Running back to China (2011)

This series itself is not bad. I just saw the fifth episode. But Lin Yijie let me down. First, he scolded Jodi, a Canadian runner, and then fired Jodi. Later, he dismissed the young players’ inexperience and said sarcastically. To know that he is the captain, he has a K responsibility for all the players, including choosing players when organizing activities. It can be said that Jodi’s failure to keep up with the speed is also his careless choice. unable to tell …



On February day, Yangliu was drunk with spring smoke.

On March 3, the mountains and grass are long.

The most beautiful day is April on earth.

A spring river is as green as blue.

A song "Shang Chun Shan"

A good spring scene

Do you know that?/You know what?

Many lyrics in this song.

All from ancient and modern poems

Follow the pace of Xiao Bu

Go to the spring mountain, taste poetry and enjoy the spring scenery!


Green leaves quiver

Slight rain in the pool

Teeth of willow branches are exposed.

Nianhua Bay at the foot of Lingshan Mountain

Always full of vigor and vitality.

Meet with you

Until the spring flowers bloom

Take a small train into spring.

Sail for a new year.


Yixing Longchi Mountain

Be included in the "ecological island" experimental area.

Rich terrain

Open scenery

Make this a cycling resort.

Attracted countless "chasing green teenagers"

This spring day

Come to Longchi Mountain to see the green.

See the green.

From the ground to the treetops

Dyed all over the mountains

Quietly wake up the sleeping world.


Yangshan Mountain in Spring

Tens of thousands of acres of peach blossoms are about to bloom.

By then, the whole peach town

Will be dyed pink

Beautiful as a dream

As if straying into the Peach Blossom Garden

Time is tender, and years are fragrant.

Flowers bloom, and spring is long.


In the brilliant spring.

Huishan Ancient Town at the Foot of Huishan Mountain

It is brewing spring.

Dewar white walls, cornices and arches

In the brilliant spring.

The artistic conception of Magnolia in the ancient town is carefree.

Pure and elegant petals

Like soaking in snow, like carving with jade.


Snow Mountain in Spring

Lavender garden flowers are getting stronger and stronger.

Away from the noise of the city

Stay away from distractions.

Under the blue sky, in the breeze, in the sunshine.

Listen to lavender talk about those

Romantic story

Of course, it’s not just lavender.

There are many other flowers and plants.

Snow Mountain in Spring

Flowers full of branches, beautiful.

Stop and go all the way

You can have a panoramic view of all the flowers ~



West to the mountain of Yuantouzhu Scenic Area.

Panshan Road overlooking the mountain.

Like a necklace

gaze into the distance

Beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake and Lihu Lake

Can be seen at a glance

This is one of the most artistic mountain roads in Wuxi.

Walking on the mountain road

You can enjoy the natural ecological beauty.

Every step is picturesque.

In the pond at the foot of Baojie Mountain in spring.

Lotus leaves have already been connected into pieces.

Blossoming water lilies under the call of spring breeze

Her face half-hidden behind the lute in her arms


Doosan in spring

Hua kai Zheng Yan

The unique "Doushan Dwarf Fog" in spring

Embrace the whole mountain village in your arms

Truth to softness, goodness to beauty.


There is an old saying that "Wuxi Xishan Mountain Wuxi"

Longguang Tower and Longguang Temple were built on the top of Xishan Mountain.

Although the mountain is not high, there are many scenic spots.

Spring scenery is even more intoxicating.

Green is the background color of spring.

At the foot of Xishan, Jichang Garden is in the clear green.

It’s spring on the face.

Green is surging and full of vitality.

And with a little delicate agility.

Looking up, there are blue sky and white clouds.

Longguang Tower stood firm.

Looking back, a garden was built on the water.

Jiangnan spring scenery brings out the best in each other.


Look southwest

Lake light and spring scenery

Have a panoramic view at this moment

If you climb Luding Mountain,

You can enjoy the magnificent scenery of one mountain and two lakes.

Looking at Taihu Lake, there are vast waves of smoke.

Looking at Lihu Lake, the fog hides ripples.

Zhu Chuntao and Wan Lang rolled snow.

In the "Beautiful Place of Taihu Lake"

Encounter a cherry blossom falling on a beautiful shoulder.

From the lake to the valley, from the water to the pavilion.

All the way, fragrance all the way.

Have some elegance.

The cherry blossoms in the sky are piled with clouds and snow.

Like a fairyland on earth

The spring breeze blows gently, and the English is colorful.

Tourists are weaving under the cherry trees.

Or taking pictures, or joking.

Every picture reveals

Endless beauty and gentleness

These poems

How many songs did you hear?

Come and leave a message to share ~

Original title: "Upper Spring Mountain"

Beijing time-honored Lantern Festival raiders, walnuts, roses, cocoa and durian can be stuffed, so go ahead and eat whatever flavor you want!

There is still a week before the Lantern Festival, and a long queue has already formed at the entrance of the snack bar on the street in Beijing. Many people don’t understand, there are so many ready-made dumplings in the supermarket, why do they have to wait for an hour in the cold wind to buy two kilograms of Yuanxiao? There may be thousands of reasons, Xiao Xian thinks, in the final analysis, there are two words: stress!
On the Lantern Festival, Beijingers pay attention to eating Yuanxiao, and they have to shake it now. Where can I see the skill of "playing Yuanxiao"? Which Lantern Festival is the most sought after? What’s new this year? If you don’t know the answer, Xiaoxian specially sends you a purchase guide!
Daoxiang villagePay attention to materials
Many people’s memories of "shaking Yuanxiao" began in Daoxiang Village. In the 1980s, during the Spring Festival, a stall was set up at the entrance of Daoxiang Village in Beijing to shake Yuanxiao, and people queued up to buy it, which was often in short supply. In the 1990s, there were more and more stores in Daoxiang Village, Beijing, and the shortage of staff became more and more serious. In addition, the supervision of existing food became stricter, and now Yuanxiao was changed to unified production by factories, which gradually faded out of people’s sight.
After a lapse of more than 20 years, Daoxiang Village now shakes the Lantern Festival and finally returns on February 12 this year.
As the saying goes, "the stuffing in Daoxiang Village is the skin of Dashunzhai".
Making Yuanxiao with stone grinding powder is a traditional craft that has lasted for hundreds of years. Although it is time-consuming and labor-consuming, compared with the use of a pulverizer, glutinous rice becomes white powder under the rolling of a stone mill, which not only retains the nutritional components and natural fragrance of glutinous rice to the maximum extent, but also makes the Yuanxiao soft and chewy.
The stuffing of the Lantern Festival in Daoxiang Village is also unambiguous. Four classic fillings are made from walnut kernels in Fenyang, Shanxi, roses in Miaofeng Mountain, small black sesame seeds in Jiangxi and osmanthus flowers in Suzhou and Hangzhou: refined black sesame seeds, osmanthus hawthorn, traditional five kernels and creamy cocoa.
Xiaoxian learned that two new flavors of Yuanxiao, walnut rose and orange mango, were added this year. In order to enrich consumers’ choices, nine kinds of glutinous rice balls will be provided, including traditional five kernels, sweet-scented osmanthus hawthorn and other classic flavors, sugar alcohol glutinous rice balls with black hemp and red bean paste flavors, and "online celebrity" glutinous rice balls that have returned to the public.
Taste: refined black sesame, osmanthus hawthorn, traditional five kernels, butter cocoa, walnut rose, orange mango and so on.
Address: branches of Daoxiang Village (the live Lantern Festival is currently available at Boxma Xiansheng Shilibao Store, Chongwenmen Store, wu mart Yutingqiao Store and Tiantongyuan Store).
Jinfang snacksThe most popular
Jinfang Snacks, founded in 1926, is a halal snack bar in the prestigious capital. The candied fire, snowballing, fried cakes with cream, and one-grade baked cakes in the store are all met by Beijingers. But in many people’s minds, Jinfang’s top product is Yuanxiao. Every year during the Spring Festival, there are several hundred meters long queues at the door for several days. It must be Jinfang snacks.
As a famous product in Beijing Yuanxiao, Jinfang Yuanxiao insists on not using the finished stuffing, making the stuffing according to the secret recipe ratio and using the traditional stone milling technology, which ensures the taste of Yuanxiao dough, which is easy to cook and cook, soft and sticky, sweet and not greasy.
Jinfang Yuanxiao keeps the tradition, while constantly innovating in the variety of materials. In addition to the traditional flavors such as black sesame, hawthorn, sweet-scented osmanthus, rose, salt and pepper, varieties such as malt extract, rose, coconut and raisin have also been developed.
There are so many flavors, if you don’t know which one to buy, you can’t go wrong in choosing assorted Yuanxiao. The cooked Yuanxiao is filled in a bowl, and every bite is a surprise.
The exotic cocoa-flavored Yuanxiao is also a popular taste. Xiaoxian reminds you that if you want to buy this Lantern Festival, you must queue up to buy it early, and if you go late, you will draw water with a sieve!
Taste: assorted, black sesame, hawthorn, blueberry, osmanthus, yellow glutinous rice, purple glutinous rice, cocoa and so on.
Address: Floor 1, Dazhong Electric Appliance, South Floor 1, Metropolitan Street, Ciqikou, Dongcheng District (southwest corner of Ciqikou).
KutokuhayashiJingsu Yuanxiao
Kutokuhayashi, known as the originator of vegetarianism, was founded in 1922. It was first opened on Nanjing East Road in Shanghai, and Cai Yuanpei, Liu Yazi and Lu Xun were all frequent visitors. Kutokuhayashi’s vegetarian cooking skills rely on Buddhist culture, and the dishes are known for their "time-consuming and labor-consuming" and "ingenious conception". Its Lantern Festival is naturally vegetarian, and the production process also pays attention to complete "purity".
There are traditional assorted fillings, sweet-scented osmanthus with five kernels, black sesame seeds and hawthorn, and there are also cocoa flavors. They all follow the secret formula of the ancient temple and make Yuanxiao with low sugar, low fat and low oil.
Kutokuhayashi has also introduced a variety of nutritious Yuanxiao, such as "Golden Soup Yuanxiao", which can be said to have made great efforts in innovation and health preservation.
Taste: assorted, sweet-scented osmanthus with five kernels, black sesame, hawthorn, cocoa, etc.
Address: No.2, Qianmen East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing (near Qi Nian Street).
DashunzhaiTongzhou yibao
As the saying goes: "There are three treasures in Tongzhou, JD.COM: burning catfish, bean curd with soy sauce and burning with sugar."
This sugar fire comes from Dashunzhai, an old brand with a history of more than 300 years, specializing in halal cakes. In the past, the Muslim imam went to the holy land to worship along the Silk Road, and often used sugar fire to satisfy his hunger. In the scorching sun along the way, most imams’ dry food will deteriorate, but the sugar fire in Dashunzhai keeps fresh and delicious, which makes other imams envy.
Not only is the sugar burning, but the Lantern Festival in Dashunzhai is also in the same strain. Compared with Jinfang and Daoxiang Village, the Lantern Festival in Dashunzhai is better than the noodles, the glutinous rice is more chewy, and the unique rough feeling at the entrance is naturally unique.
However, in recent years, there are few improvements in the Lantern Festival in Dashunzhai, and there are not many varieties to choose from. With the feelings of the old brand, you might as well go to the store to have a look.
Xiaoxian’s only reminder is that you must remember to bring cash to buy it!
Taste: assorted, black sesame, Wuren, hawthorn, etc.
Address: No.238 Xinhua Street, Tongzhou District.
Niujie BaijiFull stuffing
Niujie, Beijing, is a paradise for eating goods, with all kinds of delicious snacks. The time-honored Bai Ji’s rice cake is famous both at home and abroad. If we are children growing up in four or nine cities, everyone is familiar with the taste. In addition to rice cakes, Yuanxiao produced by Baiji is also very popular. The present shopkeeper has insisted on making handmade Yuanxiao for more than 20 years, and the quality is consistent, which is favored by Beijing people.
Bai Ji’s Yuanxiao stuffing is exquisite, with sesame oil in the black sesame stuffing and hawthorn cake in the hawthorn stuffing. There is also a unique preserved fruit stuffing. After cooking, the skin is crystal clear and white, the stuffing is full, take a bite, and your mouth is full of concentrated orange juice!
It should be noted that the sweetness of Baiji Yuanxiao is relatively high, and the elderly and children can’t eat more.
Taste: traditional black sesame, hawthorn, Wuren, etc.
Address: No.13, Business, Building 2, Dongli District 2, niujie, Hutong.
Huguosi snacksFruit kong zui ai
Snacks in old Beijing can be found in Huguosi snack bar, and Yuanxiao is no exception.
Yuanxiao, a snack in Huguo Temple, is famous for its various fruit flavors. In addition to more than 10 kinds of traditional fillings such as five kernels, chocolate, red bean paste, strawberry and rose, there are also flavors such as orange, pineapple, strawberry, lemon and durian, which are deeply loved by fruit controllers.
If you are a durian control, Xiaoxian reminds you that you must be mentally prepared to queue up.
Taste: five kernels, chocolate, red bean paste, strawberry, rose, orange, pineapple, strawberry, lemon, durian and so on.
Address: snack shops in Huguo Temple.
Barbecue Wan Yuanxiao and Tangyuan coexist.
As a 300-year-old barbecue shop, BBQ Wan is famous for its barbecue, and Yuanxiao is also the highlight of the Lantern Festival every year.
In order to ensure a good taste, the Yuanxiao in the barbecue bowl is made with stuffing the night before, and then sold by shaking it the next day. Moreover, the ratio of stuffing to glutinous rice flour is well controlled, so it is not only easy to cook, but also has a waxy and chewy taste.
In addition to the sale of Yuanxiao, there are dumplings in the BBQ Wan. Tangyuan tastes soft and elastic, and when you bite it, there is a feeling of gauze passing by, which makes people feel fragrant.
Taste: traditional black sesame, hawthorn, bean paste, chocolate, etc.
Address: No.58, Nanlishi Road, Xicheng District.
NanlaishunSweet and soft glutinous rice
Beijing has four shun in the southeast and northwest, and another shun. Nan Laishun is near the Grand View Garden, selling halal snacks and cooking.
As one of the three time-honored brands in Beijing, Nanlaishun also has a long history. Its Yuanxiao is famous in Beijing for its fine selection of materials, exquisite craftsmanship and sweet, fragrant and soft taste.
Taste: traditional black sesame, hawthorn, Wuren, etc.
Address: No.12 Nancaiyuan Street (West Gate of Daguan Garden).
Having introduced so many old Yuanxiao, have you decided what flavor to buy? No matter which one you choose, go before the fifteenth day of the first month!
(Zhang Xiaoying)

The walls covered with championship flags, the sandy land over 60°C … The summer training venues of Shanghai volleyball players are different.

Xia Xun hits the eighth issue directly
Corpuscles come
Oriental land sports training base
Show you around.
Summer Training of Athletes in Volleyball Center
Men’s Volleyball-All-China Class Playing League is a special summer training.
At the end of August, in the volleyball training hall of oriental land Sports Training Base, the loud shouts made the young faces look determined. The wall behind them is the most precious aspect in the history of Chinese men’s volleyball league. Fifteen men’s volleyball league champion flags are hung on it.
In September this year, Shanghai golden times Men’s Volleyball Team completed the continuation of its legend-winning six consecutive championships and winning the 16th league title. And the championship journey has special significance. "The league lineup has been adjusted. Everyone is an all-China class competition. " Chen Yufeng, director of the volleyball sports center, introduced. For local players, especially young players, they have more stage to show the results of summer training and preparation. This kind of competition experience is of great benefit to their subsequent development, whether they join the national team or participate in the National Games.
When the main team went out to compete for the championship, Chen Haofeng was very satisfied with the results of more than two months of summer training by the reserve echelon. He said: "(Small players) have development potential both in technology and height. It is still reassuring. " 02
Women’s Volleyball Team-Looking for Opponents and Training by Competition
Compared with men’s volleyball, women’s volleyball girls’ training is more diverse. Volleyball is a collective event, and fast and changeable cooperation is a consistent feature of Shanghai. Training is not only a simple physical exercise, but also a skill transfer for the old players. "In volleyball, there is less confrontation, but experience is more important." Chen Yufeng introduced.
Practicing skills and improving physical fitness will eventually be transformed into actual play on the court. In order to accumulate practical experience, Shanghai women ruled out organizing adult teams to compete with youth teams, and invited teams from Zhejiang and Shandong to a friendly match.
In these internal training matches, the coach can fully understand the cooperation of the team and the state of the players, and try some technical and tactical changes. 03
Sand raft-feet buried in sand at 60 C.
Less than 8 o’clock in the morning, on the sand volleyball training ground, there are players in place. They are responsible for the "shower" work in the sand today. On a cool day, the players have two trainings every day: 8: 00 am-11: 00 am and 3: 00 pm-6: 00 pm.
Zhou Zhiguo, the leader of the beach volleyball team, said that sprinkling water on the ground can cool the sand on the one hand and reduce sand blowing on the other. Even so, in hot days, the heat storage makes the sand temperature soar to 60 C.
After running on the sand to warm up, the day’s training began. Serving, spiking, bouncing … According to different groups, everyone has their own training courses. In order to stabilize the center of gravity, the players’ feet repeatedly and deeply inserted into the sand. During training, coaches will arrange rest and hydration according to the weather and athletes’ conditions to prevent them from dehydration and heatstroke. After a short rest, they returned to the sand and began the next round of training.
No matter indoors or outdoors, no matter which team, even though the coach will privately say that it is not easy for athletes to train, no players on the training ground have ever complained that they are tired. While they are training, they don’t talk much. Only when they hit a good ball, make a loud cry and wave their fist-clenched right hand can their emotions be released. This is the spirit of volleyball in China.
Next time the corpuscle will take you.
Walk into the track and field sports center
Direct summer training for athletes

The 1st National Middle School Volleyball Regional League Finals kicked off in Taixing, Jiangsu.

On the morning of February 17th, the opening ceremony of the 1st National Middle School Volleyball Regional League Finals was held in Taixing Sports Center, Jiangsu. Li Guodong, director of the Youth Department of the Volleyball Center of the State Sports General Administration, Mao Wuyang, director of the Volleyball Management Center of Jiangsu Provincial Sports Bureau, Xu Bing, director of Taizhou Sports Bureau, and Hui Xing, vice mayor of Taixing City attended the opening ceremony.
The opening ceremony. Nie Youshe
The 1st National Middle School Volleyball Regional League Finals was hosted by the Volleyball Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and China Volleyball Association, and was undertaken by China Middle School Volleyball Association, Jiangsu Volleyball Association, Taixing Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Bureau of Jiangsu Province. It is reported that the finals were held in Taixing Sports Center Gymnasium, Jiangsu Taixing Middle School, Taixing Experimental Junior Middle School Wenjiang Branch and Taixing Jinjiang Primary School Chengjiang Branch from February 17th to 21st. About 670 people from 27 teams from all over the country participated.
In the game. Nie Youshe
On the same day, in the first match of the 1st National Middle School Volleyball Regional League Finals held in Taixing Sports Center, men from Hebei Sports Technical School lined up to beat Weifang Middle School Team in Shandong Province 3-0.
Zhang Cheng, the main attack team member of Hebei Sports Technical School, said that although we won the game today, we haven’t fully played our own level. Because in the first game, everyone (rhythm) is a little tight. In terms of one pass, the series connection of small balls is not good enough. We will gradually improve and strive for the next victory.
In the game. Nie Youshe
Li Yurui, a female volleyball player from Taixing Experimental Junior High School, said: "We are all very happy to participate in such a large-scale event at our doorstep. Our players are in good condition now, and we all hope to achieve excellent results in this competition."
Liu Qi, head coach of the women’s volleyball team at Tangzhang Middle School in tongshan district, Xuzhou, said: "In this competition, I felt the enthusiasm of the people of Taixing, and then the competition was well organized and the logistics support was perfect. This is the second time that we have come to Taixing. I hope the children can achieve better results in this competition." (Wang Shu, Xu Lu, Zhu Rong)

The weather is changing! Snow! Sleet! It’s going to snow in Shanxi again!

Recently, with the blessing of sunny weather,
The temperature in most parts of Shanxi rose steadily.
The warmth in most areas will continue today and tomorrow.
The highest temperature in most parts of central and southern China is generally around 10℃
The northern region is around 5℃
However, while warming up,
Haze is back, too
This afternoon to night
There are mild haze in parts of central and southern China.
There are mild haze in parts of the south.
The small partners in the above areas should pay attention to protection.
Although the weather is getting warmer.
But ups and downs are also common.
A new cold air is online.
The warming process was interrupted.
At the same time, our province will usher in a wide range of rain and snow weather.
There is little to medium snow in most areas.
There is heavy snow in parts of central and southern China.
There is light rain turning to sleet or light snow in Linyun Basin.
Affected by cold air and precipitation
The highest temperature in most parts dropped significantly on Wednesday.
It is expected that Wednesday
Most of the highest temperatures will generally fall below 5℃
The temperature drop in some areas is about 10℃
The temperature fluctuates greatly.
Everyone should adjust their clothes in time according to the temperature change.
It is currently at the peak of Spring Festival travel rush’s return trip
Need to pay attention to prevention
Rainy and snowy weather accompanied by slippery roads and icy roads.
And low visibility.
Adverse effects on transportation, etc.
Written by Cao Rui, an all-media reporter from Shanxi Evening News
Comprehensive Shanxi meteorology, China weather and so on.
Editor: Cao Rui, all-media editor of Shanxi Evening News
Copyright belongs to the original author.
If there is any infringement, please contact this number to delete.

It’s snowing Snowfall is coming in many places in Shandong. Agent: It’s all white. Pay attention to safety when traveling.

Interactive editor Niu Yun
Wake up,
It’s snowing
On December 11th, many places in Shandong ushered in snowfall. Intelligence agents sent information to Qilu Yidian Information Station, the official client of Qilu Evening News, and recorded the snowfall in various places with a lens. Let’s take a look ~
Jinan intelligence agent "sea breeze and clouds";Ruixue bodes well for a bumper year, and it snows in Jinan.
Jinan intelligence agent "Qin Zhen":Flying white all night, the earth is covered with silver. Since last night, it began to snow in Jiyang District, Jinan City. It is a good sign that the snow will be plentiful. My friend Sun Yanyu took a video.

Liaocheng intelligence officer "Teacher Jiang":This morning, when I opened the window, I saw that it was white outside, and large pieces of snowflakes were still dancing. A cold wind came, and I felt the cold wind was biting. I felt that winter was really coming today. It is ten degrees different from the warm winter of the previous days.
Texas intelligence agent "happy forever":Last night, there was a heavy snow, and the earth was wrapped in white, and it is still raining. Everyone should go out to prevent slippery!
Jinan intelligence agent "Lu Guangkuo";Flowers bloom unintentionally, and snow falls soundly. After waiting for a day and a night for a long time, it finally snows in Jinan, our city. It’s really nice to be white, but we must pay attention to travel safety.
Zibo Intelligence Officer "10327481":Snowflakes flying all over the sky dyed the sky white.
Jinan intelligence agent "Mr. Guo":At 5 o’clock in the morning, on the side of Jinan Tianqiao, I saw the goose feather snow outside the window and a thick layer of snow on the ground and roof. Please pay attention to safety when you go out.

Qilu reminds everyone that you must pay attention to safety when traveling in rain and snow!
Is it snowing in your city? From now on, as long as you take photos related to the weather, or exciting pictures or videos, or some security risks, and upload them to the information station, you will have a chance to get a headline red envelope ~
[Participation method] Download Qilu Yidian, the official client of Qilu Evening News, and post+text/picture or video upload at the information station. Find a reporter, go up a bit! Come to @ Online Reporter ~

What is the function of the syllabus of the self-study exam course?

As a popular form of continuing education, more and more people choose to take the self-study exam to improve their academic qualifications. Many people who want to improve their academic qualifications are puzzled. They want to take the self-study exam for undergraduate courses, but they don’t know the specific policies for self-study. What is the role of the examination outline of the self-study exam course?

Click to enter:If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

What is the function of the syllabus of the self-study exam course?

According to the requirements of the professional examination plan and the characteristics of the self-study examination, the examination outline of the self-study examination course is a document that defines the content and scope of the course study and examination, specifies the course examination standards and makes the examination requirements concrete, and is the basis for guiding the proposition of individual self-study, social assistance and course examination. At present, the national unified proposition curriculum outline is attached to the designated textbook, and candidates should study according to the designated textbook and the course examination outline. However, at present, there is no examination outline for the unified proposition curriculum in some provinces, so the candidates of such courses can study according to the designated textbook.

1. The national unified proposition is the national self-taught examination and the proposition center organization proposition, and the knowledge of the examination is relatively general, so this kind of question type will be relatively difficult. It will usually be the last big question.

2. Regional cooperation proposition, which is a joint proposition of various provinces and cities, will be closer to the examination syllabus of candidates in various provinces and cities, which is slightly simpler than the national unified proposition. However, due to the different characteristics of propositions in various regions and provinces and cities, some questions may be questions that candidates have not been exposed to at ordinary times. Most of these questions are multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions, which are difficult and easy, and each question is relatively novel.

3. Provincial Proposition This is a proposition organized by each province, city and autonomous region. Relatively speaking, the test questions will be relatively simple and closer to the questions that candidates usually come into contact with; This type of question is also a scoring question for candidates. Usually, multiple-choice questions and noun explanations are the majority.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

Heart-warming grass-roots level in winter Gansu Sports Lottery Consolation Sports Lottery Agency

  Time changes, and the initial heart remains the same; When you are cold, your feelings are warm. In order to thank the hard work of the first-line sports lottery agency in the physical store, the Provincial Sports Lottery Center launched a condolence activity of send warm in the Spring Festival and caring for the difficult agents.

  On January 31, the leaders of the provincial center led a team to Baiyin City to carry out condolences. Mr. Zeng, the agent of 6208008129 physical store in Jingyuan County, has his own physical illness, and he has to take care of his old mother who has been ill for a long time. He relies on selling sports lottery tickets to make a living every day. Despite the difficulties, Mr. Zeng still strives to do a good job in the sales of sports lottery tickets. On weekdays, he still insists on finding time to do analysis and research on gameplay, and shares his experience with his peers without reservation, which has won unanimous recognition and respect from everyone. The leaders of the provincial center and the staff of the Silver Management Sub-station sent greetings and condolences to Mr. Zeng during the Spring Festival, asking about the difficulties in life and the support he needed, encouraging him to persist in doing a good job in sales, and setting an example for other consignment agents to love their jobs and be dedicated.

  The condolence group came to the store of Ms. Lu, the agent of 6208008110 in Jingyuan County. Ms. Lu suffered from eye diseases and could not adapt to other jobs. After choosing the career of selling Chinese sports lottery tickets, she cherished the hard-won job opportunities and always loved her job. After more than five years of study and practice, she has grown into a qualified agent. "Thanks to the Chinese sports lottery, I have a stable job and can make some contributions to social welfare. I am also very proud and proud." Ms. Lu sincerely regrets.

  Visiting all the way, the condolence group learned in detail about the implementation of the responsibility lottery in the physical store and the service quality of the market administrator, listened carefully to the opinions and work suggestions of the agency, and understood the difficulties existing in the operation process. It also encourages administrators and consignment agents to base themselves on their posts and continue to contribute to the development of sports lottery public welfare undertakings. At the same time, it also conducted a spot check on the safety production of sports lottery stores, focusing on guiding the consignment agents to investigate the hidden dangers of fire prevention, waterproofing, theft prevention and electricity consumption in the stores, reminding them to pay attention to personal and property safety, and earnestly implementing the safety production requirements of the State Sports General Administration and the Provincial Sports Bureau, so as to escort the sales peak before the Spring Festival and the safety of the Spring Festival holiday.

  Recently, New Year condolence activities are being carried out in Gansu Sports Lottery. A little condolence, full of heart, sent Gansu Sports Lottery to the grassroots, caring for the warmth of difficulties, and gained the understanding and support of sports lottery agents and salesmen, and responded well to the work. Gansu Sports Lottery will do a solid job in preventing safety production risks, strictly implement the requirements of responsible lottery, and ensure the high-quality development of China’s sports lottery. (Liu Zixian)

In January, 2024, Sanya Automobile Driver Training School passed the exam ranking →

In order to further standardize the management of motor vehicle driver training schools, strengthen the examination of motor vehicle drivers, and effectively ensure the first pass of road traffic safety, the examination quality of motor vehicle driver training schools in the city in January 2024 is hereby notified as follows:

Examination of motor vehicle drivers in our city

In January, 2024, there were 14,460 motor vehicle drivers in all subjects in our city, and the number of qualified drivers was 10,125, with an average pass rate of 70.02%. Among them:

One subject

2810 people took the exam, and 1680 passed, with a pass rate of 59.79%;

subject two

4308 people took the exam, and 2696 passed, with a pass rate of 62.58%;

Subject three

3,902 people took the exam, and 2,800 passed, with a pass rate of 71.76%;

Safety civilization common sense examination

3,440 people took the exam, and 2,949 people passed, with a pass rate of 85.73%.

Average passing rate of all subjects in driver training schools in our city in November.
