Network car new deal encounters "difficulty in landing" Expert advice: stimulate market vitality

  The drastic changes and interest pattern adjustment brought by the new economy are fully reflected in the field of online car rental. On the one hand, the platform and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of the impact of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car rental involves a wide range, and the interest game increases the difficulty of landing the new policy.

  The reporter of the Economic Information Daily learned that the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking of Taxi Operating Services has been implemented for more than half a year, and the implementation rules of many local governments have not yet been issued. Some cities that have issued rules but have higher thresholds are facing "landing difficulties".

  Many people in the industry and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  Some cities’ new policies about car network are "difficult to land"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities have issued detailed rules for the implementation of the network car, 115 cities have completed soliciting opinions, and more than 100 cities have not yet completed soliciting opinions.

  In some areas where the New Deal has been introduced, the policy landing still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that there are two main focuses of the game between policy requirements and platform interests: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicles, wheelbase and other requirements; The second is to what extent the operational data accessing the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content it contains.

  In the actual operation process, some cities have imposed many restrictions on drivers’ household registration and vehicle price wheelbase, taking into account the local taxi market capacity and the strategic needs of urban development. Some platforms have found that the implementation of the New Deal in cities with higher thresholds will reduce the network car capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of the online car-sharing platform have broken the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-sharing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which aggravates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy, represented by the online car-hailing platform, quickly seized market share through subsidies and financing, but this fast pace had a great impact on the balance pattern of the traditional taxi industry in a short time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a greater "crowding out effect" on the network car drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and network car drivers in some places.

  The new policy of network car has a wide range of influence groups. According to Didi’s travel statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of drivers registered on Didi platform reached more than 17.5 million. There are 2 million active drivers on Didi Platform, and the per capita daily income exceeds that of 160 yuan, while the total number of taxi drivers in cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineer behind Didi.

  The parties have different reactions to the new policy of online car.

  The reporter learned that the situation of the New Deal landing across the country varies widely, and the views of all parties on the network car industry have also wavered.

  In some places, the implementation period of the New Deal has passed, but the non-compliant network car is still in operation. The driver of the cruise car doesn’t know whether to stay at his job, and the driver of the network car doesn’t know whether to change careers.

  According to the statistics of the Transportation Bureau of Beijing Municipal Commission of Communications, after the appearance of the network car, the income of cruise car drivers dropped from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operation has improved recently.

  A Didi executive, who asked not to be named, said that after the introduction of the New Deal, Didi’s car business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  At the same time, passengers’ choice of online car has also wavered. According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average number of taxi calls per day of passengers in some big cities soared from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the New Deal gradually landed, the capacity of Didi Express bus decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  The capital market has also begun to hesitate and "can’t figure out" the market prospect of the online car platform. Due to the impact of the New Deal on the market, the market valuation of many online car platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some insiders said that the upsurge of domestic venture capital in sharing the economy such as online car rental has subsided.

  The New Deal is hard to reflect management anxiety.

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Management Service has been implemented for more than half a year, but the detailed rules for implementation in many places have not yet been promulgated.

  The demand for online car is different from place to place. Some places think that cities should give priority to the development of public transport, and the online car ride is only a supplement, and it should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, set a higher model, price, displacement and wheelbase threshold for the network car. There are also some places that hope that the network car will take into account the high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou cancels the restrictions on the displacement of the network car, while Lijiang and Hanzhong choose to connect the cruise taxis to the network car platform as a whole.

  Wei Dong, CEO of the First Automobile Car Company, said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in China is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car rental. However, the taxi market in second-and third-tier cities is not saturated, so the policy of online car rental can be relaxed.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the Code for Planning and Design of Urban Road Traffic in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in big cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities, which became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also views that this standard has not changed for many years, and the network car is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, and the quantity control should be released in due course. The Research Group of Professor Yan Xuedong of Beijing Jiaotong University released the Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data in October 2016, which holds that the network car uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and information symmetry as the core to match the demand, which helps to reduce the empty driving rate of vehicles.

  Interest game increases the difficulty of landing the New Deal. In many places, the development of online car rental has caused the price of taxi licenses to shrink, and some taxi drivers and agents who speculate on licenses have been seriously damaged. For example, in some cities, taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan in the past, and have been reduced to 400,000 yuan due to the competition of online car rental.

  Some people in the industry said that the formulation of the local version of the new network car deal faces multiple interests considerations. Before the reform of taxi industry, drivers had a license for life, which made them lack the motivation to improve their services. However, if the local taxi companies are accelerated to withdraw by means of license depreciation and redemption, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of the network car has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted into operating vehicles, and the passenger management office of the Transportation Bureau allowed it when accessing the platform, but the vehicle management office of the Public Security Bureau failed the annual inspection. It is difficult for many private cars to access the network car platform.

  An official of Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments frequently receive administrative reconsideration of the network car, and basically can’t do other things.

  Xu Kangming, an expert on taxi reform, believes that after the release of the local New Deal, measures should be taken to let illegal personnel and vehicles withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies can’t expand their scale, on the other hand, law-abiding online car companies will pay a great price.

  Caring for the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some interviewed experts believe that we should be fully aware of the pulling effect of the sharing economy represented by the online car ride on social employment and the revolutionary role of the social management model, and suggest using the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research network car companies, scientific evaluation. The sharing economy, represented by the online car ride, poses a new challenge to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the kinetic energy of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the benefit groups of the old and new economies. The insiders believe that the beneficiary groups in the old economy are relatively concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups in the new economy are more extensive and their voices are more dispersed. Therefore, we should consider the affordability of the old economic benefit groups and the extensiveness of the new economic benefit groups in policy formulation.

  There is strong capital support behind the rise of platform economies such as Didi, Ali and Tencent, which has also benefited many people. Moreover, the credit economy, platformization and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as intelligent transportation, driverless driving and car networking, which are the trend of future economic and social development and the important support for the government to build new management functions, and should be treated with a more open mind.

  An executive of Didi said that although the "zombie car" of Didi Platform is not easy to manage, it indicates that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that it is a great opportunity for China to transform its traditional industrial industries with Internet thinking if it wants to overtake western industrial powers in corners.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to alleviate the anxiety of social groups in transition. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car drivers may lose their jobs. It is suggested that relevant policy explanations and guidance should be carried out in a targeted manner to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, scientifically foresee the challenges that part-time taxis may bring. The sharing economy model may bring drivers a wider range of part-time jobs, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and monitor and evaluate the average income of the taxi industry, so as to scientifically guide the development of the industry.

After the man picked up the mobile phone, he refused to accept the owner’s 168 yuan red envelope and asked for a lucky number of 666 yuan.

  After a man in Xi ‘an picked up the mobile phone of a foreign tourist, he expressed his willingness to return it and returned the red envelope of 168 yuan sent by the owner. If this is the end of the matter, it will be a warm-hearted good deed, but the man refused the red envelope not because he was "grateful", but because he wanted a "lucky number": "666 yuan or 888 yuan." To this end, Xiao Xie, the original grateful owner, was a little upset.

  A few days ago, Xiao Xie, who worked in Beijing, went to Xi ‘an to play, during which she accidentally lost her iPhone6. Xiao Xie told The Paper that the mobile phone was not commonly used, so he didn’t find it lost until he returned to Beijing.

  Fortunately, Xiao Xie got through to the lost mobile phone, and the picker offered to return it. To facilitate communication, Xiao Xie and the pickup "Little Leopard" added WeChat friends. On WeChat, Xiao Xie told "Little Leopard" that he could send his mobile phone by express delivery, so he didn’t have to bear the cost. At the same time, Xiao Xie gave a red envelope of 168 yuan to "Little Leopard" to express his gratitude.

  After receiving the red envelope, "Little Leopard" said "nothing, welcome" and said "I will send it to you tomorrow." Xiao Xie thanked me again, and said, "This mobile phone is not worth much, but thank you very much for sending it back to me. Don’t worry, after you send it, I will definitely send you a red envelope to thank you. There are still many good people in society … …”

  But after a while, "Little Leopard" returned the red bag of 168 yuan to Xiao Xie, and told Xiao Xie, "I can answer your phone, add your WeChat, and I will definitely send you the phone. It’s no use asking for your phone number. You send a lucky number … New Year’s Day. Believe me, just don’t believe me. "

  The picker "Little Leopard" returned the 168 yuan red envelope offered by the owner Xiao Xie, asking for the "lucky number". Photo courtesy of respondents

  According to Xiao Xie, he later communicated with Little Leopard on the phone and learned that the "lucky number" mentioned by Little Leopard was 666 yuan or 888 yuan. After some communication, Xiao Xie decided to give "Little Leopard" 666 yuan.

  However, Xiao Xie was not comfortable in his heart: "I have taken the initiative to send him a red envelope of 168 yuan to thank him, and promised to send him another red envelope after receiving the mobile phone, but I didn’t expect him to ‘ Geely number ’ It costs so much money. I bought that mobile phone in 2016. I dropped it many times and changed the light screen three or four times. Now it is estimated to be worth several hundred dollars. If you can’t find it if you lose it, that’s all, but if you can get it back, you still want to get it back as much as possible. After all, you used it yourself. "

  In order to prevent another accident, Xiao Xie decided to find a friend in Xi ‘an to help him get his mobile phone, and then gave "Little Leopard" 666 yuan. On February 19th, Xiao Xie’s friend saw "Little Leopard" in a community outside Zhongshan Gate in Xi ‘an. After transferring 666 yuan to the other party, he got Xiao Xie’s mobile phone back.

  In recent years, due to the loss of mobile phones, news about the conflict between the owner and the picker has been reported frequently. In this regard, lawyer Zhao Liangshan, a senior partner of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, analyzed the legal issues involved.

  Zhao Liangshan believes that Article 79, paragraph 2, of the General Principles of the Civil Law of China stipulates: "Lost property, drifting objects or stray animals shall be returned to the owner, and the expenses incurred therefrom shall be repaid by the owner." Article 112 of the Property Law stipulates: "When the right holder receives the lost property, he shall pay the finder or the relevant department the necessary expenses for keeping the lost property." Therefore, the lost property belongs to the owner, and the picker should return it to the owner.

  According to Article 92 of the General Principles of Civil Law: "If improper benefits are obtained without legal basis and losses are caused to others, the improper benefits obtained shall be returned to the person who has suffered losses". If the picker does not return it, it will constitute unjust enrichment.

  Zhao Liangshan said: "As for whether it is legal for the picker to ask for 666 yuan or 888 yuan, the key depends on whether the requested fee belongs to the actual cost incurred by custody. If the expenses are actually incurred due to the custody of the picker, it is legal. On the other hand, if there is no charge due to storage, the pickup person may violate the provisions of the Criminal Law on extortion and be suspected of extortion. If the factor does not reach the standard of conviction and sentencing, but the circumstances are bad, the public security organ may impose public security punishment on it according to the provisions of China’s Law on Public Security Administration Punishment. "

Big company daily | Qin PLUS minimum is only 79,800 yuan? BYD’s latest response

For investorsProvide professional information services

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-Tencent’s official securities investment platform

Tencent’s self-selected stocks are featured in the daily news of popular big companies:

1. The minimum price of Qin PLUS is only 79,800 yuan. Store response: it’s not a price cut, it’s a new model.

2. The price of LV increased in the beginning of the year, and some products increased by nearly 25% a year.

3、Responding to the progress of 800G silicon optical module: it is inconvenient to disclose trade secrets.

4. Over 500 million dollars! The EU issued the first anti-monopoly ticket to Apple.

5. Gree Group welcomes Kanghong Group as the "new head"property; assetsThe total amount exceeds 113.2 billion

1. The minimum price of Qin PLUS is only 79,800 yuan. BYD Store responded: It is not a price reduction but a new model.

On February 19th, according to the official news of BYD Auto, BYD announced today that the glory version of Qin PLUS, a subsidiary of Wangchao. com, was officially launched, with a price of 79,800 yuan.

BYD official customer service, the other party said that the official guide price of Qin PLUS DM-i Glory Edition is indeed 79,800 yuan-125,800 yuan, and the whole department is 20,000 yuan cheaper than the champion version. Regarding the more favorable strategy of this new version of the model, the other party said, "Some old customers have bought the champion version of Qin PLUS DM-i2023 before, and now they have introduced other models, they will feel a certain gap in their hearts." View the full text > >

2. The price of LV increased in the beginning of the year, and some products increased by nearly 25% a year.

Luxury brand Louis Vuitton once again raised the price of some products. LV official customer service staff said that the price increase was caused by various reasons, and some products were adjusted in a unified way nationwide. Among them, Carryall small and medium handbags all rose by about 1000 yuan, and other products were also adjusted in different degrees.

Huawei Yu Chengdong speaks out again! The M9 will be equipped with AI big model and redefine the best SUV within 10 million.

On April 17th, Huawei released for the first time the AITO Interface M5 series equipped with Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system infinitely close to L3 (automatic driving entry threshold, which can complete driving operation, surrounding environment monitoring and other responses in a specific environment without the driver’s own operation), and predicted that the Interface M9 will be released in the fourth quarter.

The M9 access AI model will be released in the fourth quarter of 2023.

According to shanghai securities news, the focus of this conference is to pre-release M9 at the end of the conference.

Yu Chengdong introduced at the meeting that the M9 will be released in the fourth quarter of 2023, positioning the flagship SUV of Panoramic Wisdom, equipped with an all-aluminum chassis and equipped with air springs and CDC damping system as standard.

Wenjie M9 is equipped with Huawei’s most complete smart car full stack technology solution.. Yu Chengdong introduced that on the basis of the double "ceilings" of the intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving, the black technologies carried by the M9 include: HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit, Huawei Intelligent Driving, HUAWEI xPixel, HUAWEI AR-HUD, AI Big Model, Sensor Federation, HUAWEI SOUND, etc.

Among them,Wenjie M9 made a breakthrough in accessing the AI big model to create the strongest in-vehicle artificial intelligence experience in the industry..

Yu Chengdong announced that the estimated price range of the M9 series is 500,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan, and the extended range version and pure electric version will be pre-ordered on April 17th, 2023, and will be officially released in the fourth quarter of 2023.

According to Huawei, in the era of smart travel, intelligence is the second half of the competition in the smart electric vehicle industry and the key to winning. With the leading product quality, excellent driving and control experience and the ultimate intelligent experience, Wenjie M9 will open the prelude to the final victory.

M9 will redefine the best intelligent SUV within 10 million yuan.. "Yu Chengdong in one more thing, for pre-release asked M9, then the atmosphere of the press conference that day lifted to a climax. 

Yu Chengdong said that the best SUVs that claimed to be within 5 million yuan were made of steel, while the M9 was made of 80% aluminum.

The M5 version of Zhijie was officially released.

On April 17th, AITO Wenjie M5 series Huawei advanced intelligent driving version and new products were unveiled, becoming the first vehicle equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit 3.0.

The car is equipped with 1 overhead lidar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can realize high-speed and high-order intelligent driving function in urban areas without relying on high-precision maps.

According to Huawei, by the third quarter of 2023, HUAWEI ADS 2.0, the M5 version of Zhijie, will be implemented in 15 cities without relying on high-precision maps, and in the fourth quarter, it will be implemented in 45 cities without relying on high-precision maps, expanding the scope of smart driving. At the press conference, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, terminal BG CEO and smart car solution BU CEO, declared in a high-profile manner: "Compared with the new forces and Tesla, we are far ahead." At the same time, the system can be independent of high-precision maps, which is the most important breakthrough of ADS2.0.

Image source: Huawei China official micro signal

YuHe also said: "There is a big man in the industry. He said that smart driving is a flicker. I think there are only two reasons. If you don’t understand this industry, if you don’t deliberately say this, it is because his ability is not yet done well. (So) to crack down on this major. When driving, people sometimes feel emotional, doze off or tired, which will bring about unexpected traffic accidents, but the machine will not doze off.We want to reduce (traffic accidents) by 90%It’s a huge promotion. "

Yu Chengdong once said at the committee of 100 Forum on Electric Vehicles in China: "Intelligent driving is our biggest investment field, and chips, algorithms, clouds and so on all need to support it. In the past, the industry relied on high-precision maps, and our trend is not dependent on high-precision maps. The new car equipped with intelligent driving technology moves towards BEV map and Transformer architecture, which is an intelligent driving scheme based on vision and fusion perception. We hope to move towards L3 trial as soon as possible and real L3 commercialization in the future.

Unlike other corporate executives, Yu Chengdong can make amazing remarks every time he speaks in public.At the meeting, Yu Chengdong said with a smile that bragging depends on actual real ability.. "We must rely on our real core technical capabilities to constantly iterate and stay far ahead. This is not something we say casually. We can only say it if we really do it. If we don’t do it, we can’t rely on bragging."

At present, Huawei’s smart car business mainly has three modes, namely, spare parts supply mode, HI mode and Huawei smart selection mode. Previously, only the HI mode was equipped with Huawei smart driving system, and now smart selection vehicles will also join. Yu Chengdong said that HUAWEI ADS 2.0 will be launched in AITO’s M5 Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition, followed by Aouita 11 and Extreme Fox Alfa S?HI Edition, and more models will be carried in the future.

Original title: Huawei Yu Chengdong speaks out again! The M9 will be equipped with AI big model and redefine the best SUV within 10 million.

Editor: Zheng Yalan

Editor: Liao Yi

Audit: Feng Fei

After Zhiji, Xiaomi mismarked the glory parameters.

Xiaomi’s apology letter is not cool enough, and Huawei is coming to join in the fun.

The day before, Lei Jun was still congratulating the intellectual S7 on its big sale. The next day, Yu Chengdong couldn’t navigate Xiaomi SU7.

The more high-end commercial warfare, the more simple struggle methods should be used. So who is better than Xiaomi SU7 in Zhijie S7?

Judging from the price that everyone is most concerned about, the second listing of Zhijie S7 is indeed a lot more cost-effective than four months ago. The price has dropped by 20,000 yuan, and the endurance of the entry model has increased to 705 kilometers. It is also equipped with Huawei Vision Intelligent Driving ADS Basic Edition for the first time. However, compared with Xiaomi SU7, the price of Zhijie S7 is still high.

In terms of performance, the acceleration performance of Xiaomi SU7 is also due to the top version of Zhijie S7, which has a battery life of 855 kilometers except Max+, and the battery life of other versions is lower than that of Xiaomi SU7 at the same level.

Of course, the intelligent S7 mainly wins in the intelligent level. Huawei ADS advanced intelligent driving system has the functions of parking on behalf of the driver, parking assistance in mechanical parking spaces and intelligent driving assistance in urban areas, while Xiaomi SU7′ s intelligent driving mainly relies on suppliers such as Hesai Technology and NVIDIA, which is still slightly inferior to Huawei.

The most important thing is that Zhijie S7 has made a comeback and made great efforts in "instant delivery". After solving the capacity crisis, it may be able to compete with Xiaomi SU7.

As Lei Jun himself said, the success of Xiaomi SU7 mainly lies in the success of Xiaomi mode and Xiaomi methodology. At the marketing level, Xiaomi SU7 is indeed out of the circle. Even Huawei, which has always been cold, can’t help but catch the heat of Xiaomi. But can Xiaomi SU7 really catch this spilt traffic? It is still an unknown number.

One-week inventory | BYD shares Hong Kong stocks fell 0.26% last week

[trend of individual stocks]

April 10th to 14th.

Last week, the Hang Seng Index rose by 0.53% and the Hang Seng Technology Index fell by 1.74%.

() Shares of Hong Kong stocks fell by 0.26% last week.Last week, the total turnover was 4.33 billion Hong Kong dollars. As of last week’s close, the stock price of Hong Kong stocks was 226.80 Hong Kong dollars, with a market value of 660.247 billion Hong Kong dollars. Hong Kong stocks fell 1.31% this month, up 17.76% this year and down 5.42% in the past 52 weeks.

[Company comparison]

Securities code Securities abbreviation Latest price Last week’s ups and downs Up and down this month Up and down this year 52-week ups and downs LI Li Auto $24.56 3.76% -1.56% 20.39% -4.47% NIO Weilai $9.27 2.89% -11.8% -4.92% -52.82% TSLA Tesla $185.00 -0.03% -10.83% 50.19% -43.65% XPEV XPENG Motors $9.92 -3.31% -10.71% -0.2% -63.16% 02333 Great Wall Motor 9.81 hong kong dollars 10.1% 1.24% -3.44% -14.99% 00175 Geely automobile HK$ 10.14 4% 0.4% -11.05% -14.07% 02015 LI -W HK$ 96.20 3.5% -1.84% 25.26% -6.6% 02238 Guangzhou Automobile Group HK$ 4.98 1.43% 0.61% -5.32% -26.87% 09866 Weilai -SW HK$ 71.85 1.41% -9.68% -8.47% -55.34% 01211 Byd shares HK$ 226.80 -0.26% -1.31% 17.76% -5.42% 09868 Xpeng Motors -W HK$ 39.10 -3.1% -10.63% 1.96% -64.23%

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Indonesian officials: Negotiations will be held with BYD on electric vehicles in May.

According to Interface Finance Association, Indonesian officials said that they would hold talks with BYD on electric vehicles in May.

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Five eco-partners participate! Krypton completed $750 million Series A financing.

On February 13, 2023, Krypton announced the completion of Series A financing of $750 million, with a post-investment valuation of $13 billion. It is reported that this round of financing is invested by Professor Amnon Shashua, founder and CEO of Mobileye, a well-known autonomous driving technology company, and five ecological partners, namely Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Yuexiu Industrial Fund, Trade Fund and Quzhou Xin An Zhi Creation Fund.

We can see that this round of financing has not only new strategic investors to join, but also the strong support of existing shareholders. In particular, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, which is committed to providing first-class solutions and services for global new energy applications, has been a long-term strategic partner of Krypton, and has increased its investment in this round. The other four eco-partners also have rich industrial resources in their respective fields, especially in smart driving, power batteries, innovative materials and high-end equipment manufacturing. I have to say that the capital market is very optimistic about krypton.

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, once said: "Co-creation and Co-investment" is an extreme business concept. We insist on co-creation with users and global high-quality ecological partners, jointly promote innovative exploration in the field of luxury smart pure electricity, and create the ultimate experience for users. Travel life. "

In fact, krypton is also very worth investing in. It not only relies on Geely’s profound heritage of more than 30 years, but also has Volvo’s century-old safety DNA and Lotus performance adjustment capabilities, and also has Geely Electric Vehicle Research Institute, Krypton European Innovation Center (CEVT) and Weirui Technology as the global strategic depth layout to realize the sharing of the underlying technologies.

It is understood that in the 2022 industrial Internet pilot demonstration list released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the 5G fully connected factory project of the extremely smart factory in Qianwan New District of Ningbo was successfully shortlisted. Krypton Smart Factory integrates emerging technologies such as 5G, industrial Internet, big data, digital twinning, AI, XR, etc., and builds a digital pedestal, which realizes low-latency and high-reliability collection, transmission, analysis and in-depth excavation of industrial big data, and forms an advanced factory with extensive connection of production units, deep integration of information (IT) operations (OT), full utilization of data elements, and efficient empowerment of innovative applications.

In addition to the blessing of giant power, Krypton is constantly innovating, stepping out of its own "third track" and breaking out of its own "Krypton speed". The uniqueness of the "third track" is that it is more thorough than the general traditional car companies, without historical burdens, operating in the way of Internet technology companies, and has pure user thinking; Compared with the new forces, Krypton, which has the blessing of giant power, has absolute advantages in technical architecture, quality assurance and supply chain system management.

Sales data is the best proof of users’ recognition of krypton. In February, Krypton delivered 5,455 vehicles, with an overall cumulative delivery of 86,519 vehicles, up 87.1% year-on-year and 75.1% quarter-on-quarter. Among them, the average order amount of Krypton 009 is 527,000 yuan, and the average order amount of Krypton 001 is 336,000 yuan.

In the future, I believe that Krypton can win more people’s love and create better data through the "Krypton Model"!

Nanchang Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris drastically reduced its price! The discount is 15,000, so act quickly.

[car home Nanchang Preferential Promotion Channel] Good news! Good news! Promotional activities are being carried out in Nanchang, with a maximum discount of 15,000 yuan. Now, the minimum starting price for the purchase of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is only 137,800 yuan. Come and click "Check the car price" in the quotation form and strive for a higher discount!

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is an SUV with exquisite shape and smooth lines, and its front face design is unique. The air intake grille adopts Starway family-style design language, with streamlined LED headlights and sporty bumper shape, which makes the whole front look very dynamic and fashionable. The side of the car body adopts a slip-back design, which makes the lines of the whole car smoother and the visual effect more beautiful. The overall style is very young, which meets the aesthetic needs of modern consumers. The interior design is also very scientific and luxurious, and it is a very competitive model.

The side shape of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris car series is smooth and dynamic, with a body length of 4781mm, a width of 1920mm, a height of 1671mm and a wheelbase of 2815mm. It is a medium-sized SUV. The front tread of the car is 1641mm, the rear tread is 1642mm, and the front and rear tyre size are both 235/55 R19. The car side lines are simple and smooth, showing a tough and atmospheric design style. The wheel rim adopts double five-spoke design, which is fashionable and dynamic, and complements the style of the whole vehicle. The overall modeling not only shows the luxury temperament of Eta Ursae Majoris cars, but also highlights its sports performance.

The interior design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is fashionable and simple, and it is wrapped with a lot of soft materials and leather to create a luxurious and comfortable driving experience. The steering wheel is made of genuine leather, with manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, which makes it feel comfortable and easy to operate. The 12.3-inch central control screen has large size and clear display, and supports multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, skylight and window voice recognition control, which is convenient to operate. There are 4 USB/Type-C interfaces in the front row and the rear row to meet the charging requirements of multiple devices in the car. The front row is also equipped with mobile phone wireless charging function, which is convenient and fast. The main and co-pilot seats are made of imitation leather. The main seat supports fore-and-aft adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), the auxiliary seat supports fore-and-aft adjustment and backrest adjustment, the second row seats support backrest adjustment, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which is flexible and practical.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine has excellent performance and can provide sufficient power for the vehicle. At the same time, with the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, the shift is smoother and the driving experience is more comfortable. Whether it’s a city road or an expressway, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris can do it easily.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, he mentioned that the color of the rhinoceros horn ash in Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris left him a very satisfied first impression. He said that the design of this car is very atmospheric and the side looks very smooth. Car home owner @ Jincheng Cheyou 2949468 spoke highly of the exterior design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris, which also proved the outstanding performance of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris in exterior design. I believe that every car owner who chooses Starway Eta Ursae Majoris will be fascinated by its appearance. Let’s thank car home car owner @ Jincheng Cheyou 2949468 for sharing, and hope his experience can bring inspiration and help to more potential car owners.