Xiaomi Auto starts at 215,900 yuan! At the back of the water, the Lei Jun conference site also shouted "far ahead" many times.

Every reporter Li Xing, Dong Tianyi, every editor Cheng Peng.    

At 7: 00 pm on March 28th (this Thursday), Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center, Rongchang East Street, Yizhuang, Daxing District, Beijing officially launched Xiaomi Automobile, which attracted great attention from the whole network, with a total of 9 colors.Lei Jun also shouted out Yu Chengdong’s famous sentence "Far ahead" at the press conference-saying that Xiaomi’s car life is "far ahead".

"national business daily" Every headline reporter (referred to as every headline reporter or reporter) saw it at the press conference.LI Li Xiang, Xpeng Motors He Xiaopeng, Weilai Automobile Li Bin, Great Wall Motor Wei Jianjun, BAIC Group Zhang Jianyong and many other automobile industry leaders came to join us. siteAbout 1200 people witnessed the official listing of Xiaomi SU7, the first car of Xiaomi.


▲ Li Bin, Chairman of Weilai, He Xiaopeng, CEO of Tucki, Li Xiang, CEO of LI, Wei Jianjun, Chairman of Great Wall Motor, Zhang Jianyong, Chairman of BAIC, and other business leaders at the Xiaomi Auto Conference. Photo source: Photo courtesy of the company.

After all kinds of market quizzes, the price of Xiaomi automobile is yet we called and urged a thousand times before she started toward us! At the press conference, the price was finally officially announced. Lei Jun announced:

Xiaomi SU7 Standard Edition, priced at 215,900 yuan;

Xiaomi SU7 Pro version is priced the same as the new version of Tesla Model 3 Huan, 245,900 yuan;

SU7 Max, 299,900 yuan. The original price was 350,000 yuan, but the automobile market was too big, so the final price was 299,900 yuan.

Xiaomi SU7 has a long battery life, and the standard starting battery life is 700 kilometers under CLTC working conditions. Xiaomi SU7 Max version realizes 2s-class zero acceleration and 800km+ battery life at the same time.





▲ Image source: Live screenshot

Since then, Xiaomi Auto has officially entered the "Red Sea" of China auto market. Known as "Bao Shi Mi" (meaning that it looks like a Porsche), can Xiaomi’s car be as big as Xiaomi’s mobile phone? Can the price announced at present sell well? In the face of BYD, LI, Xpeng Motors and other "celestial groups", how does "Bao Shimi" rank among the first camp?


"Marketing strategy is worth learning from all new and old players"


Before the opening of the conference, Lei Jun recalled himself three years ago. "Building a car by Xiaomi will be my last venture, and I am willing to put my life’s reputation on the line and fight for Xiaomi Automobile." Lei Jun said frankly that this sentence not only brought him courage, but also put great pressure on him. "In the past more than 1,000 days, I have been afraid every day. Today it is finally time to hand in my homework. It is impossible not to be nervous." Lei Jun said.

And this top-down tension reached its peak before the press conference began. The hour hand was set back for 24 hours. On the evening of March 27th, the Beijing Yizhuang Xiaomi Automobile Production Base was still brightly lit at night, and the atmosphere of "preparing for war" was strong.


▲ On the eve of the conference, the office area of Xiaomi Automobile Production Base was brightly lit. Photo source: Dong Tianyi

Every eight hours after the headline reporter stayed here, the security personnel in the Ximen sentry box kept scanning everything outside the door, and any person and car who intended to approach might be "questioned". An olive-green millet SU7 was parked at the door. When the staff in the car saw the reporter take out his mobile phone, they quickly closed the door-24 hours later, the interior details of SU7 could not be decrypted.

"Don’t ask, don’t ask, we can’t say if we ask." On a row of trailers parked at the door, five millet SU7s are ready to go, and three of them are still covered with camouflage clothes. The trailer drivers told reporters that these cars "seem to be pulled for activities", but the specific location "can’t be said".


▲ Press conference site?pictureSource: Every reporter Li Xing photo

In fact, since the official announcement of the listing date of Xiaomi SU7 on March 12, since the evening of March 28, Lei Jun’s personal Weibo activity has increased rapidly, and he has intensively created momentum for the listing of Xiaomi SU7. As of March 27, Lei Jun has released nearly 50 related contents and videos about Xiaomi SU7, factories, manufacturing processes, etc., including the video of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens" in five episodes, and the mystery of Xiaomi SU7 has also been separated with Lei Jun’s explanation.


▲ Guest at the press conference Source: Live video screenshot

"This is worth learning from all new and old players. That is, a well-planned and rhythmic marketing strategy. Use the appeal of Xiaomi brand and Lei Jun to guide consumers to look down and go down step by step along the purchase funnel. At the same time, the rhythm of marketing is also very strong, which pushes up the attention of the market step by step, never stays cold, keeps freshness and heat, and finally pushes it to the climax of listing. " On March 27th, Mei Songlin, a senior analyst in the automobile industry, said in an interview that the marketing process of Xiaomi Automobile, from technology to production, to products and finally to price, from inside to outside, from connotative technology to denotative products and prices, guides consumers to accept their products and prices more naturally.

"Just like we cook and eat, if we put the dishes on the table directly, it will feel like a common meal. If people who eat pay attention to the careful preparation of dishes, the cooking process and the addition of various seasonings, this meal will be particularly different and cherished. " Mei Songlin told reporters.

For Xiaomi SU7, Lei Jun emphasized that it was Xiaomi’s painstaking efforts more than once. On the eve of the launch of the new car, Lei Jun wrote in the Weibo, "If everyone feels good, please encourage more; If you feel bad, please point out that we will definitely listen carefully and work hard to improve, but please spray lightly. "


The standard version has a comprehensive cruising range of 700 kilometers.

Different versions are equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and BYD batteries respectively.



▲ XiaomiSU7Four kinds of hub tire combinations pictureSource: Xiaomi Auto Official Weibo

According to Lei Jun, the standard version of Xiaomi SU7 has a comprehensive battery life of 700 kilometers under CLTC working conditions. With the same 19-inch wheels, the battery life of Xiaomi SU7 standard version directly exceeds the long battery life version of Model 3. Xiaomi SU7 Max has a battery life of 810 kilometers, which is the only pure electric vehicle in China that can achieve 2-second zero-speed acceleration and over 800 kilometers battery life.

At the beginning of research and development, Xiaomi set a goal: to be the fastest production car within 500 thousand yuan, and to have the best driving experience within 500 thousand yuan. "Xiaomi Automobile wants to build’ Dream Car’ comparable to Porsche and Tesla’." Lei Jun stressed.

On March 28th, before Xiaomi SU7 went on the market, the reporter visited a 2S store in Beijing and learned that Xiaomi SU7 will be equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s ternary lithium battery and BYD’s Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery on different models.


▲ Beijing Daxing Xiaomi 2S Store Image source: Every reporter Li Xing photo

In Lei Jun’s view, intelligence is the soul of a car, and intelligence is Xiaomi’s strength. "Intelligent driving is an emerging track that Xiaomi Automobile focuses on. The company will continue to invest in the direction of self-developed intelligent driving technology in the whole stack, with the goal of entering the first camp in the industry in 2024." Lei Jun said.

At the press conference on the evening of March 28, Lei Jun was rightXiaomi automobileOur goal is to become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world through 15 to 20 years’ efforts.



Is it an explosion when it goes public?

Expert: There is a tough battle to be fought.


After the price is announced, the competitive environment of Xiaomi Automobile is instantly clear, and the challenges it will face are more certain.

On the one hand, it is the space pressure brought by the overall market trend. According to the latest data released by the Association, in February this year, the output, wholesale volume, export volume and retail volume of pure electric vehicles in the domestic new energy vehicle market.compare to the same period of the previous yearBoth showed a double-digit percentage decline. Looking back on the past year, the market share of pure electric vehicles in the domestic new energy vehicle market has dropped from 70.7% (March 2023) to 56.5% (February 2024).


▲ Image source: official website

It is worth noting that the sales volume of the pure electric car market where Xiaomi SU7 is located is the most obvious decline. According to the data of the Federation, in February this year, the sales volume of domestic pure electric cars was about 129,400, down 26.1% year-on-year and 43.3% quarter-on-quarter. Even based on the data of the whole year of 2023, the data of the Association show that the total domestic C-class pure electric car market last year was only about 254,000, and the penetration rate was only 1.2% of the overall market, with a year-on-year growth rate of 15 percentage points lower than the broader market.

On the other hand,Some people think that the overall growth rate of the market slows down and overlaps the narrow subdivision track, or firmly locks the development upper limit of Xiaomi SU7. The car market "Red Sea", which has gathered many powerful players such as Tesla Model 3, BYD Han EV, Kyk 007 and Tucki P7, has a high market concentration, which makes it more difficult for Xiaomi to break through.

According to official data, the direct benchmarking model Tesla Model 3 of Xiaomi SU7 sold about 147,000 vehicles in 2023, which is equivalent to the existing planned production capacity of Xiaomi automobile production base. The monthly sales volume of BYD Han EV is stable at around 10,000 vehicles; The "Geely" Galaxy E8, brand-new Krypton 001 and Krypton 007 cover the price range of 170,000 ~ 330,000 yuan. According to Jason Lin, vice president of Krypton Intelligent Technology, the monthly sales of Krypton 001 and 007 will hit 10,000 vehicles in April this year.?


▲ Lei Jun presented Wei Jianjun (right), Chairman of Great Wall Motor, with a Xiaomi su7 enterprise for the picture.


▲ Wei Jianjun, Chairman of Great Wall Motor, presented Lei Jun with a tank 700Hi4-T.?Photo courtesy of enterprises

More crucially, the above-mentioned models not only have the first-Mover advantage, but also have the scale effect and cost reduction potential. For example, the gross profit margin of Tesla bicycles was the lowest in recent years in the fourth quarter of 2023, but it was still 16.6%; After the baptism of last year’s price war, BYD’s gross profit margin of its automobile business increased, reaching 23.02%, up 2.63 percentage points year-on-year; Although Krypton has not successfully turned losses, its gross profit margin of the whole vehicle has reached 15%. With the continuous increase in the number of models with vast structures, the cost advantage brought by the high universal rate of parts will be further released.

The gross profit level and scale advantage are undoubtedly the decisive ability in the current price war competition. Statistics show that since late February, about 10 car companies have successively lowered the prices of their models. The price adjustment models are mainly pure electric and hybrid models, and the prices are concentrated in the range of 100,000 ~ 200,000 yuan, with the highest drop of nearly 15%, reaching 30,000 yuan.

In this context, many netizens ridiculed that the pressure was given to Xiaomi Automobile. "Recently, many friends have asked, the current industry competition is very fierce. Is Xiaomi Auto confident to open the market? Of course, we have confidence, because we are Xiaomi Automobile and we are fully prepared. " Lei Jun publicly responded that.

According to the goal set by Lei Jun, the sales target of Xiaomi automobile production car in the first year of delivery is 100,000, and it has entered the first camp of the industry; Through 15 to 20 years’ efforts, Xiaomi Automobile will become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world. "I am particularly worried that when it comes to fire, everyone will not buy it. What is even more worrying is that if everyone comes to buy it, it will take a year or two, and it will definitely be miserable. " Earlier, Lei Jun said in an interview with CCTV News.

Not only Lei Jun, but also Xiaomi automobile terminal sales are full of confidence in Xiaomi SU7 sales. A few days ago, when the reporter visited the offline store of Xiaomi Automobile, some sales said that he was not worried about the sales of Xiaomi SU7, but worried that if the pricing of the new car was particularly cost-effective, it would be difficult for the store to undertake. "If this car sells too well, I am afraid that the production capacity will not keep up, which will make consumers wait too long." The above salesperson explained.

However, for Xiaomi SU7, Mei Songlin, a senior analyst in the automotive industry, gave a different answer. "Xiaomi is a user-oriented enterprise, and the success of its products must be based on an accurate and thorough understanding of target users and target markets. But for Xiaomi, the automobile market is a brand-new market. Xiaomi also has a process of trial and error, learning and iteration, which is unlikely to be achieved overnight. " Mei Songlin said.

In fact, Xiaomi has entered the smart phone market since 2010. At present, it is the top three mobile phone companies in the world and the largest consumer-grade AIoT platform in the world. Whether it is OS, AI or robots, it has accumulated very comprehensive technical capabilities. These capabilities will be gradually applied to automobiles, and "smart driving+smart cabin+ecology" will become the technical commanding heights for Xiaomi automobile to participate in the competition.

Mei Songlin also admitted that in addition to the natural advantages of the new Internet forces, Xiaomi is good at both software and hardware, and has a strong ecological advantage. Relying on its growing ecosystem, it is possible to establish a vertically integrated industrial chain similar to BYD. But all success must be based on a thorough and accurate understanding of the target users and target markets.

Professor Ji Xuehong of north china university of technology also said in an interview that the current industry is in the second half of the intelligent development of automobiles. Although Xiaomi Automobile has certain advantages in intelligent hardware, and has formed certain user reputation and brand reputation, it is very difficult for Lei Jun to lead Xiaomi Automobile to break through in the increasingly competitive intelligent electric vehicle market. At least a few years after Xiaomi entered the market, there was a tough battle to fight.


Establish a "1+N" new retail model

Expert: It will reduce the cost input.


Like all car companies, Xiaomi Automobile practiced the strategy of "channel first", and when Xiaomi SU7 appeared at the end of last year, it simultaneously opened the channel layout.

On December 28, 2023, Xiaomi Group officially signed a letter of intent for cooperation with the first batch of 14 sales and service partners in Beijing headquarters, and issued the "Open City Recruitment Plan". The first batch of open cities included 17 cities including Suzhou, Chongqing, Ningbo and Nanjing. The recruitment type is Xiaomi Automobile Sales and Service Integrated Store (2S), and its functions include new car agency sales and authorized after-sales service, but it does not include the functions of vehicle resale and vehicle delivery. "Xiaomi’s automobile sales model fully integrates the experience of Xiaomi Group’s new retail system and creates an industry-leading new retail model for automobiles." Xiaomi Automobile said that Xiaomi Automobile’s sales, delivery and service channels give priority to the head market in the "1+N" mode and are distributed nationwide in batches.


▲ Image source: Xiaomi Auto official Weibo

It is reported that "1" stands for Xiaomi Auto’s self-built and self-operated delivery center, which focuses on delivery and covers the business of "sales and after-sales service". "N" stands for agent sales and user service contact. "The construction of sales stores and the construction of after-sales service network belong to heavy asset investment. Xiaomi Automobile will divest these two parts and put them on the traditional dealer side, which can not only use the advantages of traditional dealer channels to quickly increase sales, but also decompose capital investment and reduce input costs." Yan Jinghui, a member of china automobile dealers association Expert Committee, said in an interview.

According to Zhou Jingxia, assistant president of Shandong Yuantong Automobile Trading Group, this marketing model of Xiaomi Group can give full play to the resource advantages and network layout advantages of traditional dealers. Reducing the 4S mode to 2S mode can loosen the traditional enterprises, reduce the pressure of heavy asset management, mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, stimulate the vitality of enterprises and reduce their own operating costs.

Thanks to the first layout of the channel, Xiaomi Automobile can synchronize the first batch of tasting activities when setting the time for listing Xiaomi SU7. On March 25th, 59 stores and 17 limited-time exhibition halls in 29 cities across the country, a total of 76 stores started the static tasting of new cars at the same time, but it was limited to watching the appearance of Xiaomi SU7, and it was forbidden to open doors for internal experience and appreciation.

On March 26th, the reporter visited a 2S shop of Xiaomi Automobile in Beijing and learned that the Xiaomi SU7 exhibition car will be unlocked after 7 pm on March 28th, and the final decision and test drive will be started simultaneously. At that time, Xiaomi SU7 could not accept the user’s intention money.

On the occasion of the official operation of the first batch of stores of Xiaomi Automobile, Lei Jun has begun to openly solicit opinions from netizens for the site selection of the second batch of cities. "We collected everyone’s opinions, sorted out the candidate list (the list of 20 candidate cities), and asked everyone to help us choose 10 cities. We immediately chose the site for construction." On March 22nd, Lei Jun wrote in Weibo that.

From the outside world’s point of view, Xiaomi Automobile quickly laid out its channels throughout the country, which is conducive to expanding the user contact area of its products and preparing for its rapid increase in volume in the later period.

Everbright Securities believes in its research report that although Xiaomi entered the automobile market late, it is still possible to enjoy the advantage of backwardness. In addition, Xiaomi’s brand, user base, offline store channels, ecosystem and sufficient cash flow will all reflect its competitiveness.

He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xpeng Motors, once said that Lei Jun has a great chance to make good use of Xiaomi’s advantages. "Xiaomi Auto seems to be the last new force to build a car." He Xiaopeng publicly stated at the committee of 100 Forum on Electric Vehicles in China (2024) held on March 16th.


Lei Jun’s "Last Battle"


Three years ago (on the evening of March 30th, 2021), when Lei Jun shouted "Fight for Xiaomi Automobile", he showed his determination in last stand. At that time, Lei Jun said, "This is the last major entrepreneurial project in my life. I am willing to put all my reputation in life and personally lead the team to fight for Xiaomi Automobile!"


▲ On March 27, at the entrance of Xiaomi Automobile Production Base, Xiaomi SU7 was ready to be shipped. Image source: Photo by reporter Dong Tianyi.

Since the official announcement of the listing date of Xiaomi SU7 on March 12, and the evening of March 28, Lei Jun’s personal Weibo activity has increased rapidly, and he has intensively promoted the listing of Xiaomi SU7. As of March 27, Lei Jun has released nearly 50 related contents and videos about Xiaomi SU7, factories, manufacturing processes, etc., and also released a video of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens" in five episodes.

From the video of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens", Lei Jun sat in Xiaomi Automobile Factory, and publicly responded to Xiaomi SU7 pricing, vehicle positioning, how to treat Apple’s termination of car-making, the advantages of Xiaomi’s car-making, and the comparison of Xiaomi’s car-making with Tesla and Porsche.

On March 25th, Lei Jun said frankly in his personal Weibo, "In the past three years, I have been trembling every day, experiencing various difficulties and challenges. But there has always been a voice in my heart: forward! "

In fact, many people outside said they did not understand Lei Jun’s announcement that Xiaomi would build a car across the border and make it the last battle of his life. "Extending from smart phones to smart cars is the dream of all mainstream mobile phone manufacturers in China, and Xiaomi is no exception." On March 27th, Mei Songlin, a senior analyst in the automobile industry, said in an exclusive interview with every headline reporter that Xiaomi’s original ecology only lacked cars. Once people, cars and smart products are all available, its ecological advantages and comprehensive competitive advantages in the value chain will be further highlighted. Not only that, Xiaomi’s main competitor Huawei made cars across the border, which also promoted Lei Jun’s determination to lead Xiaomi to make cars to some extent.

Lei Jun had previously admitted in CCTV’s "Genting Dialogue" program that it was a forced decision for Xiaomi to build a car. "If you want to be a great company, you must follow the wind. At that time, the slogan was to develop smart electric vehicles." Lei Jun said that smart electric vehicles have become the integration of the automobile industry and consumer electronics, so it is a forced decision to build a car with Xiaomi. "If you don’t do it, you will fall behind."

After deciding to build a car, Lei Jun has been studying, researching and learning the advanced experience of various car factories, and has personally been to many car factories for investigation and study. It is reported that Xiaomi Automobile Factory set the engineer’s office in the middle of the workshop with reference to Mercedes-Benz Automobile Factory. In this way, the problem can be seen at a glance and the speed of dealing with the problem will be faster.

In November 2021, Xiaomi Automobile officially settled in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and planned to build a vehicle factory in two phases, with an estimated production capacity of 300,000 vehicles. The first phase covers an area of about 720,000 square meters with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles, which was completed in June 2023. The second phase is scheduled to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025.

It is reported that Xiaomi took out $10 billion at the beginning of the decision to build a car as a cash reserve for building a car in the next decade, of which 10 billion yuan was invested in the first phase. The 2023 financial report released by Xiaomi Group (HK01810, share price of HK$ 14.94, market value of HK$ 372.7 billion) shows that the R&D expenditure of Xiaomi increased from 16 billion yuan in 2022 to 19.1 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 19.2%, mainly due to the increase in R&D expenditure related to smart electric vehicle business and other innovative businesses.

On December 18 last year, Lei Jun revealed that the first car of Xiaomi Automobile invested 3,400 engineers as a whole, and the entire R&D investment has exceeded 10 billion yuan.

Lei Jun said that the average car company has invested 300-400 people in building a car, and the R&D expenditure is 1-2 billion yuan, but Xiaomi is "more than ten times the investment". "There is no shortcut to the century-old track. I knew from the first day when I announced the car. We only have one way, that is, starting from the underlying core technology, investing 10 times, seriously building a good car, and being patient." Lei Jun said.

Planning |He Qiang Cong Gang Fan Wenqing

Reporter |Li Xing Dong Tianyi

Edit |Du Hengfeng, Yiqijiang, Cheng Peng

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There are new moves in the copyright strategy of CCTV! Yunting obtained the exclusive right to operate the broadcast frequency live stream of the main station in the car networking system.

  Recently, the General Manager’s Office of the Central Radio and Television General Station officially authorized Yangguang Media Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yangguang Media Group") to exclusively operate the broadcast frequency live stream of the General Station in the car networking system. This means that the existing radio frequencies owned, controlled and managed by the main station and the new radio frequencies in the future must be connected to the car-playing service (including live broadcast and delayed listening) through the "cloud listening" car system or through cooperation with Yangguang Media Group.

  "Cloud Listening" is a new national 5G sound media platform launched by the Central Radio and Television General Station (hereinafter referred to as "the General Station") in March 2020. It is the only audio client under the General Station and bears the important mission of the strategic transformation and integration of the General Station’s broadcasting.

  "Cloud Listening" began to lay out intelligent networked automobile business from the beginning of its launch, and jointly developed car networking products with mainstream automobile manufacturers and solution providers to meet the different listening needs of users in travel scenarios.

  "Cloud Listening" leads the industry standard with high-quality content, and promotes the standardization of the mobile audio market. It continues to lay out multi-terminal and full-application scenarios such as mobile phones, cars, tablets and smart wearable devices, and provides users with high-quality sound products and services such as radio stations, audio books and audio programs.

  This exclusive operation authorization will have a far-reaching impact on the standardized development of the intelligent networked automobile industry. In the future, only through the cooperation of "Yunting" or Yangguang Media Group can the live broadcast stream of the main station broadcast frequency be connected to the car networking system of the car brand and the after-loading car networking system developed by the after-loading product company, which is expected to end the situation that the radio station of the car networking system was used indiscriminately in the past and ensure the car owners to enjoy the rights and interests of safe and standardized content services.

  In recent years, the main station has continuously increased its efforts in the protection and management of copyright assets, standardized the copyright market and communication order of the Internet audio-visual industry, and made full use of its own content copyright advantages to support the independent platform to become stronger and bigger. As early as 2019, the General Station issued the "Statement of the Central Radio and Television General Station on Strengthening the Protection of Copyright Assets", which clarified the copyright scope of the General Station, and said that it would strengthen the monitoring and maintenance of its copyright assets, take all effective measures according to law, and resolutely crack down on any infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of the copyright assets of the General Station.

  The person in charge of "Yunting" said that the next step will be to continuously strengthen the platform construction, make full use of, develop and operate the audio content resources of the main station, organically combine copyright protection and operation, extend the audio content value of the main station, and enhance its influence, communication and market value. At the same time, it will give full play to the advantages of the new media platform of the main station with an open and integrated attitude, accelerate the cooperation process with car manufacturers and solution providers, promote the signing cooperation with radio stations all over the country, and provide high-quality broadcast live streaming and audio products and services for car companies and car owners.

The explosion is nearly 100%! Over 3.7 million vehicles! The latest data of new energy vehicles is released

  The Ministry of Public Security recently released statistics,In the first three quarters of this year, 3.713 million new energy vehicles were registered nationwide, up 98.48% year-on-year.

  △ CCTV Finance "punctuality finance" column video

  According to the statistics of the Ministry of Public Security, by the end of September, the number of new energy vehicles had reached 11.49 million, with 3.713 million newly registered in the first three quarters. Among them, the number of pure electric vehicles is 9.26 million, accounting for 80.56% of the total number of new energy vehicles. In the first three quarters of this year, 3.713 million new energy vehicles were registered nationwide, an increase of 1.842 million vehicles year-on-year, an increase of 98.48%, accounting for 21.34% of the newly registered vehicles. In the third quarter of this year, the number of newly registered new energy vehicles reached 1.495 million, with an average monthly registration of 498,000, which was significantly higher than the average monthly registration of 370,000 in the first half of this year.

  In the first three quarters, the used car market remained active, and the number of motor vehicle transfer registrations reached 16.4 million. In the first three quarters of this year, local public security traffic control departments handled a total of 16.4 million motor vehicle transfer registrations, including 15.35 million motor vehicle transfer registrations, accounting for 93.55%. In the first three quarters of this year, the ratio of car transfer registration to new car registration reached 1:1.13, which was significantly higher than 1:1.24 in the same period last year.

  In recent years, the Ministry of Public Security, together with the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, has promoted the implementation of reform measures to facilitate the registration of second-hand car transactions in different places, which has better promoted the circulation of second-hand cars. In the first three quarters of this year, the number of second-hand passenger cars directly registered in different places reached 2.575 million.

In 2024, Hainan Football Association Sunday League (spring) kicked off in early April.

Original title: 2024 Hainan Football Association Sunday League (spring) kicked off in early April.

News from New Hainan Client and Nanhai Net on March 21st (Reporter Chen Wang) On March 21st, the reporter learned from Hainan Football Association that the Sunday League (spring) of Hainan Football Association in 2024 will start in early April, with five age groups, namely U6, U7, U8, U9 and U10, and nearly 1,000 young football fans in the province will participate.

It is understood that both U6 Group and U7 Group adopt a five-person system, with 20 minutes in the first half and 20 minutes in the second half. U6 Group uses No.3 ball and U7 Group uses No.4 ball. In addition, male and female players of all ages can be mixed into teams, and the number of substitutions is not limited. After replacement, they can be replaced. Group U8 and Group U9 both adopted the small seven-a-side system and the No.4 ball, and the first half and the second half were 25 minutes each. Group U10 adopts the regular seven-a-side system and No.4 ball, with 30 minutes in the first half and 30 minutes in the second half.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Football Association said that the Sunday League of Hainan Football Association has been favored by youth football clubs and campus football teams in the province since its establishment three years ago, providing a platform for football teenagers in the province to exchange skills. Originally, the event was held once a year, but later it was held twice a year, in spring and autumn respectively. (Chen Wang)

Teenagers smoking control: refusing to smoke the first cigarette to be a healthy and fashionable new generation.

  CCTV News:On the occasion of the 31st World No Tobacco Day, supported by the Propaganda Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission and the Department of Sports Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of chinese association on tobacco control and Beijing held a youth tobacco control activity in Beijing No.11 School with the theme of "No smoking, I am healthy and fashionable". It is understood that more than half of daily smokers in China started smoking before the age of 20. Organize youth tobacco control activities, form a youth tobacco control volunteer alliance, mobilize more young people to take action, and encourage them to take social responsibility for tobacco control in addition to not smoking themselves.

  This year’s World No Tobacco Day focuses on "tobacco and heart disease", highlighting the relationship between the use of tobacco products and heart injury and cardiovascular diseases, and raising public awareness of the impact of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure on cardiovascular health. Every year, 18 million people die from cardiovascular diseases, and more than 2 million of them die from tobacco use. Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure are sometimes the main factors causing diseases. For example, 69 carcinogens are known to directly cause cancer, and there is sufficient evidence that smoking can cause lung cancer, oral and nasopharyngeal malignant tumors, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, renal cancer, bladder cancer and cervical cancer.

  Since the entry into force of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in China, China has made positive progress in tobacco control implementation. Eighteen cities across the country have promulgated local laws and regulations prohibiting smoking in public places, especially in Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai. Li Nong, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission, pointed out that China’s tobacco control implementation still faces some challenges, and the adult smoking rate is still at a high level. The survey shows that the smoking rate of teenagers in China is 6.9%, the rate of trying to smoke is 19.9%, and 180 million children suffer from the harm of second-hand smoke. We must attach great importance to adolescent tobacco control, adhere to the concept of "great health, great health" and the policy of "integrating health into all policies", adhere to the working mode of "government-led, multi-sectoral cooperation and participation of the whole society", make joint efforts of the government, schools, families and the whole society, formulate tobacco control policies, build a supportive environment for tobacco control, strengthen tobacco control health education, and create a social atmosphere conducive to adolescent tobacco control.

  The Outline of Healthy China 2030 has set the goal of "By 2030, the smoking rate of people over 15 years old will be less than 20%". Liao Wenke, vice president of chinese association on tobacco control, pointed out that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to strengthen tobacco control among teenagers. Only by strengthening the education of smoking control among teenagers and stopping them from smoking can we effectively reduce the number of new smokers and achieve the set goals. To strengthen adolescent tobacco control work, we must innovate educational methods and technologies, enrich educational channels and means, and popularize tobacco control knowledge in ways and means that young students can hear, understand and listen to. We should not be satisfied with publicity and education in content and form, but work hard on pertinence and effectiveness to truly implant the knowledge and concept of tobacco harm to health into people’s hearts.

  Xu Zhen, deputy director of the Department of Sports Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, pointed out that the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to tobacco control in schools and actively promotes tobacco control in schools from two aspects: system construction and health education. The theme of this activity is "I am healthy and fashionable if I don’t smoke". I hope that the majority of young students will take non-smoking as "fashion", take the lead in establishing new ideas in lifestyle, including interpersonal communication, take pride in non-smoking and take non-smoking as the high quality of life, and form a model of healthy lifestyle, thus driving more people in the whole society to pursue this new fashion.

  In China, more than one million people die of diseases caused by tobacco every year. Sun Jiani, an official of the World Health Organization’s representative office in China, believes that the hope of reducing smokers in China is pinned on young people, and the hope of reducing smokers in the world is pinned on China, because smokers in China account for one-third of the world’s total, and tobacco consumption accounts for 44% of the world’s total. Tobacco control in China has not only protected national health and sustainable economic development, but also made great contributions to the world. In order to realize a smoke-free future, I hope volunteers dare to say "no" to tobacco. It is expected that more teenagers will join the tobacco control team and appear on the tobacco control stage in the future, which will add new strength and inject more fresh blood into the tobacco control team in China and even the whole world.

  Deng Ying, director of Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced the preparation of the Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance on behalf of the Youth Tobacco Control Professional Committee. Since 2016, the Youth Tobacco Control Committee has established a youth volunteer team on a pilot basis, and organized tobacco control activities through the volunteer alliance, making students the main body of tobacco control activities, which has received great attention and affirmation from the society. In order to promote the youth tobacco control volunteer alliance to carry out activities on a larger scale, chinese association on tobacco control registered the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance on China Volunteer Service Network this year, calling on all governing units of the volunteer alliance to carry out the national youth tobacco control volunteer activities simultaneously during the World No Tobacco Day, and starting the recruitment activities of the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance before the World No Tobacco Day, calling on more young people to join the National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteer Alliance and participate in the tobacco control activities of tobacco control volunteers.

  Wu Jing, deputy director of China Health Education Center, talked with you about the harm of tobacco and how to carry out health promotion and education on tobacco control in schools from the perspective of health education professional institutions. He believes that smokers will not only inhale tobacco smoke themselves, but also spread the smoke into the air, forming second-hand smoke. A large amount of research evidence shows that smoking can lead to multiple malignant tumors and other chronic diseases, leading to abnormal reproduction and development. Most young smokers will continue to smoke when they enter adulthood, and it is difficult to quit. The younger they start smoking, the more they smoke in adulthood, and the greater the harm caused by tobacco. Therefore, taking effective measures to prevent teenagers from smoking is the key measure to curb tobacco epidemic and reduce tobacco harm.

  Wu Fengqin, Vice President of Beijing No.11 School, highly praised the youth volunteer activities for tobacco control. He believed that organizing the youth tobacco control activities through the volunteer alliance not only created a good atmosphere for tobacco control in the school, but also helped to improve the cultural quality and moral cultivation of the majority of young people, and helped them adapt to and integrate into society. The school will actively support and encourage students to join the volunteer team of youth tobacco control, and also hope that students will actively participate in and organize tobacco control activities in line with their own reality, and effectively promote the extensive development of tobacco control activities in schools.

  Zhou Rundong, a representative of youth tobacco control volunteers, introduced the previous experience of youth tobacco control volunteers’ activities, and told the gains from participating in youth tobacco control volunteers’ activities from the perspective of students, which infected the student representatives who participated in the activities with their true feelings of participating in tobacco control volunteers’ activities. Chinese association on tobacco control hired Tong Jian, the world champion of figure skating, as China’s ambassador for tobacco control, and Vice President Liao Wenke presented him with a letter of appointment. Ambassador Tong Jian made a speech on tobacco control based on his own experience: figure skating is a sport that combines strength and beauty, and both a healthy body and a beautiful posture are necessary for figure skating. Without a healthy body and a strong body, it is impossible to complete difficult training, let alone complete beautiful movements on the field. Smoking not only damages health, but also damages the beauty of human body. I hope that the majority of teenagers will pay attention to their physical and mental health, develop a healthy lifestyle of non-smoking and diligent exercise, stay away from tobacco, resolutely refuse to smoke the first cigarette, and become a new generation of "non-smoking makes me healthy and fashionable".

  At the end of the meeting, the leaders and guests jointly launched the national recruitment activity of "National Youth Tobacco Control Volunteers Alliance". At the scene, many students went to the information desk to learn about the related issues of registering young tobacco control volunteers, and some students completed the volunteer registration on the spot.

Authoritative release! High-level art troupe enrollment brochure

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Beijing Jiaotong University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the Beijing Municipal People’s Government and China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., and is a national "211 Project", "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" and "Double First Class" construction university. As one of the three sources of Jiaotong University, its historical origin can be traced back to 1896. Its predecessor was the Institute of Railway Management, which was founded by the Qing government. It was the first institution of higher learning in China to train management talents, and it was the birthplace of modern railway management and telecommunications education in China.

Beijing Jiaotong University is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to be qualified to recruit art specialty students. Founded in 1991, the Student Art Troupe consists of seven sub-troupes: symphony orchestra, wind orchestra, folk orchestra, choir, drama troupe, dance troupe and chamber choir, with more than 700 members including undergraduates, graduate students and international students. The Student Art Troupe has hired a group of artists with high reputation at home and abroad as instructors, participated in international and domestic cultural exchanges for many times, participated in competitions and performances on behalf of the school and Beijing, and became a nationally renowned student art troupe. The large-scale vocal suite "Long March Suite" rehearsed by the Student Art Troupe was performed in the Great Hall of the People. Mao Yisheng, a large-scale original drama rehearsed, was selected as the "Backbone of the Republic-Publicity Project of Famous Schools of Science Masters" sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology. After being performed in Wuhan, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou and Zhengzhou, the social response was strong. The Student Art Troupe has been to the United States, Brazil, Denmark and other countries for cultural and artistic exchange activities, and has been assigned to perform in Russia, Greece, South Korea and other countries. He has won many first prizes in orchestral music, wind music, folk music, chorus, dance and drama in previous Beijing college students’ art exhibitions; In previous national college students’ art exhibitions, the symphony orchestra won the first prize. In 2022, Beijing Jiaotong University Student Art Troupe won the title of Beijing Youth Civilization.

In order to further improve the level of school art education, strengthen the construction of student art groups and enrich campus culture, in 2023, the school will continue to recruit high-level art groups according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education.

First, the enrollment object and scope

(1) Registration conditions

1. High school graduates who meet the requirements for the national unified examination for college enrollment in 2023.

2. Excellent in character and learning, with a high level of artistic expertise and meeting the enrollment requirements of high-level art groups in 2023.

3. If the candidate’s province organizes a unified professional test for the reported project, the candidate must participate and obtain the qualification.

(B) the scope of students

Science and engineering students are enrolled nationwide; Literature and history students are enrolled in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang (arts and sciences are limited to Chinese language); Comprehensive reform provinces (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Chongqing) enrollment regardless of arts and sciences.

Second, the enrollment plan and preferential policies for admission

(A) enrollment plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan for high-level art troupes is 5, and the number of people to be signed is 10. The number of people to be signed for each project is determined based on the needs of art troupes’ construction. Finally, the actual number of people to be signed for each project will be determined according to the test results, based on the principle of "selecting the best, rather than lacking". The details are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

(2) Preferential policies

1. Non-college entrance examination reform provincial college entrance examination scores (excluding policy bonus points, the same below) reach 20 points below the final simulated investment line of the first batch of general unified recruitment plan (excluding Chinese-foreign cooperative education majors, the same below) in the provinces where candidates come from, and are not lower than the first batch of undergraduate admission control scores (the control line requirements for the provinces that merge undergraduate batches are not lower than the relevant minimum admission control reference scores of high-level art groups designated by the provincial admissions examination department). The final simulated filing line is the corresponding reference line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department at the time of admission.

2. For the provinces and regions that implement the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, it is required that the scores of the college entrance examination reach X or above on the relevant minimum admission control reference score line determined by the local provincial admissions examination department. The specific X values are as follows:

(Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

Third, registration and review

(1) Registration requirements

I have received systematic professional training, have certain sight-reading ability, and can solo works with certain difficulty (Grade 8 and above).

(2) Registration method

Online registration is adopted in this registration, and on-site registration is not accepted. Each candidate can only apply for one project, confirm his/her wishes and upload a scanned application form with the same version number as the application form of the registration system (which needs to be stamped with the official seal of the college entrance examination registration middle school or unit), and then the registration is deemed successful. The procedure is as follows:

1. Online registration: Candidates should log in to the registration system before 14:00 on February 21, 2023 for online registration, and truthfully fill in and submit relevant materials according to various registration requirements.

Website of registration system: http://gaokao.chsi.com.cn/gspystbm/

2. The application materials that need to be submitted online (scanned version) include:

(1) The Application Form of Beijing Jiaotong University High-level Art Troupe in 2023 downloaded and printed by the registration system (the version number of the application form must be consistent with the registration system, and the official seal of the middle school or unit enrolled in the college entrance examination should be affixed).

(2) Second-generation ID card (front and back)

(3) Proof materials: such as the experience of participating in the art troupe, the award-winning certificate of participating in the literary competition in middle school, the amateur grading certificate consistent with the specialty project, and other materials that reflect the artistic level (please upload the materials in the "Comprehensive Information" column of the registration system).

Note: The application materials submitted should be clear, true and complete.

(3) Preliminary examination

The school will conduct a preliminary examination of the materials submitted by the candidates who have completed the registration according to the registration requirements. Those who fail to provide the materials as required and those who do not meet the registration requirements will not pass the preliminary examination. Only candidates who have passed the preliminary examination can take the online test for art majors organized by the school. The preliminary examination results of all candidates who have completed the registration will be announced in the registration system around February 28, 2023.

Fourth, online testing arrangements for art majors

The enrollment of high-level art troupes in the school does not organize written and professional tests, and students who pass the preliminary examination of high-level art troupes in the school will be assessed by online art professional tests.

Candidates who have passed the preliminary examination of the school’s high-level art troupe should log in to Xuexin.com "Online Examination System" (https://bm.chsi.com.cn/) from 10:00 on March 4 to 14:00 on March 13, 2023, and record and submit the performance videos of the reported projects online as required. If the candidate fails to submit the final assessment video through Xuexin. com within the specified time, it will be deemed as a waiver of the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe. See the attachment for the requirements of the final uploaded assessment video. The uploaded video should be clear, authentic and complete. Works that do not meet the test requirements will not be reviewed.

V. Identification, Signing and Publicity

(1) Identification

In line with the principle of "admission on the basis of merit, quality rather than quantity", and in combination with the needs of the development and construction of the student art troupe, the school will organize experts to review the performance videos of individual works submitted by candidates who meet the registration requirements. Sub-projects are identified according to the evaluation results from high to low, and the evaluation results of candidates must be no less than 400 points (out of 500 points). In case of the same evaluation results, they will be sorted according to the importance order of the scoring items, and the one with the highest score will be given priority.

If the number of people who meet the accreditation requirements for a certain project is insufficient, other projects in the same category will be selected for replenishment according to the shortage of the project (wind music and string music will be merged into orchestral music for replenishment), and if they still cannot meet the requirements, other projects will be selected for replenishment in sequence; In principle, each project will be supplemented by one person at most.

(2) Signing a contract

The school will determine the signing list according to the above methods, and sign the Accreditation Agreement of High-level Art Troupe of Beijing Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with the candidates after being studied by the High-level Art Troupe Admissions Working Group and reported to the School Admissions Leading Group for deliberation and approval. Candidates who fail to sign the contract within the specified time will be regarded as automatically giving up the qualification of signing the school art troupe.

(3) publicity

The signing list of each project will be publicized on the school enrollment information network and the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform and reviewed and confirmed by the Admissions Office of Shengyuan Province. If there is no objection to the publicity and approved by the Provincial Admissions Office, the Agreement will come into effect.

Vi. Voluntary reporting and admission

Candidates who have obtained the qualification of the school’s high-level art troupe participate in the national unified examination for enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in 2023, and fill in the school volunteers according to the requirements of the Agreement. Candidates should apply for the general unified enrollment major (category) announced by the school in the provinces where the candidates come from, and it is invalid to apply for the Chinese-foreign cooperative education major. The college entrance examination reform requires provincial candidates to confirm that their selected subjects meet the requirements of filling in their professional volunteers. The school will, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the enrollment regulations and the Agreement, report to the provincial admissions office of the source of students for approval.

Seven, other matters needing attention


After the students enrolled in the high-level art troupe enter the school, the school will review the admission qualifications, and if there is fraud, the admission qualifications will be cancelled. Students who pass the re-examination are members of the Art Troupe. Members of the Art Troupe shall abide by the provisions of the Student Art Troupe and unconditionally participate in the training, rehearsals, performances and competitions of the Art Troupe in accordance with the Agreement signed with the school. If there is any violation, it will be handled according to the relevant documents or agreements.


There is no charge for this test.

Viii. Important agenda

(1) Deadline for online registration

14:00 on February 21, 2023

(2) Inquiry time of preliminary examination results

Around February 28, 2023

(3) Time for submitting the test video for art majors

10: 00 on March 4, 2023-14:00 on March 13, 2023

(four) the estimated query time of the identification result.

April 2023

Nine, enrollment consultation

(1) Consultation telephone number

Art Troupe: 010-51684297 (consultation on registration conditions, video recording requirements, art troupe training, etc.)

Admissions Office: 010-51688441 (Admissions Policy Consultation)

(2) Consultation time (except holidays)

December 15-30, 2022; February 16th, 2023-February 21st, 2023; March 6-13, 2023, 9:00-11:00 and 15:00-17:00.

(3) Enrollment Information Network


(D) Admissions Office micro-signal


X. Supervision Mechanism


The school will strictly abide by the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and follow the principles of fairness, justice and openness. After the selection methods, standards, procedures and results have been reviewed and approved by the school’s leading group for enrollment, they will be publicized to the public and accepted by the society. The Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the School will supervise, and the e-mail address of candidates’ complaints or reports is jwss@bjtu.edu.cn.


Candidates themselves should apply and take the test in strict accordance with the procedures in good faith. Those who are found to have fraud will be disqualified from recognition or admission, and the candidates’ places of origin will be notified to the provincial admissions office. If the relevant staff members violate the rules in the selection and admission, they shall be implemented in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations in National Education Examinations (Order No.33 of the Ministry of Education) and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations in Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Order No.36 of the Ministry of Education).

XI. Supplementary Provisions


The school does not entrust any intermediary institution or individual to carry out relevant training, enrollment and other related activities, and it is strictly forbidden to collect fees linked to the enrollment of high-level art troupes, and seriously investigate and deal with acts of obtaining admission qualifications by cheating, bribery and other improper means.


The final interpretation right of this brochure belongs to the Admissions Office of Beijing Jiaotong University. Matters not covered in the brochure will be supplemented in the enrollment charter of Beijing Jiaotong University revised that year. If there is any discrepancy between this chapter and the document of the Ministry of Education, the document of the Ministry of Education shall prevail.

Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Office

Communist Youth League Committee of Beijing Jiaotong University

December 2022

Jing Wong has strong marketing ability! Publicity of "New Eternal Dragon Slayer" has been searched frequently.

1905 movie network news Recently, Jing Wong has attracted a lot of attention, and it has been searched frequently.The reason is very simple. He is going to make a new play. And he released this series of Weibo’s plot even more wonderful than the new play.

In the critical period when the film industry is about to resume work in an all-round way, the initial cast will be "out of the circle", and people have to sigh that Jing Wong is really body of work in terms of marketing.First, on May 3rd, Jing Wong’s birthday, he sent a message to Weibo announcing that he was about to "go through the customs" for filming, and announced the "Golden Supporting Actors", most of whom were mature actors with recognized strength, which was full of Hong Kong flavor. Netizens can’t help but sigh, "Looking at the supporting lineup, the starring role should not be wrong."

After a lapse of four days, on May 7th, director Jing Wong once again announced the starring lineup of the new version of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" through his social platform official, and at the same time exposed a group of actor modeling stills. Weibo finally sold a pass. "As for Xiao Zhao … I won’t tell you yet!"

A word shocked a thousand waves, and netizens immediately set off a discussion upsurge on the starring lineup. However, the discussion heat has not dropped yet. Jing Wong then deleted the information and explained the reasons for deleting the article, and at the same time rumored that "Xiao Zhao … is definitely not."Dilraba”。

Such a series of operations, several topics airborne hot search, this fan has been looking forward to 27 years of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" finally came, will it make up for so many years of childhood dreams? Or just another self-consumption? Today, we invited film critic Tan Fei to give a special comment — — Director Jing Wong’s feelings are on the shelf again. Should marketing start with casting?

"Do you think Jing Wong’s marketing is heavy?" Moderator Chen Min asked."It’s too heavy," Tan Fei sighed. "You see, at the end of 2019, he vaguely said that he would shoot a new version of" Eternal Dragon Slayer ",and after the release of first hero and No.1,LAM RaymondJanice ManThe lineup once again made everyone stunned. "How can these people compare with the version 27 years ago?" But at this time, the film has been "out of the circle."

In fact, in the Weibo propaganda in 2019, Jing Wong also buried an important "stalk", that is, "Zhang Wuji finally went to Dadu to find Zhao Min" — — Twenty-seven years ago, Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji said, "Zhang Wuji, if you want to save the six sects, come to me." Tan Fei frankly said that he was actually very impressed by the scene at that time, and "I am still very excited after waiting for 27 years and finally getting the chance."

In Tan Fei’s view, this hot topic of Dilraba shows the superb marketing ability of director Jing Wong.

Since 2016 and 2017, many netizens have been casting roles for directors. Everyone thinks that Dilraba’s appearance fits well with the setting of Persian saint Xiao Zhao. This time, Jing Wong himself Weibo denied it, which pushed the topic even hotter. "This is called marketing, which is called hype, which is called unprofitable. This is called small Boda. He denied it and also took the word Dilraba.

Talking about this, Tan Fei boldly guessed Xiao Zhao’s candidate — — "I just mentioned a name Chingmy Yau, didn’t I? She played Xiao Zhao 27 years ago. If her daughter Shen Yue plays Xiao Zhao 27 years later, it will be more topical. "

The topic is enough, and many fans turn their attention to the content and quality of the film. On the one hand, the existing cast and modeling are quite controversial; On the other hand, how Jing Wong’s director level will be this time is also an unsolved "mystery" for everyone. "There is a saying among fans that’ the most difficult level to guess in the world is Jing Wong’s director level’ because it goes up and down, up and down," Tan Fei added.

Jing Wong’s previous works seem to prove this point. "Douban scored as high as 7.2, and the second one dropped to 5.5. Besides, these movies are actually popcorn movies." Tan Fei said, "Wang Jing has an idea, that is, if he is a art cinema, he will be the top art cinema. If he is a commercial film, he will be the first and a complete hit."

Jing Wong’s creative style is so changeable that film critic Tan Fei can’t help but sigh, "You can see his highest side, his lowest side, his meticulous side and his shoddy side". From this point of view, he can completely match the title of "film actuary" given to him by everyone. He is not limited by artistic creation, but he particularly understands his goal of making commercial films.

Take this film as an example. Tan Fei said that Jing Wong left himself a "back road", and this cast, which was criticized by many netizens, was part of the "back road" he laid for himself.

"What is my goal? The first is to make money. Let’s compare this movie. Do you think that if first hero is replaced by a top-notch mainland player like Karry or a top-notch Jackson Yee, his personal worth is estimated to be much higher than eating all the lineups together, then he may not be able to make money, but if he takes such a lineup, think about it. Even if he encounters a’ black swan’ like the current epidemic, he can sell it to the website. "

In fact, director Jing Wong has always been criticized for this. In the face of doubts, he always behaves very calmly. "He may say his feelings, how much can he sell?" Tan Fei said with a smile. For Jing Wong, the most important thing about a commercial film is not how you evaluate it, but how the market evaluates it. Tan Fei recognized this. "I think it is a director’s duty to respect capital.".

"However, we still hope to see director Jing Wong’s real talent ability besides the marketing expert, that is, besides financial quotient, there is also talent quotient", Tan Fei finally said. Everyone also.I look forward to the early publication of this new film directed by Jing Wong.

The number of Wushu exercisers in the "700 million people" national fitness program will account for 10%.

CCTV News:CCTV reporters learned from the State Sports General Administration that from this year to 2020, China will further promote the all-round development of China Wushu, focusing on social Wushu, competitive Wushu, international promotion, Wushu culture, Wushu education, Wushu research and Wushu industry, building three pillars of Wushu, Wushu ceremony and Wushu morality, developing three fields of traditional Wushu, competitive Wushu and Wushu industry, and doing a good job in Wushu education and Wushu research. Serve the amateur, professional and professional groups of Wushu, give full play to the four functions of spreading Wushu skills, inheriting Wushu culture, spreading Wushu spirit and conveying the concept of healthy life, promote the healthy, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of Wushu, and contribute to building a well-off society in an all-round way and building a healthy China.

Zhang Qiuping, director of the Wushu Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association: As the Chinese Wushu Association and the Wushu Management Center of the State Sports General Administration, we should adapt to the new situation of Wushu development. First, we should provide more Wushu services to the society on the public sports service system. Because there are many kinds of martial arts in China, on the one hand, we should inherit it well, on the other hand, we should innovate, and combine the traditional with the modern to adapt to all kinds of people. It is necessary to increase the supply of Wushu products in the supply-side reform. Provide more fitness services and sports popularization activities. At present, our primary task is "mass Wushu". In addition to providing more sports service activities on the supply side, our Wushu sports should always do a good job of "six advances", that is, entering schools, communities, towns, enterprises, institutions and military camps.

According to the National Fitness Plan recently issued by the State Council, by 2020, people’s awareness of physical fitness will be generally enhanced, and the number of people taking part in physical exercise will increase significantly, with 700 million people taking part in physical exercise once or more every week and 435 million people taking part in physical exercise regularly. Zhang Qiuping introduced that in the development of overall fitness, Wushu, as the first of China’s four national quintessences, is also a popular local sport, which will play an important role. 

Zhang Qiuping, director of the Wushu Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association: What we want to grasp is the education, inheritance and excavation of Wushu, including culture. Wushu is now more than just a sport. There are so many sports events in the world. Although Wushu has not been included in the Olympic Games, its popularity has been increasing. This reason is that Wushu is China’s own sport. It is not only a sports concept, but also a cultural concept. Therefore, we should explore the culture and serve the national fitness.


It is understood that from this year, the state will vigorously promote the popularization of social martial arts, organizations at all levels, folk martial arts activities, people’s martial arts fitness and other activities to ensure a steady increase in the number of martial arts practitioners, so that the number of martial arts practitioners will reach 10% in five years. Among them, we will focus on promoting martial arts education in schools, strengthen cooperation with the Ministry of Education, encourage and support graduates majoring in martial arts to teach in primary and secondary schools, further optimize the structure of martial arts teachers, offer martial arts courses extensively in primary and secondary schools and universities across the country, and strive to increase the number of young people practicing martial arts by 10% year by year. 

Huo Zhenhuan, Vice Chairman of the International Wushu Federation, Chairman of the Asian Wushu Federation and Chairman of the Hong Kong Wushu Federation, recently visited the China Wushu Association.

Huo Zhenhuan, Vice Chairman of the International Wushu Federation, Chairman of the Asian Wushu Federation and Chairman of the Hong Kong Wushu Federation, recently visited the China Wushu Association.

Awarding prizes to the award-winning hometown of martial arts

Awarding prizes to the award-winning hometown of martial arts

Since the first selection of "National Wushu Hometown" in 1992, the work of Wushu Hometown has been solidly promoted. In particular, during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, remarkable achievements have been made in the work of Wushu Hometown, which has played an irreplaceable role in promoting the socialization and marketization of Wushu, inheriting Wushu culture and cultivating reserve talents. The counties and municipal governments where Wushu townships are located have begun to go beyond the perspective of sports, make full use of local Wushu resources and brand advantages, attach great importance to the work of Wushu townships from the strategy of promoting local economic development and social progress, and regard "National Wushu Township" as a characteristic business card for urban development.


Zhang Qiuping, director of the Wushu Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport and chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association: After 23 years of exploration and development, the construction of the hometown of Wushu has gradually formed a development model with the government as the leading factor, the association as the main body, the cooperation of various departments and the participation of the whole society. This model has improved the brand influence of the hometown of Wushu in the field of Wushu, and under this brand effect, the number of counties and cities that declare the hometown of Wushu has also increased. At present, there are 100 martial arts townships in China. The dynamic management and elimination system is implemented for the "national martial arts townships", and the title of martial arts townships is no longer once and for all. This is a process of scientific evaluation and dynamic management. Every year, we have to review and select, and we have to suspend the qualifications of martial arts townships that fail to meet the standards, and we will add outstanding counties and cities. (CCTV reporter Zheng Yidan)

Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Industrial Park monopolizes six navigation machine projects, as well as C919 supporting blessing.

  CCTV News:After the United States and China signed on September 28th and October 17th, respectively, the Airworthiness Implementation Procedures of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States came into effect on October 17th. This agreement can simplify the accreditation process for C919, ARJ21 and future domestic aircraft to enter the United States.

  At present, the first domestic large passenger plane C919 has been transferred from Pudong base to Yanliang, Xi ‘an. This indicates that the inspection flight test of C919 in Shanghai has come to an end, and the next step of research and development flight test and airworthiness evidence collection has begun.

  As early as 2010, Zhenjiang New District seized the historical opportunity of the launch of the large aircraft project and began to build an aerospace industrial park in Zhenjiang New District. Up to now, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has a planned area of 10 square kilometers, including 6 square kilometers in the south area, with 150,000 square meters of professional carriers, mainly developing aerospace new materials and parts industries; The north area is 4 square kilometers, supported by Dalu General Airport, which mainly develops the assembly of large aircraft parts, general aircraft manufacturing assembly and general aviation related services. The overall orientation of the park is to build a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  Zhenjiang Road General Airport

  Industrial agglomeration is formed due to large aircraft projects.

  In 2009, at that time, the country proposed to gather global wisdom and national strength to develop domestic large aircraft. After winning the bid, China Aerospace Science and Industry Group, with military background, built the Aerospace Seahawk, mainly for supporting large aircraft. At the same time, we also hope to promote integration of defense and civilian technologies and promote the industrialization of new materials.

  After several years’ unremitting efforts, Aerospace Haiying has been successfully promoted from B-corner, a supplier of C919 for Comac, to an exclusive supplier, and has undertaken four work packages, including rear fuselage section, aileron, front fuselage section and vertical tail composite material, of China Comac C919 large passenger aircraft, accounting for more than 40% of all composite parts.

  It is no accident that the space eagle settled in Zhenjiang, which originated from Zhenjiang’s strong support and encouragement to the aerospace industry. Aerospace industry is one of the six strategic emerging industries in Zhenjiang. On April 25th, 2013, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Planning of the Modernization Demonstration Zone in Southern Jiangsu, which only put forward the requirement for Zhenjiang to build a joint innovation platform for aviation industry in Industry-University-Research relying on Zhenjiang General Aviation Base. In recent years, the aerospace industry has developed rapidly from scratch in Zhenjiang New District, and has become an advantageous and characteristic industry with high visibility and influence in the whole province and even the whole country.

  More than 30 enterprises in Zhenjiang participated in the research and development of major national projects such as the first domestic large aircraft C919, Yun 20, Jiaolong 600, ARJ21 and AC313, among which 11 enterprises were among the cooperative supporting suppliers of Comac C919, including Zhenjiang New Area Fischer Aviation Parts (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd., Aerospace Haiying Special Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Meilong Aviation Parts Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Golden Flight Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. and other aviation-related enterprises.

  At present, C919 has 730 orders from 27 customers. The ARJ21 new regional aircraft has 433 orders from 20 customers. In the future, the C919 aircraft project will bring rare development opportunities to these enterprises, and at the same time, it will attract more and more aerospace enterprises to settle here. Zhenjiang City has made all positive preparations for this.

  Industrial extension due to large aircraft project

  In addition to supporting enterprises for large aircraft projects, a number of general aviation manufacturing projects have also gathered in the Aerospace Industrial Park of Zhenjiang New District.

  Relying on the aerospace industry foundation, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park has introduced six general-purpose machine projects, including three fixed-wing aircraft manufacturing projects of German EA500, American Greisel and American Big Brown Bear, and three rotorcraft manufacturing projects of American Schiller helicopter, Anxiang Taiyue aerial drone and Feirui F200 unmanned plant protection machine. In addition, many general aviation manufacturing projects are being considered to settle in Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park.

  At present, the domestic navigation manufacturing industry develops rapidly in the fields of helicopters and small and medium-sized fixed-wing aircraft with relatively low technical threshold, which are involved in the layout of navigation manufacturing industry in aviation industrial parks everywhere, and the production scale and technical level are constantly improving.

  In the future, in addition to the supporting enterprises of large aircraft projects, Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park will gather more general aviation manufacturing and supporting enterprises, give play to the industrial agglomeration benefits, and promote the R&D and manufacturing development of the general aviation industry. In 2017, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the 13th Five-Year Plan for General Aviation Development, which also clarified "cultivating the regional service function of Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District, supporting the construction of a floating airport by making use of the advantages of rivers, lakes and seas, and exploring the new mode of sharing transportation and general airport management" at Dalu General Airport in Zhenjiang New District. This provides Zhenjiang New Area with stronger infrastructure guarantee and huge development space for developing general aviation amphibious aircraft R&D and manufacturing.

  According to the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" of the aerospace industry officially released by Zhenjiang New District, it is planned to build "an aviation town"-Dalu Navigation Town. The town will take the aviation industry as the core and rely on the existing industry, airport, airspace and tourism resources to build two bases of "aviation manufacturing" and "navigation operation", and integrate the two industries of "Dongxiang Humanities" and "air sports" to build the aviation industry. In order to better promote the construction and development of "aviation town" and let more people participate in and share the achievements of the development of aerospace industry, the 2017 Zhenjiang New Area Aviation Carnival, with the theme of "flying over dreams and being suitable for Zhenjiang", was held in Zhenjiang New Area from November 17 to 19, 2017, with the support of Zhenjiang New Area Aerospace Industrial Park Management Office, Jiangsu Dalu Aviation Industry Development Co., Ltd. and China Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

  There is no doubt that China is a manufacturing power in the world. However, today, the manufacturing pattern of countries in the world is changing. Germany proposes Industry 4.0, the United States proposes re-industrialization, and China also proposes "Made in China 2025", vowing to make China a manufacturing power. At present, although in aviation manufacturing, many high-precision, sophisticated equipment are imported from abroad, and there is still a big gap between domestic equipment and them, it is not that China cannot reach this level. This is a question of quality assurance system. As long as all links are properly controlled and strictly implemented according to standards, China’s equipment can also reach high-precision, sophisticated.

  At present, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is gathering and introducing a number of technologies, new materials, new equipment and computer technologies related to aerospace manufacturing, and building it into a design, research and development, production base and navigation comprehensive service base for general aircraft, new aerospace materials, aircraft interiors and parts with leading development advantages.

  While developing aerospace and navigation R&D and manufacturing, Zhenjiang Aerospace Industrial Park is also actively promoting industrial landing, developing navigation operations and cultivating aviation culture, thus forming a relatively complete industrial chain and consumer market, laying a solid foundation for sustainable development.

The tide of price reduction is coming, can the folding screen mobile phone be popular this time?

Wen Yi connected with Insight, written by Han Ying and edited by Li Xin.

Near the end of the year, folding screen mobile phones have become a new competition field for mobile phone manufacturers. 

Recently, Huawei released the latest folding screen mobile phone, which once again stirred the market of folding screen mobile phones. Also in the same month, OPPO’s first folding screen mobile phone has also come out.

At the same time, glory, realme and vivo are also developing folding screen mobile phones. In addition, the news that Xiaomi MIX Fold2 is about to be released is also constantly coming out. 

At present, domestic folding screen mobile phones are blooming everywhere. In foreign countries, Samsung, as the head enterprise of folding screen mobile phones, has released three generations of folding screen mobile phones since 2019. According to analysts’ prediction, Apple is also expected to release the first folding screen mobile phone in 2023.

If the prediction comes true, it means that the mainstream players in the mobile phone market will enter the new battlefield of folding screen mobile phones. 

An obvious change is that from the perspective of the third-generation folding screen mobile phone, its price is controlled within 10 thousand yuan, and it is entering the era of parity acceptable to consumers. This also means that the folding screen mobile phone is undergoing technological upgrading and market testing. 

Undoubtedly, with the improvement of technology and the downward price, the penetration rate of folding screen mobile phones will increase. But the real problem is that the folding screen mobile phone is still a niche market, and its sales volume is less than 1% of the whole smart phone market. When will the folding machine really become popular?

In the smart phone market where the market is saturated and the growth is weak, manufacturers are trying to tell a new story. This time, the new story is to buy a folding screen mobile phone at a lower price. 

Different from the previous price of 10,000 yuan, after two years of market development, the price of folding machines has gradually entered the parity stage. 

Whether it is Huawei’s latest folding screen mobile phone, Samsung’s latest folding machine, or the first folding machine released by OPPO, its price has been lowered to around 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, which seems to be more close to the people than before. 

Last week, Huawei released the new flagship folding screen mobile phone P50 Pocket. From the appearance point of view, this folding screen mobile phone adopts the design of vertical folding, and the compact and exquisite appearance also breaks the disadvantages of heavy and horizontal folding in the past.

On the most important axis of folding screen, Huawei P50 Pocket adopts the design of water drop hinge, which has a smaller bending radius than the previous generation.Simply put, with the help of the drop-shaped screen space at the bend, the screen folding can be close to the seamless folding shape.At the same time, the unfolding thickness of the fuselage as thin as 7.2mm can realize a flatter unfolding of the inner screen. 

Unfortunately, the screen cover of Huawei P50 Pocket does not use ultra-thin electronic touch glass (UTG), but continues to use traditional transparent polyimide (CPI). Specifically, UTG is a flexible glass with better performance, while CPI is a plastic material. 

At the same time, as for the core processor, due to the shortage of chips, Huawei P50 Pocket is equipped with Snapdragon 888 chip and adopts 4G network.In this regard, Huawei said that with the support of HarmonyOS Smart Communications, the network experience was not greatly affected. 

Huawei tried to make up for the lack of hardware such as glass and chips with images and batteries. Following the exploration of Huawei P-series images, Huawei P50 Pocket adopts a super wide angle of 120 degrees, and at the same time, fluorescence photography and other modes have also increased the effect of post-shooting. In terms of battery, Huawei P50 Pocket is also equipped with 4000 mAh battery, which supports 40W Huawei super fast charge. 

On the whole, as one of the important players in the folding screen mobile phone market, Huawei is already the head player of domestic folding screen mobile phones.As early as 2019, Huawei launched Mate X, a horizontally folding screen mobile phone, and the launch of the vertically folding P50 Pocket also means that Huawei has completed a double folding layout in the folding screen mobile phone market. Huawei has also become the only brand in the industry to launch three folding forms of mobile phones: outward folding, inward folding and vertical folding. 

Earlier, OPPO released the first folding screen mobile phone OPPO Find N, and at the beginning of this year, Xiaomi also launched the first folding screen mobile phone MIX Fold, and the concept map of MIX Fold2 is also coming out. 

Not only do domestic mobile phone manufacturers keep moving in the folding screen mobile phone market, but Samsung, as the "leader" of folding screen mobile phones, has always regarded it as a heavy bet.In September this year, Samsung officially released the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G in China, which is Samsung’s third-generation folding screen mobile phone.In addition, Samsung also released a product that folds up and down — — Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G.

In the past, the folding screen mobile phone has always been a symbol of high-end. At the beginning, the price of Samsung Galaxy Fold reached 15,999 yuan, and the price of Huawei Mate X reached 16,999 yuan. Even the lowest-priced Xiaomi MIX Fold had a starting price of 9,999 yuan. 

When Xiaomi MIX Fold was launched less than a year ago, its price on the e-commerce platform has dropped by more than 3,000 yuan due to poor sales. 

The trend of head players can better explain the development trend of folding screen mobile phones. 

At present, Samsung undoubtedly occupies an absolute dominant position in the folding screen mobile phone market. According to data from research institute DSCC, Samsung’s market share in the global folding market is as high as 87% in 2020. The price of Galaxy Z Filp 3 with vertical folding scheme reached 7599 yuan, only 60% of that of the previous generation. For this reason, this series has also become the highest-selling folding screen mobile phone in the world. 

For price-sensitive users, the most intuitive change brought about by price reduction is the increase in sales. Samsung’s first-generation folding screen mobile phone Galaxy Fold sold only 500,000 units worldwide. In contrast, the third-generation folding screen mobile phone exceeded 1 million units in one month. 

Compared with the mobile phone manufacturers that have already entered the market, the whole folding screen mobile phone market has been full of smoke. 

Up to now, Samsung has released eight folding screen phones.In terms of mobile phone shipments, in the third quarter of this year, the DSCC report showed that Samsung accounted for 93% of the shipments.In addition to strong mobile phone shipments, Samsung also has the ability to produce screens. According to a recent report by BusinessKorea, a Korean financial media, Samsung plans to increase the output of foldable screens from 17 million to 25 million a year, an increase of more than 40%. 

In China, Huawei, the first to enter the market, is the mobile phone manufacturer with the largest market share. The advent of Huawei P50 Pocket represents that Huawei has started to "walk on two legs" like Samsung, and has two models of horizontal folding and vertical folding. 

Xiaomi’s exploration of folding machine is not very smooth, and its heat dissipation, screen look and feel, creases and other problems have been repeatedly vomited by users, and the price has been falling after listing. OPPO will bet on the cost performance, and launch OPPO Find N with a price of only 7699 yuan, trying to open the market at a low price. 

Generally speaking, whether it is Samsung, which has been deeply involved in the folding screen mobile phone market for a long time, Huawei, which was the first to enter the market, and OPPO, a new player who just entered the market, parity strategy seems to have become the consensus of the industry.

From ten thousand yuan machines to parity machines, the road to price reduction of folding screen mobile phones is not overnight. 

Undoubtedly, in the era of folding screen mobile phone 1.0, the price of folding screen mobile phone has been high, which is a huge consumption threshold. Not many people can afford and are willing to spend a mobile phone with a price of 10,000 yuan. Sales are bound to be limited. 

And if you want to pursue sales and expand the audience, price reduction is the fastest way. However, before the price reduction, mobile phone manufacturers should first consider the production cost, otherwise they may "lose money and earn money".

Among the components of the folding machine, the hinge used to connect the fuselage and provide folding ability can be said to be the core of the folding screen equipment, which determines the strength of the whole fuselage. A hinge is composed of hundreds of tiny parts. Whether the hinge quality passes the standard directly affects the visual effect of the screen crease. 

At present, domestic mobile phone manufacturers, Huawei and OPPO all adopt the method of hinge self-research. Interestingly, at the recent press conference, whose patent is the water drop hinge also caused a confrontation between Huawei and OPPO. 

On the one hand, the research and development cost of hinge technology is high, on the other hand, there is no cost sharing in mass production of mobile phones, which undoubtedly requires a lot of money for the research and development of hinges. At the press conference of OPPO, Liu Zuohu, senior vice president of OPPO, revealed that the cost of this small hinge on Find N mobile phone reached $100, which was 1/10th of the final selling price, while the hinge quotation of other mobile phone manufacturers was generally 200 yuan. 

In addition to the mobile phone manufacturers themselves, upstream suppliers such as Huawei hinge supplier Yian Technology and OPPO hinge supplier Amphenol are also worthy of attention. 

Recently, some investors have asked questions to Yian Technology, a domestic hinge supplier, on the investor interaction platform. The question pointed out that besides supplying Huawei, which customers are Yian Technology? Yi ‘an Technology responded to this, and the company’s liquid metal hinges have been cooperated by five customers.

It is not difficult to see that with the price reduction of folding screen mobile phones and the increase of sales volume, the cost reduction of upstream suppliers is also an inevitable trend. 

In addition to the hinge, the flexible screen is also the key to the competition of folding screen mobile phones.Compared with the straight mobile phone, it is more expensive to adapt to the components in the bending scene. At present, there are two kinds of folding screen mobile phone covers on the market, CPI (colorless polyimide) and UTG (ultra-thin flexible glass). The former can be understood as a plastic material, while the latter is a flexible glass with better performance than AMOLED. 

In the whole folding screen mobile phone market, flexible glass, such as UTG, which has difficult research and development technology and high cost, has been monopolized by giant Samsung, which is also the reason for the high price of folding screen mobile phones. 

Just this year, Samsung opened the supply of external UTG ultra-thin glass, which is also the key to Samsung’s capital to reduce the price of folding machines. The OPPO Find N screen used UTG glass supplied by Samsung.

Obviously, this is a sure-fire business. At present, the folding screen mobile phone is a new trend in the mobile phone market. For Samsung, which is firmly in the top position of folding screen mobile phone sales, cooperation with domestic mobile phone manufacturers can not only increase its own sales, but also share the production cost by increasing sales, and also find new growth curves and broaden income channels. 

At the same time, domestic electronic suppliers are also speeding up the production of UTG glass. Side Semiconductor, Kaisheng Technology, Hui Jing Display and other manufacturers have announced the research and development progress or plans of UTG glass projects this year. 

In the glass cover, the mobile phone display screen is also a difficult problem that needs the homework of mobile phone manufacturers. According to online Insight, the flexible OLED screen of Huawei P50 Pocket was provided by domestic manufacturer Visionox. Data show that in the third quarter of this year, global smartphone OLED panel shipments were about 170 million pieces. Among them, Visionox shipped about 6.3 million pieces, ranking fourth in the world, second only to Samsung Display, JD.COM and LG Display. 

Admittedly, although China companies such as BOE, Vinozin and Rouyu have made great breakthroughs in screen technology in recent years, they still have a long way to go compared with Samsung. 

It is foreseeable that as Samsung opens the supply of UTG glass and the production capacity of domestic suppliers increases, the production cost of folding screen mobile phone screens will further decrease.

Generally speaking, the reduction of production costs of core barriers such as hinges, glass covers and screens directly lowers the market price of mobile phones with folding screens. In the future, with the popularization and mass production of folding screen technology, the price of folding screen mobile phones will be lower.

All along, there have been endless arguments about "folding machines are chicken ribs" and "losing money to make money" in the market. 

Yuan Bo, a senior communication engineer, once told Time Finance that the folding screen is not just needed, but meets the marginalized demand, but it is a symbol of the technical strength of mobile phone manufacturers, and even represents the manufacturers to enter the high-end threshold. 

However, with the gradual maturity of technology, the new folding machines of mobile phone manufacturers are intensively launched, and the superimposed prices are pushed down one after another, and the penetration rate of folding screen mobile phones is expected to accelerate. 

Market research firm Strategy Analytics predicts that in 2025, the shipment of folding screen mobile phones will reach 100 million units.Counterpoint Research, another research institution, also predicts that by the end of 2022, the global shipment of folding machines will reach 18.3 million units.You know, last year, the global shipment of folding screen mobile phones was only 2.8 million. If the agency’s prediction is accurate, the shipment of folding screen mobile phones will increase exponentially in the next two years. 

It is worth noting that Samsung, the head player, has been brave enough to "blood" on the folding screen mobile phone. A few days ago, according to Korean media reports, Samsung will stop the Note series and will take out more cost space to embrace the folding screen mobile phone. In addition to capacity expansion, Samsung also increased the marketing expenses of the folding machine to twice that of the Note series. Samsung also said that the chip supply gives priority to the folding machine, which shows its emphasis on folding mobile phones. 

Although many players bet and the market is promising, it is not easy for folding screen mobile phones to be popularized. 

The problem facing all players is that the price of the folding machine is almost the same as that of flagship machine, but there are still many restrictions on the configuration, which does not meet the standards of flagship machine. 

For example, there are few built-in telephoto lenses, the internal and external screens have not yet been high-brushed, and they can’t meet the high-frequency fast-punching, which have all become constraints for the development of folding machines. At the same time, it is still difficult to achieve unity in the adaptation of screens and applications. At present, the application adapting to folding screens has only increased from 75% to 90%. "The software workload is six times that of ordinary flagship models," Liu Zuohu, senior vice president of OPPO, mentioned at a media communication meeting. 

In addition, the current users of folding machines are still concentrated in the business crowd, and it is even more difficult for new players like OV and Xiaomi to get a slice of the business crowd. 

In this regard, Samsung and Huawei have taken the lead in targeting female users. This time, Huawei’s P50 Pocket has added the function of detecting sun protection. According to Huawei’s official introduction, Huawei Mirror provides an intelligent sun protection reminder function, and uses a hyperspectral imaging system to provide users with sunburn detection services. Earlier, the compact and portable design of Samsung Flip series was also suitable for female users. 

However, the time for folding screen mobile phones to enter the market is still short, and it will take time to test whether they can be bought by female users. 

In addition, when the technical difficulties of hard power such as hinges and screens are still being broken, the high maintenance cost has become a factor affecting the popularity of folding screen mobile phones. According to Huawei’s official website, Huawei’s P50 Pocket costs as much as 4,379 yuan only for screen maintenance, even exceeding some domestic high-end flagship machine. Other repairable components include the motherboard, upper battery cover (including external screen) and rear-view lens, and the prices are 3399 yuan, 579 yuan and 999 yuan respectively.

Obviously, immature technology and imperfect user experience have become a mountain in front of folding screen mobile phone manufacturers. 

Don’t forget that in the field of folding machines, Apple, a heavyweight player in the smartphone market, has not yet finished. If Apple joins, it will become a "killer" player and further expand the overall market of folding machines.Guo Ming Ti, an analyst with Tianfeng International who has been paying close attention to Apple for a long time, believes that the first Apple folding screen mobile phone will be available in 2023, and Apple is ready to increase the shipment of its first folding screen iPhone to 20 million units.  

However, if Apple also introduces folding screen phones, the competition in the whole market will be more intense, and the pattern may also change. 

There is no new story about smart phones, which is a commonplace topic. It is reasonable that the imagination space brought by folding screen mobile phones attracts mobile phone manufacturers to compete.However, the real problem is that the folding screen mobile phone has been born for three years, but its shipment volume is far less than that of other smart phones, and it is still relatively deserted in the China market. Whether the price reduction tide can make the folding machine catch fire in the China market will soon be answered.