If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and go back to the front line.

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, February 18th: If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner before going to the front line —— A record of Song Xiuhui, a nurse in Badong County, Hubei Province.
Xinhua News Agency reporter Tan Yuanbin
Mother has been away for 11 days, and Song Xiuhui still has an unspeakable pain in her heart. Every day when I return to the hotel from the isolation ward, I am too busy to remember, and suddenly I feel that kind of pain, like blood coming out of a punctured blood vessel.
In these 11 days, except for the day after her mother left, she spent in the hotel "recalling the past and regretting herself, staying on the windowsill and looking at the direction of home", and she never left her post one day.
On January 23rd, the day before New Year’s Eve, the infectious diseases department of Badong County People’s Hospital in Hubei Province admitted the first suspected patient from COVID-19. As a nurse in the infectious diseases department, Song Xiuhui did not hesitate to join the anti-epidemic front line.
At that time, the elder sister and mother were waiting for her and the second sister to go back for the New Year in their hometown in the countryside. That night, she went back to the county home to pack her things, called her elder sister and her second sister who were also in the county, and told them that she was on duty and could not go back for the New Year.
On the 24th, New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui entered the isolation ward. Her second sister later wrote: "Because of the epidemic, my sister didn’t have a reunion dinner with us for the first time in history. We have enlightened our mother in advance and explained the truth. My mother said,’ I understand’. "
Since New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui has traveled between the hotel and the hospital every day. On the fifth day of the first month, my mother, who had suffered from immune system diseases for a long time, got worse and lived in a department of Badong County People’s Hospital, separated from the infectious diseases department by a building. Mother repeatedly told: "You can’t tell Xiaohui, and you can’t affect Xiaohui’s work." The family really didn’t tell Song Xiuhui. On the sixth day of the first month, she didn’t know that her mother was in hospital until she heard a colleague in a department inadvertently talk about it.
Although she is only separated by a building, she can’t go to see her mother. Video chat has become a link between mother and daughter, with Song Xiuhui at this end and her mother at that end. Although suffering from illness, my mother always encourages her in the video: "Don’t worry about me, you should take care of yourself and protect yourself."
After treatment, my mother’s condition improved. On February 1, the eighth day of the first month, two sisters who took care of their mother discharged her.
On February 6, Song Xiuhui suddenly felt very uneasy and sent video requests to her mother many times. "Mom just fell asleep after eating …" "Mom is in the toilet …" Second sister pushed away the video of her and her mother for various reasons.
"My sister asked for a video, and I was blocked. I am going to wait until my mother has taken painkillers and her condition is slightly better. I never thought about it, but there is no such opportunity anymore." Her second sister wrote.
That night, Song Xiuhui worked the night shift. After work in the early morning of the 7th, on her way back to the hotel, she saw an obituary of her mother’s death in the WeChat group in the village. The cold wind was biting, and she couldn’t help crying.
Waiting for her is a very painful choice. Although she really wanted to go back to see her mother for the last time, for the safety of her family, she finally made up her mind not to go back, hiding her pain in her heart and continuing to stick to her post.
"I dare not think that when the epidemic is over and my sister can go home, her mother is already a pile of loess. Such pain, such pain, such regret, when can I let go? " Her second sister wrote, "There are no heroes falling from the sky, only the ordinary ones without hesitation!"
On the 8th, Song Xiuhui rested in the hotel for a day, recalling her mother’s past. 9, then go to work. Put on protective clothing and walk into the ward. Facing the patient, she forgot to think about her mother leaving.
A few days ago, a little boy named ice cream that Song Xiuhui took care of was discharged from the hospital with his parents. Their whole family was safe, which made her feel strong inside, and the remorse and regret in her heart were a little relieved.
"Mom and Dad have suffered too much by farming for us to study. If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and then go to the front line. However, no matter how sad I am, I will stick to the end because patients need us. " Song Xiuhui said. (End)

What do you know about skiing? 1 minute to take you to understand "cold knowledge"

up to this day
Skiing has become an important way of entertainment and relaxation.
Put on your equipment and fix your skis.
Go straight down from the top of the mountain
Enjoying the slightly chilly wind.
Whistling past my ear
All the troubles are left behind.
In many people’s minds
Skiing is the coolest kind of ice and snow sports.
And in the Olympic Games,
Alpine skiing is also known as
Ice and snow sports "the jewel in the crown"
Actually, behind skiing.
There is still a lot of "cold knowledge"
Skiing used to be an aristocratic sport?
Skiing originated and developed in Scandinavia, Europe, and is famous for its high skill and appreciation. In ancient Europe, skiing was an out-and-out aristocratic sport comparable to golf and riding, because snowboards, ski clothes, venues and equipment were very expensive! However, skiing has gradually entered the public’s field of vision as its own stimulating and physical fitness effects have been gradually discovered. Because this sport is highly skilled and competitive, it is very suitable to enter the professional arena as a sports event. Therefore, in 1936, skiing officially entered the Olympic Games as a competition.
Skiing is still a way of fighting?
Do you know that skiing, which is regarded as a sport today, was once a way of fighting? According to the data, in 1200, King Svere of Norway conducted pre-war reconnaissance by skiing. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and other countries had stories of skiing. This is mainly related to the local topography and climate. The Alps are closed by heavy snow all the year round, so it is much more convenient to use skiing for investigation and combat than riding or walking.
Today, although skiing has gradually changed from an aristocratic sport and combat mode to a popular sport, the pursuit of speed and skill contained in it has continued, and it has been reflected in Olympic events and many skiing competitions.
Skiing ushered in a golden age in China.
In China, the development of skiing has roughly gone through two stages. Before 2000, ski resorts were only distributed in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. After 2000, ski resorts began to appear in the north and south of the Yangtze River due to the mastery of large-scale snow-making technology and the country’s efforts to cultivate national sports interest and improve national quality. With the successful bid for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the ski industry has ushered in a golden age of explosive development. Snow and ice sports, represented by skiing, are gradually becoming popular.
Promote the popularization of ice and snow sports, sports lottery is on the road.
Nowadays, more and more young people regard ice and snow projects as a way of entertainment and leisure, and ice and snow venues all over the country have mushroomed. Sports Lottery has strongly supported the development of ice and snow sports for many years. Last year alone, 512.5 million yuan of lottery public welfare funds were used for the construction of major Olympic venues and facilities. After the completion of Songyuan Ice Sports Center, Jilin Beishan Four Seasons Cross-country Ski Resort, Heilongjiang Yabuli Sports Training Base, Inner Mongolia Ice Sports Training Center and Qinghai Doba Plateau Sports Training Base, there are sports lottery public welfare funds behind them. The national mass ice and snow season series activities supported by Sports Lottery Community Chest, the ice and snow season series activities of millions of citizens in Liaoning Province and the happy ice and snow season series activities of Beijing citizens have gradually become brand activities to popularize ice and snow sports.
Life was dull.
But it will be windy when it slides.
With the increasing popularity of skiing in China.
China is in various ice and snow sports events.
There will be greater stamina
The goal of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports"
Will eventually come true.
Sports Lottery Community Chest will continue to invest in support.
Strive to build for the public
Sites and facilities for participating in ice and snow sports
For the vigorous and healthy development of ice and snow sports
Contribute more strength
(China Sports Lottery)

Linfen held a press conference, optimized the financial business environment, and eased the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Liu Jiang intern Zhang Xinwen) On January 9, the Information Office of Linfen Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on "Optimizing the financial business environment, helping market players to multiply and alleviating the financing difficulties and expensive problems of small and medium-sized enterprises". Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, and Hao Xiaoqiang, Party Member and Deputy Director of Linfen Financial Office, attended the conference, introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and serving the real economy, and answered questions from reporters. The conference was presided over by Feng Li, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Linfen Municipal Committee and a first-class researcher.
Tai Huijun, Party Secretary and Director of Linfen Financial Office, comprehensively introduced the overall situation of Linfen’s financial industry development and service to the real economy. Focusing on the three major tasks of preventing and resolving major financial risks, deepening local financial reform and financial services to the real economy, this paper introduces the financial ecological environment, the reform of financing guarantee system, the entry of enterprises into multi-level capital markets, the normalization of the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and the establishment of the service platform for the first loan renewal.
Tai Huijun said that since 2023, Linfen City has guided financial institutions to conscientiously implement various monetary policies and fiscal and financial policies, continuously increased credit supply, and the real economy of financial services has become more accurate, and the liquidity of the city’s financial industry has remained reasonable and abundant. By the end of November, the balance of deposits and loans in the city had reached 698.095 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 13.38%, ranking third in the province. The loan balance was 273.595 billion yuan, with an average cumulative growth rate of 15.46%, ranking third in the province.
Tai Huijun introduced that in recent years, Linfen City has continuously strengthened financial policy propaganda, established a 3+N+N docking mechanism between government, banks and enterprises, and granted credit of 12.885 billion yuan to the "three batches" projects in the development zone, and realized credit of 20.15 billion yuan to key provincial and municipal projects. In Xinchuang Industrial Park, Yaodu High-tech Zone, a service center platform for the first loan renewal was set up to provide "one-stop" financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, with a total loan of 5.408 billion yuan for 10,981 market entities, and a credit of 510 million yuan and a loan of 390 million yuan for 14 enterprises including Shanxi Zhenghetian Technology, Yingxin Qisheng Electronic Technology, Hummingbird Technology and Century Xinlongteng Technology in Xinchuang Industrial Park. Promote enterprises to enter the multi-level capital market, and promote 344 enterprises to be listed in the Shanxi Equity Exchange Center, among which 130 enterprises are listed on the "Jinxingban", and 35 new listed enterprises are added this year. With the implementation of various fiscal and financial policies, the province set up the first batch of 266 million yuan credit guarantee funds, and promoted the credit loan of 798 million yuan, benefiting 1735 households of various market entities. Make full use of 330 million yuan of emergency liquidity guarantee funds for enterprise capital chain, and provide policy-based "lending and renewing loans" services for enterprises with loans due and financial difficulties. In 2023, 71 enterprises were loaned and renewed with 4.157 billion yuan.
At the press conference, the relevant person in charge of Linfen Financial Office gave detailed answers to the reporter’s questions about financing difficulties, expensive financing and how the financing guarantee system can better serve the small, micro, rural areas and farmers. According to reports, Linfen Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., as the only municipal government financing guarantee institution, closely focuses on the decision-making arrangements of Linfen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on optimizing the business environment, promoting the multiplication project of market players and promoting the development of private economy, and strives to solve the problem of "difficult guarantee and expensive guarantee" for small and medium-sized enterprises by lowering the threshold, reducing the rate and improving efficiency. Up to now, Linfen financing guarantee company has provided credit enhancement services for 12,600 small, micro and three rural entities, with a total guarantee amount of 5.291 billion yuan; A total of 62,100 people were employed and 984 million yuan in profits and taxes were paid. We will continue to reduce the guarantee rate, uniformly reduce the guarantee rate of various market players to below 1%, and reduce the average guarantee rate to 0.73% and 0.65% for two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, and promote fee reduction and profit reduction of 14.4962 million yuan.

What is the essence of finance? Finally someone made it clear!

Source: Investment Bank Laosky
As we all know, the financial industry is a "multi-gold" industry, but anyone who mixes in the financial circle will feel that he has a "halo".
Why is this? Because most people don’t understand finance. Because of scarcity, information inequality will exist, and making money often comes from getting information earlier than others. Therefore, we can not invest or manage money, but we must know some financial knowledge.
bank interest
A rich man borrowed a loan of 5,000 yuan from a Wall Street bank for two weeks. The bank loan must be mortgaged. He used a Rolls Royce parked at the door as collateral. The bank clerk parked his Rolls-Royce in the underground garage, and then lent the rich man 5000 yuan. Two weeks later, the rich man came to pay back the money, and the interest was 15 yuan. The bank staff found that the rich man had tens of millions of dollars in his account and asked why he still borrowed money.
Regal said: 15 yuan’s two-week parking lot will never be found on Wall Street.
Non-profit investment
Please give an example to explain what is unprofitable investment. The economics professor asked questions.
"Take your sister out to play." A male student replied.
The principle of precedence and separate totals
Pick up 75 yuan once, or pick up 50 first and then 25, which one?
Lose 75 yuan once, or lose 50 first and then 25, which one?
Experiments show that most people choose to pick up 75 yuan separately and throw it in 75 yuan together.
This is the principle of pleasure and pain in economics: n pieces of good news should be released separately; N bad news should be released together; A big bad news and a small good news, respectively; A big good news and a small bad news are released together.
Resource pairing
If men and women are divided into four excellent levels of ABCD, the current situation is that A men want to find B women, B men want to find C women, and C men want to find D women, so D men are left.
On the other hand, women are different, that is, ABCD women want to find a man. The final result is a woman and a man.
Comparative utility
There is a formula in economics: happiness = utility-expectation.
For example, your boyfriend privately gave 1000 yuan as a reward for his excellent work. At this time, if your expectation is that he can buy himself a bag with 10000 yuan, then if 1000 is divided by 10000, the happiness is only 0.1. But if your expectation is to let your boyfriend treat himself to a 200-yuan western-style meal, then if you divide 1000 by 200, your happiness will be 5.
Finance is cruel.
If we want to find an antonym for "literary youth", the most appropriate one is "financial youth".
Financial youth
How to understand this sentence?
From tomorrow on, I want to have a house facing the sea and blooming in spring. From tomorrow on, be a happy person, feed horses to chop firewood and travel around the world. From tomorrow on, I only care about my relatives, lovers and friends around me.
The premise of all this is: have a house, have a house, have a house …
Regarding the house, if we can look at it with "financial thinking", then you wouldn’t be so infatuated with Gao Xiaosong’s words "Don’t buy a house, buy a dream".
After the housing reform in China, the house has actually become a financial product. Many people think that housing prices in China are sky-high, because houses are just houses in their eyes. And if you regard the house as a financial product, you will understand why the house price in China is soaring all the way.
Xiao Bian believes that every item, service and enterprise in the future can become a financial product, and then carry out financial operation on it. For example, the financialization of movies, when you are watching movies, others are betting on the box office.
What is financial operation? It is to promote the capital to flow into the most efficient countries and regions, the most efficient industries, the most efficient enterprises, the most efficient projects and the most efficient individuals in turn, so as to realize the appreciation and expansion of capital.
Toolbox consciousness
So from now on, you must have toolbox awareness.
That is: your house, car, stock, salary, etc. are all your financial instruments. Your purpose is not to completely own them, but to use them. You should add value through renewal, turnover and redemption, and then push up your height, so that you can allocate more resources.
The essence of finance is how money makes money. Money is not the root of all evil, it can only quantify everything. Assets can be quantified, thinking can be quantified, life can be quantified, feelings can be quantified, and even time can be quantified.
Everything is for my use, and nothing is for me. All tangible assets are things outside the body, and the ideas and patterns you form in this process are your own.
In order to allocate larger, more and farther resources, you also need to understand the principle of leverage.
lever principle
Give me a fulcrum, and I can pry up the whole earth! This is a famous saying handed down from ancient Greek scientist Archimedes, which means that no matter how heavy an object is, as long as my lever is long enough, I can pry it. The principle of leverage is a very clever invention, and we completely incite things beyond our "power".
This is also a very inspiring principle, which inspires us to boldly change the world. But it is all kinds of financial players who really apply this sentence to the extreme and completely change the world.
Without leverage, there is no finance. The essence of all financial innovations is to amplify the leverage smoothly. The first-level leverage is 1: 3, and the second-level leverage is 1: 3. When the whole system is superimposed, it becomes 1: 9, and there are three, four or even invisible levers.
It is not difficult to amplify the lever, but it is difficult to match the lever series with your control, otherwise it will get out of control. Repeated illegal fund-raising, small loans, guarantees and other events that closed down due to the break of the capital chain, as well as the frequent incidents of losing contact and running away from Internet finance are all caused by leverage, so the essence of all financial crises is that leverage is out of control!
For the country, Shui Muran believes that true wisdom is a system that takes credit as the fulcrum and designs a lever with controllable risks to incite and allocate distant resources. That is the high wisdom of the country and the essence of financial thinking.
Four roles
The essence of finance is Qian Shengqian, and this logic turns the world into four roles:
The first role: I have money and I need to turn it into more money. (capitalist)
The second role: I don’t have money, I can help rich people turn money into more money. (Banks and other institutions)
The third role: I have no money, but my ideas can be turned into money (entrepreneurs)
The fourth role: whoever gives me money, I will help him earn money (migrant workers)
Therefore, finance is an angel, because it can help people who need money to get money; Finance is also the devil, because it makes rich people richer.
So finance, to put it bluntly, is: managing money for the rich and financing for those who are short of money. Then take value-added as the goal, leverage as the means, credit as the cornerstone and boundary as the risk. The essence of finance is the interaction of value-added, credit, leverage, risk and so on, thus forming a large operating system.
Credit is particularly important here, because credit is the basis of leverage. If you have credit, I will leverage. There is no credit and no finance. Credit is the foundation and lifeline of finance!
So in the future, your credit is more important than your identity!
Serve the entity
Finance can be imaginative, but it can’t be illusory.
The so-called image in heaven is shaped in the ground. The essence of finance is just the image projected by the physical industry in the sky, and finance must step on the rhythm of the entity.
For example, for enterprises, your profitability must be greater than your debt speed; For the financing platform, your return on investment must be greater than the interest promised to customers. For the bank, the corporate risk of your lending must be within your own tolerance.
Once finance breaks away from the physical rhythm, it will enter the bubble stage. And now, we are facing this problem!
Deng said: Finance is the core of modern economy. If the finance is done well, everything will be alive.
If there is wisdom in finance, Shui Muran summed up five sentences:
The root of human inequality is private ownership, and the root of the excessive gap between the rich and the poor is finance.
When you have to rely on hard work to succeed, you have lost at the starting line.
Ugliness is nothing compared to the weakness of poverty.
Some things can be changed without hard work. No matter how beautiful the RMB of 50 yuan is, it is not as attractive as the RMB of 100 yuan.
Therefore, finance can be really boring sometimes.
Homosexual game
Regardless of stock trading, investment or buying a house, finance is a game with human nature. This game is divided into four realms:
Horizontal and vertical cooperation, reeling and peeling cocoons, and setting up point control bureaus; Insight into the warmth and coldness of human nature and analysis of public behavior, along the way, if you can do it with ease, you will reach the realm of "Taoism." At this time, everything is born with each other, born with illness and death, and everything comes and goes freely in your heart.
The strongest opponent is yourself. Once you beat yourself, it’s like jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements. Don’t be humiliated, watch the flowers bloom before the court; I have no intention of staying or staying, and I look up at the clouds in the sky.
At this time, you: people abandon me and take it, and people take me and give it. The great self has no self, and what all beings want is exactly what you give up.
So you became a kind Buddha.
Everyone is searching.
The essence of finance is too incisive. What are the three essences of finance? What is finance?


Drunk winter FH

With the rapid development of society, financial products, like money, may be inseparable from people’s lives all the time! ! ! ! ! ! ! !




Drunk winter FH

Smart people: The key point of finance is how "gold" is "integrated" into people’s ideology, all kinds of materials, the world, society and all corners of the world. What is gold? How to integrate what?




A note that jumps upward.

In fact, finance is gambling. Some people bet big chips, while others bet small chips. Only when the water recedes will they know who is swimming naked.




Yilingzi 8P

Interesting article! It’s clear!
If you want to be rich, abandon the five senses of worldly desires!
To put it bluntly, you only recognize money! Don’t get mixed up in morality and feelings!




Jixiaoqian 91

Understand a little absolute:

Money is a tool (equivalent exchange);
Finance is business trust (grade credit)!





7 cats say small for free

Finance is the embodiment of human’s "belief"




Jixiaoqian 91


Department of Finance with Credit Rating





Zhi Cao Jing l

Finance is a means of concentrating wealth, which can promote the development of social productive forces if used correctly, otherwise it may become a tool of wealth plunder.




A ray of sunshine is warm.

Truth is always in the hands of a few people, and so is money. In a sense, the minority obeying the majority is a false proposition! Recognizing the reality and striving to become an elite is your only way out.




Peach, red, willow and green north and south banks

Finance, that is, financing, enterprises that need funds have obtained mutually beneficial funds and cooperation in using funds on the investment platform through listing.




Elegant leisure

Finance generates wealth. This is a cosmic joke!
The function of finance is the lubricant of production.
Social wealth is created by production, not financial speculation.
The behavior of exaggerating the financial function is the main means of capitalist fraud and plunder.




Jixiaoqian 91

Concise and to the point, as you wish, this article is precious, and it will be used in gold.





Static smash 30

But the real creation needs the satisfaction of conditions, and money is the subject matter of the quantification and exchange of various conditions, while finance is to promote the exchange of conditions, so as to realize more possibilities and diversity of creation. I think this article is really in place, although it is scattered but incisive, and I can write a paper for expansion!




All 4 replies

Situ Haoliang 1Z

No, literally, it means that gold stands for wealth, which means to get together, to get together and form a big one means to get together successfully. From a commercial point of view, it is understood that a group of people save their money, start a company, and then use it to do business and make money. The money is earned back, and then the money earned back is used to do business. It can be understood that you pay and I pay, and we lend the money together, charge interest, and then circulate. This is called borrowing money.




Ten thousand profits increase

Retired military personnel

The essence of finance is how money makes money. Money is not the root of all evil, it can only quantify everything. Assets can be quantified, thinking can be quantified, life can be quantified, feelings can be quantified, and even time can be quantified.

Everything is for my use, and nothing is for me. All tangible assets are things outside the body, and the ideas and patterns you form in this process are your own.
Homosexual game
Regardless of stock trading, investment or buying a house, finance is a game with human nature. This game is divided into four realms:
Horizontal and vertical cooperation, reeling and peeling cocoons, and setting up point control bureaus; Insight into the warmth and coldness of human nature and analysis of public behavior, along the way, if you can do it with ease, you will reach the realm of "Taoism." At this time, everything is born with each other, born with illness and death, and everything comes and goes freely in your heart.
The strongest opponent is yourself.




Look small.

Finance is a part of careerists, who pay for their ambitions by pulling all the resources they can.




Shade h8ck8

Finance is to transfer the potential risks of banks to the society, plus 10% risk is enough, beyond which is to protect the bourgeoisie and inhibit the benign development of society.




Yuhui investment wuyingshou

A rare good article




The sense of learning is based on the sense.

The essence of finance is to add leverage skills.




Xingfu space station

Cultural enthusiasts

For an individual or enterprise, as long as the money he earns is greater than his debt, he can survive and develop.




Dexiaoxin cr

The essence of finance is to promote exchange and at the same time increase its own value, and the two cannot be separated. When the market enjoys its function of promoting exchange, it must pay the price of its appreciation. Cycle after cycle, financial capital keeps expanding in vain. In order to eliminate or weaken this cost, we can only offset it by over-issuing money and making price inflation. This process is irreversible, and eventually we will reshuffle the cards through war or other means. This is the objective law, regardless of human will!




Jasper orchid doing push-ups in Hubu Lane

Finance should serve the society and take Do not forget your initiative mind’s mission as its purpose.




Yun o Fei o yang

Ten jars with nine covers, ten jars without covers for real masters, karate.




The wind direction is always right.

Finance is the product of social development. It has a time-limited nature, which did not exist in the early stage of human development, and it will disappear when it reaches a certain height.





Will science and technology disappear? Finance is actually a technology.




See more comments

Foton Motor: Release the financial business risk disposal plan.

On January 10th, the financial sector reported that Foton Motor announced that in order to effectively prevent, timely control and resolve the financial business risks of the company and its holding subsidiaries in BAIC Group Finance Co., Ltd. and ensure the safety and liquidity of funds, the financial business risk disposal plan was formulated. The financial business risks in the plan include deposit risk, credit risk of financial companies, compliance operation risk and reputation risk. The Company has set up a leading group for financial risk prevention and disposal, which is responsible for the prevention and disposal of the risks of funds associated with the Company and financial companies. The leading group is headed by the chairman of the company, with the chief financial officer as the deputy head. Other members include the secretary of the board of directors, the heads of the financial planning department, the audit department, the legal department and the financial management department. The office of the leading group is located in the financial planning department, with the company’s chief financial officer as the office director and the chief financial planning officer as the deputy director, responsible for timely monitoring and evaluating the financial company’s business qualifications, business and risk status, and starting the emergency response plan according to the emerging risk status.

"Back to Nantian" is coming? The Meteorological Observatory responded … You can still see this star in fine weather!

The recent Guangdong has puzzled the friends.

Look at the red feather shirt, thinking it’s still autumn.

Seeing the fog, I thought it was spring.

Look at the plum blossoms in full bloom, a scene of winter.

Look at the sunshine, it’s so hot that long sleeves are rolled into short sleeves.

Shuttle freely in spring, summer, autumn and winter

Guangdong goes online in rainy and foggy days

"Back to Nantian" came early?

According to the forecast of Guangdong meteorological department on January 8,

Affected by weak cold air with precipitation

From now until the 11 th, Guangdong may appear

The effect of "false return to the south sky" in clouds and fog

But this weather effect is not a warm and humid air counterattack.

Cause that dew point temperature of the air to be higher than the ground temperature.

So it’s not really "going back to the south"

Rainy and foggy weather may lead to poor visibility.

Pay attention to traffic safety.

It is estimated that due to the supplement of weak cold air, the temperature in the whole province will drop slightly again from today to 11, and it will be cold in the morning and evening.

Cold air arrival

What will the weather be like in Foshan in the future?

Today, weak cold comes as promised.

There will still be cold air supplement in the next two days.

Mainly cloudy

It’s cold in the morning and evening and warm in the daytime.

I suggest you dress in onion style.

Specific weather forecast in Foshan

January 11th: cloudy and cloudy, 14℃ ~ 22℃;

January 12: cloudy, 15℃ ~ 24℃;

January 13th: cloudy and cloudy with light rain locally, 14℃ ~ 21℃;

January 14th: cloudy with scattered light rain, 14℃ ~ 20℃;

January 15th: It will be cloudy and sunny, 15℃ ~ 24℃.

Weak cold air is active

Guangdong maintains cool and warm weather for a while.

The temperature rises and falls

People’s thermoregulation function is difficult to adapt.

It is necessary to strengthen warm-keeping measures and maintain a healthy diet.

Don’t let the flu take advantage of it

The best time to watch mercury

Mercury will welcome the first westward distance in 2024.

As the innermost planet in the solar system, Mercury will have seven large distances this year, of which the first large distance to the west appears on January 12th, and the 13th is the best time to watch Mercury in Foshan from 6: 26 to 46. If the weather is fine, citizens can look for the beautiful figure of Mercury with their naked eyes or binoculars at low altitude to the east during this time.

Original title: "Back to Nantian" is coming? The Meteorological Observatory responded … You can still see this star in fine weather! 》

Read the original text

The responsibility behind the star brand rollover aura can not be ignored

  Recently, the clothing brand "DSP" short down jacket founded by Joker Xue was notified and publicized by Shanghai State Administration for Market Regulation due to the unqualified filler. As soon as this matter came out, it caused widespread discussion in society. This incident is not only a simple quality problem, but also exposes the lack of responsibility behind the cross-border operation of stars-some stars enjoy the economic benefits brought by the "halo", but ignore the product quality and consumer rights, losing their basic responsibilities and bottom line as merchants.

  In recent years, with the rejuvenation of the consumer market, it is not uncommon for stars to create their own brands across borders, and various "street brands" are also emerging one after another. The business logic behind it is obvious-stars, as public figures, have a high reputation and a huge fan base. Their "aura" undoubtedly brings huge traffic and attention to the business fields they are involved in, and fans often spend a lot of money out of their love for stars and are willing to pay for them.

  Consumers believe in stars and love to spend, and stars should give back to consumers with better quality and service. However, in reality, from the clothing industry to the catering industry, star brands often "roll over". Star entrepreneurship should have been a beautiful thing of "two-way trip". Why is it always "opposite"? The reason is that some stars only enjoy the "halo" bonus blindly, but lack the sense of responsibility; Pursue economic benefits blindly and ignore quality problems. However, it must be understood that ordinary businesses still have to bear the responsibility to consumers, let alone stars who eat the "halo" welfare. While playing the signboard of a star, while doing immoral activities, how can what you do not make consumers feel chilling?

  The market needs industry norms, and stars should take responsibility. This requires them not only to pay attention to commercial interests, but also to the rights and welfare of consumers. In all aspects of production and sales, stars should actively participate in and supervise to ensure the quality and safety of products; When problems arise, stars should be brave enough to take responsibility and take timely measures to solve them, instead of trying to escape or shirk their responsibilities. In short, in cross-border operations, stars should not only be spokesmen of brands, but also be good image shapers of brands, and should have long-term vision and social responsibility. Only by taking a long-term view can we be stable and far-reaching. Focusing on "petty profits" and ignoring the rights and interests of consumers is tantamount to playing with fire and setting ourselves on fire.

  The unqualified sampling inspection of down jackets in Joker Xue is a wake-up call, reminding the stars that while enjoying the aura, they should also assume their due social responsibilities and obligations. Only by providing consumers with truly valuable products and services can we truly achieve a win-win situation of commercial value and social value.

What’s the weather like on New Year’s Day holiday? Travel must see.

  CCTV News:Pay attention to the weather during the New Year holiday. According to the news of China Meteorological Bureau yesterday, during the New Year’s Day holiday in 2018 (December 30 to January 1), most parts of the country are mainly sunny and suitable for travel; There will be rain and snow in parts of the northeast and southwest, and strong winds and cooling may occur in the central and eastern regions due to the influence of cold air.


  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that during the New Year’s Day holiday in 2018, most parts of the country will be mainly sunny and suitable for travel; There will be rain and snow in parts of the northeast and southwest, and strong winds and cooling may occur in the central and eastern regions due to the influence of cold air.

  During the period, on the 30th, due to the influence of cold air, the temperature dropped by 4 ~ 8℃ from west to east and from north to south in eastern China, and it was 10℃ in some areas. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds in the Yangtze River and most of its northern areas; From 31st to 1st January, there was light snow in the eastern and northeastern parts of Inner Mongolia, with moderate to heavy snow in the eastern part of Northeast China. There is light rain (light snow at high altitude) in southwest China, western South China and western Jiangnan, and precipitation is scarce in most other areas.

  Cold air strikes: the smog in Huanghuai, North China will improve, and there is moderate to heavy snow in the northeast.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the foggy and hazy weather in North China, Huanghuai and other places will be the heaviest in this round on the 29th.The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a foggy orange warning at 6: 00. On the 30th, affected by cold air, the air quality began to improve. As the cold air continues to move southward, the areas with high temperature in China will gradually return to normal level.

  When cold air strikes, the smog will gradually weaken from north to south.

  This morning, some parts of Beijing were caught in heavy fog, with low visibility, and some expressways were closed for a time. In Shandong, at 6 o’clock this morning, the Shandong Meteorological Observatory issued a foggy red warning. In some areas of Liaocheng, Dezhou, Binzhou, Dongying, Jinan, Zibo, Weifang, Jining, Zaozhuang and Rizhao, the visibility is less than 50 meters.Affected by bad weather, as of 9: 00 am, more than 300 toll stations of G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, G20 Qingyin Expressway and other expressways were temporarily closed.

  In addition, from the morning of the 29th to the 30th, the atmospheric diffusion conditions in central and southern North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan and Sichuan Basin were poor, with mild to moderate haze, with severe haze in central and southern North China, central and western Huanghuai and Jianghan. Since the 30th, the North China Plain, Huanghuai and other places have been affected by cold air, and the atmospheric diffusion conditions have gradually improved.Haze weather gradually weakens and dissipates from north to south, but due to the influence of upstream transportation, haze will be aggravated in parts of Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan and northern Jiangnan.

  Meteorologists reminded that due to the fog and haze weather,If the public has a travel plan, it is necessary to plan the driving route in advance and check the accessible sections. The public should wear masks and hats when going out. Try to minimize outdoor sports and exercise in haze weather. Wash your face in time after returning home and wash your mouth and nose with normal saline. In some areas, visibility is low due to fog. When driving, you need to turn on fog lights, slow down and pay attention to pedestrians.

  Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there will be heavy snow in eastern Jilin and precipitation in southern Jilin will end, and the temperature will drop.

  On the 27th, due to the influence of cold air, there were heavy snowstorms along the Tianshan Mountains in northern Xinjiang. Monitoring shows that at 8: 00 am on the 28th, the snow has reached 36 cm. In addition, snowflakes also appear in western Qinghai and eastern Liaoning.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be light snow or sleet in northwestern Xinjiang, central and eastern Qinghai, northern Sichuan Plateau and central Shandong from 08: 00 on December 29 to 08: 00 on December 30. There are small to moderate rains in the eastern part of Southwest China, western Jiangnan, western South China, central and eastern Hainan Island and parts of Taiwan Province.

  Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there will be a large range of snowfall in eastern Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Heilongjiang, especially in eastern Jilin.For the snow-poor area of Beijing, Tianjin and Liaoning, there is still basically no possibility of snowfall in this cold air activity. With the southward movement of cold air, it will still be rainy in Jiangnan and western South China tomorrow, but the intensity is generally not strong, mainly light rain, with moderate rain in the local area. It will generally clear up the day after tomorrow, but the air will become dry again.

  Meteorologists reminded that,There will be snowfall in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and other places tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The public should be careful about road snow and ice, and be careful when crossing the road. Affected by cold air, the temperature in most parts of the country will drop again. The public should pay attention to cold and warmth, and be careful of catching a cold.

On New Year’s Day holiday, holiday markets around the country ushered in the peak of consumption, which became the key words.

Original title: Festival markets around the world are welcoming the peak of consumption, which is hot and prosperous.

During the New Year’s Day holiday, the holiday markets in various parts of China gradually warmed up, and people visited large collections and bought new year’s goods, which ushered in the peak of consumption everywhere.

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, consumer activities such as the New Year Shopping Festival in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province have been carried out one after another. The major supermarkets and farmers’ markets have rich varieties and sufficient quantities of new year’s goods, and there are all kinds of special new year’s goods in various places. The authentic seafood in old Ningbo, such as yellow croaker and snail, has attracted many customers to stop and choose, and has become a hot spot for citizens to buy. Special foods such as oil zanzi and frozen rice candy carry many citizens’ childhood memories.

Ningbo citizens: It’s almost the Spring Festival. Come here to buy some new year’s goods, such as rice fat candy, braised bamboo shoots and yellow cakes, which my mother especially likes. You can buy them here.

With the approach of New Year’s Day, the flower market in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province ushered in the peak sales season. Flowers of various colors, such as Chinese rose, longevity flower, lucky strike, etc., are competing with each other, and flowers are hung with greetings such as "Happy New Year" and "Happy Family", and the breath of the New Year is blowing. Kumquat, cyclamen, Ilex verticillata and other flowers with bright colors and beautiful meanings are more popular.

In the New Year Street of Ji ‘an Trade Plaza in Jiangxi Province, holiday goods are dazzling, and stalls selling festive items such as dragon year element ornaments and couplets are particularly festive and eye-catching, attracting many citizens to stop and buy.

In addition to festive decorations, the flower market has also ushered in a prosperous period of sales.

As the New Year approaches, Fujian has issued policies and measures to expand consumption, and all parts of the province will simultaneously launch the theme promotion activities of "Spring Festival in New Year’s Eve". Provinces, cities, counties, political and banking enterprises will jointly carry out more than 3,000 online and offline activities, and issue more than 150 million yuan in coupons and consumption subsidies, which will promote the preferential benefits of all parties to more than 1 billion yuan.

During the New Year’s Day, the consumption of the tourism market was strong, and various activities and new scenes were launched to attract tourists. Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Meishan, Sichuan Province has innovatively developed new consumption scenes such as starry campsite and hilltop coffee, which provides different choices for visiting the objective sea of clouds, enjoying the sunrise and experiencing the southern ice and snow world.

[Source: CCTV]

What day, month and date is Christmas (when is Christmas)

Hello, everyone. Xiaole will answer the following questions for you. When is Christmas? Many people still don’t know when it is. Now let’s take a look!

1. Date of Christmas in 2020: Friday, December 25th, 2020.

2. Christmas, also known as Christmas Day, is translated as "Christ Mass", which originated from Saturnalia, the ancient Romans welcoming the New Year, and has nothing to do with Christianity. After Christianity prevailed in the Roman Empire, the Holy See drifted into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus, because the Bible does not record the specific date when Jesus was born, nor does it mention the existence of such a festival, which is the result of Christianity absorbing ancient Roman mythology.

This article ends here, hoping to help you.