employee of the company; the other is the C2C model, the network about the car driver has considerable autonomy, not fully affiliated with the company, so in defining its labor relations, the "Interim Provisions" adopted a cautious attitude.

  Jiang Ying mentioned that in the US judicial and legal precedent, the judgment standard of labor relations mainly depends on the actual degree of control of the platform company for the driver. Through setting a number of standards for comprehensive judgment, if the degree of control is strong, it is determined that there is a labor relationship. "As for how to judge labor relations under the new sharing economy model, we should further observe and do not rush to conclusions," Jiang Ying said.

  It is recommended that relevant departments introduce policies as soon as possible to provide stable expectations for relevant industries and enterprises

  "However, the public needs to clarify a misunderstanding in understanding, that is, only the existence of labor relations can protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees." Jiang Ying said that it is not to protect the rights and interests of employees that they must be included in labor relations to protect them.

  Jiang Ying said that first of all, the rights and interests of online car-hailing drivers can be protected through the relevant provisions of the employment relationship in the civil law. Second, the "Interim Regulations" allow online car-hailing drivers to sign various forms of employment contracts or agreements with platform companies, and workers can stipulate corresponding rights and obligations in the employment agreement. "Of course, the power of individuals is relatively weak, so on the one hand, government supervision and guidance are very important, and on the other hand, we must also rely on the power of market regulation." Jiang Ying believes that in order to retain a stable and excellent driver group in the market competition, enterprises need to offer more favorable conditions, which is the bargaining chip that the market may provide for negotiations.

  "Enterprises excluded employment from the scope of labor law norms, and it did not start with the sharing economy." Wang Xiangqian, a lawyer at Shuangli Law Firm in Beijing and a director of the China Labor Law Research Association, believes that whether to incorporate this new form of employment into the field of labor law is a public policy choice that can only be made after weighing the pros and cons. Wang Xiangqian said that the main body of this game includes workers, enterprises, society and the state, and needs to balance the potentially conflicting values such as labor rights and interests, employment factors, economic vitality, social costs and so on, and make choices.

  "It is recommended that the relevant departments investigate as soon as possible and come up with corresponding policies." Wang Xiangqian said that if this form of employment is already widespread in various industries and fields, it will hurt the bones if you want to regulate it. "By giving relevant industries and enterprises expectations as soon as possible, they can avoid the policy and legal risks in development, which is not only conducive to the development of enterprises, but also conducive to the protection of workers’ rights, and social responsibility can also be fully guaranteed." (Reporter, Zhang Cheng)

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular mobile phones that focus on taking pictures

    Now in July, most schools have been closed, and many parents will take time to spend more time with their children. At the same time, many parents will take their children to travel with them during the summer vacation, so they will record every wonderful moment during the travel process, especially the smiling face of the child. In addition, many friends no longer like to bring digital cameras, but are used to using themcell phoneTo shoot. Many mobile phones on the market today are very close in terms of hardware configuration, and more still differentiate in terms of photography to attract users, including things likeSamsung Galaxy K ZoomCombining 10x light change with various smart camera functions will bring users better performance. Here are eight excellent machines that currently focus on camera functions.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular mobile phones that focus on taking pictures
Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular mobile phones that focus on taking pictures

SamsungGALAXY K Zoom

    SamsungGALAXY K ZoomIt is an excellent camera phone. The machine has been greatly upgraded in terms of performance compared to the previous generation of products. In terms of photography, the machine is even more equipped with20.70 million pixelsThe lens, plus 10x optical zoom function, is better than many digital cameras. In addition, the machine has 28 camera modes to choose from, such as manual, automatic, macro, food, fireworks, silhouette, etc., which is enough to deal with various daily shooting situations. The smart selfie function can better ensure that you can take excellent photos with the rear lens.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, SamsungGALAXY K Zoom

    SamsungGALAXY K ZoomThe front uses a 4.8-inch Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 1280X720 pixels, and the display effect is still very delicate. In the core, there is a built-in 1.7GHz Samsung Exynos 5 Octa 5260 six-core processor and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 8GB ROM, which can run Android 4.4 system smoothly. In addition, there is an ultra-clear lens with 20.70 million pixels supporting 10x optical zoom on the back of the fuselage with xenon flash, etc., which is very good for taking pictures.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, SamsungGALAXY K Zoom

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesPictured, SamsungGALAXY K Zoom

Editor’s comment:

    SamsungGALAXY K ZoomAs a mobile phone with the main camera function, the machine is equally excellent in hardware configuration. The Samsung six-core processor is equipped with 2GB of memory, and the whole machine runs very smoothly. And in the 20.70 million pixel lens configuration, the processing of photos is also very eye-catching. In addition, the machine also has settings equipped with flash, filters, voice control and other basic functions, allowing users to be smarter and more efficient in terms of functional experience.

Samsung Galaxy K Zoom C1116 (licensed)
[Reference price] 3699 yuan
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Nokia 1520

    Nokia has always had an advantage in taking pictures. With the improvement of hardware configuration, Nokia’s performance in taking pictures is becoming more and more eye-catching. Nokia 1520 is equipped with a 20 million pixel lens, which is also guaranteedcell phoneThe "Nokia Smart Shot" app integrates the best photo, erasing moving objects, selecting smiley faces and sports lenses, making taking pictures more playable. In addition, the "Nokia Professional Shoot" feature is very practical for users with a certain level of photography.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, Nokia 1520

    Nokia 1520 front with a piece6 inchesCapacitive touch screen, with a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels FHD level, the display effect is outstanding. On the back of the fuselage, there is a 20 million pixel main lens with enhanced photosensitive elements and support for OIS optical image stabilization function, including dual LED fill light, with more rich professional camera settings and modes. In addition, the core of the machine uses a 2.2GHz Snapdragon 800 series quad-core processor, as well as a combination of 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM memory, which can perfectly run the new Windows Phone 8 GDR3 version system.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, Nokia 1520

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesPictured, Nokia 1520

Editor’s comment:

    Nokia 1520 in addition to excellent performance in photography, the performance of the whole machine is also excellent. The machine is equipped with a 6-inch large high definition screen, Snapdragon 800 processor and 2GB random access memory, which is not only excellent in display, but also the current flagship level in performance. The machine is equipped with Windows Phone 8 operating system, the whole machine runs more smoothly. In addition, the body of the machine still uses a colorful plastic material design, which looks very fashionable and atmospheric.

Nokia 1520 (licensed)

[Preferential price] 3250YuanAmazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

[Promotional Merchant]Z.CN Amazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

SonyXperia Z2

    SonyXperia Z2It’s Sony’s latest flagship.cell phoneThe machine is currently equipped with the best Sony in terms of photography20.70 million pixelsIn addition, the advanced automatic function of the machine can also automatically identify the current scene and switch to the most suitable camera mode; fast continuous shooting is to capture 61 photos in an instant, allowing users to choose the best one to save, which is very practical for users, and can further improve the camera speed.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, SonyXperia Z2

    SonyXperia Z2The front uses a 5.2-inch 1080P display screen, and uses Sony TRILUMINOS mobile display technology and X-Reality Xunrui image processing engine mobile version, the display effect will be more realistic. In the core, the machine is also equipped with a 2.3GHz Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor, and a memory combination of 3GB RAM + 16GB ROM, which can run Android 4.4 system perfectly. In terms of photography, it is equipped with a nearly perfect 20.70 million pixel Sony G lens and BIONZ image processor assistance, supporting 4K video recording function.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, SonyXperia Z2

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesPictured, SonyXperia Z2

Editor’s comment:

    SonyXperia Z2As Sony’s latest flagship mobile phone, the machine is equipped with the current top-level configuration in terms of hardware, and the whole machine runs very well. And the 20.70 million pixel G lens configured in terms of photography is also the standard of Sony’s flagship machine, and this upgrade is not in terms of lens but in terms of camera function. New panoramic shooting and background defocus functions are added, allowing users to have a better camera experience and making the phone more playable.

Sony MobileXperia Z2(Licensed goods)

[Preferential price] 3520YuanAmazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

[Promotional Merchant]Z.CN  Amazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

HTC One M8

    HTC One M8It is a flagship launched by HTC with dual rear lensescell phoneThe machine still uses an all-metal body design, and the metal coverage area of the whole machine is further improved, which looks more tough. In addition, the machine is equipped with a rear dual-lens design in terms of photography, one of which is an UltraPixel camera with 4 million pixels, and the other is a depth-of-field lens mainly used to record spatial information and depth of field. It can realize the function of taking pictures first and then focusing, and can also take photos with 3D effects.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
The picture shows HTC One M8

    HTC One M8loaded5.0 inchesCapacitive multi-touch screen with a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels FHD level, the display effect is good. In terms of hardware, the machine uses a Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor with a main frequency of 2.5GHz, and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, running the new Android 4.4 operating system. In addition, there is an Ultrapixels ultimate pixel concept 4 million pixel lens on the back of the fuselage, and a depth of field camera, which can take 3D photos.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
The picture shows HTC One M8

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesThe picture shows HTC One M8

Editor’s comment:

    HTC One M8It is HTC’s latest flagship mobile phone. Compared with the previous generation of products, the whole machine has been improved very significantly, especially the machine is equipped with dual rear lenses in taking pictures, including one used to record depth of field data. Coupled with excellent hardware configuration, photos can be processed in a variety of ways on the mobile phone, which is very convenient. In addition, the machine can currently support 4G mode, allowing users to have an extremely fast network experience.

HTC ONE M8W (licensed)
[Reference price] 3999 yuan
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OPPO N1 mini

    OPPO N1 miniIt is an outstanding one of OPPO’s photography strength.cell phoneThe machine is a mini version of the previous OPPO N1, the body and hardware configuration have been adjusted, but in terms of photography, the machine is still equipped with a single lens design of 13 million pixels, and also supports the flip function. But the machine is equipped withSonyThe IMX214 second-generation stacked camera has a better lens than the OPPO N1, and it is also very comfortable to operate with one hand due to the smaller body.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
The picture shows OPPO N1 mini

   OPPO N1 miniAdopted on the front of the fuselage5.0 inchesIPS primary color hard screen, the resolution reaches 1280×720 pixels, the screen pixel density is up to 294ppi, and the display effect is very good. In terms of core hardware configuration, the machine is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon Snapdragon MSM8928 quad-core processor with a main frequency of 1.63GHz, and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM. Smooth operation of Color OS based on Android 4.2 system. In addition, in terms of the best photography, the machine is equipped with 13 million pixel lens, the lens can be flipped, and the selfie effect is equally excellent.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
The picture shows OPPO N1 mini

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesThe picture shows OPPO N1 mini

Editor’s comment:

    OPPO N1 miniThe camera strength is very good, especially the single lens design that can be flipped. In addition, the machine is equipped with time-lapse photography, voice photography, touch screen photography and other functions, and the ultimate beauty function is equipped to enhance the selfie effect of the machine. In addition, the machine is equipped with ultra-high definition image quality function, which can integrate photos of 24 million pixels. In other aspects, the machine also supports 4G network. The performance of the whole machine is also very good.

OPPO N1 mini(Licensed goods)

[Discounted price] 2699YuanAmazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

[Promotional Merchant]Z.CN  Amazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

Vivo XShot

    vivo XShotIt is a new machine with a new camera function. There are currently two versions of the machine on sale, including the flagship version and the elite version. The difference between the two is mainly in terms of hardware configuration. In terms of lenses vivo XShotAlso equipped with 13 million pixelsSonyThe second-generation stacked camera, in addition to the configuration of the rear dual color temperature LED flash; the machine is equipped with a wide-angle lens of 8 million pixels in the front lens, and the selfie ability is also excellent.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
The picture shows vivo. XShot

    vivo XShotEquipped with a 5.2-inch IPS touch screen with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. The photo is vivo. XShotThe biggest attraction is that its main camera is a 13 million pixel Sony stack camera with an oversized f/1.8 aperture and dual color temperature dual LED flash. Its front-facing camera is a 8 million pixel camera with an oversized wide angle of 84 degrees, an aperture value of f/2.0, and a full spectrum fill light. On the hardware side, vivo XShotEquipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 series quad-core processors, the flagship version is 2.5GHz/578MHz, while the elite version is 2.3GHz/450MHz. The flagship version uses a combination of 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM, while the elite version uses a combination of 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM. Both versions support expansion cards up to 128GB.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
The picture shows vivo. XShot

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesThe picture shows vivo. XShot

Editor’s comment:

    Vivo mobile phoneTaking the fashionable route, the machine also adopts an integrated fuselage design, the thickness of the whole machine is only 7.99 mm, which is very light and thin. In addition, the machine is equipped with the most flagship Snapdragon 801 processor in terms of hardware configuration, and the performance of the whole machine is very good. And the machine is equipped with a 13 million pixel lens in terms of photography, and adopts an F1.8 super aperture, which increases the light intake by 50% compared with the F2.2 aperture, and the camera effect is more eye-catching.

vivo XShotElite Edition (licensed)
[Sales price] 2998 yuan
[Purchase address] vivo official website mall
[Contact number] 400 678 9688

Nubia X6

    The Nubia X6 is the flagship of the Nubia brandcell phoneThe machine is equipped with front and rear dual 13 million pixel lenses, and is equipped with dual LED fill light on the back of the fuselage. In addition, the machine also has three types of camera modes: automatic, professional, and fun. Among them, the automatic mode is the most basic camera mode, and the professional mode requires a certain camera foundation, including compass level, focus point, etc., while the fun mode is equipped with passer-by removal, motion track, star track, etc., which is very playable.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, Nubia X6

    The Nubia X6 is equipped with a 6.4 inchesSharp CGS screen, with a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels FHD level, the display effect is extremely amazing. In terms of core, the machine has a built-in Snapdragon 801 MSM8974AB quad-core processor with a main frequency of 2.3GHz, and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM. It can smoothly run the Nubia UI 2.0 interface based on Android 4.3 version, and is equipped with a 4250mAh capacity battery. In addition, there is a 13 million pixel professional lens that supports OIS optical image stabilization on the back of the fuselage, and its corresponding 13 million pixel front lens that supports AF function.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, Nubia X6

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesPictured, Nubia X6

Editor’s comment:

    Nubia X6 is equipped with a high definition large screen design, which is very eye-catching in entertainment. In addition, the machine also has the most powerful Snapdragon 801 processor at present, and the 32GB large storage design can fully meet the user’s storage needs. In terms of taking pictures, the machine is equipped with a dual 13 million lens design, which is very good in both rear shooting and selfie. This lens is also rare at present. In addition, the machine also supports 3G full Netcom network.

4G version Nubia X6 (licensed)
[Product price] 2999 yuan
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Huawei Ascend P7 

     HuaweiAscend P7It is a new flagship released by Huawei this year.cell phoneIn comparison to this machineHUAWEI P6The improvement is very obvious, especially in terms of photography. The machine is equipped with a 13 million pixel rear lens and an F2.0 super aperture; while the front lens is equipped with a 8 million pixel lens and supports ten-level beauty functions, and the selfie effect is better. In addition, the machine is equipped with double-sided gorilla glass on the fuselage, and the fuselage performs better in scratch resistance and wear resistance.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, HuaweiAscend P7

    HuaweiAscend P7Use a piece on the front5 inchesThe full high definition display produced by JDI has a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels FHD level, and the display effect is very delicate. The core has a built-in 1.8GHz HiSilicon Kirin 910T quad-core processor and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, which runs smoothly based on the Emotion UI 2.3 user interface of Android 4.4 system. There is a 13 million pixel on the back of the fuselageSonySuper lens, and its corresponding 8 million pixel ultra-wide-angle front lens.

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures
Pictured, HuaweiAscend P7

Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking pictures Dark light macro sample line, 8 popular machines that focus on taking picturesPictured, HuaweiAscend P7

Editor’s comment:

    HuaweiAscend P7It is a very excellent flagship mobile phone. The hardware configuration of the machine is still equipped with Huawei’s own HiSilicon quad-core processor, and the whole machine runs very smoothly without cards. The body design of the machine still continues the design concept of ultra-thin body, the thickness of the whole body is only 6.5mm, and it is equipped with double-sided gorilla glass. In addition, the three versions of the machine can support 4G network, which can maintain a high-speed network experience for users in real time.

HuaweiAscend P7(Licensed goods)
[Reference price] 2888 yuan
[Sales Merchant]
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    The above-mentioned mobile phones are currently very good at taking pictures, especiallySamsung Galaxy K ZoomNot only is the camera effect comparable to a digital camera, but the design of the fuselage is also very similar. AndNubia X6It even claims to be able to shoot star trails, and its photography strength is very outstanding. AndOPPO N1 miniThe fuselage is very suitable for one-handed operation, and the camera power is better than the previous N1. In addition, the Nokia 1520,HTC One M8Sony Z2 are the flagship mobile phones of these brands, with the same powerful shooting strength. Friends who need to buy mobile phones recently can consider the above models.

Now in July, most schools have been closed, and many parents will take time to spend more time with their children. At the same time, many parents will take their children on trips during the summer vacation, so they will record every wonderful moment during the trip, especially the smiling face of the child. In addition, many friends no longer like to bring digital cameras, but are used to using mobile phones to shoot.

Pang Chao

China Evergrande: Hengchi 5 Automobile has received more than 37,000 pre-sale orders

  China Hengda announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that Hengda Automobile’s self-developed new energy vehicle Hengchi 5 Automobile officially rolled off the production line at the beginning of this year. In March, it was announced through the 353rd batch of new products of MIIT. Hengchi 5 Automobile obtained sales qualifications and has officially started pre-sale on July 6, 2022. Up to now, it has received more than 37,000 pre-sale orders.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 … will launch new cars in December.

  Xingrui L/ Xingyue L Zhiqing Time to Market: December 3rd.

  The official map of Xingrui L Zhiqing has been released, and the new car has been mass-produced off the assembly line. Xingrui L Zhiqing adopts straight waterfall grille design, and the whole front face looks very delicate and elegant. The interior design of the new car takes a simple route, and the large-size central control panel placed vertically significantly enhances the sense of science and technology in the car.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image001.

  The wheelbase of Xingrui L Zhiqing is 2800mm, and the length, width and height are 4825/1880/1469mm respectively. Compared with Xingrui, the body of Xingrui L Zhiqing is longer and wider. In terms of power, Xingrui L Zhiqing will be equipped with a 1.5T oil-electric hybrid system to achieve higher fuel economy. The maximum power of the 1.5T four-cylinder engine of Xingrui L Zhiqing is 120kW.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image002.

  As a modified model, Xingyue L Zhiqing has been adjusted as a whole, bringing different visual effects. The car is equipped with a brand-new front grille, and the interior is decorated with straight waterfall elements. The car will continue the design of the current Xingyue L, equipped with 12.3-inch digital LCD instrument+touch HD central control screen+touch HD passenger dedicated screen, 25.6-inch AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display system, L2 intelligent driving assistance system, etc. The power is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder hybrid special engine.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image003.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image004.

  BYD Song L time to market: December 15th.

  BYD Song L has started the pre-sale at an early stage, and the price is 220,000-280,000 yuan. The new car can be said to be a beautiful SUV of BYD. This aesthetic feeling is mainly reflected in the rear of the car body, and elements such as slip back design, penetrating taillights and two small tails on the roof are intertwined, creating a strong sense of trend and movement.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image005.

  Song L is not only beautiful, but also pursues practicality. The sliding back of this car starts from the C-pillar, which can effectively ensure the spacious space in the car. At the same time, Song L will also be equipped with cloud system, single/double motors and other configurations, which have both long battery life and high performance. The interior of Song L uses a family-style design style.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image006.

  Time to market of M9: within 12 months

  As a brand-new large-scale SUV under AITO brand, Wenjie M9 plans to launch extended-range and pure electric vehicles, in which the wheelbase of pure electric vehicles is 3110mm, and the length, width and height are 5230/1999/1800mm respectively, which is consistent with the extended-range version. According to official information, the price of the extended version of the M9 is expected to be 500,000-600,000 yuan; The estimated price of the pure electric version is also 500,000-600,000 yuan.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image007.

  The most powerful should be the big screen of the M9, which can carry 10 screens when fully equipped! The concept of getting on the bus with a screen up to 100 inches is very exciting. There are all color TVs, refrigerators and big sofas. There is also news that there is a laser projection in the back row, and the experience of outdoor camping is full. However, the interior map of this car has not been announced yet.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image008.

  The M9 pure electric version will be equipped with dual motors, with the maximum power of 160kW and 230kW respectively. The extended-range version is also equipped with dual motors, with the maximum power of 165kW and 200kW respectively, and a 1.5T engine with the maximum power of 112kW. The M9 is called "the best SUV within 10 million". 

  Time to market of Star Road Star Era ES: within December.

  As a new energy sequence of Xingtu Automobile, Xingjiyuan will launch the first model ES. The medium-sized and large-sized pure electric cars are positioned by ES in Xingyue, with the length, width and height of 4945*1978*1489(1480/1467)mm and the wheelbase of 3000mm respectively. Xingjiyuan ES is a new energy car with personality.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image009.

  Xingyue ES also adopts the common enclosed grille of pure electric vehicles, but the design of penetrating headlights and fog lamps on both sides is very exaggerated, and the wheel hub design with various sizes and shapes brings a strong visual impact. The interior is a low-key luxury route, with a combination of suspended large screen and small instrument. The central control panel is equipped with crystal decoration, and the seat material is soft and delicate, which creates a good interior atmosphere after lighting the ambient light.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image010.

  Power is provided by single-motor and dual-motor models, which can enter the 3-second club with the fastest acceleration of zero hundred, and the cruising range is expected to reach more than 700 kilometers. Xingyue ES will also be equipped with rear wheel steering and air suspension. This will be a new energy car that focuses on handling and sports.

  Time to market of Ruifeng RF8: within December.

  Jianghuai Ruifeng brand brings new intelligent hybrid MPV— — Ruifeng RF8 appeared at the 2023 Chengdu Auto Show. Ruifeng RF8 is the first MPV exclusive architecture in China — — The first mass production model under the MUSE architecture, positioning medium and large public business and home MPV. In design, Ruifeng RF8 will introduce three kinds of front faces for consumers to choose from. In terms of intelligence, Ruifeng RF8 is the world’s first intelligent MPV equipped with HarmonyOS cockpit, which can realize L2+ intelligent assisted driving.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image011.

  In the power part, Ruifeng RF8 will be equipped with 3DHT intelligent hybrid system, with a comprehensive power of 310kW and a comprehensive torque of 745 N m.. Under urban working conditions, the pure battery life of Ruifeng RF8 can exceed 200km, and the comprehensive battery life can exceed 1,200 km. According to the official plan, Ruifeng RF8 will be officially listed in December this year.

  Ruifeng RF8 also has some bright spots in terms of space, safety and intelligence. Among them, Ruifeng RF8 has a body length of over 5.2 meters and a wheelbase of 3.1 meters. This body size also gives Ruifeng RF8 ample interior space, and all the seats in the car are matched with long-distance slide rails, which gives more freedom in interior space, and various scene modes can be unlocked through various flexible combinations.

BYD Song L, Wenjie M9, Pentium B70 ... New cars will be launched in December _fororder_image012.

  New models listed in December, new energy vehicles still occupy the forefront, and major car companies pay more and more attention to new energy vehicles, among which Song L and Wen Jie M9 are all worth looking forward to.

Avita 12, Intelligence S7 strength PK, see the real chapter in comparison

  At present, with the rapid development of vehicle electrification and intelligence, smart driving has become a new track for various car companies to compete. And to ask which one is strong in the field of smart driving, the newly unveiled Avita 12 and Smart S7 are among the leaders. Today, let’s take a look at how the two cars perform and what are the specific differences.


  Smart drivingPK:Advanced Smart DrivingOr smart drivingbeggarversion

  The similarities between Avita 12 and Smart World S7 mainly lie in the blessing of Huawei’s ecology. Both Avita 12 and Smart World S7 are equipped with Huawei’s high-end intelligent assistance system ADS2.0, which can realize urban and high-speed NCA, as well as many high-end intelligent driving auxiliary features. In terms of smart cockpit, both cars are also equipped with Huawei Hongmeng cockpit 4.0, which is also the "top stream" in the current smart cockpit field. Whether it is the operation experience or the richness of ecological applications, it can be regarded as the leader in smart cars.

  The Avita 12 series comes standard with 29 smart driving sensors and a 4-layer perception system, including 3 lidars, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high definition cameras, and 12 ultrasonic radars, which are fully equipped as standard. At the same time, it also has a high-performance smart driving computing platform, fusion perception algorithm, VRU interaction and game algorithm, data simulation training, providing 360-degree full coverage of fusion perception ability, efficient computing power and anthropomorphic algorithm, which is more suitable for China’s complex road traffic scenes, and realizes a driving experience with full scene coverage in high-speed sections, urban sections and parking links. In contrast, the single lidar perception ability of the Smart S7 is obviously not as good as that of the Avita 12, and its low-end models do not have high-order smart driving functions.

  Body PK: Original Luxury or Common Design

  On this basis, the shape design of the Avita 12 can definitely make people stand out, after all, Avita has always had a high degree of originality in this regard. This new car adopts the minimalist design of Gentle Tech and the ability to express lines with tension, which brings us the ultimate trendy visual experience. For example, its iconic disc wing front face, with LED curvature headlights, makes it look very stylish, with a sense of technology and aesthetic power. There is also the overall body lying low, creating a light and shadow hovering body appearance, and interpreting the beauty of the coupe with a new design. The appearance of the Smart World S7 also adopts a minimalist design style, and it also belongs to the first echelon in the same class of models, such as through-type daytime running lights and narrow headlight sets, which are also relatively common in the market.

  From the perspective of body size, the body size of the Avita 12 is 5020 × 1999 × 1450mm, and the wheelbase is 3020mm; the body size of the Smart World S7 is 4971 × 1963 × 1474mm, and the wheelbase is 2950mm. The body of the Avita 12 is larger than the length of the Smart World S7, and the wheelbase is also larger. In addition, the specially customized H-type ternary lithium battery used in the Ningde era on the Avita 12 has also been designed as an "energy well" diving design, and the space performance of the entire car is also better, which can bring a spacious space of two rows of double one meter, which can better meet people’s needs for large space.

  At the same time, in terms of interior, the Avita 12 gives people a more advanced and technological feeling. It has a 35.4-inch 4K remote screen and a 15.6-inch central control screen, coupled with electronic exterior mirrors, EC light-sensitive canopy and light-sensitive windshield design, which greatly enhance the internal technology and user experience of the whole vehicle. The interior of the Smart S7 is relatively simple, and the instrument panel and central control screen are also routinely handled, without much innovation. It can only be said to be standard.

  Power PK: Athletic or conventional performance

  In terms of power performance, although both the Avita 12 and the Smart S7 use Huawei DriveOne motors, the maximum power of the Avita 12 goes directly to 425kW, while the maximum power of the Smart S7 is only 365kW. Moreover, the Avita 12 also has a more sporty body posture, with an aspect ratio of 1.38 and wider tires, which are only available in more advanced and sporty models.

  Positioning PK: high-end or mid-range models

  In fact, look at the positioning of the two new cars to understand the difference. Simply put, the goal of Avita 12 is to 300,000~ 400,000 high-end smart car market, while the smart world S7 is to focus on the 250,000-level new energy vehicle market. The price of Avita 12 is 300,800 yuan, and the price of the smart world S7 is 258,000 yuan. From the price point of view, you can also feel the gap between the two.

  In general, the Avita 12 and the S7 are two new cars with good strength, which can be regarded as the first echelon in the industry, especially in terms of intelligence, which is much ahead of the same level of models. But in comparison, the Avita 12 has a higher-end market positioning, and has more outstanding performance in terms of luxury, technology, and power performance.

Andy Lau, Li Bingbing sparks love (photo)

Reporter Wang Zhenguo/Wen, Wang Weixuan/Picture

  Andy Lau: I will play Di Renjie

  Andy Lau appeared at the press conference in casual clothes, but when he greeted the hundreds of media at the scene, he was not at all relaxed and his voice was hoarse. It turned out that he had been filming for a month, and Hua Zai had not fully acted. When he greeted, he said, "I am Di Renjie."

  Andy Lau said that because he liked the role very much, he worked hard: "I have never had the opportunity to come across this type of film in Hong Kong. I used to know Di Renjie when I read books, but I didn’t know much about him. I only know that he is as famous as Bao Qingtian." Having a handsome person play Di Renjie made the live media very skeptical, but Andy Lau believes that he should play Di Renjie: "There are also very handsome people who have played Bao Qingtian, such as" Young Bao Qingtian ". He also mentioned that Zhou Xingchi’s" Inside Agent Zero Zero Hair "opens with a clown playing Lu Xiaofeng, pointing out that historical figures are not necessarily handsome, nor are they necessarily not handsome.

  Although he also played a Tang Dynasty detective in Zhang Yimou’s "Ten Faces Ambush," Andy Lau believes that Di Renjie is different from the characters in "Ten Faces Ambush": "Although I, Di Renjie, also have a lot of fighting scenes, my eyes and state are different from those in" Ten Faces Ambush. "Di Renjie’s expression is different from the next minute. He loves the people around him very much, and he is a little nervous. He can see through the other party’s lies at a glance."

  Hong Kong and mainland two "model workers" sparks on the scene

  Li Bingbing, who had been shooting commercials in Italy before and spent 17 hours rushing back to Hengdian, stood with Liu Jialing in yellow clothes and black dresses, which was more fashionable. During the Q & A session after the official press conference, there were many sofas around, but Andy Lau took the initiative to sit side by side with Li Bingbing on a sofa. It seemed that he was not shy: "I just helped her up the stairs, but no one took a picture."

  Due to the fact that both of them are known for their hard work, the two "model workers" expressed admiration for each other that day. Li Bingbing directly said that she underestimated Andy Lau’s movie and thought that he was her role model: "It’s too popular to call’idol ‘, I should call it a role model. In addition to being confused by his appearance, I am also confused by his psychology." Then he joked to Andy in public, "I love you."

  Related links:

  • Andy Lau can’t bear to shoot "Di Renjie", Tsui Hark sleeps two hours a day 2009-06-02

  • Carina Lau joined "Di Renjie" to star in Wu Zetian, breaking the pregnancy rumors (picture) 2009-04-18

  • Carina Lau took over the play to break the pregnancy rumors and entered the "Di Renjie" crew at the end of the month 2009-04-17