"The cars produced by our company are loved by many users" (the fifth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative)

  Starting from Minsk, the capital of Belarus, drive more than 50 kilometers northeast to Geely (Belarus) Automobile Co., Ltd.. Looking around, rows of neat factories stand on the plain. This factory, located between borisov and the famous industrial city of Jogino, covers an area of 118 hectares and has a design capacity of 60,000 vehicles per year. It is planned to increase to 120,000 vehicles in the second phase. This factory is the first automobile joint venture project between China and Belarus, and it is also the only passenger car manufacturer operating in Belarus at present. Belarusian President Lukashenko said: "China-Belarus friendship goes back to ancient times, and friends from China helped us realize our dream of domestic cars. Belarus hopes to promote the all-round development of the supporting industrial chain of passenger cars through cooperation with China and Geely Automobile. "

  "The completion of the factory has filled the gap in the passenger car industry in Belarus"

  The English name of Geely (Belarus) Automobile Co., Ltd. is BELGEE, which is taken from the English letter combination of "Belarus" and "Geely". According to Cheng Wenan, the company’s deputy general manager in charge of production, the Geely Belarus project started construction in May 2015 and was completed and put into operation in July 2017, with a total investment of 329 million US dollars. This is the first modern automobile production line in Belarus. In less than 30 months, Geely has completed the factory construction of painting, welding, assembly and auxiliary facilities.

  Walking into the factory exhibition hall, three new cars attracted the attention of reporters. "These three cars are Bo Yue, Yuanjing SUV and Emgrand, which are produced by our factory respectively. They are our flagship cars and have already started mass production." Gennady Svedelsky, general manager of the joint venture company, told reporters. Svedersky, wearing a work uniform with the word "BELGEE" printed on it, has another important position — — First Deputy Minister of Industry of Belarus. The deputy minister of industry is also the general manager of the joint venture company, which shows that the Belarusian government attaches great importance to this project.

  "For Belarus, this factory has important strategic significance," Svedersky said. "Before Geely came, China could only produce trucks and agricultural vehicles." The Belarusian government has been trying to develop its own passenger car industry for many years, and has cooperated with car companies in some developed countries. However, these companies are unwilling to share technology with Belarus, and only position it as an "assembly workshop". Finally, the Ministry of Industry of Belarus negotiated with Geely Holding Group and reached a cooperation agreement.

  On November 17, 2017, Geely Holding Group and Belarus Automobile Factory jointly built the all-part passenger car manufacturing plant, and held the ceremony of putting into production and the first Bo Yue car produced in Belarus off the assembly line. Belarusian President Lukashenko said at the event: "Our friends in China responded to my request, helped us build such a good automobile factory, and provided low-interest loans for it. The completion of the factory has filled the gap in the passenger car industry in Belarus. "

  Svedelsky said that both Belarus and China are very optimistic about the prospects of cooperation, and the cars produced by the joint venture factory have great market demand. As an international modern automobile enterprise, Geely also provides technical support for the joint venture company and sends experts. "Thanks to Geely, we have set up a factory to assemble engines, car seats and other related products. These products can not only meet the needs of Belarus, but also be sold to other countries. "

  "We introduced capital and technology from China and created new jobs."

  Into the production workshop, modern production lines and supporting facilities make people shine. Nikolai Lisovschi, chief engineer of the company, told reporters excitedly: "The establishment of the joint venture company is conducive to promoting the economic development of Belarus. We introduced capital and technology from China, created new jobs and opened up the sales market. "

  Lisovschi used to work in Minsk Automobile Factory, which produces heavy trucks. He told reporters: "Our factory has not been established for a long time, like a child who needs to be cared for. I get along well with my colleagues in China, and I can learn a lot from them. The factory has a good momentum of development. " In Lisovschi’s view, working in such a modern enterprise is "very beautiful", and it is also a great opportunity for young people to develop their careers. He said: "Our car has a good sales prospect, good quality and fashionable appearance. Now not only our own employees buy it, but ordinary people also buy it. "

  Tang Shengguo, deputy general manager of Geely Overseas Manufacturing Center, told reporters that Geely (Belarus) Automobile Co., Ltd. enjoys special preferential policies, including 50% discount on construction fund loans, free land allocation and exemption from land use fees. In addition, the Belarusian government also promotes the sales of Geely automobile from the policy level. For example, all government agencies and units are required to give priority to Geely.

  The Ministry of Finance of Belarus has issued a discount policy for natural persons in Belarus to buy Geely cars. Individuals buy cars by installment, with a down payment of 10%, which will be paid off in seven years, and the annual loan interest is as low as 1.9%. Geely Automobile was also recommended as the designated vehicle for the 2019 European Youth Games in Minsk, and the Belarusian government purchased 300 vehicles at one time as service vehicles during the games.

  Panait Mariana vasilyevich, who won the title of "Miss Belarus" in 2018, won the long-awaited prize — — White Geely SUV. She shared with reporters the feeling of driving a Geely car: "This is my first car. I drive to and from Minsk and other cities almost every day. This car is easy to control and has a lot of space inside, so it is very comfortable to sit inside. "

  "Belarus and China are carrying out fruitful cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative"

  Vladimir Bodmako, head of the advertising and marketing department of Geely (Belarus) Automobile Co., Ltd., told reporters that the cars produced by Geely (Belarus) currently rank ninth in sales in Belarus, and it is expected to rank fifth next year and enter the top three in three years. He said: "The cars produced by our company are loved by many users. This is a car produced in Belarus and therefore has a high degree of recognition. "

  Lisovschi said, "Geely (Belarus) Automobile Co., Ltd. was put into production by Belarus and China in ‘ Belt and Road ’ A model of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation within the framework. " He spoke highly of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and believed that the Belt and Road Initiative has broad prospects. He said: "Belarus strongly supports and actively participates in ‘ Belt and Road ’ There are many similarities between Belarus and China at the beginning of reform and opening-up, and it is necessary to expand foreign cooperation. China is a great country, and we are honored to have China as a strategic partner. We are willing to deepen and expand this relationship. "

  Svedelsky also pointed out, "China has made great achievements in its reform and opening-up policy, and Belarus is also implementing policies aimed at promoting economic modernization and improving efficiency. Both Belarus and China are ‘ Belt and Road ’ Within the framework of fruitful cooperation, apart from the joint venture project of Geely Automobile, Belarus and China are still ‘ Boulder ’ A large number of similar factories have been built in China-Belarus Industrial Park. He said, "‘ Belt and Road ’ We can give full play to the respective advantages of Belarus and China, especially the experts from China brought their experience to Belarus. ‘ Belt and Road ’ Let’s get closer. "

  (People’s Daily, Minsk)

Taking stock of the "8D Magic" cities on the observation deck of Chongqing tourism in online celebrity, it is well-deserved.

  China. com, August 29th-To say that the most puzzling "scenic spot" in Chongqing in 8D, the second line of Liziba Light Rail passes through the building, which attracts too many foreigners to punch in, and the enthusiasm of foreigners also makes Chongqing people puzzled.

  On August 21st, the viewing platform of Liziba, which was built at the request of tourists, was officially opened to tourists. This is the first completed upgrading project of online celebrity scenic spots after Chongqing suddenly became the "online celebrity" on May 1st this year.

  Chongqing, a three-dimensional city, has such magical observation platforms. Below, let’s take stock of all kinds of online celebrity observation platforms in Chongqing to make the Chongqing travel photo in your mobile phone even more amazing.

  Pet powder maniac: Liziba observation deck

  Is there a track line 2 or a building first? This question is like "which comes first, the chicken or the egg" for foreigners who go to the Liziba observation deck.

  When the Liziba Light Rail passes through the building, Chongqing people never expected that it would catch fire. All Liziba roadsides were not set up before, so tourists had to stand on the sidewalk less than two meters and look up. The angle was not good. When a train passed by, they left with a click, and the bus had to stop and leave.

  The amazing passenger flow brought by Chongqing, online celebrity, the Yuzhong District Government decided to start building the Liziba observation deck in May this year, just to make it safer for you to look up at Line 2. So willful, no wonder Chongqing will be called a pet powder maniac by netizens.

  Yesterday, Xiao Bian saw from the scene that after the opening of the Liziba observation deck, the view of the light rail crossing the building was much better than in the past, that is, the legendary best viewing angle of 33. The most important thing is not to worry about being crowded into the road by people. This is good news for tourists who go to Chongqing on the Mid-Autumn National Day.

  From this observation deck, you can fully realize that there are two floors of roads in the mountain city of Chongqing. Of course, there is also a famous "three-floor road" above Liziba on the second light rail line. Do a good calculation. How many floors of roads are there in the mountain city? By the way, think again, whether there is a track or a building first.

  Stunning punch: Hongyadong observation deck

  Hongyadong, the first scenic spot in online celebrity in Chongqing, used to play in the same way: take a photo of Hongyadong Chihiro on Qiansimien Bridge or Jiabin Road and feel the fantastic Chongqing on the cliff.

  Have you ever tried to take a leisurely walk down Cangbai Road from the top of Hongyadong, and first look at the night view of Jiangbei on the observation deck of Hongyadong? This is the best view and angle to shoot the glittering bank buildings in Jiangbei CBD!

  Hongyadong observation deck is located on the top floor of Hongyadong, with a small area of only a few dozen square meters. From this perspective, you can not only see online celebrity buildings such as the Grand Theatre, but also take pictures of Qiansimen Bridge, which shows that Chongqing is the capital of the bridge, and the train of Track 6 is still running on the lower floor of the bridge.

  Jiangbei mouth’s building curtain wall, after special programming, is equivalent to a huge TV screen, which can show a huge picture. If you record a short video and bring the surging Jialing River in, it may be a fire.

  By the way, there is also a huge dam in front of Chongqing Grand Theatre in jiangbei mouth. There are few people, and you can see the panoramic view of Yuzhong Peninsula. This is also a good viewing platform.

  God’s perspective: WFC observation deck

  The mother city of Yuzhong in Chongqing is surrounded by two rivers, and most of the scenic spots in online celebrity in Chongqing are on Yuzhong Peninsula. But if you want to see the whole picture of Yuzhong Peninsula, you need to go to Jiangbei or Nan ‘an. Is there any place where you can catch a glimpse of Chongqing from the perspective of God?

  Yes, this place is the observation deck of Huixianlou, WFC, located in Jie Fangbei. This observation deck, which has only been open for one year, is currently the highest in Chongqing at a height of 339 meters. In addition, it is located in a higher position in the mother city of Yuzhong. The observation deck on the 73rd floor can see the whole picture of the core area of Chongqing’s main city, whether it is Yuzhong Peninsula or Jiangbei, Nan ‘an, Jiangcheng and Shancheng in Chongqing. The observation deck is also air-conditioned, so you don’t have to sweat.

  There is also a traditional panoramic viewing platform in Chongqing, that is, a tree viewing platform. However, the people who go up are mostly tourists from travel agencies, and the road up the mountain is also prone to traffic jams, which is also a good angle to see Chongqing surrounded by rivers.

  Guinness in Chongqing: Ordovician Sky Hanging Gallery Observation Platform

  There are only two scenic spots in online celebrity outside the main city of Chongqing summarized by Chongqing Tourism Commission, one of which is Wansheng Ordovician scenic spot, where there is an observation deck that has created the Guinness World Record — — Hanging gallery in the sky.

  Wansheng Ordovician scenic spot is two hours’ drive from the core area of Chongqing’s main city, and all online travel platforms have one-day tours to book. The Ordovician scenic spot was built on a mountain cliff at an altitude of 1,200 meters. Last year, the Sky Hanging Gallery observation deck was a glass plank road that extended 69.6 meters from the cliff, standing at the top of the glass plank road. In addition to the other mountains all appear dwarfs under the sky.’s visual wonder, you can also feel the slight vibration under your feet — — This sky gallery is a glass bridge with only one support point, which is very wonderful.

  After all, the Ordovician is two hours’ drive from the main city. There are not only sky hanging corridors here, but also the "extreme leap" and the "cliff swing" in which Tik Tok is in a mess. The former is equivalent to playing a real-life version of "jumping" on the hollow staircase outside the cliff, while the latter is equivalent to flying down from the sixth floor. Every time the electromagnet is released, it is a scream. The height of your foot is not only 18 meters.

  By the way, the 20-meter cliff swing in Ordovician scenic spot will be opened in September, with a higher position and flying farther. At the same time, there are a number of new cliff thrilling projects.

  Almost all the projects in this scenic spot are built on cliffs. When you go, you will know that Chongqing, the "city of the sky", has another form of expression in the Ordovician scenic spot. (Correspondent Zhou Hui)

Xiaomi car has been exposed, and this configuration information is very important.

The shape of Xiaomi car was exposed, this time it was not a spy photo, but a rendering of the digital model. Xiaomi officially said that this is a picture leaked by a secondary supplier, not the final production. According to my analysis, its completeness has far exceeded the visual effect of CAS surface model, and it is a productive digital-analog rendering effect map. From the analysis of the composition and rendering quality of the photo, the car is in a complete state and is likely to be the final official publicity picture.

The leaked photos are highly consistent with the road test camouflage car in proportion and important features. If this is indeed an accidental leak, then such a supplier is also immoral and in breach of contract, and we condemn it here. If this is a marketing, the effect of recitation has far exceeded expectations. Since the picture has been exposed on a large scale, let’s analyze this "young man’s first car" through some existing information.

Judging from the words on the license plate, its code name is MS11. According to Xiaomi’s previous official announcement, this will be an electric car. Its overall proportional posture is still very good, and it is a sports mid-level car with its side vision center of gravity leaning forward. The whole vehicle is elegant and agile, and there is no obvious main ridge line.

Its headlights have the feeling of McLaren, and there are four LED light sources in it, which is the premise of realizing the follow-up steering function, and a light belt runs through it. I think the area of this headlight is too large. If we can reduce the black background around the four lamp beads and insert the lamp strips into the front enclosure, the whole front will be more thin and sci-fi.

It’s not just a lamp, but its cheeks and vents behind the front fender are very Porsche Taycan. This is a four-door coupe with a sliding back, and the hidden door handle is nothing new. The end of the side window is tilted and raised, highlighting the powerful hind legs. From the picture, this millet MS11 is also equipped with a panoramic canopy, and the bottom of the tail window is a black component, which may be a liftable spoiler. Judging from the gap structure around the rear window, it is not the way to open the trunk of the hatchback. Taillight is penetrating. In order to expand the visual width, it seems to have a gas field. Now many cars with small size and low level are doing this. There are many ups and downs in the rear of the car, which is what a new energy sports car should look like, but there is still room for consideration in the lightness of the front and side skirts.

Generally speaking, the shape of this Xiaomi MS11 is separated from the traditional fuel car, which is good, but it doesn’t give people a concept of "new species" like the models of Gaohe, Kykrypton and BYD Ocean Department. You can’t be happy or disappointed with Xiaomi car because of these pictures. Xiaomi officially said that it is different from the final mass production version, and I hope this is really a marketing event, so that Xiaomi can improve product design and planning from the opinions of netizens.

In addition, there is Xiaomi’s current product LOGO on the rendering of the wheel hub, and it is uncertain whether the mass-produced Xiaomi car will also use this logo. The exposure pictures of the front and rear enclosures and other body exterior parts are very rigorous and standard screenshots of digital models. The supplier is BAIC Mould, which is a manufacturer of automobile exterior parts jointly established by the parts company of BAIC Group and Jiangnan Mould, not a BAIC factory, so we can’t determine the origin of Xiaomi’s production qualification so early. In fact, Xiaomi has not obtained the automobile production qualification so far.

From the existing pictures, we can actually see some technological configurations. The laser radar protruding from the top of the car shows that this millet car will have a high-level intelligent driving assistance system. Xiaomi has also been using BYD Han as a test vehicle for its self-driving software and hardware. The shape of Xiaomi MS11 steering wheel is also relatively traditional, and it is not a sci-fi yoke steering wheel. If it is Xiaomi’s first model, then according to Xiaomi’s previous official information, it will be equipped with MIUI CAR car system, and Qualcomm’s next-generation intelligent cockpit chip and NVIDA Orin X chip will be used for car and intelligent driving as hardware support. BYD’s blade battery will be used for low-profile models, and Kirin battery will be used for high-profile models. The price may range from 250,000 to 350,000. It’s been 22 months since Xiaomi announced to build a car. At this time, it’s time to show the renderings. It’s expected that when the car is delivered in 2024, it won’t disappoint the rice noodles.

Above the Cliff: The domestic spy war film "boutique" still needs to be polished.

Original title: Domestic spy war film "Boutique" still needs to be polished.

The director’s new spy war film has been highly praised since its release. According to the cat’s eye data, the film won 46.823 million box office on the first day of release, exceeded 200 million on the second day, and the douban score remained at 7.7 points, ranking first in the "May 1st" film. Above the Cliff can achieve such excellent results. It is very important that it shows the new style of domestic spy film creation, especially in audio-visual language.

The film creates a tense and bleak atmosphere with oil-painting colors and unique sound effects. In the opening shot of the film, the brushwork technique similar to Russian classical oil painting shows the magnificent scenery of the north to the fullest. Russian painters often use strong tone contrast to express natural scenery, wash and practice with pens, and create a unique space atmosphere. The use of sound effects perfectly laid the overall tone for the film. When four underground party member parachuted into the snow, the friction between clothes and snow was particularly harsh in the empty and lonely mountain forest. Combined with the restrained facial expressions of the actors, the inner pressure and fear of the characters were amplified, which also made the audience feel anxious.

In addition, the creator also creates characters through light and shadow and scenery, which makes them have a certain sense of sculpture. For example, in the scene of Zhou Yi chasing Chu Liang, Zhou Yi leans against the wall, and the background is dark. The light source on the right side hits him, and the strong light and shadow outline the figure’s face, body outline and clothes texture. He leaned against the wall motionless, his eyes focused, and the whole person was like a sculpture. The shadow of the brim forms an oblique shadow on his face, which divides the side face of the character in half. This cutting method implies the complex identity of Zhou Yi in extreme environment.

The irregular composition in the film creatively combines the classic elements of foreign films such as street fighting, chasing and crashing. For example, when the underground party was chased by the enemy, the director used a panoramic view to shoot, and the characters fled in crowded, closed and chaotic residential alleys. The large building walls formed a sense of oppression on the characters, which was the externalization of the power contrast between the two sides and the embodiment of the psychological pressure of the characters themselves. The audience also produced a kind of extreme fear, anxiety and depression.

Undoubtedly, the audio-visual language of Above the Cliff is exquisite and unique, and it is not an exaggeration to call it an audio-visual feast. But unfortunately, it is still slightly thin in narrative, especially compared with domestic spy war TV series.

First of all, spy war TV plays pay attention to the ethical basis and emotional expression of creation. Vow Silence, Latency, The Right Way in the World is Vicissitudes, Cliff and Kite, which are highly praised by the audience, all sew the elements of spy war into the family narrative. In each "special" family, members have different social backgrounds, political positions and complex emotional entanglements. For example, Yang Liren and Yang Liqing, two brothers in the TV series "The Right Way on Earth is Vicissitudes", are both brothers and political enemies, one is the Kuomintang and the other is communist party. The two men not only retained the frankness between brothers, but also had the vigilance and preparedness between political enemies. At the same time, everyone’s ending is inseparable from the historical trend. This is also a continuation of the traditional narrative mode of "integration of family and country", which fits the audience’s psychology of watching movies.

The movie "On the Cliff" also tries to integrate the family and the country into the spy war narrative, so it designs the scene of Zhang Xianchen and Wang Yu looking for their children. However, the two clues are in a free state, and it is difficult for the audience to "empathize".

Secondly, spy TV plays attach importance to the polishing of the text, with meticulous plot logic and delicate suspense delay. The TV series "Latent" is good at making use of the casual words of little people to become an important incision for the protagonist to reverse, and this important information is often interrupted by another important plot point. This interlocking narrative way makes the audience dare not slack off. The spy film The Wind attaches importance to the rigor of logic, and it adopts a unique closed space narrative, learns from the game of "Wolf Man Killing" and integrates elements of western game theory, all of which enhance the audience’s sense of participation in discrimination and analysis. The stunning reversal of the role identity has prompted the audience to ponder every detail carefully.

In contrast, Above the Cliff lacks flipping, and the protagonist Zhou Yi is too upright. As soon as he appears, the audience can already guess his true identity, and the sense of suspense is weakened, which can’t perfectly release the charm of spy war works.

Furthermore, the spy war TV series also maximizes the tension of the story by showing the disparity between the enemy and ourselves. The TV series "Cliff" created Gao Bin, a treacherous and meticulous spy leader. He trusted Zhou Yi on the surface, but in fact he secretly designed it many times to kill Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi’s repeated self-help not only shows his shrewdness and wisdom, but also shows the cruelty of his struggle against the enemy incisively and vividly. Even some villains in the play can’t be ignored, such as special agents Lu Ming and Liu Kui, who are skilled and loyal, not only don’t leave any chance for Zhou Yi, but also have to be on tenterhooks all the time and dare not make any mistakes.

At this point, the plot setting and character relationship of Above the Cliff are slightly simple. Although Gao Bin is sinister and cruel, it is not enough to compete with Zhou Yi, thus weakening the narrative tension of the story. In addition, the portrayal of villains is too faceless and low-energy. For example, Jin Zhide, a supporting role, appears to be full of rage and lack of wisdom.

It is worth mentioning that both the films Wind and Above the Cliff are trying to create group images, which requires the works to be more comprehensive and meticulous in depicting characters. The characters in the movie "Wind" have distinct personalities, and are feminine and biting "sissy" Bai Xiaonian; Gu Xiaomeng, who is graceful and enchanting but has a deep mind; Li Ningyu, who is gentle, cool and arrogant, and Wang Zhiguo, who is serious and deep, have unique personality-driven behaviors to create impressive characters. However, the four main characters in Above the Cliff are not distinctive enough, especially Xiaolan. The creator lacks a deep description of her personality and professional ability, and it is difficult to convince the audience that she is a qualified spy.

Group drama also requires that each character should have a solid plot line, but Above the Cliff has obvious character line fracture. The main character Xiaolan’s character line is obviously weaker than the other three, which undoubtedly lacks the necessary driving force for the development of the core plot.

Undoubtedly, On the One hand, On the Cliff, with its unique audio-visual performance, we can see the progress of China’s spy war movies, and stylized spy war movies are on the way. In order to make a better domestic spy film, the creator should not only polish the audio-visual techniques carefully, but also base himself on the story, and combine the real beauty with the artistic beauty with solid narrative logic, delicate suspense settings and real and full human images. Only in this way can the audience’s emotions be summoned and the core beliefs be effectively conveyed. (Author: Jiang Muyang, Ph.D. student of film science in 2020 in China Academy of Art)

Good news! Personal mobile phones and "brushing your face" at home can all withdraw the provident fund!

  Cctv news: You can complete the provident fund withdrawal business online with your personal ID card; If you don’t leave home and brush your face at home, you can wait for the money to arrive, and you can also withdraw the provident fund to pay the rent … … Recently, many places in China have issued a new policy of withdrawing provident funds, which is related to everyone’s wallet. Come and learn more about it!


  Individuals can directly withdraw provident fund by mobile phone.

  From 0: 00 on April 23rd to 24: 00 on May 9th, Beijing Provident Fund Management Center will upgrade its system. During the upgrade period, the deposit and withdrawal of provident fund will be suspended. After the system upgrade, the public canCheck the balance and loans of personal provident fund through the "Beijing Provident Fund" APP, Alipay Life Number and WeChat WeChat official account "Beijing Provident Fund".

  Before the end of this year,The above-mentioned client or WeChat official account can realize functions such as personal provident fund withdrawal.. In the future, the withdrawal of provident fund does not need to be handled by the unit manager, but can be handled directly by individuals. In addition, after the opening of personal online business, houses purchased in Beijing and traded through the online signing system of the Housing Construction Committee can complete the provident fund withdrawal business online with their personal ID cards without submitting other certificates or materials.


  You can withdraw the provident fund by "brushing your face" and "zero" materials at home.

  "Sitting at home and brushing your face, you can wait for the money to arrive." According to the news of Zhejiang Provincial Provident Fund Center, as long as the employees who have paid the provident fund in Zhejiang provincial units can now "brush their faces" to handle businesses such as no-house withdrawal, retirement withdrawal, and the city’s own purchase of housing to withdraw the provident fund. You don’t have to run once, and you don’t have to bring any materials, which is the first in the country.

  The specific operation is: in"Alipay" selects "City Service", click in turn."Provident Fund-Provident Fund Query and Extraction-Zhejiang Provincial Unit Provident Fund", and then "Brush Your Face". After a few minutes of operation, you can wait for the provident fund to arrive.

  Jiangsu Nantong

  No "withdrawal slip" will be required for provident fund withdrawal.

  On the 3 rd, Nantong City Housing Provident Fund Management Center of Jiangsu Province issued a notice. Since April 1, 2018, employees in Nantong City have handled the housing provident fund withdrawal business.It is no longer necessary to provide the Application for Withdrawal of Housing Provident Fund (i.e. "Withdrawal Form of Provident Fund")., other extraction conditions remain unchanged.


  You can withdraw the provident fund to pay the rent "without leaving home"

  Recently, the Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Management Committee issued a notice saying that since October 1, 2018 (inclusive), employees can only withdraw the housing provident fund to pay the rent after filing online through the housing rental public service platform.The monthly withdrawal amount of each household (including single family) shall not exceed the actual rent expenditure of the month., the maximum monthly withdrawal limit is raised to 3000 yuan.


  Will automatically withdraw the provident fund to repay the loan on a monthly basis.

  Recently, Harbin Housing Provident Fund Management Center officially launched "Harbin Housing Commercial Loan" and "Harbin Industry (provincial, agricultural reclamation, electric power, railway) sub-center housing provident fund loan" to automatically withdraw the provident fund to repay the loan on a monthly basis. At this stage, data docking and system testing are underway. At that time, the employees who pay the housing provident fund in Harbin only need to sign the Agreement on Monthly Withdrawal of Housing Provident Fund, and there will be no need to go to the window to go back and forth to withdraw the provident fund and repay the housing loan.The provident fund center directly transfers the extracted provident fund to the repayment card (discount) of the employee bank on a monthly basis through the business system for repayment of loans.

Xiaomi Auto "exploded", and Xiaomi Group’s share price rose by 15% in intraday trading.

On April 2, the share price of Xiaomi Group, a Hong Kong stock, opened 14.99% higher, and then fell back, with an increase of 10.31% so far.

In the news, on March 29th, Xiaomi Automobile officially announced that after 24 hours of listing, the number of Xiaomi SU7 reached 88,898. At 12 noon on April 1st, the second round of Xiaomi Auto SU7 inaugural edition was added for sale and sold out in seconds. As of the early morning of April 2, the number of locks of Xiaomi SU7 has reached 40,000. Xiaomi Auto said that the original version of Xiaomi SU7 will not open a new round of orders.

The delivery cycle of Xiaomi SU7 has been further extended. On March 31st, the delivery cycle of Xiaomi SU7 standard version after locking the order is expected to be 16-19 weeks, Pro version is expected to be delivered in 17-20 weeks, and Max version will be delivered in 26-29 weeks. By the morning of April 2, the above delivery cycle had been extended to 20-23 weeks, 19-22 weeks and 28-31 weeks respectively.

While Xiaomi SU7 is selling well, many institutions have released research reports one after another.

Goldman Sachs released a research report on Monday, saying that Xiaomi SU7 was a surprise. Although the price range of 215,900 yuan to 299,900 yuan was basically in line with the bank’s previous average price expectation, the number of large orders far exceeded expectations, and Xiaomi had the ability to become a potential price leader in the market rather than a price follower.

It is estimated that the revenue of Xiaomi will increase by 2-6% from 2024 to 2026, reaching 100,000, 170,000 and 326,000 units respectively, accounting for 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.5% of the retail sales of new energy vehicles in China. By 2030, it is estimated that electric vehicle revenue will account for 30% of Xiaomi’s total revenue.

JPMorgan Chase released a research report last week, saying that the pricing of Xiaomi SU7 is very attractive and its specifications are competitive. In view of the strong fixed figures, JPMorgan Chase believes that Xiaomi’s electric vehicle business has made a strong start, which may exceed the market’s forecast of about 50,000 units in the first 12 months, trigger a strong positive reaction of the stock price in the short to medium term, and continue to maintain Xiaomi’s "over-allocation" rating.

The listing of Xiaomi SU7 also brought a lot of pressure to many brands. On April 1st, many car companies started price wars. Among them, the starting price of the new M7 in Wenjie is lowered by 20,000 to 229,800 yuan; Tucki G9 car is limited to a maximum of 20,000 yuan; Weilai launched a subsidy of up to 1 billion yuan for oil vehicle replacement; FAW-Volkswagen will add a cash subsidy of up to 5,000 yuan in a limited time; Chery limited-time designated models are free of purchase tax and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the sales of major new energy vehicle companies increased in March. In March, the top seven brands in the new power delivery list were: Wenjie, Ideal, Zero Run, Extreme Krypton, Weilai, Tucki and Nezha Automobile. Specifically, AITO, a subsidiary of HarmonyOS Zhixing, delivered 31,727 new cars in March, winning the sales champion of China New Power brand for three consecutive months; LI delivered 28,984 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 39.2%; The number of zero-running cars delivered reached 14,567, a year-on-year increase of over 136%.

Earlier, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Ride Association, once said, "2024 is a crucial year for new energy vehicle companies to gain a foothold, and the competition is bound to be fierce."

Ping An Securities’ recent research report pointed out that in 2024, the growth rate of new energy vehicle companies in the head is under pressure, so the price war will continue, especially in the mainstream price range of 100,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan. With the decrease of battery cost, car companies have more room to reduce prices.

New drama controversy, online celebrity label, cross-border transformation … Liu Yuning responded

Special feature of 1905 film network Since the broadcast of "One Mind to Pass the Mountain", he has repeatedly "out of the circle" with his character Ning Yuanzhou, which has caused various discussions.

Before the press release, "Liu Yuning, I won’t resist this time" once again became a topic on the hot search. In this message sent to fans, he wrote: "I love Ning Yuanzhou too much" and "(this role) is something I will never have again in my life".

Such feelings and moods can also be clearly perceived in this conversation with Liu Yuning.

The day was the announcement day of "One Mind Close the Mountain". "When I came, I was thinking, how long have I been an actor? Although I have not been filming all the time, it has been five years. " He said with emotion, "The roles and the learning process make me feel that it is all worthwhile."

In the face of controversy and even "bad comments", Liu Yuning admitted that he was not invulnerable. However, from the initial entry against the prejudice of the outside world against "online celebrity" to the completion of the cross-border with a label, he never lost his "indomitable" momentum.

"Try to play every role well and do every job well. I still believe that sentence, and time will give you the answer."

01 Harvest ningyuanzhou

Liu Yuning, who has always dared to say and do, chose "not to resist" this time. Perhaps the reason is just as he said: "I love Ning Yuanzhou too much."

Before meeting this role, Liu Yuning had starred in many different types of characters, large and small, and Ning Yuanzhou seemed to be a staged "destination" for them to reach together at this moment.

Although he’s not as bad as some characters, and he’s not crazy, he’s in line with all Liu Yuning’s imaginations about the versatility of Jianghu chivalrous people.

On the day of the announcement of "One Mind off the Mountain", Liu Yuning specially recalled his career as an actor so far. In this "competitive" industry, he didn’t make too many plans for himself. In five years, he played many roles, large and small, and also studied and grew up with his predecessors and peers in the industry.

At first, Liu Yuning was under pressure when he received the invitation of "One Mind Close the Mountain". "In any job, I have to pass the customs first, because I have to be responsible for him." Facing Ning Yuanzhou, he finally felt that all the accumulation in the past seemed to be preparing for this role.

"I think I’m ready," Liu Yuning said with a smile. "Actually, I can’t say that completely, but this role is too rare. How many favorite roles can an actor meet in his life? I want to try hard, make up my mind and fight for everything. "


After "One Mind Close the Mountain" was broadcast, Liu Yuning not only gained affirmation, but also heard different comments from the outside world. He admits that he can’t be "completely indifferent", but he is willing to continue to prove himself with actions.

"I used to think that as long as I kept acting well, I believed that I would meet my favorite role one day." A Thought of Guanshan "made me feel that I had finally taken such a step on the road of being an actor," Liu Yuning said. "I was very, very happy that everyone could finally see my role." 

02 Go back to Liu Yuning.

Liu Yuning seems to have changed, but it has never changed, from its debut to its "popularity" and cross-border. For example, as a "living entertainment" in everyone’s eyes, he still maintains the habit of communicating with fans and netizens through live broadcast.

"It is not rare to be a’ living person’." Liu Yuning said half jokingly, "The live broadcast is a communication window between me and my fans, but I have something that others don’t, so I won’t lose it."

Not only communication, but also live broadcast has become the source of Liu Yuning’s "sense of security" to some extent. Although the work content has become more and more, he can still find the pleasure and satisfaction of "chatting" with fans at first.

"Many times you are playing a role, but when you are a fan, you think you can talk about Liu Yuning." For Liu Yuning, this space allows him to export and release some more personal emotions, and also gives himself a lot of energy. Although sometimes he even talks about "face pain", Liu Yuning still wants to talk to you.

"I think I will find a sense of identity in it. When I feel insecure, I will find here that someone still loves me and I can go on."

Keep walking. The source of this forward momentum is even earlier than entering the business. Since childhood, Liu Yuning has a dream of becoming a "star".

Apart from all kinds of labels and "prejudices" seen by the outside world, he has never wavered in his sense of belief that supports his progress.

Now, he has earned the audience’s affirmation of "Liu Yuning’s original voice lines" with repeated reading exercises for several years, and also proved "why not?"

Today, Liu Yuning, which has once again completed the cross-border, still has such indomitable spirit. "I dare not say what is the goal. Just play every role well and do every job well. I still believe that sentence, and time will give you the answer. "

Anyone can make a movie?


The slate used in the filming of The Lord of the Rings.


Text/"Global" magazine reporter Liu Juanjuan Le Yanna Zhang Haixin Ma Qionglin Yao

Editor/Hu Yanfen

  Facing the wave of changes brought by Generative Artificial Intelligence (AIGC), the film and television industry is considered to be the first to be affected. How do film and television practitioners view the future of the industry under the influence of AIGC?

Technological innovation brings production popularization.

  Global magazine: When Sora and other text-generated video models are open to ordinary people, is it possible for everyone to start writing scripts and complete their own movies?

  Huang Xufeng:Since Sora came out, movies have only been a matter of length. The birth of any new technology may bring about some great changes. After the emergence of smart phones, everyone can shoot videos. And the fact that everyone can make movies may come true in three to five years, maybe even faster, I’m not sure. Because as long as you have this will, you may take the initiative to use the text generation video tool to create a movie you want.

Huang Xufeng at Pingyao International Film Exhibition

  Zhang eats fish:Film is one of the most complex artistic expressions of human beings, and it is an industrial product of teamwork, so it is not easy to make a big film. For example, the sound part of a movie alone needs complicated processing flow, which can not be solved by AIGC technology at present. So I think that in the future, with the help of artificial intelligence such as Sora, people can shoot online movies for one or two hours, or short plays with good quality, but it is unlikely to complete the production of cinema movies.

Zhang Chiyu is at the shooting scene.

  I think it will be a very interesting scene if AI can generate its own movies and compete with movies made by humans. By then, films made entirely by human beings will become scarcer and more exciting.

  In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, the gap between AIGC and human works is still very obvious. For example, in the current film shooting process, mechanical rocker arm and manual moving lens are used to shoot at the same speed and manner from the same angle, and the texture obtained by manual and machine is different. In different movie scenes, sometimes a sense of machine is needed, and sometimes an artificial texture is needed. They are not mutually substitutive. Like shooting realistic movies, if AIGC technology is used extensively, it will destroy the sense of reality; If it is a science fiction movie, it needs a lot of special effects generated by AIGC.

  When I was filming Moon Man, it took me half a year to build the Moon Shield Base. Although the current AI may be able to automatically generate a base, their texture is very different, and the feeling of shooting is also very different. For the time being, AI cannot replace the traditional production method.

  Global magazine: Traditionally, the film and television industry is dominated by a few large film companies. With the popularity of AI technology, are more individuals and small teams more likely to produce high-quality film and television works?

  Yao Jinli:It’s possible, just like the works of Guo Man produced by many small teams emerged in previous years. Many excellent animated films, such as The Adventures of Li Xianji, were completed by small teams or even single people. For the creator, artificial intelligence is a tool like a brush, and whether or not to create high-quality works depends entirely on the creator himself. Moreover, if the cost of video-generated AI such as Sora can be greatly reduced, it will be more likely for small teams to produce high-quality film and television works.

Yao Jinli is at the shooting scene.

  Haoge:It does provide this possibility, and AIGC can help these creators complete some trivial work more efficiently, saving time and cost. For example, artificial intelligence generates virtual scenes, characters and special effects, or carries out automatic editing and post-production.

  However, to produce high-quality film and television works, not only technology is needed, but also many other aspects of support, such as excellent scripts, excellent directors and actors, professional production teams and so on. In addition, the market competition is fierce now, and it is not easy to attract the audience and achieve success.

  However, the development of AIGC undoubtedly brings more opportunities and challenges to the film and television industry, which makes film and television production more popular and gives more talented and creative people the opportunity to show their works. At the same time, it may also encourage traditional film companies to innovate and enhance their competitiveness to cope with the new market environment.

Using human "soft skills" against AI

  Global magazine: Will artificial intelligence make the film and television industry a more competitive industry? Are you worried about the future of the industry and being replaced?

  Haoge:I think artificial intelligence may make the film and television industry more diversified and provide opportunities for more creators to show their stories and ideas in new ways and styles. At the same time, artificial intelligence may also bring more innovations and experiments to promote the development of the film and television industry. Of course, with the popularization of technology and more people entering this industry, the market may become more crowded. But competition can also stimulate creativity and improve the quality of works, forcing practitioners to constantly improve their skills and creativity.

Hao Ge’s Stills of "Wind Cutting Knife"

  I am not very worried about the future of the industry, because the development of technology will always bring changes and opportunities, and the film and television industry has always had strong adaptability. As practitioners, we should pay more attention to and actively respond to possible problems and ensure the diversity and quality of content.

  Yao Jinli:I have completely watched the short videos released by Sora for the first time, and I have also read the text descriptions of each video. Judging from the completion of a single lens or a single group of lenses, the effect is undoubtedly very shocking. Although there are great problems in the perspective, model details and behavior logic of some shots, they are not hidden. Judging from the authenticity of the picture, the degree of color reproduction, the fineness and fluency of the picture material, Sora’s completion is amazing. Moreover, the video released at present basically restores the lens movement in most film and television shooting, and the effect is very good.

  The only drawback is that the current video camera movements are relatively smooth and slow, and there are no fast, dynamic and intense shots. Perhaps Sora’s current computing power has not been reached, or there may be problems with the input text description, and no professional film and television practitioners have been asked to make a more detailed and specific description. For example, some text descriptions use professional film and television words such as "close up", "cinematic", "35mm film" and "depth of field", but there is obviously a lack of more specific descriptions.

  As for whether you will be worried about being replaced, it depends on how much room for improvement Sora has. When advertising still life, the "accuracy" of the appearance of the object is a very important standard. Judging from the video capability of Sora currently known, the "accuracy" of the restored product is obviously far from enough. In the future, whether Sora can improve these abilities will determine whether the trade union will eventually be replaced.

  Luo Wei:In recent years, the new products in AIGC field have emerged one after another, and their functions have become increasingly powerful, which has brought a lot of survival crisis to practitioners in many industries. The New York Times recently published an article entitled "When your technical skills are eclipsed, your characteristics as a human being will be more important than ever". The authors anish Raman and Maria Flynn pointed out that although AI is threatening, people should not be too anxious about it. On the contrary, the development of AI will highlight people’s unique value. So, what are the advantages of human beings compared with AI? What skills are particularly important?

Luo xian’s work photo

  The article pointed out that technical skills and data skills have been highly sought after for decades, but now it seems to be one of the most vulnerable skills to AI progress. The interpersonal skills that we have long underestimated as "soft skills" are likely to be the most lasting. This is a hopeful sign that AI may create a working world that relies more on "human ability" than less.

  Minosh shafiq, president of Columbia University, once said, "In the past, work was related to muscles. Now they are related to the brain, but in the future, they will be related to the mind. "

  Knowledge method is the focus of artificial intelligence, and good film and television creation needs human consciousness, perception and the connection between hearts. The really good art is the art with soul. The photographer’s new connection with the world and his own perception are the sharp weapons that can resist AI at present.

  In 2023, there were two important exhibitions about AI in China, namely "Emergence AI Image Exhibition" curated by Ye Wenming and "Out of Nothing: AI Image Art Award Exhibition" curated by Luo Dawei. Ye Mingwen selected a series of works by six AI creators as the main exhibition, and invited 108 photographers from all over the country to participate in the generation of "My First AI Image" as a parallel exhibition.

  Ye Mingwen concluded, "Photography is a noble manual work. News, documentary and scenery will not be affected by AI at all. Photography requires you to take a camera to observe, occupy a position, choose a picture and walk far away. AI belongs to imagination and intelligent interaction, mainly brain development, which is essentially different from photography that is put into reality. The existence of AI has set off the preciousness of’ photographic behavior’ and promoted the transformation of photography itself. "

  The exhibition curated by Luo Dawei explores the intersection of contemporary art and artificial intelligence, and how this intersection redefines the boundaries of creative expression. This exhibition is not only an exploration of the art of AI generation, but also an opportunity to peek at the unique cooperation between artificial intelligence and artists. The audience is thinking: Are the displayed works just the products of big data and algorithms, or do they carry deeper thoughts and emotions? Is it a redefinition of artistic creation, or is it just an extension of the creative process?

The film and television elitism is being dissolved.

  "Global" magazine: When AI technology broke out and superimposed video creation on social media, how do traditional film and television people view the relationship between film and television and the times?

  Luo Wei:With the birth of Sora, we are moving towards a new unknown in the AI ? ? era. These changes can be traced back to the social media era. Various social media applications in smartphones have become our daily tools. There is a large amount of image information spread behind various social activities. In this era of image explosion, photography has become a new daily expression and writing, and images are extremely powerful and unforgettable. In this subtle process, our photography behavior is forming new habits.

  AI brings a brand-new stage of image generation, viewers have more choices, the way people watch is changing, the group world is being dissolved by technology, and a new world is emerging. In this new world, individuals have more and more energy and your friends become stars. Through the internet, everyone can become a photographer and a film and television person. No one knows what will happen in the future, but we see that many visual artists at home and abroad have responded to this question in their own ways: how to create in the era of social media?

  Taking photography as an example, it has reached a very classical era. The daily photography leads to the disappearance of elite photography as a visual art creation, or at least it is undergoing profound changes. So in this context, photographers need to reflect on the meaning of the original industry and work. AI forces us to rethink our relationship with the times, photography with the times, and photography with us.

  We still don’t know what impact this change will bring, but one thing is certain, the times are constantly evolving, and the new photography in the AI ? ? era must not be a photo on the wall in the traditional sense, but it may be a device, a video, a performance art and so on. Photography can be a variety of media and materials, and its appearance is no longer single, but its internal logic is still about photography itself. Is photography over? In the article "Photography Crisis and Challenge in the Age of Social Media", Cai Meng, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, pointed out: "You must accept the reality that photography that may be activated is no longer the original appearance. It is no longer photography in the physical and virtual sense, but has become an abstract photography thinking and concept, or a certain soul and spirit."

  Maybe one day in the future, as action art marina abramovic said, we will live in a world without any art. There will be no entity in that world, and human beings will be in a highly conscious level. Under such a strong mental state, we can transmit our ideas to others without using entities as a medium.

Huzhou has a set of "Little Red Books" in Ming Dynasty! It turns out that the ancients were so particular about traveling.

  When the ancients traveled, they not only had to make detailed strategies, but also punched out "friends circle"!

  Recently, in the world’s rural tourist town — — The Shuang Yuan Pavilion in Lu Village, Balidian Town, Wuxing District, and three books written by the Shen family in the Ming Dynasty attracted everyone’s attention.These three books sort out the ancient domestic and international tourist punch points, as well as the local scenery, biology and food. They are the necessary guides for the ancients to understand the world and travel, and are called the ancient "little red books".

  According to historical records, Huzhou has been a place of online celebrity where scholars are keen on punching cards since ancient times. Su Dongpo and others also traveled deeply here to call Huzhou. What does this ancient "little red book" look like? How did the ancients immerse themselves in tourism?

  Essential guide to traveling around the world

  What does "Little Red Book" look like in Ming Dynasty?

  "The Shen family living in Lu Village was the first to systematically study ‘ World rural tourism ’ Theoretical system. " Recently, Chao journalists walked into the Shuang Yuan Pavilion in Lucun, a rural tourist town in the world. This set of three books, known as "Little Red Books" in the Ming Dynasty, was displayed in a conspicuous position in the exhibition hall.

Four Yi Guang Ji

  Gan Yongfu, president of Zhejiang Rural Tourism Research Institute, secretary-general and resident chairman of the World Rural Tourism Council, introduced that this book system recorded the scenic spots of world rural tourism in the Ming Dynasty and the punching points of eating, drinking and playing, which was an essential guide and play strategy for people to travel at that time.

  Since the beginning of this year, Huzhou has launched a study on the source of world rural tourism, and deeply explored the cultural characteristics and origins shared by Huzhou and the world rural tourism. In the process of combing historical materials, it was found thatShen Meng’s "A Survey of the World’s Famous Mountains and Victory", Shen Mao’s "Four Yi Guang Ji" and Shen Maoguan’s "Rare Notes on Flowers, Trees, Birds and Animals in Huayi".Each of the three books has its own emphasis, and jointly constructs the "Metauniverse of World Rural Tourism in Ming Dynasty".

  Shen Meng’s "A List of Famous Mountains and All the Best in the World" recorded all the famous mountains and rivers, local customs, species and specialties in China at that time, recorded about 1317 famous mountains and scenic spots in Beijing and thirteen provinces in the late Ming Dynasty, introduced their geographical location, historical background, main landscapes and their characteristics, and attached the travel notes of celebrities related to these scenic spots, which can be said to be "a book in hand, the world can travel"!

A list of famous mountains and victories in the world

  Shen Mao’s "Four Yi Guang Ji" written on the basis of his father Shen Meng has a broader vision. In ancient China, the mainland was regarded as a celestial dynasty, and other places were called "Yi Di". Therefore, "Four Yi Guang Ji" includes "Dongyi Guang Ji", "Xiyi Guang Ji", "Beidi Guang Ji" and "Hai Guo Guang Ji", which mainly describes the customs of the countries around China. Among them, Hai Guo Guang Ji is one of the important documents that record the Maritime Silk Road in Ming Dynasty in detail, and the whole book can be described as a guide to world rural tourism.

  Shen Maoguan, Shen Meng’s eldest son, wrote "An Examination of Rare Flowers, Trees, Birds and Animals in Huayi", which is a supplement to the previous two books. He compiled all kinds of rare species, customs and curios in China and neighboring countries, and refined them in three major items: flowers and trees, birds and animals, curios. It is a set of biodiversity survey series containing "rural tourism native products".

Textual research on exotic flowers, trees, birds and beasts in Huayi

  In fact, before the compilation of this set of "Little Red Books" in the Ming Dynasty, the famousShan Hai Jing and Shui Jing Zhu are famous travel classics in ancient times..

  As an encyclopedia of ancient social life, Shan Hai Jing not only records dozens of dangers and solutions that may be encountered during the journey, but also records more than 100 kinds of wild vegetables and game, which is simply a survival manual and a life-saving guide.

  What should I do if I’m afraid of getting lost and I don’t have navigation? Then the best way is to buy another book, "Shui Jing Zhu", which includes mountains, rivers, hotels and geographical routes.

  Su Dongpo organized a tour of Huzhou.

  The ancients also sent "friends circle" when punching cards.

  "Huzhou has been a place in online celebrity where scholars and writers compete to punch cards since ancient times." Gan Yongfu said that the Academic Research Report on the Source of Rural Tourism in the World, released at the recent symposium on the source of rural tourism in the world,Huzhou people first coined the word "tourism"And the earliest popular rural tourism destination — — Mount Yao is also in Miaoxi, Huzhou.

  According to Ye Mengde’s "Summer Stories" in the Southern Song Dynasty, "the mountain is the place where Xia Yi visited the hunting ground." During the Xia Dynasty, the emperor Yi Yi made a hunting tour and chose Yi Shan as his destination, which was the earliest imperial country residence in legend.

  After the Han Dynasty, the emergence of the "Nine-grade Zhengzhi System" made the gentry who had money, leisure and motivation go out together to indulge in the mountains and rivers.

  Shen Yue, a native of Huzhou and the founding hero of Southern Liang Dynasty, once wrote a poem "Tourism attracts tourists in the spring of next year", which is the earliest record of the word "tourism".

Miaoxi mountain

  The ancients also liked to send "friends circle" when traveling in the countryside.If you don’t have a camera, then splash ink and freeze the beauty with paintings; Be shocked by mountains and rivers, then write a few poems to express your feelings directly.

  The reason why Huzhou has been a punching place in online celebrity since ancient times can be seen from the "circle of friends" sent by the ancients.

  Li Bai, a poet, traveled thousands of miles to Huzhou. In order to find Huzhou wine, he wrote a beautiful sentence, "Why should Huzhou Sima ask, Jin Su Tathagata is the back?" Liu Yuxi searched for tea and wine in Huzhou, leaving a circle of friends, which was talked about by later generations.

  However, among the literati of past dynasties,On qiSu Dongpo is the one who plays the most call for Huzhou and has the deepest degree of immersive tourism..


  According to modern people, he is a great gourmet traveler, who likes to call friends for group tours and personally do raiders for everyone.

  Su Dongpo once watched the lotus flowers around Huzhou with his friends, then went to Mount Xian for a drink, and then went to Feiying Tower in the evening, overlooking the whole landscape of Huzhou from the top of the tower, and made four "friends circle" in one breath, such as one — — "Suddenly, the tallest tower, poor vision. Bianfeng shines on the battlements, making the clouds float. " It is his feeling of overlooking Bianshan and Taihu Lake after he climbed the Feiying Tower.

  Su Dongpo is optimistic and open-minded all his life. He is good at looking for "little luck" in life and looking for food on the trip, which is a great pleasure.

  Oranges in the lake, flowers on the stream, Guzhu camellia, Meixi papaya, Wucheng frost rice, Ruoxia spring wine, Taihu silver knife … … Su Dongpo has a special liking for Huzhou’s local products, and records all these foods in his poems, which can be said to be where he swims, where he eats and where he writes.

  In addition to Su Dongpo, Dai Biaoyuan in Yuan Dynasty also relaxed and traveled to Huzhou countryside. He punched in nanxun town and drank a bowl of wine, leaving the praise of "sail out of Dongguo and ask Nanxun for wine".

  Sang Ma is a common item in life for many people, but the land of Sang Ma, which grows on both sides of Tiaoxi, can never get enough of it in Dai Biaoyuan’s eyes, saying, "Tiaoxi Road in June, what do people say?" Infinite things in the world, never tire is Sang Ma’s feeling.

  Not only that, he also wrote a poem with Huzhou as the title, and the phrase "Travel all over the beautiful places in the south of the Yangtze River, and live only in Huzhou" became the best advertising language for this national historical and cultural city to celebrate the Millennium!

Online celebrity, the top stream that my parents like, looks like this, and 100 middle-aged and elderly people study Tik Tok.

Original title: online celebrity, the top stream that parents like, looks like this, and 100 middle-aged and elderly people study Tik Tok.

Cultural Industry Review No.3928

Recently, because of the news that "a 72-year-old grandmother has traveled thousands of miles to see a man online celebrity", the discussion between "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" soared, and they were named "the dream lover of 26 million old babies" by netizens. As early as a few years ago, many organizations predicted that the middle-aged and elderly market would be a trillion-dollar consumer market. From the professional level of short video production and live broadcast, the competition intensity of middle-aged and elderly content tracks is not high, and there is still a lot of room for display. Online celebrity like "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" is just the beginning. With the deepening understanding of middle-aged and elderly people, there will be more content creators with better content and more scientific realization in the future.

author | cloud flying

read and edit | Time

edit | Time

source | Xinbang (ID:newrankcn)

Recently, because of the news that "a 72-year-old grandmother has traveled thousands of miles to see a man online celebrity", the discussion between "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" soared, and they were named "the dream lover of 26 million old babies" by netizens.

According to the new statistics of Tik Tok data tools under the new list, "Laugh at the city," Tik Tok powder.The number of silk was 17.17 million, of which 81.48% were male users and 77.75% were users over 40 years old. The number of fans of @ Scholar in Tik Tok is 9.72 million, of which 70.44% are female users and 79.8% are over 40 years old.

An aunt who charms thousands of people, and an uncle who attracts countless people. They can be called "middle-aged and elderly top flow online celebrity".(PS. There is no accurate definition of the age division of middle-aged and elderly people at present. This paper refers to the definition of middle-aged and elderly people in People’s Daily, and mainly discusses people over 40 years old. )

Why can "@ Scholar" and "Smile" capture a large number of middle-aged and elderly people? Besides the two top streams, what do middle-aged and elderly people watch online? Today we will talk about this topic.

Online celebrity, the top stream that my parents like,

So it looks like this.

When you open the Tik Tok account of @ Scholar, the first thing you see is a man with three or seven hair and wearing a shirt and trousers. His signature actions are to grin, tease his hair, smile and compare his heart. Occasionally, he will walk slowly towards you with a thermos cup in his left hand and a trouser pocket in his right hand.

After a series of tricks, it is the climax of the talent link:

In the green vegetable field, @ Scholar will pick a few peppers with a basket and say, "It’s not my fault to love you, it’s your beautiful fault".

In the wheat field of Huang Cancan, @ Scholar will bite a grain of wheat and sing affectionately "My little sister sent her lover to the east gate".

In the spring season, @ Scholar will go to the rape field, touch the yellow rape flowers and sing "Will you come or not?".

Occasionally, @ Scholar will become a "melancholy prince" and say to the camera with remorse, "I think I am not gentle enough to share your sorrow".

Since the first video was released on July 3rd, 2020, all the 1329 videos of @ Scholar have been in this form. Aunties are also very fond of this set. In the comment area of @ Scholar, many aunts left a message "Scholar’s younger brother, my sister picked up her mobile phone to see you just after finishing farm work" and "If only you were my husband".

Some aunts simply changed their names to "the scholar’s wife", leaving a sentence of "I wish I could be crazy for you all my life, and I will sing poetry and miss you."

In order to express their love for @ Scholar, many aunts also took a co-production video. For example, just by collecting the co-production videos of Auntie and @ Scholar, "Brother Cai is very handsome" attracted the attention of 190,000 fans.

When the "@ Scholar" was broadcast live, the aunts were even more careful. As can be seen from the account avatars on the PK contribution list, the rewards for "@ Scholar" are all aunts who are crazy about love.

Confessing in the comment area, rewarding in the live broadcast room, and co-producing videos with "@ Scholar" have become the fashion of aunts.

If "@ Scholar" is a "mother killer" and "Jin Dong in online celebrity", then "laughing at the city" means "giving in the well that is more suitable for dad’s physique".

Show your trademark smile first, squint your curved eyes, then naughty ask "Who says I’m not cute" and affectionately shout "Can you hear me when I call you brother?" In the eyes of many uncles, "laughing at the city" is as beautiful as "first love girl".

Just like @ Scholar, the talent of "Laughing at the Beauty" is lip-synching. In addition to the old songs "I really loved you", "I loved this life without regret" and "You were the man of my dreams", I occasionally catch up with the trend and play a Tik Tok divine comedy, such as "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

After singing a song, the uncles couldn’t wait to leave a message: "You have a bunch of eyes that hook people’s souls", "You are so cute, and my brother likes you" … In addition to these hot confessions, there are also literary uncles who can’t help but recite a poem, leaving a sentence of "Smile with Spring Breeze and Wanjin".

"This is too earthy and oily. Why do aunts and uncles like it?"

Young people don’t understand the popularity of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh the whole city". A large group of people poured into the comment area and live broadcast room of @ Scholar and Smile, leaving messages: "Be careful with your pension", "Don’t brush off my living expenses", "Be careful that I take a screenshot for your wife" and "I’m coming to arrest my mother" …

In the young people’s understanding, "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" seem to be the real version of the succubus, while aunts and uncles have become network idiots, so they should give their own pension money. For a time, the young people’s comments on playing stalks even overshadowed the normal comments of aunts and uncles.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, there is no essential difference between the young people who admire idolize idols and online celebrity, and the aunts and uncles who admire "@ Scholar" and "Laugh the whole city".

Young people may think that "@ Scholar" and "Laugh the whole city" are not as rustic as their own understanding of online celebrity, but they are more like aesthetic differences.

For example, the male powder accounts of "Flower Broken Flower", "Nie Xiaoyu" and "Smile Beautiful City" all account for more than 80%, but because of their different styles, they are more concerned by users of different ages, among which "Flower Broken Flower" accounts for 50.23% of fans aged 18-23, "Nie Xiaoyu" accounts for 62.25% of users aged 24-40, and "Smile" accounts for 62.25%.

Different ages, different preferences. In the eyes of uncles, "a smile is beautiful" is "pure natural beauty".

Similarly, young girls can shout "I want to give birth to a monkey for you" to idols, and aunts can also leave a message "If only the scholar were my husband". Young people can get emotional comfort from idols. In the comment area of @ Scholar, there are often aunts who pour out the details of their lives, such as just doing farm work for a day today, recently quarreling with their husbands, and someone at home is sick.

As for consumption, at present, the main income of "@ Scholar" and "Laughing the whole city" is live broadcast and rewarding. according toNew shake According to statistics, in the past 30 days, the cumulative number of live viewers of "@ Scholar" exceeded 11.32 million, and the cumulative number of live viewers of "Laughing at the City" exceeded 15.16 million. From the perspective of liquidation, no violations have been found between them.

For young people who are slightly excited, the media people "whispered Bibi" to post: "Young people brush short videos every day to watch the little sister dance and watch the big muscle bully posing. Why can’t the old man watch Jin Dong bite his lip? As long as you don’t live your pension in vain, you can’t be happy. Young people don’t spend more than they do? "

Just as some netizens left a message: you can’t understand it, but you must respect it.

"@ Scholar" and "Smile",

What else do parents like to watch?

Young people may think that accounts like "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" are amazing, but in fact, in Tik Tok, where 600 million people live, there are quite a few such accounts.

Recently, the editorial department of the new list refers to the fan portraits of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City", counts the accounts of users over 40 years old in Tik Tok, and sorts out the TOP100 Middle-aged and Old-aged Accounts with Fans in Tik Tok (hereinafter referred to as the "list"). It is found that there are at least 20 middle-aged and elderly accounts with more than 10 million fans, and all accounts in the "list" have more than 5 million fans.

(PS. Among the accounts that meet the screening conditions, there are some official accounts of David, such as "Thank you for coming" and "Liaoning Voice of Liaoning Radio and Television Station", which are not reproducible for ordinary creators, so they are not within the scope of discussion. In addition, there are a large number of film and television clip numbers, which are out of the scope of discussion because of the large number and copyright violations. )

So, what are parents looking at? Combined with the "list", the editorial department of the new list has sorted out five account types.

First, the positive energy segment

"Positive energy" is the key to understanding the content preference of middle-aged and elderly people. In the list, the core theme of 18 accounts including "Er Dan" and "Ni Ke Song" is "positive energy".

"Two Eggs" mainly shoots short dramas with positive energy, and the topics include filial piety, good health, kindness to daughter-in-law, a sense of security for the elderly, and family responsibilities.

On April 28th, "Two Eggs" released a video "Motherly Love Selfless" about a mother who worked hard to send her daughter to college, only to find that her daughter didn’t want to recognize her mother even in person in order to marry a good husband. Fortunately, my daughter’s fiance knows wisely, so that her daughter realized her mistake, and finally the ending was happy.

As of press time, the number of "two eggs" fans reached 14.3 million.

Just as spitting out parents and complaining that family of origin is a traffic password to attract young people, it is also the expectation of middle-aged and elderly people to hope that their children will be filial and their families will be happy.

In addition, by sharing "social truth" such as "dogs look down on people, and poor dogs bully them" and "when a man often drinks, he must not drink alcohol, but heartache" and other emotional chicken soup, "Chocolate, Little Lemon" and other accounts also suck a lot of powder.

Young people will praise "Let’s gather together and stay away from love rat" crazily, and middle-aged and elderly people will discuss it enthusiastically because of these "positive energy" golden sentences.

Second, Yan value talent

Yan value talent video is the key to glimpse the hearts of middle-aged and elderly people. In the list, 20 accounts, including "Laughing at a Beautiful City", "@ Scholar" and "Beggar Girl", all focus on showing their talents.

In terms of face value, as mentioned in the discussion of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the Beauty", the aesthetics of middle-aged and old people and young people are not the same, and "Hug 917" and "Lonely People" on the list are more suitable for the old baby’s physique, online celebrity.

In terms of talents, it can also be found from the listed accounts that middle-aged and elderly people prefer folk talents and comic sketches. For example, the main content of "Brother Yang" is to imitate Xiao Shenyang, while "Bean Girl" is a folk funny artist, and the performance style is similar to that of Northeast Errenzhuan.

Young people will watch handsome guys and beautiful women and listen to pop songs. Middle-aged and elderly people also get the emotional comfort of "intimate people" from these accounts, as well as the simple joy of enjoying performances.

Third, life sharing.

Life sharing video is a mirror to help understand middle-aged and elderly people. In the list, the number of life sharing accounts is the largest, with 31 accounts.

"Enshao" mainly shares the joy and daily life of a mother and son. The background is funny, but the background is rural. "The most beautiful couple in Master Liu’s construction site" mainly shares the story of a couple improving their lives by live broadcast. The background is inspirational, but the background is the construction site.

In addition, middle-aged and elderly people also have their own plums, such as "@ Xiaomin" by 15.12 million fans and "Listen" by 8.37 million fans. Taking "Listening" as an example, it is also to create a clean and dreamy rural life. Liziqi is talking about fleeing from the north to Guangzhou, and young people returning to their hometowns to find inner stability. But "Listening" is more about stories between neighbors, and it is the ups and downs of people who stay in their hometown.

It can be found that simplicity and country are the main labels of these accounts, which may also be related to the childhood memories of middle-aged and elderly people. Before the large-scale urbanization in China, most of them lived in the countryside.

Of course, this does not mean that middle-aged and elderly people have no yearning for exquisite life. Among the life sharing accounts, the core content of 10 accounts is to share all kinds of exquisite life.

"Longmei" and "Xiamen Finland" are accounts opened by two tour guides. The daily content is to introduce various tourist stories in Nanjing Presidential Palace, Shanghai Peace Hotel and other attractions. Relying on these contents, the two accounts absorbed 7.1 million and 6.25 million respectively.

"China Future Consumer Report 2023: Generations" refers to Generation X (people born in 1965-1979) as "the generation with accumulated material wealth".Middle-aged and elderly people may have more time and money to travel. A reference data is that the number of users over 60 years old on Ctrip platform reached 10 million last year.

△ Source: "2023 China Future Consumer Report: Generations"

Similarly, Zhou Lijun, president of Easy Car Research Institute, once said that around 2026, the largest car buyers in China auto market are middle-aged (old) people in big cities, accounting for 40%. Recently, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, also said that the main consumers in the automobile market are still middle-aged and elderly people. "The wealth accumulated by middle-aged and elderly people has never been seen before, and there has been no one since."

Perhaps for this reason, the core fans of car bloggers such as "Jiufang Beaver", "Mr. Ye’s vlog", "Wo is fanfan" and "Yu Ning Cici" are all users over 40 years old.

It is worth noting that in order to get middle-aged and elderly users faster, some operators choose to use positive energy short plays to suck powder first, and then change the content to plant grass cars, such as "Liu Yifei" with 5.58 million fans.

△ "Liu Yifei" before and after the content comparison

Fourth, dry goods of knowledge.

Middle-aged and elderly people also have knowledge needs, and 13 accounts in the "list" are knowledge dry goods accounts.

From "Hao Ge teaches cooking" to "Dr. Wang Cardiovascular" who teaches medical science, from "a red star" who talks about modern history to "An Lan" who talks about Chinese studies, and then to "Pan Lv’s theory" which analyzes family legal disputes, middle-aged and elderly people have a very wide range of concerns.

The difference is that the concerns of middle-aged and elderly people and young people are very different. Take the food account as an example. Young people like food bloggers who are lively and eye-catching, such as "Mianyang cuisine" and "Nanxiang doesn’t like eating", but what middle-aged and elderly people need is simple and easy-to-operate home cooking teaching.

Fifth, e-commerce sells goods.

Middle-aged and elderly people have not only content needs, but also shopping needs. In the list, there are 13 typical e-commerce accounts.

QuestMobile’s Insight into the Development of Short Video Live E-commerce in China in 2022 shows that 36.3% of users in Tik Tok and Kuaishou are over 41 years old. Among them, users over the age of 51 accounted for 18.9%, and nearly 30% of users’ monthly online spending power exceeded 2,000 yuan. "China Future Consumer Report 2023: Generations" also shows that there are about 330 million people in Generation X in China at present, and 23% of the population accounts for 34% of the wealth.

△ Source: "2023 China Future Consumer Report: Generations"

The consumption power of middle-aged and elderly people should not be underestimated.

"Sleeve Women’s Wear" mainly sells original women’s wear, and the customer unit price is mostly between 100-300 yuan, according toNew shake According to statistics, it is estimated that "Xiuen Women’s Wear" will bring goods between 50 million and 75 million yuan in recent 90 days.

"Enron Beauty-Diandi Brand Manager" mainly sells beauty and skin care products, according toNew shake According to statistics, "Xiuen Women’s Wear" is estimated to bring between 75 million and 100 million yuan in the past 30 days, of which the highest sales volume is an emulsion with a customer price of 3,899 yuan.

△ Source: New Shake

It should be emphasized that the female powder of "Xiuen Women’s Wear" accounts for 85.07%, and the female powder of "Enron Beauty-Diane Brand Manager" accounts for 79.42%. There are not many accounts with more male powder and high sales in the list. From the perspective of realization, middle-aged and elderly women have more potential.

There are also accounts in the list that are mainly small department stores that grow grass and live at low prices. Among them, "good things as scheduled" is estimated to bring 5 million to 7.5 million yuan in the past 90 days; It is estimated that "Qitong Haowu" will bring 1 million-2.5 million yuan in goods in the past 90 days.

It is worth noting that the number of these account works is extremely large, with a maximum of 40,000, and the number of likes is extremely low, with the lowest single digit. Selling goods depends on quantity to win. Combined with the historical data of the new shake, some accounts have also adjusted their operational content. Referring to "Liu Yifei", it is not necessarily impossible to rely on film and television clips, positive energy short plays and other content to absorb powder, and then adjust the content to plant grass and bring goods.


On the whole, from the popularity of "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" to the existence of a large number of middle-aged and elderly accounts, it proves the strong content consumption demand of middle-aged and elderly users. The results of accounts such as "Xiuen Women’s Wear" and "Enron Beauty-Diandi Brand Manager" also verify the good consumption potential of middle-aged and elderly users. From the professional level of short video production and live broadcast, the competition intensity of middle-aged and elderly content tracks is not high, and there is still a lot of room for display.

As early as a few years ago, many organizations predicted that the middle-aged and elderly market would be a trillion-dollar consumer market. In recent years, there have also been platforms for middle-aged and elderly people, such as candied beans and beautiful articles. With the aging trend in China becoming more and more obvious, there are bound to be more and more middle-aged and elderly business cases.

△ Source: Xiaomi App Store

Online celebrity like "@ Scholar" and "Laugh at the City" is just the beginning. With the deepening understanding of middle-aged and elderly people, there will be more content creators with better content and more scientific realization in the future.

This article is transferred from WeChat official account’s "NewRankcn" (ID: NewRankcn), focusing on observation and reporting in the field of Internet content, and caring about people and things related to the content industry.

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